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Harris Poll Reports 45% of American Adults Have Vaccine Doubts

Think for yourselfBy Teresa Conrick

What does it mean if 45% of adults question vaccines?  It may mean that they are leery of a product that is put into their bodies and their children’s bodies, which has no liability.  The no-fault vaccine court is horrible. Who wants to play Russian roulette with their health?  Protection from the flu, for example, for a few months--as they are advertised, but realistically with low effectiveness, often less than 50% on a good year -- vs-- actual neurological and neuropsychiatric issues after receiving the influenza vaccine, such as anorexia, tics, OCD, and anxiety.  That’s pretty scary.

Here are some excerpts from the article:

CHICAGO—June 24, 2019—A recent online survey of more than 2,000 U.S. adults, conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of the American Osteopathic Association, revealed that more than two in five American adults (45%) say something has caused them to doubt vaccine safety…..Although 55% of Americans don’t doubt vaccine safety, 45% noted at least one source that caused doubts about the safety of vaccination. The top three doubt-causing sources were online articles (16%), past secrets/wrongdoing by the pharmaceutical industry (16%) and information from medical experts (12%).1

“From an evolutionary perspective, humans are primed to pay attention to threats or negative information,” she says. “So it makes sense that people hold onto fears that vaccines are harmful, especially when they believe their children are in danger.”

She believes it is possible that, since vaccines have been so effective in eradicating disease, people may have more fear of possible vaccine side effects than the actual diseases vaccines prevent…...herd immunity is essential to maintain because some people cannot be vaccinated due to medical conditions, including allergies, illness or a weakened immune system. Keeping the rest of the population vaccinated protects those who are vulnerable…..

How does anyone know if an infant or child “cannot be vaccinated due to medical conditions, including allergies, illness or a weakened immune system?”  

…...arguing or being judgmental with patients only pushes them further into communities that share their beliefs. Instead, he thinks policy changes are likely the most effective means to change behaviors, if not hearts and minds.

“policy changes are likely the most effective means to change behaviors, if not hearts and minds.”

It is when people have seen vaccine injuries first hand, have heard about a neighbor or friend, read an article,  seen more studies…..become educated.  If more adults doubt vaccine safety, it is because there is more negative vaccine issues appearing in their lives.  They are not making it up.  Vaccine injury is more prevalent and as exemptions are taken away, whether religious or medical, we may see much more.  

State laws and doctor policies are not going to change hearts and minds.  Being a witness to vaccine injury, seeing the decline in a loved one --- health, seizures, immune and autoimmune dysfunction or death, you bet that the percentage of those doubting vaccines will go up.

Teresa Conrick is Science Editor for Age of Autism.


George J Mead

'How does anyone know if an infant or child “cannot be vaccinated due to medical conditions, including allergies, illness or a weakened immune system?”' Obviously, every newborn is carefully tested and evaluated before their first injection, after all, think of the disaster if "herd immunity" is not protecting all those infants from Hep B... you never know when they might find a dirty needle or start having unprotected sex, better get them on day one.

Candy Landy

Hey I know how to get rid of “anti vax “
Movement! Stop mandates. Listen to us . Take the toxins out of vaccines. Heal our vaccine injured. Compensate our families.


Yes there are plenty of people who are weary of vaccine safety - despite the enormous propaganda machine feeding people the lie that they are safe.

However, us anti-vaxers have focused on the safety issue so the powers that be have just stepped up their propaganda campaigns promoting the fear of the the diseases vaccines supposedly prevent.

We need to change our focus. 1) Point out that diseases are not particularly (at all) contagious and if they were, nobody would dare visit a doctor. 2) Point out that vaccines have never prevented any diseases and doctors have just renamed them (because vaccine status is part of the differential diagnosis).

Initially, those two points are a harder sell than the safety angle, but once sold, the person will never be fearmongered or bullied into vaccinating for any disease ever again.


Here is an interesting look at a corporate PR campaign and its relationship with its astroturf science and journalism partners:

"Monsanto was deeply worried about USRTK Co-director Gary Ruskin’s FOIA investigation, and had an elaborate plan to counteract it. Monsanto was concerned that the FOIAs would uncover its influence in the regulatory and policy process, payments to academics and their universities, and collaborations with academics in support of industry public relations goals. Monsanto wanted to protect its reputation and 'freedom to operate,' and to 'position' the investigation as 'an attack on scientific integrity and academic freedom...."

Teresa Conrick

I want to add that this is a significant rise from what another poll reported 4 years ago - "88% benefits outweigh the risks vs 10% risks outweigh benefits.

Jeanne J

The Medical Police (aka democratic state representatives) are at it again. This time it is in Florida. Here is the link from GreenMed info's website.


“policy changes”

Could they mean the repeal of the NVICA? The extradition of Poul Thorsen? The subpoena of William Thompson? I’ll cross my fingers but I won’t hold my breath.


Yes, evolution has primed us to pay attention to threats and negative information, that's why so many of us think assault weapons are particularly dangerous and shouldn't be on the streets even though the NRA has explained to us time and time again that murderers could just as easily make a bomb or have a big knife. It's silly really. They must get so exasperated with us, having to explain over and over again how guns don't kill people.

And the CDC and the pharmaceutical companies and their journalists, they have the patience of saints, putting up with our irrational notions about vaccines for this long.

Bob Moffit

….. "Although 55% of Americans don’t doubt vaccine safety, 45% noted at least one source that caused doubts about the safety of vaccination. The top three doubt-causing sources were online articles (16%), past secrets/wrongdoing by the pharmaceutical industry (16%) and information from medical experts"

I believe the NUMBER ONE "doubt-causing source" to account for the 45% of people who doubt the safety of vaccines … is the fact that Harvard has reported 54% of today's generation have some type of neurological, biological, physical development problem .. up from 12% in 1986 when the ever increasing number of vaccines began climbing to 16 vaccines .. in 76 doses .. prior to 18 years of age.

I am surprised that only 45% of THE 54% of parents with development problems doubt vaccine safety … perhaps the missing 9% of parents with a struggling to develop child is getting their information from mainstream media pharmaceutical outlets? Hopefully these parents will soon discover the "internet, past secrets and wrongdoing by pharmaceutical companies and information from medical experts … experts by the way that are strictly forbidden from being seen or heard on mainstream media outlets.


Hans Litten

Please look up the ongoing story in the UK concerning David Noakes & Lyn Thyer.
This story directly follows on from the assassination of Jeff Bradstreet (by the FDA ?).

The Story can be found on YouTube (for now, censorship) under Ian R Crane.

David has already served a year in prison for curing cancer with GcMaf
And Lyn (a biochemist) is in prison now awaiting extradition to France on fake charges.

Cancer takes 165,000 people every year in the UK, the MHRA is blocking the cures.
They are blocking the use of GcMAF and protecting the fake chemo-radio industry.

GcMAF was first used to help autistics. This is all related.

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