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This is America Too

No act of kindnessNote: Kindness. Compassion. Lend a helping hand. As taught by an 8 year old. This is America, despite what we see on "social" media and cable news.

WICHITA, Kan. (KAKE) -Read more here.

A first day of school picture is going viral, in a really good way.

Two elementary school boys began the new school year with a lesson in kindness.  

"I saw him on the ground with Connor as Connor was crying in the corner and he was consoling him. He grabs his hand and walks him to the front door. We waited until the bell rang and he walked him inside of the school. The rest is history. They have an inseparable bond," says Courtney Moore.

What Christian didn't know that that Connor is autistic. He was overwhelmed with everything going on around him.

 "I fear everyday that someone is going to laugh at him because he doesn't speak correctly, or laugh at him because he doesn't sit still or because he jumps up and down and flaps his hands," says April Crites.

It was a moment in time, caught... now capturing the hearts of strangers all over. 
But to the boys, it was simple.

"He was kind to me.  I was in the 1st day of school and I started crying then he helped me and I was happy," says Connor Crites.


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