Open Letter to Editor of Huffington Post On Removal of Vaccine Related Content
Note: Thank you to Laura for her letter below. I'll have more to say about the removal of my own entries on HuffPo soon. I cut my teeth as a public writer on Huffington Post. Huffington Post cut me off. Stay tuned. We can't be shut down. We won't be shut down. They can lock us out. They can't shut us up. KIM
By Laura Hayes
Dear Lydia Polgreen,
I just read your letter to Huffington Post readers regarding your decision to “remove dozens of blogs that perpetuate the unfounded opinion that vaccines pose a health risk to the public.”
I am wondering if you happened to even read the link you posted as evidence of vaccine safety? If you did, you seemingly missed the CDC’s own admission, albeit woefully inadequate, that vaccines come with myriad risks and do indeed cause harm, and fail, and have since their inception.
It seems you did not bother to investigate whether or not the CDC is influenced by, to the point of accepting money from, pharmaceutical companies. If you had, you would have learned that the CDC accepts large sums of money from those who will profit when the CDC endorses and recommends their products. In layman’s terms, we call that a huge, undeniable, unacceptable conflict of interest.
Additionally, it appears that you neglected to read even one vaccine package insert. If you had, you would have noticed that pharmaceutical companies are permitted by the FDA to do their own safety and efficacy testing for their vaccine products, without external, independent verification of their findings. You would have learned that when these companies test the vaccine products they hope to greatly profit from: inert placebos are not used for controls; control groups are not always used; studies are as short as 4 days in duration; only healthy individuals are selected as test subjects; the vaccine-targeted age group is not necessarily the age group tested; many test subjects are harmed, some killed, by the vaccines being tested, both during the testing period, and after; and, many injuries and deaths are reported post-marketing (which reportedly reflect a mere 1-10% of actual injuries and deaths), but are rarely, if ever, followed up on by the vaccine makers, those who administer the vaccines, the FDA, the CDC, the NIH, or HHS. You would hopefully also have noted that vaccine-making pharmaceutical companies do not test their vaccine products for carcinogenic effects, mutagenic effects, or impairment of fertility…and that the FDA permits such egregious omissions.
Seeing as I have a severely and permanently vaccine-injured young adult son, I decided to give your method a try. I noted that your strategy was to remove evidence of vaccine injury in an attempt to make it disappear. So, I tried something similar here at home. I shut my eyes, in great hopes that when I reopened them my son’s debilitating, brain-damaging, communication-stealing, independence-robbing vaccine injuries would disappear. To my dismay, but not to my surprise, it didn’t work…in the very same way that your deleting information pertinent to vaccine-induced injuries and deaths, and to the vast web of corruption that underlies, enables, and perpetuates such unacceptable and unethical devastation to continue to occur, doesn’t work.
Your deleting pertinent and damning information does not eliminate the horrific havoc that vaccines continue to wreak from fetus to grave.
Here’s a reality-based news flash for you:
There is not one vaccine currently on the market that has been properly or ethically tested or approved. Furthermore, the CDC, which you seem to hold in high regard, continues to refuse to conduct or commission a vaccinated versus unvaccinated study…be it for one vaccine, or for the scores that are now recommended from gestation to death…for both short- and long-term effects on health, development, fertility, and longevity,
Without such a study, no claims about vaccine safety or efficacy can be made…not one.
Thus, if you sincerely want to stop the spread of vaccine misinformation, you would willingly and eagerly publish information on Huffington Post that challenges and disproves claims that vaccines have been tested and approved both properly and ethically. You would willingly and eagerly publish information that challenges and disproves claims that vaccines are safe (meaning that they don’t cause harm or kill), effective (meaning that they don’t fail, they don’t cause the infection they are purported to prevent, they don’t cause that which is worse than that which they are to prevent, and they don’t leave the recipient worse off than before the invasive medical procedure), and needed (meaning that there are not common-sense, time-proven, risk-free ways to protect, maintain, and enhance health, without the use of risk-laden vaccines).
Additionally, you would willingly and eagerly publish uncensored, unfettered truths about vaccines, many of which can be found in these 3 articles of mine.
“Regaining Our Right to Refuse Vaccinations” by Laura Hayes
“Vaccines: What Is There to Be ‘Pro’ About?” by Laura Hayes
“Why Is This Legal?” by Laura Hayes
I’ll be looking for such truths on Huffington Post, as a litmus test regarding the veracity of your publication’s reporting.
Laura Hayes
Hi Morag,
I meant keeping the lid on the way he was sacked by the Minister the day after releasing his research results. I didn't know it was desiree potatoes, perhaps I'll keep eating organic just in case!
Posted by: Grace Green | August 26, 2019 at 03:31 PM
Thanks Grace , are they still having a longitudinal study argument over? "Ye canny hold a hot potato in yer hand!" or were the GMO desiree potatoes used in the experiment/study dug up using
"A spade " or "A shovel" did that interfere forensically, with the fluffy final conclusions ?
The Potato Song Youtube
Posted by: Morag | August 26, 2019 at 11:33 AM
Yes, the shocking Arpad Pusztai case, and biologists I know at Aberdeen University are still keeping the lid on it.
Posted by: Grace Green | August 26, 2019 at 06:57 AM
Very good article, see Alliance for Natural Health -Home
News Alerts Week 34 2019
Monsanto's secret tactics revealed
Monsanto's campaign against U.S Right to know. Key themes and documents ,by Stacy Malkan, August 8, 2019.
A template for organisational behavioural delinquency, with a superimposed maladaptive attitude towards basic health and safety risk assessments?
See disgraceful treatment of
Arpad Pusztai -Wikipedia
Research- Rowett Institute Aberdeen Re genetically modified potatoes
Pusztai affair Wikipedia summary
Bill and Ben The Flower Pot Men [1952] Youtube
Posted by: Morag | August 26, 2019 at 03:30 AM
I am no longer sure this is 'all about money'. The entire future of global vaccine policy & program, depends on wiping out each crumb of the breadcrumb trail; lest it leads back to the real dealbreaker for vaccines.
Which is, IMO; SV40 cancer. Bigger than SIDS & even Autism; SV40 has the potential to derail it all. This is clearly more about what there is to lose; than what there is to gain.
SV40 cancer continues to kill millions across the planet. A non-human, Simian virus. Monkey viral DNA found in human tumors since Salk's contaminated Polio vaccine, made from the kidney cells of infected rhesus monkeys; was shipped worldwide for the mass immunization campaigns against Polio.
Nobody even noticed in 2016, that an 'Offit approved' paragraph made it onto the Philadelphia Childrens Hospital webpage, finally admitting that sv40 causes cancer in humans.
Posted by: christine | August 25, 2019 at 08:33 PM
Measels were common when I was growing up. So were mumps. And chicken pox. We came through those "dreaded diseases" with flying colors, developed life-long immunity, and are are still going strong.
What we didn't see or hear of was brain damage caused by an over-load of toxins due to an insane recommended or required vaccine schedule, autism (it is genetic and rare), ADHD, ADD, asthma, allergies, etc.
Real, truthful research of facts (not theory), common sense, care, and awareness are sadly lacking.
So much corruption, greed, pure evil, apathy...
Who cares? Apparently not many. Do you?
Posted by: Honest Truth | August 24, 2019 at 08:48 PM
@Mark - agree with you that vaccines are "convenient" for employers.
A doctor told me that varicella was specifically developed so that women could go back to work without needing to stay at home ten days, or whatever is the average length of time it takes chicken pox to resolve.
Posted by: Aimee Doyle | July 15, 2019 at 09:04 PM
I am pretty pleased that Eindeker joined the conversation! Through his links, I found more evidence for vaccination harm. I am always on the lookout for more research and he was a gold mine of links. I know that was not his goal, but all I can say is please bring more data to the table! I loved learning that while the MMR vaccine seems to reduce encephalitis, rates are shockingly going up! As if there was something in the environment causing it, that wasn't there 30 years ago. Bravo Eindeker ( and everyone that could see through his weak arguments).
Posted by: Andrea | July 15, 2019 at 03:40 PM
Oh give it a rest Eindeker! We are all accustomed to 'shoot the messenger' challenges. When the 'message' is invented by the 'shooter' in order to deflect attention from the REAL issues, i.e. the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, then we can conclude the intention is to protect the vaccines. I thought you were better than that.
If you were genuinely concerned about measles damage, you would be pleased a newer, safer alternative to MMR vaccine is apparently in the pipeline. As rtp points out (using YOUR link) "Hospital admission rates for all-cause childhood encephalitis in England are increasing."
I also pointed out the rates of SSPE are also increasing, but doctors are refusing to accept the measles vaccine might be responsible for this, or for the increasing rates of encephalitis with no known cause. This is NOT science, just denial. However, as david m burd states, your posts have actually resulted in some important debate and information about vaccine ingedients and serious side effects.
Thank you for that.
Posted by: Jenny Allan | July 15, 2019 at 01:42 AM
Why did you ignore this ? Einy ? Please respond Fetal DNA-RNA ? Fake news yeah ?
And yes none of the vaccines have been properly tested against placebo as the gold standard requires. eg. Gardasil being actually fraudulently brought to market, criminally so.
Flumist apparently was tested against Saline and that caused narcolepsy all over Europe and many governments paid out on that. This butchery is what you are defending ? Shame on you !
Posted by: Eindeker | July 12, 2019 at 12:44 PM MMR my backside
Anyone who says that the fetal DNA contaminating our vaccines is harmless either does not know anything about immunity and Toll- like receptors or they are not telling the truth.
This is direct biological evidence that fetal DNA contaminants in vaccines are not in low innocuous amounts. They are a very strong proinflammatory trigger.
Posted by: Hans Litten | July 14, 2019 at 06:35 PM
It's too bad that retired dentists and pediatricians don't own up to the fact that they've poisoned millions of children in their care, including their own. Can you say "Denial" ?
The unvaccinated shall inherit the earth (AW).
Posted by: Wobblies | July 14, 2019 at 05:47 PM
Thanks Barry.
It is a testament to just how indoctrinated pro-vaxers are that Eindecker posted his link even though it 100% proved my exact point - that encephalitis rates are actually *increasing* but doctors just refuse to blame measles virus when it happens anymore. (Doctors are of course every bit as indoctrinated as Eindecker is.)
That is the thing about being indoctrinated at the level that Eindecker (and the doctors are). They can't even wrap their heads around the fact that people *do* question their precious beliefs - let alone wrap their heads around the types of questioning. I said to Eindecker that total rates of encephalitis have increased. He simply couldn't grasp that "total" meant "total" and continued to wax lyrical about "blamed on measles" instead because his indoctrination only allows him to "think" in a very confined manner.
Seriously Eindecker, what were you thinking when you posted that? It said it in black and white "Hospital admission rates for all-cause childhood encephalitis in England are increasing." This is exactly what I said was happening!
So thanks for doing two things Eindecker:
1) showing that I'm right about encephalitis vs measles vacccine; and
2) demonstrating how indoctrinated pro-vaxers are.
Much obliged.
Posted by: Rtp | July 14, 2019 at 05:35 PM
An 'adjuvent' is the liquid medium containing the active vaccine and the other ingredients, sometimes referred to as incipients. The MMR vaccine is completely different in terms of delivery.
Just to correct you again Jenny An adjuvant is a specific compound designed to enhance the immunological response of an inactivated vaccine (BTW it’s adjuvant with an “a” not an “e”) your new reference site gives a list of the adjuvant containing vaccines, all except a flu vaccine with a squalene adjuvant have aluminium compound adjuvants, it is absolutely not the “liquid medium containing the active vaccine and other ingredients” MMR has never contained any adjuvant because it is a live vaccine.
In contrast excipients are inert compounds, such as sorbitol, used to help in the freeze drying process and stabilize active components in the vaccine
The resuspension fluid used with the MMR vaccine is physiological saline.
Posted by: Eindeker | July 14, 2019 at 05:22 PM
Eindeker, It is actually good to have your participation as a double-check for being critical of what's in the vaccine syringes/doses. The CDC for years has published excipients present IN the actual vaccine mixtures being injected. The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Institute for Vaccine Safety also corroborates the CDC.
1) The CDC past and current List of Excipients cites phenol being actually in doses of rabies, typhoid, rotavirus, smallpox, and pneumococcal/pneumovax.
2) Johns Hopkins lists phenol as a "preservative" in the Hib+HepB combination and as a preservative in the pneumoccocal 23-valent vaccine, and in the typhoid vaccine; further employed in the growth medium in the rotavirus vaccine as "phenol red". These are in doses actually injected, NOT filtered out as you have assumed.
There are abundant Chemical Industry references citing phenol as severely toxic/deadly to aquatic life with many safeguards to stop phenol from being released into waterways, wetlands, etc, with also strong precautions to stop humans being directly exposed, and a variety of toxic effects manifesting to such employees.
Just a precaution for you if you don't mind: Wikipedia is good source for what day is Christmas, who shot President Lincoln, what year President Nixon resigned, the distance Earth to Moon; As to medical/vaccine topics they are hopelessly corrupted. And, you are indeed right as to the idiocy of having phenol in any vaccines but particularly evil being injected into newborns, toddlers, children, everybody for that matter.
Posted by: david m burd | July 14, 2019 at 03:32 PM
Admissions for measles decreased by 97% (from 0·32 to 0·009) and admissions for mumps encephalitis decreased by 98% (from 0·60 to 0·01) after the introduction of the two-dose MMR vaccine. Hospital admission rates for encephalitis of unknown aetiology have increased by 37% since the introduction of PCR testing.
But you left out the INTERPRETATION paragraph, which reads:
" Hospital admission rates for all-cause childhood encephalitis in England are increasing. Admissions for measles and mumps encephalitis have decreased substantially. The numbers of encephalitis admissions without a specific diagnosis are increasing despite availability of PCR testing, indicating the need for strategies to improve aetiological diagnosis in children with encephalitis. "
Which indicates that encephalitis rates have actually been going up, not down.
And like most other side effects that doctors either can't, or won't link back to vaccines, they're just lumping the increased numbers of encephalitis cases into the category of "without a specific diagnosis". Which somehow transforms a serious medical issue that needs immediate attention, into a serious medical issue that simply needs to be.... studied.
Interesting to learn, that this strategy isn't only being used to make autism go away.
Posted by: Barry | July 14, 2019 at 10:50 AM
@Aimee. We agree. My use oh the word "inconvenient" was tinged with sarcasm. Like the title of the documentary : "inconvenient truth." I am totally in sync with women's choices and economic reality. I continue to emphasize that vaccines are "convenient" to the advantage of large employers and politicians.
Posted by: Mark Wax | July 14, 2019 at 10:41 AM
Sorry I seem to have doubled up on the MMR vaccine insert (below) This should work.
Also I should have called the vaccine ingeredients 'excipients'.
Posted by: Jenny Allan | July 14, 2019 at 09:23 AM
Careful on what you wish for Rtp, but as you insist here you are:
“ We aimed to estimate admission rates for childhood encephalitis in England over 33 years (1979–2011), to describe trends in admission rates, and to observe how these rates have varied with the introduction of vaccines and improved diagnostics.
We found 16 571 encephalitis hospital admissions in the period 1979–2011, with a mean hospital admission rate of 5·97 per 100 000 per year (95% CI 5·52–6·41). Hospital admission rates declined from 1979 to 1994 (ICD9; annual percentage change [APC] −3·30%; 95% CI −2·88 to −3·66; p<0·0001) and increased between 1995 and 2011 (ICD10; APC 3·30%; 2·75–3·85; p<0·0001). Admissions for measles decreased by 97% (from 0·32 to 0·009) and admissions for mumps encephalitis decreased by 98% (from 0·60 to 0·01) after the introduction of the two-dose MMR vaccine. Hospital admission rates for encephalitis of unknown aetiology have increased by 37% since the introduction of PCR testing.
Not bad for a “failed” vaccine Jenny!!!
David M Burd phenol red is not a strong preservative, it’s a pH indicator used to check for bacterial contamination in cell cultures, probably what it was used for in cultivating the vaccine strains. It’d be pretty stupid to put a “strong preservative” in a live virus vaccine
Posted by: Eindeker | July 14, 2019 at 04:19 AM
Eindeker -to me " it’s reprehensible to post misleading and inaccurate information that suits your “beliefs” when there is plenty of evidence that contradicts these ideas."
What a nasty comment.
My information came from a very respected source. :-
The Oxford Knowledge project: University of Oxford
MMR Vaccine (Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine)
Package leaflet: information for the user M-M-RVAXPRO® Powder and solvent for suspension for injection in pre-filled syringe Measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (live)">">
I cut and pasted the information from the MMR vaccine package leaflet, nothing to do with my beliefs! The medical content on this site is reviewed by Professor Andrew Pollard. Some of us have separate issues with him. If you feel this vaccine site is publishing "misleading and inaccurate information", then please do your complaining to Professor Pollard.
All I posted about the new proposed measles vaccine patch was the design allowed for very little adjuvent. I think we can all agree this vaccine would have to be in liquid form in order to be injected. An 'adjuvent' is the liquid medium containing the active vaccine and the other ingredients, sometimes referred to as incipients. The MMR vaccine is completely different in terms of delivery.
Posted by: Jenny Allan | July 14, 2019 at 02:50 AM
Eindecker I see you failed to fulfill my request.
I'll ask again.
What were the total rates of encephalitis before the measles vaccine and what are the total rates now?
Posted by: Rtp | July 13, 2019 at 11:58 PM
Eindeker and John -- The tragic story of "Catherine Montantes was a 28-year-old college student, training to become a border patrol agent, and recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder." She succumbed to pneumonia after measles, despite having been vaccinated. Her autoimmune disorder DERMATOMYOSITIS had me look here
"There have also been some reports in which dermatomyositis has appeared to occur following certain vaccinations or the use of particular medications (i.e., penicillamine, the statins, quinidine, and phenylbutazone). Dermatomyositis may be initiated or exacerbated following silicone breast implants or collagen injections. However, the implications of such findings remain unknown and more data is required to establish the association. "
In a perfect world where science is not politicized, John, Jenny Allan, and Eindeker would really benefit from a full clinical history of Catherine Montantes and on some planet co-author a paper on their findings.
Posted by: michael | July 13, 2019 at 07:43 PM
Widespread use of MMR has both dramatically reduced the incidence of both measles
And yet.... the media is suddenly brimming with reports of measles outbreaks.
With all due respect Eindeker, either you're wrong about the presumed high efficacy of the MMR vaccine. Or the media is making up stories about measles outbreaks.
Because after decades of administering the MMR worldwide, one of you simply has to be wrong.
Posted by: Barry | July 13, 2019 at 07:32 PM
Montana NAR, you got me to go looking. Couldn't access exactly but found this:
Kagan, the first to be asked, recalled in a recent interview, “There was never a question. I decided I wouldn’t do it. I couldn’t imagine approaching a patient and asking for his permission to inject him with live cancer cells. I certainly wouldn’t consider it unless we got consent. That was the key, informed consent.”..........
Over the decades there have been numerous instances of equally cavalier researchers involved in unethical experimentation. Be it in mental asylums, orphanages, prisons, hospitals or the military, the lives of ill informed and vulnerable test subjects have been routinely placed at risk. And all too often those who knew better and could have prevented or stopped egregious and injurious acts remained silent.
Pity that more doctors didn’t follow the example of three Brooklyn physicians who knew right from wrong, understood what was ethical and what was not, and had the courage to say, “No, I will not place a patient at risk.”
Times have changed.
Posted by: michael | July 13, 2019 at 06:59 PM
Jenny Allen,
Thanks for listing MMR vaccine excipients, with one being phenol red; a strong preservative, contrary to Eindeker claiming there is no preservative in the vaccine,
Eindeker, are you listening? Everybody can easily look up the biological toxicity of phenol; there's no justification for injecting this chemical into live animal bodies, but, HEY! all vaccines' excipients are safe according to Pro-vaxxer mantra.
One last thought: Any rational, objective person can just type into search engines, combining "toxicity" along the individual "excipients" listed on the CDC Vaccine Excipient Chart, and you will never get a vaccination for the rest of your life.
Posted by: david m burd | July 13, 2019 at 05:55 PM
Eindeker-- Table 1 Characteristics of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) cases in Germany from 2003 to 2009. You have to use the slide bars because the table is multiple columns wide. No I did not open the first reference on time trends.
Posted by: michael | July 13, 2019 at 05:06 PM
OK -we are splitting hairs here.…….err no Jenny we are not, “adjuvant” and “preservative” are specific terms and there is neither adjuvant nor preservative in the MMR vaccine, it’s not a question of “Obfuscation” it’s simply a case of being correct, and, to use your words “To be blunt, I find these deliberate attempts to obfuscate, very reprehensible, no it’s reprehensible to post misleading and inaccurate information that suits your “beliefs” when there is plenty of evidence that contradicts these ideas, such as SSPE is not listed as a side effect of MMR on the vaccine insert and use of the MMR vaccine has in fact led to a dramatic reduction of SSPE incidence, and SSPE, as you say, is caused by a WT measles brain infection, not the vaccine strains
Posted by: Eindeker | July 13, 2019 at 03:17 PM
Laura Hayes - Thank you for this well-written letter to the editor of Huffington Post. I agree that it is important to keep a "paper trail" of logical responses to the bad, illogical propaganda of the vaxxtremists, and you have done an admirable job... once again.
On the subject of informed consent, from an historical perspective, there is a series of five articles from the July 2, 1966, Saturday Review magazine, titled: "Experiments on Humans -- The Growing Debate." First article here:
Troubling is that the year 1966 is post-Nuremberg Trials. From pg. 44 in the second article: "The principle involved is the same one that condemns slavery and underlay the judgments at Nuremberg. No one denies that the legal principles need refinement, and that there are certain areas of darkness. For example, issues related to research with children and with the mentally incompetent..." (Shades of Plotkin?)
Laura, I agree with you on so many points in your "Why is This Legal?" presentation. A key issue is that liability should be returned to the manufacturers. Repeal the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986!
Posted by: Montana NAR | July 13, 2019 at 02:01 PM
Eindecker it's very simple
What were the *total* rates of encephalitis before measles vaccine and what are total rates now?
If they've fallen precipitously then your vaccine *might* be beneficial. If they haven't fallen significantly then your vaccine is worthless.
Now, I've got data showing no fall. What data do you have? And note that if you provide any data other than *total* rates this will be taken as proof that you know your vaccine is worthless and you're forced to be dishonest.
Posted by: Rtp | July 13, 2019 at 01:40 PM
@ Eindeker (to Me) "I would have thought you would have known that MMR contains neither preservative nor adjuvant"
OK -we are splitting hairs here. In order to inject, vaccines need to be liquid. Water is added to MMR powder to make it liquid. The ingredients of the resulting soup are clearly stated within the link you supplied.
"50% cell culture infectious dose 1 produced in chick embryo cells...........produced in WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts.
The other ingredients are: Powder: sorbitol, sodium phosphate, potassium phosphate, sucrose, hydrolysed gelatin, medium 199 with Hanks’ salts, MEM, monosodium L-glutamate, neomycin, phenol red, sodium bicarbonate, hydrochloric acid (to adjust pH), and sodium hydroxide (to adjust pH) Solvent: water for injections .
So there you have it -yuck!
Posted by: Jenny Allan | July 13, 2019 at 12:57 PM
@ Eindeker "Jenny please point out to me where it states that SSPE is a risk on the MMR product"
It doesn't -as I pointed out earlier, but the vacciune insert states:-
"Seizures (fits) without fever; seizures (fits) with fever in children;
walking unsteadily; dizziness; illnesses involving inflammation of
the nervous system (brain and/or spinal cord). "
I believe encephalitis is defined as an illness "involving inflammation of
the nervous system (brain and/or spinal cord)." SSPE is a type of encephalitis involving measles virus in the brains of victims. It is covered by the definition in the vaccine insert.
To be blunt, I find these deliberate attempts to obfuscate, very reprehensible, although the vast majority of parents are never given access to vaccine inserts before agreeing to vaccinate their precious children.
Posted by: Jenny Allan | July 13, 2019 at 12:41 PM
Autism Investigated
No, because people are told vaccines are safe and imagine that they have undergone double blind placebo trials (which they were taught about at school) and they haven’t. Double blind placebo trials are important as well as trials against the unvaccinated, and neither are done. There probably wouldn’t be any of the current products if they were.
Posted by: Sir Despard Murgatroyd | July 13, 2019 at 12:26 PM
David Burd
The last 4 lines of the summary of the paper are
Our data suggest that the risk of developing SSPE after acute measles infection below 5 years of age is in the range of 1∶1700 to 1∶3300. This considerable risk for a disastrous yet preventable disease should be incorporated in every risk-benefit-education of measles vaccination and may constitute an important component of communication about the rationale for measles elimination.
Posted by: Eindeker | July 13, 2019 at 11:14 AM
Jenny "A new 'micro patch' measles vaccine is presently being trialled. It requires no refridgeration, contains no preservatives and almost no adjuvant." I would have thought you would have known that MMR contains neither preservative nor adjuvant; the micro patch technology is all about the delivery mechanism of the vaccine, it has nothing to do with the vaccine components. It is a generic technology aimed at delivering a variety of pharmaceuticals.
Posted by: Eindeker | July 13, 2019 at 10:57 AM
Eindeker, From one of the references you supplied:
Calculation of the risk of developing SSPE after measles infection is complex, because information on both measles and SSPE incidences is required. The calculation is additionally complicated by the long and variable latency period of SSPE. In the older literature, the risk of SSPE was reported to be about 1∶100000 cases of measles [9]. Later in a study from the UK, the risk of SSPE was estimated as 1 in 90000 measles cases in children of 5 years and older and as 1 of 5500 following measles infection in the first year of life [10], [11]. A more recent study from the USA reported a SSPE incidence of 6.5 to 11 cases per 100000 acute measles infections translating into a SSPE risk of 1 in 9100 to 15400 cases of measles [4]. A distinction of age groups was not made in this study.
Please note the "older literature" citing SSPE was cited as 1 in 100,000 cases of measles, also in the UK the risk of SSPE was 1 in 90,000 for children older tban 5 years age, and 1 in 5,000 for measles infection in the first year of life.
Of course, ever since the measles vaccine was invented, all objectivity was lost in the brand new Measles Vaccine Era, At any rate, you refuse to even discuss the immense carnage CAUSED by the vaccine's. toxic excipients (and contaminants). It is logical and reasonable to conclude the carnage caused by the vaccine is orders of magnitude greater than the alleged vaccine's benefit when it comes to discussing SSPE. Also, of course the "medical lynching" of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Murch, et al. by the Vaccine Mob is a perfect example of Medical Malpractice so praised by your completely brainwashed allies always saying "vaccines may cause 1 serious reaction per 1 million injected doses" - what horse crap.
Posted by: david m burd | July 13, 2019 at 10:47 AM
Eindecker. As I said, no 'evidence' will convince me that vaccines are safe, or that childhood illnesses are more dangerous.
As grandparent of 2 boys who were progressing normally until their vaccinations, then regressed, resulting in lifelong disabilities, your pro-vaccine stance is abhorrent. The rates of autism and autoimmune diseases cannot continue to rise as they are without it eventually being noticed by the brainwashed public. People like you who push out propaganda to convince the naive will eventually fail. In the meantime, more and more children and their families will have their lives ruined.
You never address vaccine injury. Your lack of empathy is outstanding. I hope I live long enough to read the headlines 'Vaccines can be dangerous. Health authorities have lied about safety for all'
Posted by: susan welch | July 13, 2019 at 10:31 AM
@ jenny Allen
Thank Laura Hayes for providing this stunning video ….
Posted by: Bob Moffit | July 13, 2019 at 09:36 AM
Jenny please point out to me where it states that SSPE is a risk on the MMR product insert, here's a link to the product insert: because it clearly does not! The risk of the measles vaccine triggering SSPE was of significant concern when the vaccine was introduced, which is why the SSPE monitoring was intensified, there was no "If you don't look for it you don't find it"
John the current evidence is that measles immunity from 2 MMR vaccinations is very long lasting and not as you stateThe vaccination only confers weakened immunity which wears off, so such incidents are bound to occur as the result of vaccination irrespective of whether everyone is vaccinated or not.
If you read the Guardian article you will see the woman in this case was immuno-suppressed because of her recently diagnosed auto-immune disorder, she apparently had been vaccinated as a child. The man’s vaccination status was unknown.
Posted by: Eindeker | July 13, 2019 at 09:29 AM
@ Eindeker "There is no evidence that MMR led to an increased incidence of SSPE"
If you don't look for it you don't find it, but encephalitis is clearly stated as an MMR vaccine risk on the insert. (SSPE is a type of encephalitis).
Whichever way you look at it MMR is a FAILED vaccine, and before you dismiss me as another 'anti-vaxxer' who could not care less about measles damage, I have been campaigning for years about bringing back the choice of a monovalent measles vaccine in the UK. I have no doubt at all that 'behind the scenes', governments have been devising 'face-saving' ways of replacing the MMR vaccine. Apart from any other consequences, the rising tide of autism is threatening to overwhelm our western economies, and fully vaccinated young adults are coming down with mumps in droves.
A new 'micro patch' measles vaccine is presently being trialled. It requires no refridgeration, contains no preservatives and almost no adjuvant. If the trials report positive results, then this should definitely be a safer alternative to MMR vaccine. We can go back to giving girls only a rubella jab. Mumps in infancy is infinitely preferable to mumps as an adult.
The court case against Merck for allegedly fiddling their mumps vaccine efficacy is going on forever. Maybe I'm old fashioned but there was a time decades ago, when ANY doubts about pharma products including vaccines, would have resulted in an instant suspension of the product pending further inquiries. Monovalent measles and rubella vaccines were in use in the UK for 20 years prior to the introduction of MMR vaccine. I am also old fashioned enough to believe the wellbeing of children should be paramount, rather than the protection of a vaccine and pharma profits.
Posted by: Jenny Allan | July 13, 2019 at 08:30 AM
There are many questions about such a tragic story. An obvious point is that the young woman herself was vaccinated against measles - perhaps the man who gave it to her was but if either had caught it as young children they would have been immune for life and could not have been carriers. I am not posing it as an argument against vaccination, but I am saying that there is a trade in. The vaccination only confers weakened immunity which wears off, so such incidents are bound to occur as the result of vaccination irrespective of whether everyone is vaccinated or not. And unfortunately this is likely to happen more and more as a result of the program. Of course, your data about the risks of measles are highly debatable.
But what I do not get is the lack concern or compassion for a generation of children laid low by neurological disorders and auto-immune disorders (!!!) barely known a couple of generations ago. Recently, I have posed the socio-economic problem that the dependent autistic are set to overtake the dependent aged numerically within the next few years - a problem which will break any treasury. I even raised the issue directly with the Chief Medical Officer to the British government, with copious official documentation, but I cannot even get a shrug about this monumental problem in response:
I have even pointed out that if you care about people dying young then the autistic have a life expectancy 17 years less than average.
Some die young, some die very young, many suffer from chronic inexpressible pain and ill-health but it never registers as a public health issue. Only orchestrated hatred for anyone who doubts.
Posted by: John Stone | July 13, 2019 at 08:24 AM
Jenny “I could not be bothered, preferring instead to do my own research into the incidence of SSPE. It is certainly true the measles vaccines has reduced the incidence of SSPE in the western world, since less measles equals less SSPE.” well that explains how you could read a detailed 14 page scientific paper in a matter of hours!!! It’s a great pity you didn’t open the paper because you would have seen sections dealing with:
Theory one: measles vaccine virus can cause SSPE
Theory two: administration of measles vaccine can accelerate the course of SSPE
Theory three: measles vaccine can trigger SSPE in an individual who would have developed the disease later in the absence of immunization
Theory four: measles vaccination in a person who has already established a benign persistent wild measles infection can lead to the development of SSPE where it would not otherwise occur
If you opened the paper you’d have seen a detailed discussion looking at all the available evidence on these issues and none of these concerns is supported by the evidence.
Would you also class the following article as “pro-vax nonsense” which was published last week?
Catherine Montantes was a 28-year-old college student, training to become a border patrol agent, and recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder.
When she stepped into the Lower Elwha tribal health clinic in Port Angeles, Washington, she had no idea she arrived just an hour after a 52-year-old infected with measles. The virus is one of the most contagious and can live on infected surfaces for up to two hours.
Despite being vaccinated against measles, Montantes was killed less than three months later by the disease, because her immune system was suppressed by medication to control the autoimmune disorder dermatomyositis………The Guardian confirmed her identity through state death records. Health authorities never released the name of the 52-year-old man who started the outbreak. And although Montantes was the only person to die as a result, the outbreak did not stop at the Lower Elwha clinic.
The man may have exposed as many as 149 people, the Seattle Times reported at the time, including a five-year-old girl whose infection led to the closure of a private Christian school.
Susan saying that encephalitis from measles is a possibility, too, but that this cannot happen with vaccines. Rates of encephalitis post measles & post MMR:
• 1-3 in 1,000 children contracting measles will develop encephalitis concurrent with the measles infection. 10-15% of those children will die and a further 25% will be left with permanent neurological damage.
• 1 in 1,000 children with measles will develop post-infectious encephalitis.
• 1 in 25,000 of children (1 in 5,500 children if they are under 1) with measles will develop subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) which has a fatal (death) outcome.
• 1-2 in 1.000.000 children who had vaccination will develop encephalitis from the vaccination which is less than the incidence of all types of encephalitis.
From the Encephalitis Society
Michael I cannot see what you’re referring to in Table 1, did you open the first reference showing timeline trends for the introduction of MMR, the incidence of measles and the incidence of SSPE, in various countries with and without good vaccine coverage? There is no evidence that MMR led to and increased incidence of SSPE, but there is clear evidence that good coverage of MMR both reduces measles & SSPE dramatically, as Jenny herself admitted.
Posted by: Eindeker | July 13, 2019 at 07:26 AM
Eindecker, because something in not proven is not the same thing as saying it it disproved.
The 15th Edition of the Merck Manual which was published in 1989 and written just prior to the introduction of the MMR vaccine (the current publication I owned when my son had his MMR vaccine in 1992) states on page 2041 under the heading SSPE
"the mode of spread is not known. An altered measles virus, acquired naturally or by vaccination is the probable cause".
This connection to the vaccine has been removed from subsequent Merck Manuals (no doubt as part of the campaign to protect MMR and deny any possibility of harm from it at any cost). For the record my son broke out into a measles rash and fever 4 days after the vaccine then 10 day after started bashing his head against walls and quickly lost all his acquired skills where at age 27 now functions as a two year old.
Posted by: Jane | July 13, 2019 at 06:22 AM
Well worth watching Dr Wakefield " Man Measles and Make believe " A talk he gave at the Autism 1 conference available on you tube . The comments and questions at the end raise some interesting questions.
Posted by: BN | July 13, 2019 at 04:47 AM
Michael - Thank you for accessing and querying Eindeker's link. I could not be bothered, preferring instead to do my own research into the incidence of SSPE. It is certainly true the measles vaccines has reduced the incidence of SSPE in the western world, since less measles equals less SSPE.
Before measles vaccine during the 1950s and 1960s, virtually all children contracted measles, including myself. It was no big deal. At that time SSPE, like autism was so rare most people had never even heard of it. Children were healthier in that post war era. There is some evidence the incidence of SSPE, (i.e. % of SSPE per measles cases), is actually increasing in vaccinated populations, but there is complete official blanket denial that vaccinations with live measles virus could possibly cause SSPE.
There's no question SSPE cases can and do occur in persons who have received measles vaccine, but have never contracted natural measles. The following extract from a report of the GACVS meeting of 1-2 December 2005, was published in the WHO Weekly epidemiological Record on 13 January 2006.
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis and measles vaccination
QUOTE:- "For situations where cases of SSPE occur in vaccinated individuals who have no previous history of natural measles infection, the available evidence points to natural measles infection as the cause of SSPE, not vaccine."
I think this answers your query. 'Available evidence' for this assumption, which appears on virtually ALL of the measles vaccine published material ? I cannot find any- but since SSPE is caused by measles virus lodging in the brain, it is perfectly feasible for the live measles virus in the vaccine to cause the condition.
Posted by: Jenny Allan | July 13, 2019 at 03:32 AM
When we believes there is a valid reason to deny a child access to an education we cease to be enlightened.!
Posted by: annie | July 12, 2019 at 11:24 PM
Thank you again Laura.
We have long arrived at the "Vacci-Nazi level" with the news media and the vaccine industry in the United States. People have to flee their homes to avoid being placed on trains to Autism camps and being showered with vaccines.
I would guess Vaccine hesitancy is well above 75% and they just cannot allow it to continue.
Posted by: go Trump | July 12, 2019 at 09:07 PM
Take a look at the photo of Lydia Polgreen on the Huffington Post site. Arms crossed:
When someone crosses their arms, it usually means that they're closed for arguments. [Don't bother me with facts, I believe in misinformation from authority figures] By crossing the arms, a barrier is put in front of the body, as some sort of protection. Putting an object in front of you may be the same signal. Another reason for crossing arms may be that you're feeling vulnerable or insecure.
I see arrogance
Posted by: michael | July 12, 2019 at 08:18 PM
Grace, here are your three points for flyers:
1) Doctor offices are filled with sick people germs - if visiting such places are safe then clearly whatever vaccines we receive there are pointless.
2) Doctors typically refuse to diagnose the condition if the patient is vaccinated - so diseases are being renamed not reduced. For example, total congenital defect rates have actually increased since the rubella vaccine - doctors just don't blame rubella when a child is born with a defect. Paralysis rates have also increased since the polio vaccine. Again, doctors just refuse to blame polio.
3) If an injury straight after a vaccine is just a coincidence then why should anybody believe injuries following measles rashes are caused by the measles virus?
Note that there is only one fact and the other two are merely questions. In all cases you force the other side into cognitive dissonance. All three points are simple and, critically, foundational (to accept any leads to a complete rejection of any kind of belief in vaccination). There is no need for anything else - at least to get people questioning.
Posted by: Rtp | July 12, 2019 at 08:15 PM
Eindeker, as I'm looking at Table 1 of the study you referenced, its unclear to me the significance of the last column indicating "first and second vaccination."
For instance: The third patient diagnosed with SSPE at age 8, but was given the measles or mmr at age 1 and 4. Doesn't that muddy the interpretation of the study? As with many studies I would like more information.
Posted by: michael | July 12, 2019 at 08:07 PM
Sorry, vAcCINes aRE noT pLaCEbO teSTed isn't a convincing argument.
Posted by: Autism Investigated | July 12, 2019 at 07:54 PM
Posted by: Peggy | July 12, 2019 at 06:56 PM
You can bet Big Pharma throws enough money at blogs with sponsorships that reason will not be enough.
I have refused to visit that rag for 12 years due to their censorship over other issues. Hopeless case there. Regrettably most of alt media is as controlled as MSM. Perhaps allowed to stray on some issues in return for enforcing group think on one or more other issues that matter most such as vaccines.
Posted by: Pft | July 12, 2019 at 06:46 PM
Another thought-provoking article Laura! Thank you for always writing and speaking the Truth with so much information for anyone with an open mind to comprehend.
I love Anita Donnelly's suggestion for post-it notes and flyers. I do this. It is certainly one of the best ways each of us can put the messages out there despite this horrendous censorship.
Brave New World and 1984 are finally here in 2019. We must keep fighting the lies. Thank you for encouraging all of us and providing facts to share with others.
Posted by: Kathy Sincere | July 12, 2019 at 05:53 PM
Posted by: Eindeker | July 12, 2019 at 12:44 PM MMR my backside
Anyone who says that the fetal DNA contaminating our vaccines is harmless either does not know anything about immunity and Toll- like receptors or they are not telling the truth.
This is direct biological evidence that fetal DNA contaminants in vaccines are not in low innocuous amounts. They are a very strong proinflammatory trigger.
Posted by: Hans Litten | July 12, 2019 at 05:30 PM
Thank you Laura, your clear logic must not be allowed on mainstream news, who never allow such as yourself and our many allies to be aired. Why are we censored or 'black-balled' by even the many "radio talk shows" - conservative, liberal - ????**
Even 20 years ago Gary Null was kicked of NYC's NPR radio station for questioning the validity of CDC's propaganda.
** Two answers: The first is the scores of billions of advertising dollars each year by vaccine/drug companies. Second, a super-majority of "health industry" private and government professionals have been brainwashed by "the vaccine system" the last 30+ years.
Thank you Laura
Posted by: david m burd | July 12, 2019 at 04:46 PM
What we have here is just another textbook case of what Irving Janis meant by the word he coined, Groupthink ( It is indispensable to the kind of propaganda combined with censorship that make totalitarian states possible. Unfortunately it is pretty much built into both of the major political parties in America today, and corporate interests like Big Pharma, Big Ag and Big Tech are selecting (buying) their allied party's Groupthink agendas by controlling the conversation through paid advertising, aggressive lobbying and political contributions.
What we clearly need at this point is a new political party that builds anti-Groupthink principles directly into the party's very definition. It would have to be a totally grassroots party that accepts no money from, and disallows any of its political candidates or office holders from accepting any kind of money or other compensation from corporate interests, to the point where conflicts of interest cannot even be imagined. It would have a strong anti-censorship statement build directly into the official party platform. It would make a very clear legal distinction between individuals and corporations, with a goal of protecting the First Amendment rights of individuals while ensuring that corporate behavior is carefully monitored and regulated. I've been thinking a lot about this new political party stuff recently and would love to get some kind of ongoing public conversation about it started on the Internet somewhere. Unfortunately I'm I total dunce when it comes creating or even participating in online communities like that. And these days we apparently will have to be careful to choose a communication channel that is sure to remain entirely free of censorship. Does anyone here have any thoughts about how we might proceed, first with just getting the ongoing uncensored conversation started and then doing whatever it takes to get a full-blown political party started, replete with an official Platform and official candidates for local, state and federal elected positions?
Posted by: Greg Hill | July 12, 2019 at 04:21 PM
We have printing presses. ~~~~~~~~
Posted by: Anita Donnelly | July 12, 2019 at 01:12 PM
That's the idea - we have to be pro-active and creative to work around the censoring of truthful information. It's only going to get worse: Next there will be fines and possible jail time for speaking out against vaccines and vaccine mandates. History has shown us all this before - There is no denying where it will lead.
Posted by: Michael S. | July 12, 2019 at 04:12 PM
Eindecker, If I am reading your post correctly, you are saying that measles is dangerous, but that there is no problem with vaccines. Presumably you are therefore saying that encephalitis from measles is a possibility, too, but that this cannot happen with vaccines.
Please accept my apologies if I have read you wrong. However, if this is what you believe, you know that you will not convince anyone on this page. So why do you even try?
Just wondering.
Posted by: susan welch | July 12, 2019 at 03:48 PM
Eindeker -I enclose the You Tube video of the unfortunate woman who got SSPE more than 20 years after the measles at 11 months. Note she was too young to be vaccinated. This was taken up by the BBC and several newspapers including the mail.
My problem with this being produced as propaganda for measles vaccination is:-
1. SSPE is an extremely rare complication of measles.
2. At 11 months this person was too young for measles vaccine.
3. SSPE is a known complication of measles vaccine, although also thankfully rare. The measles vaccine component is a live infective virus. Earlier monovalent measles vaccines actually delivered a mild dose of the measles, and it is now admitted a significant proportion of diagnosed measles cases have actually been caused by the vaccine measles strain which sheds. Measles is measles and live viruses are live viruses.
Sorry- I just don't believe Government 'estimates' or official 'denials' about anything.
Posted by: Jenny Allan | July 12, 2019 at 03:43 PM
What we have here is just another textbook case of what Irving Janis meant by the word he coined, Groupthink ( It is indispensable to the kind of propaganda combined with censorship that make totalitarian states possible. Unfortunately it is pretty much built into both of the major political parties in America today, and corporate interests like Big Pharma, Big Ag and Big Tech are selecting (buying) their allied party's Groupthink agendas by controlling the conversation through paid advertising, aggressive lobbying and political contributions.
What we clearly need at this point is a new political party that builds anti-Groupthink principles directly into the party's very definition. It would have to be a totally grassroots party that accepts no money from, and disallows any of its political candidates or office holders from accepting any kind of money or other compensation from corporate interests, to the point where conflicts of interest cannot even be imagined. It would have a strong anti-censorship statement build directly into the official party platform. It would make a very clear legal distinction between individuals and corporations, with a goal of protecting the First Amendment rights of individuals while ensuring that corporate behavior is carefully monitored and regulated.
I've been thinking a lot about this new political party stuff recently and would love to get some kind of ongoing public conversation about it started on the Internet somewhere. Unfortunately I'm I total dunce when it comes creating or even participating in online communities like that. These days we apparently will have to be very careful to choose a communication channel that is sure to remain entirely free of censorship, so I guess Facebook would be out of consideration. Does anyone here have any thoughts about how we might proceed, first with just getting the ongoing uncensored conversation started and then doing whatever it takes to get a full-blown political party started, replete with an official Platform and official candidates for local, state and federal elected positions?
Posted by: Greg Hill | July 12, 2019 at 03:12 PM
Eindeker, If you had something wrong with your vital organs would you visit an epidemiologist for help? I love this quote from the link your provided: "This risk is in the same order of magnitude as the risk of a fatal acute measles infection." So if you are trying to avoid brain damage (brain wasting), don't look at the MMR - it can't prevent that. Rest assured it is not any more common than wild measles. So what does the MMR prevent?
Posted by: Beleaguered Autism Mom | July 12, 2019 at 03:08 PM
I think fliers are a great idea. I wish someone like Dr. Suzanne would come up with something factual but succinct, with links as you say, and post it on here so that we could copy it. I'd be glad to do a bit of posting!
Posted by: Grace Green | July 12, 2019 at 03:02 PM
"Playing possum" is not a good look for journalism.
Posted by: greyone | July 12, 2019 at 02:29 PM
Thank you Laura.
I hope we all see the day when people like Lydia Polgreen are put behind bars for hiding and lying about the most horrific crime against humanity ever perpetrated.
Posted by: Linda1 | July 12, 2019 at 02:27 PM
@Mark -The "stay at home" mom cared for them while they were home from school. Today, that is simply too inconvenient for moms. They all have to go to work,..... their employers would explode.
A sizeable majority of women who work outside the home do it out of economic necessity. It's not a matter of "convenience." Middle class wages have been stagnant for decades and in many parts of the country both parents must work in order to even keep treading water financially. And I think women have a right to have a career (if they so choose) as well as children; after all, men get both.
You're right that the left wing group think is (mostly) impenetrable. But I would also note that the right wing silence on the vax issue is (mostly) impenetrable. When the right has had the power to make a difference, it's chosen to do nothing. Pharma owns both parties. The only way we'll surmount that power is by working together.
For the record, I've been a political independent most of my voting life. And I know liberals and conservatives who care deeply about the vax-autism issue. I don't see it as a party issue.
Posted by: Aimee Doyle | July 12, 2019 at 02:25 PM
Keep talking!!!! You speak for those who can't!! God bless you!! What a tough fight! I keep hoping reason will win. I read dissolving illusions while working a couple long midnight shift as a RN. I wish people would read it. it is written by Suzanne Humphries and Roman sorry don't remember his last name. Vaccine injury isn't new at all. So much death and misery. I had to stop at points because it is difficult for me to consider these vaccine injuries in light of mandatory vaccine law. I know personally that for many good parents following the advice of experts will lead to disaster. I wish I could be of more help in stopping this. Please please Keep talking!!
Posted by: Loraine Fishel | July 12, 2019 at 01:21 PM
We have printing presses. We can be Thomas Paine! Our home printers. Time to start leaving fliers in pediatricians offices with well referenced links, leaving flyers on chairs. . Taping flyers to the inside of bathroom stalls simply letting people know where to report vaccine injuries or other facts. Make it an official doc telling you where to report injuries—why shouldn’t that be at every pediatrician ‘a officer . Wear a hat and sunglasses if in public. . Be careful with references that they are all accurate so no one can say it is misinfomration Use tape that doesn’t damage. post fliers on boards at cafes and grocery stores and colleges —everywhere there is a place that accepts postings . I think learntherisk has some great fliers. or print memes. Find out where we are allowed by freedom of speech to post notices. Accidentally leave fliers behind at the movie theatre. Every where you go that you can do it without being doxxed or identified. Link to age of autism. Link to learn the risk. Link to team vaxxed. link to highwire. Tell your story. We will save a lot of children this way—the moms who have already seen a reaction. Yes the fliers will be taken down. But not in every restroom, every store . if you make it look professional people might assume it was supposed to be there. Can we post in govt building bathrooms? City hall? Does anyone know? imagine legislator staff being forced to read about vax reactions while in a gluten-clogged long bathroom session! For businesses, most owners are men. They won’t go in a womens room. And gas stations! No one cleans those even . You can reach travelers. The cleaners won’t notice or care. The wait staff will be mixed. Some of the fliers will stay. So take out docs and tape them to the inside bathroom stalls! Thoughts!?? Again be sure to use tape that is easy to remove and does not damage, or use giant stickies. Any lawyers who can advise where we can do this?
Posted by: Anita Donnelly | July 12, 2019 at 01:12 PM
Excellent letter, Laura, thank you!
Posted by: Richard Moskowitz, M. D. | July 12, 2019 at 12:55 PM
Jenny published some ridiculous vaccine propaganda stuff,……. a parent of a 25 year old woman who got measles as a child and developed a complication called SSPE years and years later…… you really ought to get your facts straight before posting stuff like this, care to explain why it’s nonsense???
Fact 1 Widespread use of MMR has both dramatically reduced the incidence of both measles and, as a consequence the incidence of SSPE. SSPE is hardly a “complication” as you dismissively call it, it’s an inevitably fatal brain wasting disease.
Jenny: the MMR SmPC specifically states that There is no evidence that measles vaccine can cause SSPE.
Fact 2 There is good evidence now that the incidence of (fatal) long term SSPE is equivalent to the short term rate of fatality following measles infection: The risk of developing SSPE for children contracting measles infection below 5 years of age was calculated as 1∶1700 to 1∶3300. This risk is in the same order of magnitude as the risk of a fatal acute measles infection
Now Jenny where’s the nonsense?
Posted by: Eindeker | July 12, 2019 at 12:44 PM
Yeah Laura! Love the “close your eyes test!” I’ll try that too and see if the 23+ years of symptoms from my vaccine injury will go away. Oh, snap, didn’t work here either. Shame on Lydia Polgreen and all the other book burners. Have they not read Fahrenheit 451???
Posted by: Alix | July 12, 2019 at 12:02 PM
Another marxist hypocrite,well done Laura...
"Polgreen’s experiences covering West Africa and India for the paper were instructive. She saw firsthand how new technologies gave people access to news, and thus more agency in their lives. Whereas 20 years ago stories like hers would be read only by embassy officials, now everyone could read them — and the rise of social media meant that information was suddenly a two-way street. Twitter was a baptism of fire for Polgreen."
Pharma For Prison
Posted by: Angus Files | July 12, 2019 at 11:21 AM
Posted by: Mark Wax | July 12, 2019 at 08:52 AM
Robotics and AI predictions are saying there wont be so many jobs in the future.
So no need for all these people.
Posted by: Hans Litten | July 12, 2019 at 10:22 AM
Excellent letter Laura. When I read a few weeks ago that Huffington Post had joined the crowd of the video- and book-burning companies I began to daydream once again about leaving this country for Ecuador--until I found out that 2 vaccines are required for entry! The first amendment has truly been completely trampled on and I just don't know if the US can ever recover with the stranglehold big pharma currently has on it. God bless you for your continued excellent and clear commentaries on this egregious harm that is being done to infants, children, and adults. You are one of my heroes.
Posted by: Louisa Williams | July 12, 2019 at 10:19 AM
It is always about money. I know Laura. There is not a better informed person on the planet. My family shared a similar fate as hers. I naively went to U.S. District Court 20 years ago. Congress intervened. That drug company money was simply too appetizing.
The left wing group think is impenetrable. Collectively, they are satisfied with the present situation. When I was a kid, I had measles, mumps and chicken pox. I lived on a street with baby boom families with over a thousand people. Hundreds of kids within 10 years of one another. Most had each of these childhood illnesses. None died. The "stay at home" mom cared for them while they were home from school. Today, that is simply too inconvenient for moms. They all have to go to work,..... their employers would explode. Can't upset that money machine.
For the record, I am a Democrat and most consider me to be a "liberal." But, playing Russian roulette with the lives of our children is never a partisan subject. At least not when I was growing up.
Posted by: Mark Wax | July 12, 2019 at 08:52 AM
Govt overreach ! Govt does not own our children.
An Israeli court this week ordered the immediate vaccination of a child against tetanus, despite his parents’ objection. The decision could set a precedent as the anti-vaccination movement gains ground around the world and in Israel.
The year-and-a-half-old child was badly burned in the leg two weeks ago, and was taken by his parents to a local clinic for preliminary treatment, according to a Channel 12 report on the decision.
Posted by: Hans Litten | July 12, 2019 at 07:55 AM
Outstanding as always. Thank you for writing this, Laura.
Posted by: 4Bobby | July 12, 2019 at 07:52 AM
Laura, seriously , what choice do they actually have.
If you had perpetrated the greatest crime in all history and 100s of thousands suddenly became aware of the facts, what would you do ? They have to shut down the contagion.
The information and knowledge and communication is just killing them.
They have no choice.
There is a meeting going on here in London right now (location is somewhat concealed, I cant find out where) , and the discussion is how to combat the truth about vaccines (they call it fake news.)
The BBC's director general has warned that the world is facing "the biggest assault on truth since the 1930s".
The news chief compared the spread of ‘fake news’ to Nazi party propaganda leading to the Second World War.
Speaking at the Global Conference For Media Freedom in London, Tony Hall said: "An assault on truth is an assault on democracy."
He compared the spread of fake news to propaganda used by the Nazi party in the build-up to the Second World War.
Posted by: Hans Litten | July 12, 2019 at 07:32 AM
Thank you Laura - this was a great letter.
I doubt HuffPo will give you any kind of substantive response, but if they do, would love for you to share it.
Posted by: Aimee Doyle | July 12, 2019 at 07:29 AM
It is infuriating to witness the ongoing .. well coordinated .. (public health regulatory agencies, politicians, media, etc) .. determined effort to CENSOR and COERCE parents who have undeniable .. consistently UNREFUTED .. justified reasons .. to question the "safety" of vaccines that have been recommended and approved .. in ever increasing numbers .. for their precious children.
For decade upon decade .. that well coordinated cabal of vaccine profiteers .. have one priority when it comes to vaccines .. that one priority being COMPLIANCE .. relegating all legitimate efforts to prioritize SAFETY as well .. a dangerous threat to the COMPLIANCE they seek .. therefore .. must be SILENCED .. by any means necessary.
After all .. common sense dictates one cannot gain VOLUNTARY compliance if one must first engage in open scientific debate regarding the SAFETY of vaccines … knowing such an open debate would prove disastrous to IMPROVING COMPLIANCE RATES ALL OVER THE WORLD.
And so .. at the very same time 54% of children in the US experience neurological/biological/physical childhood development problems .. up from 12% in 2002 .. 1 in 2.5 with allergies, 1 in 6 with development disabilities, 1 in 9 with ADD/ADHD, 1 in 11 with asthma, 1 in 35 with autism … infant mortality rates among the highest in the world .. the Huffington Post embarks on a serious effort to CENSOR anyone who dares question why this generation of children is the most unhealthiest in our nation's history?
The extremely poor health of this generation of children is a FACT .. not caused by … "dozens of blogs that perpetuate the unfounded opinion that vaccines pose a health risk to the public.” That Huffington Post CHOOSES to ignore the poor health of our children while attacking those questioning WHY they are in such poor health is TRAGICALLY UNFORGIVEABLE …
Posted by: Bob Moffit | July 12, 2019 at 07:11 AM
Yes we are all now used, bought and sold by pharma, including the politicians, research scienists and the press and media outlets. HuffPo is just one news outlet which relies on advertising, a large percentage of which advertises over the counter pharma products. Agro-chemical products, make up another huge advertising percentage. Monsanto is presently fighting to protect its profitable Round Up (Glyphosate) weedkiller, residues of which are found in most vaccines.
The advent of the internet has meant just about anyone can access the latest news and research, including vaccine safety and efficacy. Shutting this down is like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. When the genie is out of the bottle, it cannot be put back in. We can fight this by simply continuing as we are doing, doggedly challenging blatant propaganda. The mere threat of everyone decamping to MeWe or Duck Duck Go, is more than enough to keep Google and Facebook in order. If we all go, their advertising revenues go down the pan.
I was very disappointed with the UK Daily Mail, which recently published some ridiculous vaccine propaganda stuff, including a young man (healthy), very angry with his parents for not vaccinating him, and a parent of a 25 year old woman who got measles as a child and developed a complication called SSPE years and years later. She was apparently unvaccinated, but the condition is also named as a possible side effect of the vaccine. The young man could have consented himself to the MMR and some other vaccines, targeted for 'catch up'in the UK, under the Gillick Competency which permits older children to consent to vaccines and other procedures. Parents are not even informed. I am not providing links to this Mail nonsence, but I was heartened by the scathing comments below the article, which proved people are not that easily fooled.
Keep commenting and keep writing letters and blogs. Boycott HuffPo. All their internet news videos come with unavoidable ads.
Posted by: Jenny Allan | July 12, 2019 at 06:58 AM