NY Post Spells "New York Families Lose Parental Vaccination Rights" Incorrectly
Jiminy Cricket, you'd think an illustrious paper like the New York Post could spell their headlines better. Madonn'.....
Here's their headline after Governor Cuomo and the Democrats jammed through the removal of the religious exemption in the Empire State on Thursday.
Anti-vaxxers lose minds after religious exemption bill gets pushed through
The article then goes on to paint Orthodox Jewish citizens as crazy men - in classic narcissistic gas-lighting style. "These people are religious?" Yes, and they are angry and they stood up for the rights of EVERY citizen in the state of New York. Mark our words - adult mandates are coming down the Hudson river. New York is now vying with California for the most heavy handed, jack booted medical thuggery in the nation.
Sports fans take to the streets lighting cars on fire and looting stores after a big win. Aw, heck, they're just fans letting off steam. Riots have taken place over the decades for equal rights - Stonewall as one example. In New York City. THIS is how America was formed - not by complacency. And yelling is HARDLY an example of violence. Swears? Oh the delicate ears of New York politicians! What an insult to the Jewish Community and ALL of our friends and neighbors and advocates who spent time to fight this travesty.
New Yorkers just lost the right to say no to any school mandated vaccinations. Their kids will not be educated. How is this remotely American? Stay tuned.
Anti-vaxxers lose minds after religious exemption bill gets pushed through
“And these are the religious people?!”
The state Capitol turned into a chaotic scene Thursday as both houses of legislature — and eventually Gov. Cuomo — passed a bill that will end New York’s policy of allowing religious exemptions from vaccine requirements.
Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, the bill’s sponsor, got cursed out and flat-out threatened at one point by opponents of the legislation after it got passed and sent to the Senate floor.
“We’ll be back for you Jeffrey!” shouted one man in Orthodox religious garb, who was fuming in the gallery with others, many of whom had children with them.
“Motherf–ker!” screamed another person. “Shame!”
Government vaccine bureaucrats targeting/punishing Jews in favor of forced vaccination is anti-Semitic. I am not and extremist. I am not a Zionist. I just happen to know the definition of anti-Semitism. People are still allowed to follow / practice their chosen religion in this country, correct? In my experience, medical exemptions are impossible to get. You blithely say we can get clean, safe vaccines, if we want to avoid foreign DNA, mercury and aluminum - we just have to ask for them. HA! What doctor's office can you get them? Please share, we are all eager to know.
Posted by: Beleaguered Autism Mom | June 17, 2019 at 02:40 PM
Running afoul of the government vaccine bureaucrats is not anti Semitic! I am tired of extremist Zionist saying so. If the aborted fetal tissue bothers you then get a medical exemption or a vaccine that does not use the tissue nor mercury and yes they do exist.
Posted by: will | June 17, 2019 at 10:34 AM
Removal of religious conscientious objections, with or without vaccine mandates?
Well stuff that for a game of crofters and cowboys ,that's gone for a burton ,now, for sure!
Are you paying attention yet!
Old Caps,with "New Cap Badges" amalgamations on full public display.
Time to sit up, buckle up,waken up, and wisen up!
Removal of mandates exemptions .
Cole Porter ,"Anything goes" Legislation spasticity?
You're the top !
You're the Great Houdini !
You're the top !
Are you Mussolini!
Kinetically inherited tendencies perhaps? see Benito Mussolini Wikiquote
"Strength Through Unity" Flying the idol-ogy banner /slogan ,Kinetically joined at the hip with
European Union banner/slogan .12 June 2018
See New World Order and The European Union . https //in- this- together-.com/the new-world -order-and-the-european-union, 12 June 2018 .
See History of ,The Club of Rome,founded 1968 . Think Tank for advising United Nations and World Health Organisation with identical Sustainable Development Goals [No3] of 2030 Agenda Well-being, Vaccine preventable condition and mandates!
Book ,The First Global Revolution By Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider 1991 follow on book from 1972 with/from. The Club of Rome - The Limits To Growth.
Kinetic Keltic Connections? Runrig and Paul Mounsey An Toll Dubh youtube
No Ordinary Battle !
Good time to ask ,who has the biggest balls?
New York Fire Department NYFD or New York Police Deparment .NYPD
Ach well! right enough ! New york Fire Department usually sell more tickets for their widows and orphans, charity balls and dances .
See Red Hot Chilli Pipers -343- The Fallen -Youtube
Posted by: Morag | June 16, 2019 at 07:26 AM
"It is being reported that Merck promised Cuomo it would invest 48 million in an Albany NY based project." Thank you for posting this Laura and it shows the real reason why Cuomo signed the no vaccine exemption bill. We are hopelessly lost when big pharma makes deals like this with powerful politicians. The evil of the Cuomo administration goes on and on and now he wants to run for a fourth term! New York and California are pushing people to want to leave their states. The high cost of living in both states only adds to the incentive to move.
Posted by: Gayle | June 15, 2019 at 07:44 PM
If Governor Commie, I mean, Cuomo, would sign a bill allowing a baby to be murdered after being born, and then celebrating it by lighting up New York landmarks in pink (Most American women don't celebrate the legalization of newborn babies being murdered), then being so happy as to quickly sign a bill that his medical thuggery cronies in the legislature passed forcing families to choose between injection of not placebo tested metals, toxins, viruses, bacteria, aborted fetal cells in order to go to school is consistent with their first evil bill. I think they will lose many taxpayers and soon!
Posted by: lorim | June 15, 2019 at 05:45 PM
Getting to the stage of submitting false vaccine records-no joke.
Are Parents Faking Their Child’s Vaccine Records?
Not all of them though.
Shortly after the passage of SB277 we quickly learned of one way that parents were trying to get around the law – fake vaccine exemptions.
That’s right. Some doctors were selling fake vaccine exemptions using bogus medical symptoms, histories, and conditions.
And apparently, now that fake vaccine exemptions are getting harder to come by, some parents are simply trying to fake their child’s immunization records.
Pharms For Prisson
Posted by: Angus Files | June 15, 2019 at 01:22 PM
Related email below that I sent to my email group yesterday, and thought I would share here with AoA readers:
Subject: CA poised to put the final nail in the coffin of parental rights
Pass or fail, SB276 has already served its purpose...CA doctors, with the rarest of exceptions, are done writing Medical Exemptions for vaccinations...it has become far too risky, both professionally and personally.
Which sets the stage perfectly for putting the final nail in the coffin of parental rights in CA. With virtually no viable exemption remaining to protect one's children against scores of vaccine mandates, legislators can now go after the final segment of children...homeschoolers. I predict that home schoolers will be added to SB277 during next year's legislative session. Bear in mind that was the original intent and language of SB277, but was amended with a "carve out" for homeschoolers. Pharma and their legislative minions always knew they would come back for them, and you can bet it will be next year. There is an alternate possibility...that they will make homeschooling illegal, forcing all children into public or private school, and thereby subject to SB277. Either way, Pharma-funded, Pharma-beholden, morally-bankrupt CA legislators are coming for every child in CA, and they are coming at them with fistfuls of syringes.
Since the measles charade continues to work well on a purposefully misguided and painfully ignorant public, my guess is that Pharma and its many indentured servants (from law makers to medical providers to media) will simply stick with it (pun intended), and continue to report with contrived frenzy on measles "outbreaks" across the country, necessitating that every child receive every CDC-recommended vaccine, no exceptions. (Be warned, adults, once the children are fully rounded up, you're next.)
Which takes us back to what I stated in my first rally speech opposing SB277 on 4-8-15...a speech which was written and delivered before the carve-out for homeschoolers was added. Originally, SB277 applied to every CA school-age child, and to every CA child in daycare. Here is what I said:
"How did we arrive at this place in time, where if SB 277 becomes law, police will be required to forcibly take our children, against our will, to be force-vaccinated...with scores of vaccines...by doctors and nurses who have sworn to “first, do no harm”, and who are ethically and legally required to obtain prior, voluntary, and informed consent before any and all medical procedures...including vaccination? How has it come to this?"
Here is the link for anyone who would like to watch in its entirety:
And NY is right on the heels of CA. In the course of 6 hours yesterday, NY parents were stripped of the Religious Exemption to vaccination as the bill sailed through an Assembly committee, the Assembly, and the Senate, and was then whisked to the governor's office where Governor Cuomo signed it into law before day's end. How is that even possible/lawful? Clearly, such a push-through did not allow for public comments, questions, or discussion...no doubt, on purpose (it is being reported that Merck promised Cuomo it would invest $48 million in an Albany, NY project).
How many NY doctors do you think will be writing MEs after seeing what is happening to CA doctors who have written them? (Not that they shouldn't write a ME for any parent who asks when that is the only way to protect one's child from vaccine harm, such as for a parent who is unable to homeschool their child. We need doctors to be brave, too, and stand up boldly and firmly for the ethical practice of medicine, which includes the right to refuse vaccinations for oneself and one's children, with nothing other than a simple "no thank you".)
Please continue to educate everyone you know about all that is transpiring, because until enough of the populace makes the decision to ARISE, RESIST, REFUSE, and REBEL, we will be at the mercy of the ever-growing list of vaccine profiteers...profiteers who care not one whit about health...be it individual or public...just their wealth...and power.
With great sadness at the state of our nation,
Posted by: Laura Hayes | June 15, 2019 at 12:32 PM
Funny how people are fleeing the large bureaucratic states, NY and CA, because of high taxes needed to pay for enforcement of unenforceable laws like vaccine mandates. Maybe enough people will leave these states to reduce their representation in Congress. Meantime, the Governor of TX just signed legislation to permit kids to set up lemonade stands without a permit. Where would you rather live?
Posted by: Barry Stern | June 15, 2019 at 12:15 PM
I am a Jew. My forefathers were murdered. They once lived for a few hundred years in Orthodox fashion in Poland in the most religious freedom ever. They were close neighbors with Catholics who also believed in the true meaning of Christianity. The Judeo-Christian ethics are the foundation of this country. We have lost our way. Succumbing to power and greed.
I can tell you this. We are people who simply DO NOT FORGET. NYS politicians: do not say you were not warned.
Posted by: Mark Wax | June 15, 2019 at 12:08 PM
My cousin posted this on facebook this morning.
Good morning when I feel my family member really gets it.
"If I were the devil... If I were the Prince of Darkness, I'd want to engulf the whole world in drug addiction. And I'd have a third of kids on psych meds, and four fifths of adults on medications, but I wouldn't be happy until I had seized the smartest kids and rendered them autistic - Thee. So I'd set about however necessary to take over the United States. I'd vaccinate all the kids first - I'd begin with a campaign of disease elimination. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whisper to Merck: 'Do as you please.'
To the young moms, I would whisper that "vaccines work." I would convince them that God gave us no man made cures and Walgreens and doctors had all the answers. I would confide that what's natural is always dangerous and vaccinations are magical. "Our Father, which art in Eli Lilly."
And then I'd get organized. I'd educate the doctors on how to make vaccination exciting, and lie about autism's real cause. I'd bully parents with CPS and threaten jail time if they didn't vaccinate. I'd offer gift cards for receiving flu shots. I'd write prescription drugs for ADD and autism aggression.
If I were the devil I'd soon have families divorced due to brain damaged vaccine injured children. Families will be bankrupted and children seized when the parents die. If I were the devil, I'd put autistic adults in foster care and vaccinate them with the flu shot and catch them up on missed shots and wait for the disabled to die. Before you know it there would be no genius minds left and life expectancy would drop and no one would know why.
Within a decade there would be no brilliant minds graduating college, I'd have doctors promoting euthanasia to kill off the sick as they cost money. I would erase vaccine exemptions, even for those with AIDS or autism. I would substitute homeopathic for allopathic and deify doctors. I would encourage doctors to vaccinate by giving bonus money for compliance. If I were the devil, I would glorify autism and penalize the unvaccinated.
If I were the devil I'd shorten lifespans and punish those who say no to pills. I'd kill incentives for being unvaccinated and healthy. And what do you bet? I could get whole states to promote vaccination as the way to get healthy? I would caution against extremes in organic food and sunlight, in clean living, and moral conduct. I would convince the population that questioning authority is old fashioned and trusting your doctor is easy and less troublesome. What you see in drug ads is the way to be. And thus I could do anything I want to you as a doctor, and I fear no consequences. In other words, if I were the devil no one can be sued for vaccine injury. Finally, if I were the devil I'd blame the parents for shaken baby syndrome and death."
- Michael John
Good day.
Posted by: Benedetta | June 15, 2019 at 09:44 AM
alternative headline:
Nazi whorehouse demands proper etiquette.
Dinowitz finger to follow.
Posted by: sorry NY | June 15, 2019 at 08:44 AM
Recently PBS aired and hour program on vaccines .. if I did not know any better I would have thought it a "re-run" of their former propagandist hour called the 'Vaccine Wars". In this re-do of PBS previous show .. the same people were given prominent voices .. Offit, Alision Singer, other usual suspects .. spouting the same "sounds like science" gobblygook these same people have been spewing for decades now.
However .. there was ONE very different element added to this latest vaccine industry propaganda .. and .. it was very troubling to see the figure of a Hassidic Jewish man/woman wearing well-recognized traditional clothing of the Hassidic community .. entering an elevator, walking in a park, children in a playground .. while a somber voice tells the viewers the images show how the DANGEROUS MEASLES DISEASE SPREADS WHEN SOME IN THE COMMUNITY DO NOT VACCINATE THEIR CHILDREN.
It was no accident the images were targeted at Hassidic Jews and it was extremely reminiscent of propaganda films during the early days of what became the Holocaust .. where just like PBS .. German directors portrayed Hassidic Jews as germ carriers .. infested with all kinds of unhealthy conditions .. that were threatening to the good health and well-being of their communities.
How PBS was allowed to broadcast this "hateful" presentation of Hassidic Jews is frightening. I defy anyone to watch this PBS propaganda and deny it targeted Hassidic Jews as carriers of disease .. in this instance measles.
Odd that it aired exactly in the same week that NYS legislators and Governor Cuomo removed the "religious exemption" for vaccines .. a political attack directed mainly at that very same Hassidic community that PBS targeted.
Posted by: Bob Moffit | June 15, 2019 at 06:53 AM