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FDA is to Opioid Epidemic as CDC is to...

SAT analogyAh yes, remember your SATs a hundred or so years ago?  It was loaded with "Comparative Analogy" questions designed to test your thought process and vocabulary.  The FDA just approved an opioid drug called Dsuvia that is dissolves under the tongue (you know, sublingual, like those dreaded homeopathic drugs the FDA loathes) for instant pain relief. No more pesky waiting for a needle to get the drug into your system or a pill to dissolved in your belly. How about instant euphoria 500 - 1000 times more powerful than morphine as an enticement to addiction and overdose?

From the manufacturer:

AcelRx is developing DSUVIA for the management of moderate-to-severe acute pain in a variety of medically supervised settings, including in emergency medicine, outpatient or ambulatory surgery, non-surgical patients experiencing pain in the hospital, or post-operative patients, following short-stay surgery, who do not require more long-term analgesia.

Moderate acute pain.  I had three babies without a Motrin. I was injured on my hand by a martial arts weapon earlier this year and I screamed, cried and would have wolfed down this pill in a NY minute.  Will ER doctors give this drug to the loudest patients who cause the most chaos, like our loved ones with autism, perhaps?  Will it become the "shut up" pill?

“It doesn’t seem reasonable to place another potent opioid on the market at this time, especially when we’re currently still writing 200 million prescriptions for opioids a year,” Brown told ABC News. “The need to put a drug like this on the market is not demonstrated. The ability to manage that drug once it gets past the FDA is not demonstrated.” Read more at ABC News.

FDA is encouraging even more overdoses in a nation with too many already. I have a dear high school friend whose 20 year old son died 3 years ago. I'm sure we all know someone crippled by pain meds into addiction.

Perhaps a few people will open their eyes to the real goals of FDA and yes, CDC. Promote pharmaceutical products with high risk and safety promises they can never keep as epidemics roll on and on. It's like it's planned. Wait, that's a simile.



R Lanning

Euphoria was experienced in 2 of 39 subjects. The dose is not 500-1000 times that of morphine. It's 30 mcg, a lower amount than would be used with a less potent drug so there are fewer adverse metabolites. http://www.acelrx.com/technology/publications/arx-04/AAPM_spring_2017_Poster_FINAL.pdf
I wish folks would try to find out all the nuance involved with phenomena before feeling they are ready to try and influence other people. This as formulated is in many cases safer than IV morphine (that some seem to be so in love with) because of the unsanitary conditions of catastrophes and battlefields. Also like my 90+ yr. old mom an IV is very, very hard for the best of phlebotomist. You can hardly find a vein and then it rolls. The PK is 27,000:1 vs 70:1 for morphine which means 27,000 times the normal dose is toxic whereas only 70 times the normal dose is toxic with morphine. An analogy is a new better car doesn't put more drivers on the road, it provides the given drivers a better alternative.

Angus Files

Aye Jeantette, as Trump said in his speeches, once saying they are “getting away with murder.”

Pharma For Prison


Jeannette Bishop

Maybe unrelated, but ...


non-inherited genetic epidemic


Exactly. Too stupid for words

Hans Litten

I am fairly sure this is a war against the third world and nothing else. It makes no sense.
I wonder were these sv40 contaminated polio vaccines ?


Because of 22 cases of polio (apparently) 3.1m children were vaccinated by the World Hoax Organisation
Papua New Guinea: 3.1 million vaccinated against polio
by News Desk November 5, 2018 Australia, Headlines, Vaccines

The Papua New Guinea National Department of Health, in conjunction with the World Health Organization (WHO) reported recently that the more than 3 million children were vaccinated during a nationwide polio vaccination campaign that began in earlier this year.

“As of 31 October 2018, we have immunized 3,112,035 children under 15 years old against polio, and this had been made possible through the hard work and dedication of our polio workers on-the-ground”, said Pascoe Kase, Secretary of the National Department of Health (NDOH). “I commend the leadership of the provincial health agencies and emergency operations coordinators for effectively launching and managing a very challenging response operations”.

More than 9,000 health workers and volunteers working in the 22 provinces of the country made this possible.

Papua New Guinea confirmed a polio outbreak on 22 June 2018 when a vaccine-derived poliovirus type 1 (VDPV1), first detected in a 6-year old boy from Morobe Province, was also isolated in two healthy children from the same community, indicating that the virus was circulating.

On 26 June, a National Emergency was declared by the Government of Papua New Guinea.

Since that first case, there have been 21 polio cases in the country affecting nine provinces: Eastern Highlands (6), Morobe (3), Enga (3), Madang (3), Jiwaka (2), National Capital District (1), East Sepik (1), Southern Highlands (1) and Gulf (1).

The outbreak response plan of Papua New Guinea includes three main components: (1) supplementary immunization activities (four sub-national and national vaccination rounds); (2) enhanced surveillance; and (3) communication. The total estimated budget for the plan is US$ 18 million, against which the Government has committed approximately US$ 2.2 million (PNG Kina 6.7 million), releasing PNG Kina 2 million for the first and second rounds of the vaccination campaigns.

The next round of the nationwide polio campaign begins today and will go through 18 November 2018.

Gary Ogden

Hans Litten: Notice that they say that vaccines are safe and effective if used correctly. What they fail to say is that the only was to use them correctly is to not use them at all.


non-inherited genetic epidemic


Is it true that "FDA" stands for "Freely Drug America", and "CDC" stands for "Communist Death Cult"?
OK, at least smile a little, please? I'm trying to be funny, it's only Monday, and VOTE TOMORROW!....
KEEP UP the GOOD WORK, people!

Angus Files

A snake eating its tail....Ouroboros

Pharma for Prison


Hans Litten

Vaccine training from the World Hoax Organisation.
Pure Comedy !

True or false?
An anaphylactic reaction following immunization that results in the death of the patient is considered a serious event.

This statement is true.
Events that are life-threatening or result in the death of a patient are defined as "serious".

Gary Ogden

How about MEDICINE : ILLNESS :: God : creation or dehydration : thirst or USDA : obesity or Congress : debt or marketing : desire or sugar : illness

Hans Litten

Disappointed about this & Trump who promised to tackle the opoid epidemic.
Trump appointed Scott Gottlieb didnt he ?
The alphabetic organisations are all totally corrupt. CDC EIS FDA EPA CIA NSA and the rest



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