South Dakota Considers First State Bill To Outlaw All Vaccine AND Medical Mandates
by Ginger Taylor
Who owns your body?
A growing number of legislators in South Dakota believe you do.
One hundred and fifteen years ago this month, the US Supreme Court made a decision that because there was a deadly smallpox epidemic, the City of Cambridge, Massachusetts was allowed to charge a pastor five dollars to opt out of a city wide vaccine mandate. The law didn't apply to children.
That precedent has been the basis for the mandate of dozens of now liability-free vaccines for children and adults, where no epidemic (or even one case) exists, at the costs of thousands, or even hundred of thousands, per year to opt out. It is even the basis on which the Supreme Court ruled that women can be force sterilized, for the good of themselves and society, of course.
Bad precedent, plus a century, has resulted in the legalization of actual war crimes.
The current vaccine mandate enforcement drive by Merck and Friends has driven our community, and those who never questioned vaccines before now, back to a basic question at hand here.
The knee jerk reaction , and normal human response for Americans is, "I do."
But that is not what most governments believes. Even under our Constitution of individual liberties, governments strive to control even your medical choices, and if they can't, they will find a reason to justify it, and the means to carry out their will.
In 21st century America, there are no deadly epidemics of communicable disease, despite the fact that we are subject to constant fear campaigns that one is coming. In fact no such event has happened in my lifetime. If the fear mongers want to scare you into fearing deadly epidemics, they have to go back more than a hundred years. So the circumstances for the justification of the government's actions in Jacobson v. Massachusetts exist only in the history books.
So in this age of medical tech, including vaccines, that most people want, why do mandates still exist? And if Jacobson can justify the sexual mutilation of women, then what else can it justify as medical technology progresses over the next century and beyond?
What new medical interventions and body tech will The Gates Foundation invent and convince (bribe) governments and NGOs to force people into utilizing? And where will the battle to end coerced "medical care" begin.
I submit to you that it has begun in South Dakota. Today.
South Dakota House Majority Leader, Representative Lee Qualm (R), has introduced HB 1235 An Act to Revise Provisions Regarding Immunizations.
The bill repeals ALL vaccine mandates in the State.
South Dakota would be the first US state to have no vaccine mandates at all, joining other governments like the UK, Japan and Canada, in uncoerced vaccine decision making.
But the bill goes even further. IT ENDS MEDICAL MANDATES ALL TOGETHER. It adds new law that reads:
"Section 5. That a NEW SECTION be added:
334-22-6.1. Discrimination-Immunization
Every person has the inalienable right to bodily integrity, free from any threat or compulsion that the person accepts any medical intervention, including immunization. No person may be discriminated against for refusal to accept an unwanted medical intervention, including immunization."
The State of South Dakota would function under the truth that YOU OWN YOUR BODY, and codifies into law that YOU make our own medical decisions. And no one can coerce your choices or discriminate against you because of them.
This is the real conversation that we should be having now. Begging the government not to take away our right to bodily integrity, or trying to claw back religious and philosophical exemptions that give us "loopholes" that "allow" us to make our own decisions about our own bodies is becoming an outdated conversation that is based on a lie. The lie that we have no right to bodily integrity in the first place, and government is doing us a favor by giving us even a medical exemption.
Cambridge, and the turn of the 20th century courts didn't care that Pastor Jacobson protested the violation of his body (and his bank account) based on his arguments that vaccines were not safe, that both he and his son had previous vaccine reactions (Jacobson himself was injured in childhood) and they violated his religious conscience. SCOTUS didn't care that Carrie Buck was a woman of sound mind who wanted to retain her ability to have children after she was raped and impregnated by a family member.
They declared her intellectually disabled, an "imbecile," even though there was never any evidence that she had any disability. They then forced her to be sterilized.
"Carrie Buck 'is the probable potential parent of socially inadequate offspring, likewise afflicted, that she may be sexually sterilized without detriment to her general health and that her welfare and that of society will be promoted by her sterilization"
The state did, of course, have a stated compelling interest, as they always do, when they seek to violate the civil rights of Americans. This was it:
"in order to prevent our being swamped with incompetence. It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes. Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 , 25 S. Ct. 358, 3 Ann. Cas. 765. Three generations of imbeciles are enough."
And that justification was based on the existence of vaccine mandates.
This is dead thinking. It is unconscionable in the 21st century that such logic is allowed to stand in the law books, but Buck v. Bell is still law, as Jacobson is still law.
South Dakota will now consider the rejection of the lie that you do not own your body, the laws that can allow the state to do what it wants with your body.
It is time for America to decide who owns a person's medical choices. Is it the state, or the person in the body who must live (or die) with the consequences of those medical choices?
I urge you to change the conversation in your state. Take the SD bill to your legislators, tell them about Henning Jacobson and Carrie Buck, and ask them who they think owns your medical choices.
Because if governments have the right to coerce vaccination for Henning Jacobson, they also have the right to remove Carrie Buck's reproductive organs. And yours.
Who owns your body?
Thank God for legislators like Lee Qualm in SD !
Hopefully similar bills will soon get traction throughout the country. It’s high time for sanity to prevail.
Posted by: Don Washkewicz | September 07, 2020 at 10:07 AM
Powerful democrats are going to steal the presidency in 2020 and make America look 10 times worse than
London. You will be forced to do this ,.,.,.,,, ,Look at this video ASAP!!!
Posted by: sara5465 | July 11, 2020 at 07:53 PM
If this passes, I'll move the South Dakota in a heartbeat.
Posted by: Dr. Richard Harris | July 10, 2020 at 11:22 PM
GOD is paving the way.... everyone needs to sign up!!!
Posted by: pat | July 08, 2020 at 10:44 AM
And you’re right Taylor Swift:
Right now - W.H.O. owns your body.
Posted by: Dr.AVB | June 29, 2020 at 07:54 AM
I have written against vaccinations in the 1994 issue of the Townsend Letter For Doctors and explained the horrid sequel from acute symptoms to chronic disease later on in life.
I’m piping mad that it is still an issue for our tissue.
This is where I take my final stand between us and then so my motto now is:
“One bad shot follows another”.
If any person(s) comes to me with a needle full of heavy metal I will promise to deliver that person a hail of lead.
Posted by: Dr. AVB | June 29, 2020 at 07:49 AM
The bill was killed Feb. 25th.
"In the end, the House committee voted 10-2 to move HB 1235 to the 41st legislative day, which effectively kills the bill for this year.
Only Reps. Julie Frye-Mueller (R-Rapid City) and Tamara St. John (R-Sisseton) voted against killing it.
There was support for the bill to be brought back up during a summer study, but no formal action was taken."
Posted by: michael | June 25, 2020 at 05:12 PM
An interesting idea.
However, South Dakota is a corporation and a franchise of a larger corporation. Until they leave the territorial and municipal governments of DC, their ideas have no power.
They need to re-join The United States of America [unincorporated]
See for more details.
Posted by: Michael Relfe | June 25, 2020 at 01:33 PM
Does anyone know the status of this bill? It looks like it stopped in Feb 2020 and I don't see any further action on it. Maybe because of the shutdown?
Posted by: Larry Mekus | June 25, 2020 at 01:19 PM
Wow - just wow! If just one state can move this forward, then maybe others will follow.
But I do worry. South Dakota's Republican governor opposes the bill and would likely veto it.
Posted by: Aimee Doyle | June 25, 2020 at 12:27 PM
Ron Lundborg: You are missing the point. The blasted govt has no authority over OUR bodies. Don't make something out of this that isn't there. This evil govt supports and is behind pedophelia for pete sake. Pay attention.
Posted by: Jonnie | June 25, 2020 at 12:02 PM
The South Dakota bill protects you and your body. If you don't trust, check Phoenix, Arizona. There they have 3 NGO's to controle,regulate everything in the State Arizona. It is just like in China, Security Credit System. Controling what you do, where you go, what you buy etc.. And if it does not comply to the GOV rules, law. You will get a penalty e.g. no traveling, no work, no shopping etc.. These NGO's will see you as a resource. Just like cow's, sheep, oil, etc.. No rights entitled to whatever you think you have!
Posted by: Levi Patty | June 25, 2020 at 11:32 AM
WOW. Finally. A state and it's Governor and state legislators, who works for their constituents (the citizens of south dakota). I vote SOUTH DAKOTA as the American 'STATE of the YEAR'....2020 and likely 2021 (in advance).
Posted by: Jonnie | June 25, 2020 at 09:08 AM
Ronald Lundborg,
I can't see how this bill could be applied to the abortion debate, it's about having the right to protect ourselves and our children. I don't think many people believe that an unborn child is part of ones own body - at least, that's one disagreement I would have with the "pro-choice" lobby. Those of us who would support this bill want to protect our children from medical harm, particularly vaccines.
Posted by: Grace Green | June 24, 2020 at 03:05 PM
Awesome - the fight has begun and it will enlarge so beware when they're losing because they have a tendency to get violent as we've been watching out there by the commie/socialist/democrats/blm/antifa/etc.
Posted by: Fight On | June 24, 2020 at 02:03 PM
This law scares the hell out of me. It opens up the fact that we can do what we want with our bodies and that would include killing our own babies by legally having an abortion at any time. This law opens up a very ungodly way of life for those who choose to live a life that some have already chosen. Is this the type of laws we want to pass in our state? I would think not.
Posted by: Ronald Lundborg | June 24, 2020 at 12:47 PM
Oops, I should have said that Representative Lee Qualm was using the language of those who would mislead us into thinking that it does.
I just wish the author wouldn't conflate "immunization" with "vaccination." Vaccination does not necessarily confer immunity. She's using the language of those who would mislead us into thinking that it does.
Posted by: Ethan Deutsch | June 12, 2020 at 03:27 PM
I just wish the author wouldn't conflate "immunization" with "vaccination." Vaccination does not necessarily confer immunity. She's using the language of those who would mislead us into thinking that it does.
Posted by: Ethan Deutsch | June 12, 2020 at 03:24 PM
You're right. This is going to affect us all, in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. What we need is a network so that we can all stand shoulder to shoulder when the time comes. At some point we have to translate contact via the internet to real time, on the ground, organization. I have already stopped vaccinations, home educated, and won many battles against the authorities, but I've been on my own. Too often, the response from others is, they'll take you to court, or they'll do this or that. No. If you stand up to them, they run away whimpering. Who's with me?
Posted by: Grace Green | June 06, 2020 at 11:26 AM
I live in the uk and whilst vaccinations are not mandatory by law it is becoming very clear that soon you wont be able to go to work or school without them, reverse psychology at its best. All I hear every day from neighbours, colleagues friends and family is ‘we’ll never return to normal until the vaccine is ready’. It is so scary... I’m not sure the UK population would be awake enough to fight mandatory vaccinations, more likely they would welcome it. Unfortunately I don’t think I’ll get a visa to live in South Dakota.
Posted by: Ian | June 06, 2020 at 06:01 AM
ANY medical IN-tervention requires aware, informed consent.
Posted by: Ubaldo "Aldo" | May 26, 2020 at 07:03 PM
Dr. Zimmerman on the program Full Measure stated that a certain spectrum of children develop autism from vaccinations. He also stated that the government has been covering up his findings for years. YouTube posts this program under the title:
Full Measure/autism. One of his many jobs was to defend vaccinations in court for the CDC. He was fired 24 hours after posting his deposition.
My wife and I have six children. My oldest son had all of the vaccinations as a baby. My other children received their vaccinations later when their bodies could handle it. My oldest son is the only one with autism.
This is more painful than I can talk about. But the only silver lining that I see is as a teacher I can help parents recognize learning disabilities and deficiencies and get the proper help. Not long ago in Utah the numbers of autism cases were 1 out of 68.
Now it's 1 out of 5.
Something is wrong here and nobody is talking about the white elephant in the room.
Posted by: Derek Hegsted | May 25, 2020 at 11:07 AM
If a woman can kill her unborn baby and get away with it by saying..."My Body, My Rights," then ANYBODY should be able to REFUSE vaccination on the same grounds. If they say your child cannot enter their school (house of indoctrination), say "Fine," and home school! Small minded people get into a position where they think "we know what is best for the people!" (If you don't remember where I got that quote...nasty nazi pelosi when talking about the passage of "Obamacare!") Once they start getting UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws passed, the snowball just keeps rolling downhill and getting bigger...until it is so big it can't be stopped! THAT'S where we are now...
Posted by: Lonnie G Hopson | May 24, 2020 at 07:49 AM
Yes, I’m Back in Japan there is no mandatory.
Our kids were allowed to go to a public nersery without showing vac history. In a public elementary school, they asked me to fill up a document of kids’ vac history but nobody bothered me. Thank God for the freedom we have and we will have.
People are not so afraid about life without vaccines especially younger generations. Well, many ppl follow the government suggestion for kids vac because it’s free!
Posted by: Tokyo parents | May 24, 2020 at 05:42 AM
Now it’s Memorial Day. How did this bill end up ?
Posted by: Linda | May 23, 2020 at 09:03 PM
You do realize each vaccine “HAS” sterilizing elements inserted in them, it is precisely why we have seen a fall in our populations in Western is just one vax insert and report to your friends and families
Also the CDC in March 2020 lost a battle in federal court, the CDC can Not claim that vaccines do not cause autism
Posted by: Dee | May 19, 2020 at 10:55 PM
Wow. This is the first time I have remotely considered moving to South Dakota. Amazing! What can we do to help?
I am eagerly awaiting them passing this bill!
Posted by: Terra | May 15, 2020 at 04:15 PM
If SD enacts this law, I will relocate here!
Posted by: Alison | May 15, 2020 at 07:30 AM
How can we make this a global action ?
Posted by: Beth Buchanan | May 08, 2020 at 06:17 PM
Wow. If SD passes this law I’ll seriously consider moving here.
All this talk of forced vaccination is a slippery slope. Take it a few steps further... without question, people will be safer riding in cars with a crash helmet, safety glasses, and a 5-point harness rather than the shoulder harness we have now. Why not make this a law? A little further... How about procreation by people with very low IQs, ie people that can’t take care of themselves? How about procreation by people diagnosed with schizophrenia? Shouldn’t society force these people to be sterilized?
People are either free or they aren’t.
Posted by: 60s Man | May 05, 2020 at 07:51 AM
@ Scott Cooper ... the U.K. did not pass a law to force vaccination on its citizens.
Posted by: Tracey | May 05, 2020 at 06:41 AM
No one owns children. Everyone would agree that if parents, or anyone else, abuse a child or neglect a child they are legally responsible for, the child has a right to proper care. Everything being subject to the laws of the particular place.
Posted by: Cia | May 04, 2020 at 06:01 PM
If you are a U.S. citizen, read the 14th amendment. "Every person born or naturalized in the united states "AND" subject to the jurisdiction there of"..... Do you even know what that means? It was announced ratified on July 28, 1868, and the very day before this, on July 27, 1868, congress wrote 3 paragraphs into 15 statutes at Large, chapter CCXLIX, Sections One through Three The absolute right to expatriate from the united states and become an "American National". Just look in the first page of your passport, …"permit the citizen/national..." It's right there for all to see, but who ever looks and reads that. Go on and look up all that I have given to you, it is absolutely true!!! Claim your freedom and expatriate from the united states and become an American National. By the way, the united states is defined in Blacks Law Dictionary as the 10 square miles of the district of Columbia, Porto Rico and the islands in the Pacific. Look that up as well. Time to learn!!!
Posted by: Alex | May 04, 2020 at 05:31 PM
Well done to the law makers of South Dakota, I pray many more will follow and hope somehow the UK government will repeal the law that they have just passed 1 week ago (without Parliament sitting or media coverage of the event) where Contagious Disease Vaccines can be forced upon the public or be forced into an institution or prison and seizing all their assets.
South Dakota you are setting a standard for independent forward thinking politicians and lawmakers to stand above the rest and not follow the sheep down the road to destruction of freedom and tyranny.
I shall visit South Dakota in the future as a mark of respect.
Scott - UK National.
Posted by: SCOTT COOPER | May 03, 2020 at 05:52 AM
Pity most people don't realize they DON'T own their kids, the State does. Just read the fine print in your marriage license, "progeny" produced by the marriage belong to the State! That's why they can send CPS to your house the take those kids they deem they are not treated properly, cause parents are just allowed to temporarily house and rear the State's property, unless you don't perform according to their likes as to how you're treating State property, and that's when you find out who really owns your children. (State assets) Remember, the State owns everything. WE, the people, own nothing, merely "users" of State property at the "whim" of the State, until they decide to rescind the "privilege" of our use of their property. Your car, State property, with you as the conditionally "allowed" operator, and when that "conditional privilege" is withdrawn...then what happens.... remember you "gifted your car to the State at time of purchase"! You get the "use" of it, so long as you use it according to the "owners" rules. Get it!? It's all contract.
Your house? No, that's theirs too, your just a tenant on State owned property. Really you say? See what happens if you don't pay the rent (property taxes). Read your deed TENANT. You will be surprised when you start to investigate just how deep the "rabbit hole goes".
Posted by: Leo | May 03, 2020 at 12:25 AM
What a precedence this would set. There would literally be a hero in this! I live in a state where all rights have been completely stripped away. No one should ever live like that. Pray this passes.
Posted by: Pam | March 05, 2020 at 05:52 PM
Loved this article thank you to the non vaxxed brain that did it, no vaxxed brain could ever think for themselves they are already conformed sadly,
forever grateful!!!
Posted by: Christina | March 05, 2020 at 12:11 PM
Thank you AOA and Ginger Taylor for this! Anything else is just crazy no matter what side of the vaccine argument you are on. These decisions need to be made by parents with the guidance of their doctors.
Posted by: Marcia Hinds | March 05, 2020 at 07:38 AM
Maine: LD798 just passed last night, by a good majority.
That was our chance to repeal the bill removing exemptions.
So, we lost it... and the way in which it was introduced & placed on the ballot was quite sneaky.
Much fear-mongering & semi-truths, which caused many to blindly vote 'NO'
Most didn't even know what the bill was about, nor did they know the extent to which we've just lost bodily/educational rights.
A sad day for us here..
South Dakota huh? hmm...
Posted by: Maineguy | March 04, 2020 at 04:20 PM
Does anyone have any information on the people and the legislators who are involved in this proposed bill? I would very much like to speak briefly to them to get direction on how to proceed with something similar in our state, SC.
Posted by: Theresa AuCoin | February 23, 2020 at 08:03 PM
The Bill of Rights which is the Supreme Law of this nation guarantees (through Law) inalienable rights
Posted by: mary | February 20, 2020 at 03:19 PM
For once, someone in charge with a brain.
Posted by: Catherine Sears | February 08, 2020 at 09:28 PM
It seems that there should also be a clause about the need for parental consent for minors. Maybe it is elsewhere in the statute.
Posted by: Diane Meyer | February 07, 2020 at 01:01 AM
I will pray that this bill will pass!
Posted by: kasia | February 06, 2020 at 09:18 PM
It's a wonderful piece of legislation. I think the word "immunization" should be replaced with the word "vaccination" though because antibody response does not equate to being immune from the disease whereas if you get the disease naturally, your TH-1 and TH-2 systems are generated, resulting in a more lifelong immunity from the disease. If vaccinations equated to immunity, babies would not have to get so many boosters. It's nuts! And sometimes, pharma even lies about the antibody response.
Posted by: lorim | February 06, 2020 at 01:23 PM
@ Kathy Lindner
"Other than social media reports, though we estimate thousands, possibly tens of thousands showed up over 8-10 days, it's as if it didn't happen at all."
As I often quote some wise sage of old … "The greatest power of the press … is their power to IGNORE"
In other words .. if a tree falls in the deep woods and the media doesn't report it .. as far as the people are concerned .. the tree still stands.
Posted by: Bob Moffit | February 06, 2020 at 01:08 PM
So if we want to move to South Dakota—let us know where to go!
Posted by: Yay gingernews | February 06, 2020 at 12:46 PM
What gets me is that the CDC has wasted hundreds of millions on vaccines instead of, I know, figuring out how to cure and treat illness. How to prevent infection.
Posted by: Yay GingerNews | February 06, 2020 at 12:45 PM
Last summer I looked at the vaccine requirements of states with the highest and lowest autism rates. South Dakota, a state with a comparatively low autism rate, has no hepB, Hib, flu or pneumococcal vaccine requirement: ("NOTE: Hib, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, HPV, annual Influenza, and Pneumococcal vaccines are recommended but not required.")
Posted by: Carol | February 06, 2020 at 11:48 AM
Thank you AoA and Ginger Taylor for this report.
Ginger- can you comment on the Maine vaccine referendum coming up in March?
Does this have a chance? I hope so- this is a game changer if it passes:
Posted by: Ottoschnaut | February 06, 2020 at 10:15 AM
AMAZING news!!! About time something BIGGER is getting involved in this completely criminal action taking place in our country. Big Pharma is poisoning the crap out of everyone!
Vegans, there are animals in the vaccines!
Pro-life folks, you are injecting aborted fetus parts into your babies!
Do we not see a problem with this?
Health of our children keeps declining!
Posted by: Robyn Miller | February 06, 2020 at 09:10 AM
2 of 2.
Meanwhile please be respectful and kind when addressing any CA Warriors of this group. Many were on the front lines for days, many have gone to rallies and even DC and were devastated by the outcome. Many will always fight this, and you need their experience. Meanwhile, they need and deserve nothing but admiration and support for their ongoing courageous efforts to keep this monster from spreading.
South Dakota will need similar courage, experience and support if this bill has a prayer. Sending blessings of support from SC, Kathy
Posted by: Kathy Lindner | February 06, 2020 at 08:44 AM
1 of 2
Here's hoping this actually happens. And as for the question above by Kori Nuerge: "Yes!! Why haven’t the warriors in California been fighting like this all along?"
I was living in CA at the time and while I'm sure you mean well, I can assure you, ALL CA Warriors fought valiantly every day for weeks and months. Busloads of parents, friends, medical professionals from all over the state kept arriving daily at the state capitol until one guard finally said he hadn't seen this level of activity since the Viet Nam war protests.
Why weren't we effective? IMO, Big Pharma bought nearly every legislator, esp. Pan and even Harris. They had already bought the media who enjoys about 70% of their annual income from pharma ads. So there was a complete media blackout (other than a brief reference to 'crazy anti-vaxers') - but nothing to document those incredible efforts, testimonials and LONG LINES stretching through the halls of the capitol and outside around the building.
Other than social media reports, though we estimate thousands, possibly tens of thousands showed up over 8-10 days, it's as if it didn't happen at all. That's how pharma rolls. And tragically, it seems to be how CA rolls now too, or they wouldn't have sold out their constituents.
Posted by: Kathy Lindner | February 06, 2020 at 08:43 AM
Meanwhile please be respectful and kind when addressing any CA Warriors of this group. Many were on the front lines for days, many have gone to rallies and even DC and were devastated by the outcome. Many will always fight this, and you need their experience. Meanwhile, they need and deserve nothing but admiration and support for their ongoing courageous efforts to keep this monster from spreading.
South Dakota will need similar courage, experience and support if this bill has a prayer. Sending blessings of support from SC, Kathy
Posted by: Kathy Lindner | February 06, 2020 at 08:43 AM
Here's hoping this actually happens. And as for the question above by Kori Nuerge: "Yes!! Why haven’t the warriors in California been fighting like this all along?"
I was living in CA at the time and while I'm sure you mean well, I can assure you, ALL CA Warriors fought valiantly every day for weeks and months. Busloads of parents, friends, medical professionals from all over the state kept arriving daily at the state capitol until one guard finally said he hadn't seen this level of activity since the Viet Nam war protests.
Why weren't we effective? IMO, Big Pharma bought nearly every legislator, esp. Pan and even Harris. They had already bought the media who enjoys about 70% of their annual income from pharma ads. So there was a complete media blackout (other than a brief reference to 'crazy anti-vaxers') - but nothing to document those incredible efforts, testimonials and LONG LINES stretching through the halls of the capitol and outside around the building.
Other than social media reports, though we estimate thousands, possibly tens of thousands showed up over 8-10 days, it's as if it didn't happen at all. That's how pharma rolls. And tragically, it seems to be how CA rolls now too, or they wouldn't have sold out their constituents.
Meanwhile please be respectful and kind when addressing any CA Warriors of this group. Many were on the front lines for days, many have gone to rallies and even DC and were devastated by the outcome. Many will always fight this, and you need their experience. Meanwhile, they need and deserve nothing but admiration and support for their ongoing courageous efforts to keep this monster from spreading.
South Dakota will need similar courage, experience and support if this bill has a prayer. Sending blessings of support from SC, Kathy
Posted by: Kathy Lindner | February 06, 2020 at 08:40 AM
South Dakota deserves to have 'LIVE FREE OR DIE' on their license plates … New Hampshire should relinquish their plate moto immediately.
Posted by: Bob Moffit | February 06, 2020 at 08:22 AM
Merck’s Vaccine Division President Julie Gerberding Sells $9.1 Million in Shares—Is She Jumping Ship?
The following day, the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine published a withering critique of Gardasil’s crooked clinical trials, “It is still uncertain whether human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination prevents cervical cancer as trials were not designed to detect this outcome.”
Pharma For Prison
Posted by: Angus Files | February 06, 2020 at 03:40 AM
If this law passes Californians and other Americans will be flocking to South Dakota to live a life of freedom away from the tyranny of Big Pharma. I would consider moving their myself. We need to fight for our civil rights and uphold bodily integrity and medical freedom
Posted by: Mary Lou Longworth | February 06, 2020 at 01:31 AM
Yes!! Why haven’t the warriors in California been fighting like this all along?
Posted by: Kori Nuerge | February 05, 2020 at 10:24 PM
This is amazing! I'm sharing it with everyone I know!
Posted by: Jared McOmber | February 05, 2020 at 07:57 PM
I could swear I saw Hotez and Hennessy tallying votes in Iowa.
Some truth:
Posted by: annie | February 05, 2020 at 07:20 PM
Way to go, other states should follow their example! No one should be mandating anything!
Posted by: Linda | February 05, 2020 at 07:09 PM
I hope other states will see what you are doing and follow! Idaho resident
Posted by: Mary | February 05, 2020 at 06:17 PM
Great news about South Dakota. And great points about bodily integrity. As tempted as I have been, something stopped me from begging the state for “exemptions” for my kids here in CA. I would have felt dirty taking that route, dishonest. Vaccines are a perverted money driven murderous practice and yes, we should have the right to say NO. Thank you for the case law as well.
Posted by: Hannah L | February 05, 2020 at 06:01 PM
Thanks Ginger. Excellent analysis as always. And good luck to South Dakota.
Posted by: Rtp | February 05, 2020 at 05:28 PM
Pray that this passes. Then we can get some data about vaccinated and unvaccinated health measures.
Posted by: Karen Reeder | February 05, 2020 at 05:08 PM
The feds will severely punish SD if this happens.
It seems that SD was in the center of such a firestorm many years ago, when they refused to raise the drinking age from 18 to 21. The feds threatened to withhold highway funds from them, and the Supreme Court said that such a threat was A-OK. SD finally acquiesced.
Posted by: Laura P | February 05, 2020 at 04:39 PM
Hear, hear, Laura Hayes!
Posted by: MP | February 05, 2020 at 04:10 PM
I love this!!! And want to point out that Arizona also introduced such a bill in December! It removes all language pertaining to 'exemptions' and creates a full, opt-in program for all school mandates.
Posted by: Irene Pi | February 05, 2020 at 04:02 PM
When and where is the bill being introduced?
Myself and many friends would absolutely LOVE to stand and support this bill! ❤
Posted by: Alexis Hrbek | February 05, 2020 at 04:00 PM
Isn’t that where Julie Gerberding comes from?
Posted by: John Stone | February 05, 2020 at 03:49 PM
Thank you, Ginger,
Those are amazing news!
But then isn't it amazing - and totally infuriating - that many other States pass and enact the vaccine mandate laws in complete disregard of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, UNESCO convention, Nuremberg Code, common sense - you name it!
Why do we have to fight for our rights? State legislations and governors did not grant us those rights. How do we make laws "repugnant to the Constitution of the United States" null and void?
Posted by: Irena | February 05, 2020 at 02:38 PM
FINALLY!!! Unbelievable that such legislation has taken this long to be introduced.
A simple "No thank you" should always suffice when one wants to decline or refuse any medical treatment or procedure for oneself or one's children, without any government interference, coercion, cost, or penalty.
My 2nd rally speech opposing SB277 in CA back in 2015 talked about the egregious 1905 decision, which should have been made null and void by the Nuremberg Code.
Posted by: Laura Hayes | February 05, 2020 at 02:29 PM