Joan Shenton of Sacrificial Virgins HPV Vaccine Film Application for Australia Visa Held Up for Controversial Views
"Must meet the character requirements...." Australian government. "Any risk they may pose..." Journalist denied VISA to Australia for "controversial views." A movie about HPV vaccine.
You can watch a video on Facebook here
The day before the Sacrificial Virgins tour is due to start! Updates on Joan Shenton's visa application and new scientific information on HPV vaccine's association with an INCREASE in both cases of and deaths from cervical cancer.
From the Sacrificial Virgins website:
The Human Papilloma Vaccine (HPV) is a treatment in widespread use but its efficacy in preventing cancer is medically unproven, while unintended, adverse reactions are blighting and even ending the lives of girls and young women across the world. However, pharmaceutical manufacturers and many health authorities are refusing to acknowledge there is a problem and the medical community is continuing to offer the vaccine.
Sacrificial Virgins – so named because the vaccine is often given to girls before they become sexually active – exposes increasing evidence of serious neurological damage following the HPV injections. It calls for the vaccine to be withdrawn in the hope that this will help to halt another global tragedy.
Great article! Thanks for sharing this information. I find this article very useful to me, also I would share it with my friends.
Gregory Finkelson
Posted by: Gregory Finkelson | March 27, 2019 at 06:14 AM
For Laura Hayes
Where ever Gardasil has been rolled out the depopulation forecasts are astonishing :
Posted by: Hans Litten | August 08, 2018 at 11:18 AM
I remember when Michael Moore went an airport to heroically stand with Emad Burnet. The documentarian of Five Broken Cameras. Michael Moore, Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert......
are not half the men that Colton Berrett, who said, "I don't want the girls to get hurt either" are.
Posted by: annie | August 02, 2018 at 10:58 PM
It's rare that a vaccine is quickly withdrawn, BUT, there is the classic example that did happen in 1976 regarding the outlandish national impetus to have the whole U.S.A. vaccinated with a new hastily concocted flu vaccine via the fear-mongering Medical Maniacs in the CDC & NIH; all this following a single "influenza" death of a soldier at Ft. Dix in New Jersey.
When the first millions of citizens were injected, thousands of toxic reactions took place, the most dramatic being Guillane-Barre paralysis and scores of deaths. President Ford quickly called off the National Flu Shot Campaign.
The difference today compared to 1976 is the now law-protected Vaccine Maker Industry, and the now even more corrupt (in bed with Pharma and Vaccine makers) CDC, NIH, FDA et al. At any rate there is indeed a prededent of recognizing one truly toxic/deadly vaccine. An example that will inevitably be repeated, the question being when?
Posted by: david m burd | August 02, 2018 at 12:01 PM
Shame on the Australian government! If there is a silver-lining to this story it is the generation of "controversy" over the film because bad publicity can be as (if not more) effective than good publicity in garnering interest in the film.
Personally, as I physician, I only really understood the reality of vaccines after watching VAXXED in April 2016 -it was the controversy that brought it my attention and prompted me to watch it. Before that I didn't question the safety or efficacy of childhood vaccines, though I questioned the need and claims of the new HPV vaccines because of activist french physician Dr. Joyeux - who last month was vindicated when his colleagues tried to petition to have his medical license revoked - they lost (but they are now doubling-down again). Dr. Joyeux is a gem and courageous individual, as are so many in this field - such as Joan Shenton. I'm always humbled!
Posted by: HarvardMD | August 02, 2018 at 11:32 AM
And here is the German resistance :
Gardasil is the most dangerous on the market and could soon be given to infants !
Posted by: Hans Litten | August 02, 2018 at 11:02 AM
The French resistance exists !
Probabilité réduite de grossesse chez les femmes vaccinées contre le HPV (Gardasil et Cervarix)
Posted by: Hans Litten | August 02, 2018 at 10:56 AM
Try not to laugh at this one (scoundrels at work !) :
Merck Foundation and Marshall Health Announce New Initiative to Address Opioid Epidemic in West Virginia
Merck Foundation Pledges $2 Million as First Private-Sector Partner
"Opioid overdose is the leading cause of death for Americans under 50, and opioid use contributes to a significant increase in infectious diseases, including HIV and hepatitis C," said Dr. Julie L. Gerberding, chief patient officer, Merck and vice chair, Merck Foundation Board of Trustees. "We have a long history of addressing public health challenges and we're proud to be the first private-sector partner to join with Marshall Health and others to find effective solutions to this deadly epidemic."
Posted by: Hans Litten | August 02, 2018 at 10:40 AM
Seems there is resistance to the Turnbulls ..... VOTE THEM OUT !
Healthcare consumers must become activists to make mandatory unsafe vaccine schedules passé and become a 2018 mid-term elections issue, since vaccines have not been studied for safety by HHS as mandated by Congress and the 1986 vaccine law.
Therefore, vaccines are unproven invasive medical treatments violating patients’ rights to informed consent, which happen to be in violation of the 1986 vaccine law in the USA, National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 (42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34).
Consequently, the World Health Organization (WHO) and every health agency (foreign and domestic) that accepts the U.S. CDC’s false information regarding vaccine safety, must rescind their statutes for mandatory vaccinations, a false and unproven medical paradigm, which apparently has become one of the environmental factors, if not the key cause, for the Autism and ASD plague now affecting the world’s children.
Several CDC studies apparently were deliberately re-worked or supervised via implicit instructions of CDC officials like Coleen A. Boyle, PhD, (the fraudulent Thorsen Danish study [3]) and Julie Gerberding, MD, former CDC director, to disprove the 2004 MMR vaccine study caused Autism when the research indicated it did in young black boys less than 3 years of age. That classic example is documented in VAXXED, From Cover-up to Catastrophe.
How much more HHS/CDC/FDA quackery is healthcare consumers willing to accept?
Posted by: Hans Litten | August 02, 2018 at 10:36 AM
There IS one dramatic difference about the terrible toxicity of the HPV vaccine injected into young girls and women through 20 years old versus the many dozens of injected vaccines into infants from day 1 of birth and through their first 18 months of life.
Almost always alarmed parents are told by doctors and nurses it is just a "coincidence" their babies are having dire problems within days (or immediately) after being injected, as of course the helpless immobile infants cannot speak and verbalize their distress, though their screaming and crying and seizures are completely abnormal.
BUT, with the HPV the victims can (and do) verbalize their distress, and their being stricken with various forms of paralysis, mental confusion, many other forms of distress is dramatic and obvious, and logically (with any objectivity) a direct result of the taken toxic HPV shot(s).
I have hope these obvious HPV-vaccine tragedies will indeed demand the vaccine's complete retraction, to then crack wide-open the whole corrupt concept of "vaccines are safe and effective" yet in truth are responsible for the carnage now inflicted on infants and toddlers who can't speak for themselves.
Posted by: david m burd | August 02, 2018 at 10:16 AM
The Facebook video is brilliant - all 26 minutes that are a Must Watch!
Joan Shenton's Sacrificial Virgins is even more brilliant (if that's possible) as it will reveal, and be a lever, into the catastrophic toxicities of all vaccines pushed onto and into our children AND adults. Shenton has been on the front line for decades in revealing the huge lies perpetuated by Big Pharma along with their Government Health Agency stooges such as CDC, NIH, et al. Everybody will be well served to review her history of honest objective journalism.
Posted by: David m burd | August 02, 2018 at 07:40 AM
Australia is clearly still a penal colony ! Who knew ?
Vote the Turncoats OUT !!
Posted by: Hans Litten | August 02, 2018 at 06:01 AM