UK Law Commissioner Threatens Criminal Action Against Vaccine Critics
Dr. Mercola on the Coronavirus Pandemic Scare

Rally in Hartford

540A8CBD-FF49-4357-9919-899A117B7B30Today, there is a rally in Hartford, Connecticut to tell legislators loud and clear that we do not consent to the removal of the Religious Exemption to vaccination.


Meet at the entrance of Legislative Office Building, 300 Capitol Ave, Hartford, CT to pick up your signs, if you ordered one, and get your demonstration location assignment.

ASSEMBLE 7:30-9:30 am

Assemble in assigned locations so legislators and media see us when they arrive for the day.

Press conference at Connecticut State Capitol, Capitol North Steps, (Facing Bushnell Park), 210 Capitol Ave, Hartford, CT

ADVOCATE 10:30 am-12:00 pm
Advocacy hours.



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