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New Study: Aluminium in Brain Tissue in Multiple Sclerosis

image from www.rescuepost.comInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 201815(8), 1777; (registering DOI)

Aluminium in Brain Tissue in Multiple Sclerosis

Mold M, Chmielecka A, Rodriguez MRR, Thom F, Linhart C., King A, Exley C.



Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a devastating and debilitating neurodegenerative disease of unknown cause. A consensus suggests the involvement of both genetic and environmental factors of which the latter may involve human exposure to aluminium. There are no data on the content and distribution of aluminium in human brain tissue in MS. The aluminium content of brain tissue from 14 donors with a diagnosis of MS was determined by transversely heated graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. The location of aluminium in the brain tissue of two donors was investigated by aluminium-specific fluorescence microscopy. The aluminium content of brain tissue in MS was universally high with many tissues bearing concentrations in excess of 10 μg/g dry wt. (10 ppm) and some exceeding 50 ppm. There were no statistically significant relationships between brain lobes, donor age or donor gender. Aluminium-specific fluorescence successfully identified aluminium in brain tissue in both intracellular and extracellular locations. The association of aluminium with corpora amylacea suggests a role for aluminium in neurodegeneration in MS. View Full-Text



"In 1994, the French health authorities launched a national vaccination campaign of all pupils in the first year of secondary school. The following year, HB [Hepatitis B] vaccine was added to the national immunization program for all young babies and preteenagers. This intensive campaign had quickly exceeded its expected targets by also encouraging the adult population to be mass-vaccinated, whereas the vaccination of the infants remained less significant. This resulted in an unprecedented 'wave' of immunization in adults, with 20 million French individuals vaccinated against HB, concentrated in 4 years, from 1994 to 1997.

MS cases in some vaccinated adults were rapidly notified to the French national pharmacovigilance system (ANSM), triggering investigation by this agency. This inquiry, started in 1994, was therefore already underway when French media revealed possible occurrence of post-immunization MS in 1998. This year, French health authorities abruptly terminated routine school-based vaccination of preteens, and adult HB vaccination began to be less widespread....

A study aiming at quantifying underreporting in Fourrier’s article [8] was conducted by D. Costagliola on request of [ANSM]. This unpublished study showed by the 'capture–recapture' method that the real number of MS cases linked to HB vaccine was 2–2.5 higher than the officially registered number [10]....

A plausible mechanism between cause and effect is helpful. Are there explanations regarding plausible mechanisms by which vaccines and particularly this vaccine may induce harm?...A first hypothesis could be the similarity between the protein S (used in the vaccine against HB) and some myelin proteins such as PLP (proteolipid proteins) [34]. Another interesting track would be contamination by minor HB virus polymerase proteins. And we know that HB virus polymerase shares significant amino acid similarities with the human MBP (myelin basic protein) [35]. This process is called molecular mimicry: a foreign antigen that shares sequence or structural similarities with self-antigens.

Another runway about biological plausibility is to take into account the metabolism of vaccine adjuvants in the human body. The long-term persistence of aluminum adjuvant at the site of vaccine injection is now well established [36]. Furthermore, transferring of aluminum particles from muscle to brain is demonstrated in animals [37].... "


"Researchers at the University of Toronto and UC San Francisco have discovered that the intestine is the source of immune cells that reduce brain inflammation in people with multiple sclerosis (MS), and that increasing the number of these cells blocks inflammation entirely in a preclinical model of the disease.

The cells in question are plasma cells — white blood cells that originate as B cells in the bone marrow but change their behavior when triggered by microbes in the gut. Studying mice and samples from human MS patients, the researchers found that plasma cells that reside in the gut and produce Immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibodies appear to migrate to the central nervous system and produce an anti-inflammatory effect during MS flare-ups....

Canada and the U.S. have among the highest rates of MS in the world, with around three in every thousand individuals affected...."

Hans Litten

Posted by: Benedetta | August 20, 2018 at 10:04 PM

But is the bottled water in the US fluoridated ? I think it is !

What an amazing video !

Exley is simply Excellent .......Exleyent


I like Fiji water. The hydrogenated silica acid is higher than anything I can find, by a lot. It has a rather smooth texture to it; well you can tell there is something about it. However; it is pricy , I live in an area that I can not get to the stores that sell it, and I can't carry enough home all the way from the nearby cities.

However; any spring water that runs though sandstone has hydrogenated silica acid. Our area has a major spring that does just that is pretty good water to, pretty smooth (no not as smooth as Fiji) but it has it. I am guessing at least half of what Fiji has. I also buy concentrated lemon juice and make lemonade with it every evening for my family to drink.

We have had some neighbors and friends that have had bladder cancer, and kidney stones. The urologist that everyone goes to and loves; recommends lemons in water to dissolve kidney stones and to keep the bladder and kidneys healthy. So, I got it all covered.

Angus Files

Dr Exley also has a blog on aluminium and MS


Pharma For Prison



The Atlanta-based HHS public health Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) claims it “protects communities from harmful health effects related to exposure to natural and man-made hazardous substances.”

Its Toxic Substances Portal page lists sources of aluminum absorption or ingestion from “antacids, astringents, buffered aspirin, food additives, and antiperspirants.”

No mention of aluminum from injected vaccines.

Susan Welch

Grateful thanks, not only to Prof. Exley and team, but also to CSMRI who provide funding for this important work

Grace Green

Thanks for that information, Rebecca. I must confess I haven't read the whole book by Andy Cutler, but have tried to do the mercury chelation using what little Ive gathered. I've also been trying the aluminium removal using mineral water and that doesn't seem to have had any effect yet, so your comment could shed light on that.

Rebecca Lee

Andy Cutler reported that aluminum is excreted naturally from the brain and body. It is only retained in the presence of mercury. Of course the two metals are synergistic. But who knows how much Mercury is in the brains that got studied here. And what damage that was doing.

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