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The Abducter is Autism

Open Letter from International Organisations to the WHO on the Issue of Vaccine Safety

CHD logoTo the World Health Organisation and those attending the meeting of the Global Vaccine Quality Control Laboratories Network (Rome 25th-27th, September 2018).

To the European Parliament, the European Medicines Agency and the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines

Dear members of the World Health Organisation,

By sharing science and joining efforts towards better health, your organisation has improved the lives of millions of people, and we are grateful for this. Providing better nutrition, clean water, improved hygiene, and access to medical care, mortality and infectious disease have been drastically reduced. Your extraordinary communication campaign to detect cases of disease and their contacts, and isolate them, finally led to the eradication of the once devastating smallpox.1These are great achievements and these noble goals should be further pursued.  Today however, today we are facing a new epidemic: chronic disease.  In the USA, one in two adults has a chronic disease and one in four has two or more. 2

Obesity, asthma, cancer, immune and autoimmune diseases, neurological and developmental disorders, are ‘lifestyle diseases’ mainly caused or aggravated by bad nutrition and toxic load. Vaccines are administered to healthy individuals to prevent targeted infections, but their long-term impact on the immune system and their potential role in chronic disease is not being evaluated. Individual risk of poor outcomes to both infection and vaccination varies widely and mass vaccination without proper discrimination at the individual level has led to injuries, death, and unintended consequences. Recently, independent researchers and laboratories have discovered that many vaccines are contaminated with retroviruses3 and polluted by nanoparticles 4. High levels of aluminium associated with vaccine adjuvants have been found in the brains of autistic children or in people suffering from neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.5, 6

In your previous meeting you advocated for less independent testing, considered ‘redundant’, in order to speed up the supply of products.7 The recent administration of 250, 000 defective vaccines in China8, the tragedy of the oral polio campaign in India with over 450, 000 cases of paralysis and death9, the damage caused by the Dengue vaccine in the Philippines10, reports from all over the world of chronic pain and paralysis after administration of the HPV vaccine11, 12,  show that vaccine safety and efficacy are being tragically disregarded in this drive for fast-tracking approval and easy certification.

If developing standards and sharing best practice amongst controlling bodies is needed, testing by national and independent laboratories must be maintained, since fraud and technical hazard from storage or transportation can still occur and biases or new findings would not be detected.  According to your report, « It was noted that the aims of the network are a good fit with industry’s proposal for risk-based testing and networking ».13 But this ‘risk-based’ approach geared to reducing test requirements for vaccines considered of ‘low risk’, seems a dangerous pursuit.

Many health authorities complain about vaccine hesitancy, but fail to reassure the public by providing the safety data they request.  All over the world, millions of people have signed petitions demanding more safety, transparency and independent research, but decision makers chose fast-tracking instead.

To restore confidence lost, we insist that before any kind of recommendation or authorisation is issued, ALL vaccines pre-qualified or recommended by the WHO will be submitted to:

  • Extensive clinical trials conducted by bodies independent from the manufacturers
  • Middle- and long-term studies on efficiency and safety, not ‘days’.
  • Tests for carcinogenic properties
  • Tests around fertility issues
  • Tests on pregnancy, spontaneous abortion and the developing foetus
  • Mutagenic effects (changes induced in the DNA)
  • Tests for effects on the neurological system and development of the brain
  • Real inert placebo testing, which is almost never done on vaccines

We also insist that the WHO should provide studies on:

  • Adjuvants and preservatives such as aluminium and mercury and their bioaccumulation
  • Other toxic material used, such as polysorbate, Tween 80, formaldehyde etc
  • Vaccine safety and the age of vaccine administration
  • The impact of full vaccine schedules on the global health of a population
  • The comparison of vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations in global health terms
  • Viral transmission of people recently vaccinated with live virus vaccine such as measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, influenza or oral polio vaccine for example.

    In particular, we ask that the use of combined vaccines and the same-day administration of multiple vaccines be thoroughly investigated.  Figures from India show that the numbers of deaths within three days following vaccination doubled when using a Pentavalent (5-in-one) vaccine rather than a triple DTP vaccine. It is projected that this change will cause between 7020 and 8190 deaths each year in infants in India14. It furthers appears that in confidential periodic safety reports of the hexavalent Infanrix polio vaccine submitted to the EMA, the manufacturer GSK has deleted a number of death cases between reports. 15

    Concerning the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine and its link with autism, the only reference mentioned on the autism section of your website is an out-dated French article translating press claims that have been disproven in a decision from the English High Court in 2012. 16, 17 While William Thompson, an expert from the CDC has confessed in 2014 to having manipulated the data of a key reference study, no further investigations have been made yet.18 With one in 36 children diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder in the USA19, this study is an absolute priority and independent laboratory testing and new clinical trials must now replace the flow of ‘inconclusive’ statistics.

    Confirming this priority, an Italian Parliamentary Commission recently reported numerous death, autoimmune diseases and cancers in military personnel after multiple vaccines had been administered and called for more research and precautionary measures20. The long-term effects of vaccines are not studied and the recent revision of the classification of “Adverse Events Following Immunisation” does not allow for accurate reporting of death cases or of side effects not previously declared by the manufacturer.21 With the alarming rise in chronic diseases, immune, autoimmune and developmental disorders worldwide, immediate responsible action is imperative.

    In its recent resolution on vaccine hesitancy, the European Parliament calls for “transparency and declaration of conflicts of interest, including researchers working for the World Health Organisation and the European Medicines Agency”. It proposes that “researchers subject to a conflict of interest be excluded from evaluation panels”; further “calls for the confidentiality of the deliberations of the EMA evaluation panel to be lifted”; proposes that “the scientific and clinical data which inform the conclusions of the panel, and whose anonymity is guaranteed in advance, be made public”. 22

    It fails however to question biased reports. 23

    When it comes to approving or recommending a new vaccine, we know that:

    • Pre-licensure studies are exclusively carried out by the manufacturers who stand to profit.This is a clear conflict of interest.
    • Pre-licensure studies do not and cannot capture all adverse events that will occur in real world situations.
    • Peer reviewed scientific journals have huge conflicts of interest and most studies are biased or false 24, 25, 26
    • Post-marketing surveillance in all countries is woefully inadequate. Only 1 to 10% of adverse events are being reported. In the USA, the mandatory biennial safety reports from US Health & Human Services to Congress on vaccine safety have simply never been written. 27

    The funding of your organisation relies on important private donations, such as the GAVI alliance, a partnership with banks and industries. The fact alone that this very meeting is funded by a private investor, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 28

    is highly questionable.  Given this inherent conflict of interest, it is therefore absolutely imperative that independent studies and experts be involved in the approval and recommendations of vaccines and vaccine policies.  And if the WHO guarantees the safety of the vaccine it is pre-qualifying, it should also assume liability for adverse events following vaccination.

    Promoting mandatory vaccination for entire populations with products that essentially rely on manufacturers’ data for their general safety and efficacy is an evident breach of the precautionary principle and as such becomes a forced medical experiment.

    Since the health risk of vaccination is entirely borne by individuals, the WHO must ensure that it is minimal, and that fully informed consent in observed.

    In order to restore public trust in health authorities and improve public health policies worldwide, we therefore demand actions and answers that meet our requests.

    We thank the honourable members of this assembly for their attention and pray they will open their hearts and minds to our message.

    Signed by


    Robert Kennedy Jr., Children’s Health Defense, USA

    James Lyons-Weiler, the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge, USA

    Bernadette Pajer, Informed Choice Washington, USA

    Vera Sharav, Alliance for Human Research Protection, USA

    Brandy Vaughan, Learn the Risk, USA

    Michelle Ford, Vaccine Injury Awareness League,USA

    Norma Erikson, Sanevax, USA
    Ashleigh Parchman, TN Medical Freedom Alliance

    Georgia Coalition for Vaccine Choice – Sandi Marcus

    Christina Favazza, Florida health action network

    Laura June, Floridians for Medical Freedom

    Laura Fisher Andersen, Health Choice CT

    Vallie Osborne, Informed Choice-Emerald Coast Florida

    Jennifer Black, South Carolina Health Coalition

    Lucy Cole, California

    Kristen Chevrier and Melissa Andersen, Your Health Freedom Utah

    Alicia Marie, Minnesota Vaccine Freedom Coalition

    Elizabeth Murphy, Tennesee Medical Freedom Alliance

    Alison Fujito, Pennsylvania Coalition for Informed Consent

    Robin Rebrik Stavola, Angela Lockhart, Tom Stavola Jr., Hope from Holly Inc.

    Erica Dawson, Iowa Vaccine Awareness & Education Network

    Patti Carroll, Vaccine Safety Council of Minnesota

    Shanda Burke, Informed Choice Iowa

    Sue Fischer Collins, New Jersey Coalition for Vaccine Choice

    Tara Marie, Wisconsin Coalition for Informed Vaccination

    Michelle Cotterman, Health Freedom Ohio

    Jennifer Larson, The Canary Party

    Mark F. Blaxill, Health Choice

    Debby Lammam, Medical Freedom Nevada

    Stacy Cayce, Oregonians for Medical Freedom

    Stephanie Stock, Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom

    Karri Lewis, AWAKE California

    Terry Roark, California Coalition for Vaccine Choice

    MaryJo Perry, Mississippi Parents for Vaccine Rights

    Jennifer Stella, Health Choice Vermont

    Yvette Negron-Torres, Virginians for Medical Freedom

    Angie Gallagher, Minnesota Vaccine Freedom Coalition

    Denise Gonzalez Cosner, New Jersey Medical Freedom Advocates

    Jessica Marie, Hawaii for Informed Consent

    MacKenzie Strickland Fraser, Health Freedom Florida

    Suzanne Waltman, Michigan for Vaccine Choice

    Kristen Holland, Tennessee Coalition for Vaccine Choice

    Wendy Silvers, Million Mamas Movement

    Edda West for Vaccine Choice, Canada

    Mariano Fernandez Bychowiec, Libertad Sanitaria Argentina

    Felipe Gonzalez & Gloria Pizarro Elizalde, Libertad de Vacunacion, Chile

    Sabrina Iglesias, Libertad Sanitaria Uruguay


    Dr. Kris Gaublomme for the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance

    Aegis Osterreich, Austria

    Impffrei, Austria

    Dr. Kris Gaublomme, Preventie Vaccinatieschade, Belgium

    Inititative Citoyenne, Belgique

    Andrei Edrev for Alternative Energy, Bulgaria

    Cijepljenje Pravo Izbora, Croatia

    Dr. Ivana Delas for the Croatian Association of Parent Activists, Croatia

    Rozalio, Czech Republic

    Liga Lidskych Prav, Czech Republic

    Vaccinations Forum, Denmark

    Suomen Homeopatian Akatemia, Finland

    Sophie Guillot for Agir pour le Libre Consentement Thérapeutique, France

    Marie-Rose Cuisigniez, Association Liberté Information Santé, France

    Michel de Lorgeril et Philippe Harvaux, Association Internationale pour une Médecine Scientifique Indépendante et Bienveillante, France

    Carine Curtet, Association Ametist, France

    Dr. Dominique Eraud, Coordination Nationale Médicale Santé Environnement, France

    Sophie Guillot, Ensemble pour une Vaccination Libre, France

    Marie Werbrègue, Info Vaccin France

    Lucie Michel, Les Mamans Courage, France

    Patrick Ledrappier, Libre Consentement Eclairé, France

    Association Liberté Information Santé, France

    Jean-Pierre Eudier, Ligue Nationale pour la Liberté de Vaccination, France

    Cathy Gaches, Reseau des Victimes de la Vaccination

    Libertas & Sanitas, Germany

    Impfkritik, Germany

    Artzen fur Individuelle Impfentscheidung, Germany

    Impf-Info, Germany

    Eltern fur Impfaufklarung, Germany

    Nebancs Viragegyesulet, Hungary

    Kotelezo Helyett Valaszthato, Hungary

    Regret, Ireland

    Irish Vaccination Awareness Group

    Ader, Italy

    Claudio Simion for Comilva, Italy

    Ferdinando Donolato for Corvelva, Veneto, Italy

    Colibri, Puglia, Italy

    Comitatio Faenza, Italy

    Genitori di Cervia per la Libera Scelta, Italy

    Genitori del No Obbligo, Lombardia, Italy

    Genitori del No Obbligo, Piemonte, Italy

    Genitori per la Libera Scelta, Monza e Brianza, Italy

    ClisVa, Toscana, Italy

    E Pur Si Muove, Rimini, Italy

    Gruppi Uniti, Italy

    Il Sentiero di Nicola, Italy

    Libero per Tutti, Forli, Italy

    Dario Miedico e Emiliano Gioia, SiAmo, Italy

    VacciPiano, Sicilia, Italy

    Nepriklausomas Skiepu Informacijo Centras, Lithuania

    Colette Welter, Aegis, Luxembourg

    Nederlandse Vereniging Kritisch Prikken, The Netherlands

    Stichting Vaccinvrij, The Netherlands

    Foreningen for Fritt Vaksinevalg, Norway

    Justyna Socha, Piotr Jawornik Ogolnopolskie Stowarzyszenie Wiedzy o Szczepieniach STOP NOP, Poland

    Dragana Timotic, Inicijativa Nova, Citizen’s Initiative for Optional Vaccination, Serbia

    Sloboda v Ockovani, Slovakia

    Svood, Slovenia

    Asociacion de Afectadas por la Vacuna del Papiloma, Spain

    La Liga para la Libertad de Vacunacion, Spain

    Sara Boo, NHF, Sweden

    Netzwerk Impfentscheid, Switzerland, Switzerland

    John Stone, Age of Autism, UK

    Anna Watson, Arnica, UK

    Freda Birrell, Association of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters, UK

    The Informed Parent, UK

    Jabs, Justice, Awareness and Basic Support, UK

    Joan Shenton, Immunity Resource Foundation, UK


    Meryl Dorey, Australian Vaccination-Risk Network, Australia

    Elisabeth Hart,, Australia


    1 « The Gobal Eradication of Polio » Final Report of the Global Commission for the Certification of Smallpox Eradication, Geneva, December 1979, the World Health Organization, 1980.

    2 « About Chronic Disease », Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, 5 September 2018

    3 J. Mikovits & K. Heckenlively « Plague », Skyhorse Publishing, 2014

    4 S. Montanari, A. Gatti « New Control Investigations on Vaccines : Micro- and Nanocontamination », International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination, Vol. 4 Issue 1, 23 Jan. 2017

    5 C. Exley et al., « Aluminium in Brain Tissue in Autism », Journal of Trace elements in Medical Biology, March 2018, 46 :76-82

    6 C. Exley, « Aluminium and Alzheimer’s Disease: The Science that Describes the Link. Elsevier Science », Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2001. 441p

    7 Report of the First General Meeting of the WHO-NCL Network for Biologicals, Noida, India, 31 Oct.-2 Nov.2017.

    8 F. Murphy « China Vaccine Scandal : Investigations Begin into Faulty Rabies and DTaP shots » British Medical Journal, 25 Jul. 2018, 2018 ; 362 ;k3244

    9 Rachana Dhiman , Sandeep C. Prakash, V. Sreenivas , Jacob Puliyel. Correlation between Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis Rates with Pulse Polio Frequency in India Int J Environ res Public Health 2018;15:1755

    [1]0 P. Rana« Initial Philippines Probes Finds Causal Association Between Deaths and Sanofi Dengue Vaccine », Wall Street Journal, 2 Feb. 2018 [1]1 P. Goetzsche et al. « Complaint filed to EMA over Maladministration Related to the Safety of the HPV Vaccine », Nordic Cochrane

    12 R. Gherardi « Toxic Story », Actes Sud, Oct. 2016

    [1]3 Report of the First General Meeting of the WHO-NCL Network for Biologicals, Noida, India, 31 Oct.-2 Nov.2017, p. 6, section 3.4 [1]4 J. Puliyel, Jaspreet Kaur, Ashish Puliyel, Visnubhatla Sreenivas « Deaths Reported after Pentavalent Vaccine Compared with Death Reported after Diphtheria‑Tetanus‑Pertussis Vaccine: An Exploratory Analysis. » Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2018;11:99-105. [1]5 J. Puliyel, SathyamalaC. « Infanrix hexa and sudden death: a review of the periodic safety update reports submitted to the European Medicines Agency », Indian Journal of Medical Ethics 2018 Jan-Mar;3(1):43-47 [1]6 High Court Decision of 7 March 2012, between Prof. John Walker-Smith and the General Medical Council, EWHC 503, Case n° CO/7039/2010 [1]7 V. Sharav « L’Affaire Wakefield : Shades of Dreyfus and BMJ’s Descent Into Tabloid Science », Alliance for Human Research Protection, 2017 [1]8 Documentary « Vaxxed : from Cover-Up to Catastrophy » April 2016. [1]9 B. ZAblotsky et al. « Estimated Prevalence of Children Diagnosed with Developmental Disabilities in the United States, 2014-2106 » NCHS Data Brief n°291, November 2017

    20 “Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into Cases of Death and Severe Illnesses Affecting Italian Personnel Assigned to Military Missions Abroad”, Acts of Parliament, XXII-bisn. 23-bis,Vol. I, II and III , Rapporteur G. P. Scanu, Approved 7 Feb. 2018

    2[1] Puliyel J, Naik P  Revised World Health Organization (WHO)’s causality assessment of adverse events following immunization—a critique

    22 « Vaccine Hesitancy and the drop of Vaccination Rates in Europe », resolution of the European Parliament, 19 April 2018. (2017/2951)

    23 L. Jorgensen, P. Goetzsche, T. Jefferson «The Cochrane HPV vaccine review was incomplete and ignored important evidence of bias » BMJ evidence Based Medicine, July 27th 2018.

    24 P. Goetzsche, « A moral governance crisis : the growing lack of democratic collaboration and scientific pluralism in Cochrane », open letter 14 Sep. 2018, Nordic Cochrane Centre

    25 J. Ioannidis, « Why Most Published Research Findings are False », PLOS medicine, 30 Aug. 2005

    26 M. Angell « The Truth about Pharmaceutical Companies.  How They Deceive Us and what to do About It », Random House, 2004

    27 « Mandate for Safer Childhood Vaccines », Decision of the US District Court, Southern District New York, Between Informed Consent Action Network and the US Deparment of Health and Human Services

    28 The Bill & Melinda Gates foundation is one the 5 biggest investors in the world. In August 2018, it had 22,114 million $ in stocks according to




I'm not sure why, but in reading both the comments and the article, I was reminded of a quote attributed to Napoléon Bonaparte:

“Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.”

Hans Litten

Posted by: Grace Green | September 24, 2018 at 11:57 AM

The infamous kissinger document from 1970s nssm200 did talk explicitly about using food as a weapon
and I think one interpretation of that could be the use of glyphosate in our food chain !

roslyn ross

The only way change will come is from parents and the public, demanding that such research be done before they or their children will have any vaccination.

david m burd

Grace Green, You are absolutely right!

THE actual Cause of so many escalating disabilties and/or deaths are NOT due to "lifestyles".

Rather the vast majority are DIRECTLY Due to the immense toxicities of escalating "immunization Schedules" starting while pregnant, at birth, 47+ vaccine doses injected/exposed to infants by 18 months, and continously forever EVERY Year per the Flu Vaccine (an annual neurotoxic obscenity that never stops!).

Grace Green

This is powerfully worded and I hope it will get the attention it deserves. It is also the voice of the people, presumably because the doctors, scientists and other professionals in the field can have their say more directly. I was puzzled by the sentence which states that ours "are lifestyle diseases mainly caused or aggravated by poor nutrition and toxic load." I certainly hadn't heard that view on this or any other autism website, although I can see the connection with obesity and some cancers. However, I've puzzled for many years why one cardiac specialist told me "you're doing this to yourself" without saying how! And I've also been told more than once that my symptoms are caused by poor diet (that from Scottish doctors!) However, when I have asked for an analysis of my diet they've refused, even when I've been through the ombudsman. (I actually eat an extremely healthy, organic diet, and have done since I was a teenager.) So this makes me pretty sure that , in my case at least, they KNOW that it's not "lifestyle" and are trying to cover up what it really is - vaccines and dental amalgams. Even if some people don't eat a healthy diet, I can't believe that alone would cause autism, though it might be a contributary factor. I wonder if that sentence took anyone else by surprise?



bob moffit

I suspect the official response by WHO to this extensive request for common sense oversight of GLOBABL vaccine industry .. signed by approximately 200 HUNDRED concerned organizations will amount to a curt … "CONTENTS NOTED" .. signaling WHO will ignore this request as they continue to ignore similar requests .. year after year.


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