Why are Measles So Important? Vaccines: Safety Effectiveness and Risk
Autism Reality That Americans Rarely Read

California's Top Vax Zealot Richard Pan Seeking More Ways to Prevent Choice

Pan TVSenator Richard Pan, the patron saint of vaccine mandates in California and sponsor of SB277, the legislation that radically reduced the ability for California families to make medical vaccination choices for their children, is quoted heavily in this article below. Homeschoolers are in his sites as ripe targets for his brand of medical political jack booted thuggery.

Earlier this year, one of America's best known pediatricians, Dr. Bob Sears, was placed on probation for almost 3 years because of a medical exemption he granted. That's the strategy - choke off the supply despite the growing demand.  Threaten the livelihood of doctors.  Imagine that.  Families want choice in how to vaccinate their children. Americans do NOT like to be told what we can and can not do with our bodies, our children. California allows every possible liberty under the sun - EXCEPT vaccination choice. Why? Cui bono? Pharma and politicians funded by them.


The vaccination rate for California kindergartners went down slightly last school year, including in San Diego County, after hitting a record high the previous year.

One reason for the decline: Medical exemptions are increasing. Statewide, the rate of students with medical exemptions more than tripled since the 2015-16 school year. The rate in San Diego County increased sixfold.

Although medical exemptions represented a small portion of the overall student population last school year — less than 1 percent in California and slightly more than 1 percent in San Diego County — the increase has some concerned.

Dr. Dean Sidelinger, the county’s child health medical officer, said the number of children who need medical exemptions should be small, so he questions what’s behind the increase.

“Is it truly more kids who need a medical exemption, or is it that providers are getting more permissive in giving these medical exemptions?” Sidelinger said. Read more in the Times of San Diego at Vaccination Rates For Kindergartners Decline in San Diego County.


Jeannette Bishop

But he must like more choices for some, because Pan can now choose not to live in the district he "represents."


Does he even have to actually reside in the state of California?


"Dr. Dean Sidelinger, the county’s child health medical officer, said the number of children who need medical exemptions should be small, so he questions what’s behind the increase."

What is the science behind the claim that medical exemptions should be small?

Heaven forbid they consider that what is behind the increase is that children are sicker than ever before and that inappropriate, relentless, predatory, invasive, toxic medical intervention is the cause.

Jeannette Bishop



One of the more memorable moments during the SB277 hearings....


Kyles mom

I would love to see Pan get fried by A huge turnout!

Kyles mom

UNDR. Pan is being challenged in the election by Eric Frame. He is not showing up for debates. Let’s help Eric beat Pan!


Good looking chappie as well .shame about the evidence based medicine merchantile atrocity and catastrophe ?
That crew would happily try and sandwitch and butter up their own if's and butts with ready made icing and try and present it as an empire biscuit with a half of a glace cherry on top to make it look and sound a bit more medicalised and authenticated .
"OH crumbs I am staying well away from it that crew is totally crackers "
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches mandatory ! in every bodies canteen /
Sounds like somthing out of March of the morons from 1951

Catherine Pogorzelski

Doctors Would rather bring back a little used to vaccines that have no use whatsoever read these articles to fight fiber myalgia. Make people sick or make people have to see the care of doctors rather than to live with a healthy immune system that their body has developed you cannot inject poison into a patient’s body with a clear distinction that you believ would rather bring back little used to vaccines that have no use whatsoever read these articles to fight fiber myalgia. Make people sick or make people have to see the care of doctors rather than to live with a healthy immune system that their body has developed you cannot inject poison into a patient’s body With the mistaken belief that injecting poison this is going to help the babies immune system this just doesn’t happen there is no such thing as heard immunity I don’t want anybody getting Vaccines to protect me because I have hypogammaglobulinemia to MTHFR Gene mutations, which they should be checking every newborn for then the parents wouldn’t have to seek the medical exemption it would be present from the day that child is born check the kids find out what they’re born with and let’s go from there but do not try to inject and develop an immune system let it develop on its own if a child should come down with an illness treat deal is you can’t treat treat for all of these diseases with the Vaccines wearing off before long will you need this that the other rooster be S I call BS on all of this yeah the idea was good in the beginning but you know what it’s not happening treat what happens don’t try and pre-treat it’s not a case of ring around the collar what you’re doing is your coloring these kids into a lifetime of having to succumb to many doctor visits many illnesses that develop from the injections of these toxic heavy metals and I’m frankly disgusted from it and sick myself ,?HLA B27 positive and Lyme, three types no I don’t want it you’re not going to inject anybody that I love with poisons! https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00054407.htm

BCG Vaccine

BCG, or bacille Calmette-Guerin, is a vaccine for tuberculosis (TB) disease. Many foreign-born persons have been BCG-vaccinated. BCG is used in many countries with a high prevalence of TB to prevent childhood tuberculous meningitis and miliary disease. However, BCG is not generally recommended for use in the United States because of the low risk of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the variable effectiveness of the vaccine against adult pulmonary TB, and the vaccine’s potential interference with tuberculin skin test reactivity. The BCG vaccine should be considered only for very select persons who meet specific criteria and in consultation with a TB expert.
Children. BCG vaccination should only be considered for children who have a negative tuberculin skin test and who are continually exposed, and cannot be separated from, adults who
• Are untreated or ineffectively treated for TB disease (if the child cannot be given long-term treatment for infection); or
• Have TB caused by strains resistant to isoniazid and rifampin.
Health Care Workers. BCG vaccination of health care workers should be considered on an individual basis in settings in which
• A high percentage of TB patients are infected with M. tuberculosis strains resistant to both isoniazid and rifampin;
• There is ongoing transmission of such drug-resistant M. tuberculosis strains to health care workers and subsequent infection is likely; or
• Comprehensive TB infection-control precautions have been implemented, but have not been successful.
Health care workers considered for BCG vaccination should be counseled regarding the risks and benefits associated with both BCG vaccination and treatment of Latent TB Infection (LTBI).
Immunosuppression. BCG vaccination should not be given to persons who are immunosuppressed (e.g., persons who are HIV infected) or who are likely to become immunocompromised (e.g., persons who are candidates for organ transplant).
Pregnancy. BCG vaccination should not be given during pregnancy. Even though no harmful effects of BCG vaccination on the fetus have been observed, further studies are needed to prove its safety.
Testing for TB in BCG-Vaccinated Persons
The tuberculin skin test (TST) and blood tests to detect TB infection are not contraindicated for persons who have been vaccinated with BCG.
Tuberculin Skin Test (TST). BCG vaccination may cause a false-positive reaction to the TST, which may complicate decisions about prescribing treatment. The presence or size of a TST reaction in persons who have been vaccinated with BCG does not predict whether BCG will provide any protection against TB disease. Furthermore, the size of a TST reaction in a BCG-vaccinated person is not a factor in determining whether the reaction is caused by LTBI or the prior BCG vaccination. (See below for specific guidance on skin test results.)
TB Blood Tests. Blood tests to detect TB infection, unlike the TST, are not affected by prior BCG vaccination and are less likely to give a false-positive result.
Treatment for LTBI in BCG-Vaccinated Persons
Treatment of LTBI substantially reduces the risk that TB infection will progress to disease. Careful assessment to rule out the possibility of TB disease is necessary before treatment for LTBI is started. Evaluation of TST reactions in persons vaccinated with BCG should be interpreted using the same criteria for those not BCG-vaccinated. Persons in the following high-risk groups should be given treatment for LTBI if their reaction to the TST is at least 5 mm of induration or they have a positive result using a TB blood test:
• HIV-infected persons
• Recent contacts to a TB case
• Persons with fibrotic changes on chest radiograph consistent with old TB
• Patients with organ transplants
• Persons who are immunosuppressed for other reasons (e.g., taking the equivalent of >15 mg/day of prednisone for 1 month or longer, taking TNF-a antagonists)
In addition, persons in the following high-risk groups should be considered for treatment of LTBI if their reaction to the TST is at least 10 mm of induration or they have a positive result using a TB blood test:
• Recent arrivals (less than 5 years) from high-prevalence countries
• Injection drug users
• Residents and employees of high-risk congregate settings (e.g., correctional facilities, nursing homes, homeless shelters, hospitals, and other health care facilities)
• Mycobacteriology laboratory personnel
• Persons with clinical conditions that place them at high-risk for developing TB disease (e.g., diabetes)
• Children less than 4 years of age, or children and adolescents exposed to adults in high-risk categories
Persons with no known risk factors for TB may be considered for treatment of LTBI if their reaction to the tuberculin test is at least 15 mm of induration or they have a positive result using a TB blood test. Targeted skin testing programs should only be conducted among high-risk groups. All testing activities should be accompanied by a plan for follow-up care for persons with TB infection or disease.
Additional Information
• CDC. Development of new vaccines for tuberculosis: recommendations of the Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis (ACET). MMWR 1998; 47 (No. RR-13).
• CDC. The role of BCG vaccine in the prevention and control of tuberculosis in the United States: a joint statement by ACET and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. MMWR 1996; 45 (No. RR-4).
• CDC. Interferon-Gamma Release Assays (IGRAs) – Blood Tests for TB Infection. MMWR 2010; 59 (No.RR-5).

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Page last reviewed: May 4, 2016
Page last updated: September 12, 2016
Content source: Division of Tuberculosis Elimination


I don’t know for sure, but there’s a good chance Mr Olmsted would let me call Pan a pip squeak. Because he is!! Publish my comment please!!!


I was thinking along the same line Yuval.
Should be small; Haaaa!
We all are just finally catching on what a vaccine reaction looks like.

Jeannette Bishop

Did "vaccination rates" reach a "record high" or just experienced a change in entry criteria for the "unvaccinated" group, i.e. higher levels of emigration from the state, leaving the system to homeschool, and joining private schools that refuse to report vaccination states, etc?

Mary Pulles Cavanaugh

Vaccines ARE NOT one size fits all!!! Now that the Peds have caused all this harm they need to focus on recovery NOT creating more patients......


Is a class action lawsuit against Pan and others a possibility given the emerging scientific evidence suggesting the risks from vaccinations are numerous? We have Zimmerman admitting there is a risk for autism in children with compromised mitochondria. The issue of damaged mitochondria goes well beyond the well established yet rare mitochondrial genetic disorders and it's far more common than most people realize. Compromised mitochondria with aberrant metabolic profiles are also strongly implicated in cancer*, heart disease, chronic fatigue, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. There are many types of environmental insults that can undermine mitochondrial function and medical science is now beginning to understand the very complex signaling pathways involved. There's a big thread here ready to be pulled unraveling the molecular mechanisms**.

There's also the emerging research of Dr. Theresa Deisher on how fetal cell DNA in vaccines appear to be generating cancer in some children. [The Truth About Stem Cells on The HighWire with Del Bigtree, YouTube 4/27/18]

As well, ASIA and autoimmune issues related to vaccinations are real and suppressed.

* On the cancer front, Dr. Thomas Seyfried is the leading expert on this research as it relates to damaged mitochondria. For instance, he showed cancer cells that have their nucleus removed (containing the typical extreme DNA mutations) and placed into a de-nucleated healthy cell go on to display a normal phenotype. Conversely, the nucleus of a normal cell placed into the denucleated cell body of a cancerous cell (with the damaged DNA removed and the damaged mitochondria left behind) will become cancerous.

** Not long ago Pfizer shut down its Alzheimer's and Parkinson's R&D units. Perhaps this was due to Dr. Dale Bredesen's published studies showing reversal in 9 out of 10 Alzheimer's patients based on a mainly natural and holistic functional medicine approach tackling basic molecular mechanisms gone awry, some of which are related to the development of autism.


Know the story of Otto and Elise Hampel? Perhaps informed California doctors should start writing the reasons for their exemptions on note cards and leaving them all around town? We desperately need some more profiles in courage here. In his appearance on Highwire discussing his book Mr Handley said it best. We need scientists to ban together and take this issue head on. Are you really going to let this pip squeak continue to threaten the lives of children, threaten your livelihood, and take down science?! BE BRAVE!!!!!!!!

Angus Files

"One reason for the decline: Medical exemptions are increasing. Statewide, the rate of students with medical exemptions more than tripled since the 2015-16 school year. The rate in San Diego County increased sixfold."

Thats the case they make but is it the case-I know in my daughters class of 30 there are only 5 that refuse vaccines every time two of those are Drs kids do they know what we know..of course they do Drs aren`t stupid far from it.

Pharma For Prison



So, now they're claiming they traced the Disney measles epidemic to an 11-year-old unvaccinated child?

I call BS.

Do they think the child spontaneously developed measles??

Hans Litten

Posted by: Yuval | October 09, 2018 at 08:21 AM

Very good. Ha


“Is it truly more kids who need a medical exemption, or is it that providers are getting more permissive in giving these medical exemptions?”

Well, maybe they have always been there, but we are now getting better at diagnosing them :)

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