Read All About It: Federal Vaccine Safety Reports Go Unreported
Being mom to five is fun but can be tiring. These kids of mine love to sign up for things – sports, clubs, afterschool activities. I look forward to the summer months where I can take a break from their busy schedules. This time of year, we scale back on things because we can. That includes me, too. I take time away from activities that I do during our family’s busier months, including some of the reading I do about vaccines, about autism, and about special needs parenting. I need a break from some of that like the kids need a break from school.
As much as I sometimes think I’ll remove myself from all things advocacy, I don’t think I could ever fully rest from it. I’m constantly reminded of what vaccines did and also what they took away. I’ve tried, but to walk away completely just isn’t an option. Wouldn’t I rather just put my feet up and stop the madness for a minute or two. Sure! But if I stop, who’ll pick up where I left off? Some of my friends and family will (thank you!), but how long will they last? They know a lot about Ronan, but they won’t know everything there is to know until they step in my shoes 24/7/365.
I pray I never have to ask anyone to be me each and every day for all of my kids. But if I do, I’d want that someone to also pick up the advocating that moms like me do. Would my family be able to do that? Those closest to us most likely would. Would my friends? I think so, but I know not everyone shares the same thoughts and opinions as I do about certain topics. That doesn’t stop us from being friend, but it has limited some topics of conversation in the past.
I was thinking about how some topics are better left “off topic” when I saw Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Del Bigtree’s recent announcement. If you’re part of the vaccine-autism community, you’ve probably already heard all about it. For those who are not part of this community but who’d like a quick rundown of what that document states, hold onto your seats.
What it comes down to is this: Much of what you’ve been told about vaccines is a lie, and everything parents of vaccine-injured children have informed you of or reminded you about vaccines is true.
From the ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network):
…since 1986, HHS has had the primary and virtually sole responsibility to make and assure improvements in the licensing, manufacturing, adverse reaction reporting, research, safety and efficacy testing of vaccines in order to reduce the risk of adverse vaccine reactions. In order to assure HHS meets its vaccine safety obligations, Congress required as part of the 1986 Act that the Secretary of HHS submit a biennial reports to Congress detailing the improvements in vaccine safety made by HHS in the preceding two years. “The result of the lawsuit is that HHS had to finally and shockingly admit that it never, not even once, submitted a single biennial report to Congress detailing the improvements in vaccine safety.”
Basically, your government does not have your best interest in mind when it comes to vaccines, and it hasn’t for a long time now.
If this news shocks you like it shocked me, fear not! Something can be done about it. I was made aware of a call to action that anyone can submit through the Autism Action Network. Send in a comment today, then share the link with 10 people. It shouldn’t hurt to hear straight from the horse’s mouth, which is why I’m also encouraging friends who still believe and trust in their country’s vaccine program to ask for some clarification of this discovery. Who knows? When friends get a reply, maybe future conversations about vaccine safety will be a little bit different.
Up until now, conversations about vaccines can be awkward, especially with those who have typical children who’ve been vaccinated. Since the mainstream news is slow to report this type of information, I wonder if the next time you or I get caught in a convo with friends, a doctor, or a school district staff member about vaccine safety, we might show them the link to the lawsuit. If they’re so sure that vaccines are as safe as they claim them to be, I wonder if you’d ask them to produce the HHS’ every-other-year safety reports, you know, the ones that don’t exist. I’m not a vindictive person, but I’d love to see their expression when they realize that they can’t.
I may not be vindictive, but I am tired. Having to keep an ever-watchful eye on my child with special needs is exhausting. Defending my parental rights can add to that exhaustion. But if I back down or if I walk away from my son, like the HHS walked away from their responsibility and from the public, I could never live with myself. Dollars to donuts, HHS is okay with that.
Because the very people running the vaccine program are also the ones guarding the hen house?
Because mainstream doctors depend on vaccines for job stability?
Because politicians are bought and paid?
I know the answer to those questions, but I still can’t help but ask why. Why would the HHS have allowed decades to go by with nary a reply to Congress or to the people they serve? I think the long and the short of it is because they can. It’s a shame because I trusted the government long before I learned to trust myself. Mother’s intuition started to scream one thing, but that government of mine assured me of something different. Sadly, I didn’t listen to my mother’s intuition. My son’s vaccine injury has reminded me of that every single day since.
What happened to my son didn’t have to be. It really didn’t. Which is why I can never completely walk away from advocating or from speaking up to whomever will listen to me talk all about vaccines.
Cathy Jameson is a Contributing Editor for Age of Autism.
NHS Employers File to download
flu fighter
Healthcare Worker Vaccination
Clinical Evidence
[Updated September2018]
see How is safety of the Flu vaccine monitored?
Why do some doctors/clinicians refuse the flu vaccine?
Current uptake at around 50% for frontline workers .
sounds rather a little bit, of just a tad, anti-vaccination-ish perhaps !
"Over the past damn 30 yrs "
Respect for the state of their standards has already hit the rocks " No question about it!
Posted by: Morag | September 15, 2018 at 04:37 AM
Re-post--my bad. Here's the completed post.
The HHS stipulation--admission, reminds me of the EPA's admission regarding fluoridation chemicals. The background: There was actually a 2-year congressional investigation into fluoridation in 1999-2001 led by Ken Calvert, Subcommittee on Energy and Environment. Questions were asked of the EPA, FDA, CDC. As many of you already know, fluoride is regulated as a contaminant by the EPA and fluoridation is the deliberate contamination of the drinking water. Long story made short, the EPA was asked a series of questions.
Question 2: What chronic toxicity test data are there on sodium flurosilicate? On hydrofluorosilicic acid?
Here is the EPA's response to Question 2: " Sodium fluorosilicate and hydrofluorosilicic acid are two of the chemicals used in the fluoridation of water supplies. In 1998, the Office of Water (OW) at EPA initiated the development of a fact sheet to provide information on both of these chemicals for interested citizens. A draft of that fact sheet has been completed and is presently under review before being finalized. In collecting the data for the fact sheet, EPA was not able to identify chronic studies for these chemicals.
Posted by: michael | July 23, 2018 at 07:15 PM
The HHS stipulation--admission, reminds me of the EPA's admission regarding fluoridation chemicals. The background: There was actually a 2-year congressional investigation into fluoridation in 1999-2001 led by Ken Calvert, Subcommittee on Energy and Environment. Questions were asked of the EPA, FDA, CDC. As many of you already know, fluoride is regulated as a contaminant by the EPA and fluoridation is the deliberate contamination of the drinking water. Long story made short, the EPA was asked a series of questions. Question 2: What chronic toxicity test data are there on sodium flurosilicate? On hydrofluorosilicic acid?
Here is the EPA response to Question 2: " Sodium fluorosilicate and hydrofluorosilicic acid are two of the chemicals used in the fluoridation of water supplies. In 1998, the Office of Water (OW) at EPA initiated the development of a fact sheet to provide information on both of these chemicals for interested citizens. A draft of that fact sheet has been completed and is presently under review before being finalized. In collecting the data for the fact
Posted by: michael | July 23, 2018 at 06:43 PM
Oh, that's a nice spin...almost laughable.
How can they effectively promote vaccine safety if there is no reporting of adverse reactions? Isn't that the cornerstone of making safer vaccines?
These false skeptics get more hilarious every day...they keep digging themselves deeper and deeper into their own bias and cognitive dissonance.
Posted by: False Skeptics Make Me Laugh | July 23, 2018 at 11:27 AM
Posted by: Francis Weibel | July 23, 2018 at 10:49 AM
Another poor soul completely fried & deluded by the opiate epidemic sweeping the US.
Which is it Francis Weibel ? Heroin, Fentanyl or Carfentanyl ?
(Sackler - Purdue, tks Mortimer)
Posted by: White Rose | July 23, 2018 at 11:23 AM
Spinning makes the world go around, the world go around...... When buying Congress, Captive Agencies, doesn't work, there is always the 24/7 spin cycle setting on THEIR media machine.
Were the Vaxopedia Spin list been pertinent to demonstrate compliance with the law, HHS would have responded with that list to the request. Apparently HHS lawyers looked to one another and realized-- oops.
Posted by: michael | July 23, 2018 at 11:21 AM
>> I'm really curious as to how they are going to try to spin this.
"While anti-vaccine folks are pushing this lawsuit victory (?) to make folks think that HHS has done absolutely nothing to promote vaccine safety in the last 30 years, that is obviously nonsense.
The lawsuit was actually just about the reporting requirements of paragraph (c) of section 2127 of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.
It should be clear that the HHS has done plenty to promote vaccine safety though."
Posted by: Francis Weibel | July 23, 2018 at 10:49 AM
I agree with your assessment. Clearly, these provisions were put into the 1986 law merely to placate people who recognized that removing liability was going to cause big problems. The government never had any intention to abide by these mandates. If it had, then it would have at least gone through the motions, for a few years.
Posted by: David Weiner | July 23, 2018 at 10:30 AM
So, what's remarkable to me is that the "skeptical" vaccine freaks are curiously silent regarding this announcement. Seriously, I've seen nothing about this in the Facebook groups I've infiltrated, nor on any of the usual toilet-bowl "Science" blog sites that we all know and are disgusted by.
I'm really curious as to how they are going to try to spin this.
Posted by: False Skeptics Make Me Laugh | July 23, 2018 at 08:47 AM
I would guess the typical AAP doctor is $500,000 in debt with education and office expenses.
I would guess the typical American hospital is 500 million in debt as they must try to "out-do" the hospital down the street. There is nothing more important than billing for medical procedures / vaccines covered by insurance.
This if followed by billions of dollars of "vaccine damage repair treatments" not covered by anyone except the parents.
Posted by: go Trump | July 22, 2018 at 05:13 PM
The underlying question that is not asked about HHS failing to report vaccine safety studies is this. Why did Congress not request the reports? Answer. Because they do not have the appetite back then nor do they want them today.
There are so many other areas where the Sec'y of HHS has failed a congressional mandate. Public Awareness, Trust Fund audits.
Posted by: Wayne Rohde | July 22, 2018 at 02:52 PM
Benedetta, I have the same question about the aP vaccines. We can use the Aaby data to call for abandonment of the baby killing DPT worldwide, but they'll probably want to switch to DtaP (with who knows what mortality and morbidity profile...but it doesn't anecdotally sound good) over trying something like high dose sodium ascorbate for whooping cough treatment, and then go on disabling and killing too many in the next generation, whilst programming them to be whooping cough incubators.
Posted by: Jeannette Bishop | July 22, 2018 at 02:42 PM
I'm surprised they didn't at least go through the motions in some way or other of reporting on how safe the vaccine program was every two years, maybe tweaking something here or there (like the way the ACIP committee discussions feel like going through the motions before they all vote "yes...but mention after the fact to watch out for that heart attack signal as we 'go forward'" or the way the uncomfortable public comment sections at the end of IACC meetings fulfill marginally requirements of "public participation"). Was there no mechanism of informing HHS, or Congress, of these requirements to perform, or expect to be informed by, these reports? Or are the facades of bureaucratic maneuvering that we now see the evidence of the "progress" evoked by the harm vaccines are doing, whereas back in 1986 maybe the attitude of setting out to make vaccines "safer" was a heresy or a fatalistic impossibility (kind of like how Verstraeten's thimerosal research should have never been undertaken)...not to be dictated by Congress or the executive branch. Or were these requirements put on paper just another going through the motions, got the heinous 1986 act through...?
I'm with you on the exhausted part. It's so exhaustingly circular, more like downward spiraling, wasting, what they do.
Posted by: Jeannette Bishop | July 22, 2018 at 02:34 PM
The DPT in the 70s and 80s was horrible. It was so bad that it brought parents out in droves , while Pharma worked behind the scenes infiltrating our education system, health system and government to do it to us anyway. Congress passed Vaccine court into being and stipulations for reporting to them.
Years later - many years later; dragging their feet here in the United States they finally changed over to the partial cell whooping cough .
Problem solved?
All I had to do was get on my little group of parents (on the web site as unorganized as it was at that time) and up pops new parents wanting to know about this vaccine court, and reporting the bad news that what brought them to our site was the (safer) the new partial cell whooping cough vaccine.
So what I want to know, I mean really know; Did it really matter; make any difference that we changed over to the partial cell vaccine? Did the partial cell make any difference, or was it just a way of calming us cattle down as we slowly walked in a slow circular containment to slaughter?
For 32 years! Do we really, really know?
Now there are so many vaccines and boosters now it is just one big confusing mess.
And something else I would like to know, curious to know: Has there still been some one or bodies inside the HHS that has been doing the research and do know? I mean even though they never bothered to write up these reports; do they at least know?
Or have they just really been blind and ignorant on the whole matter for 32 years, and it is a great, big, black hole of ignorance?
Posted by: Benedetta | July 22, 2018 at 09:22 AM
What it comes down to is this: Much of what you’ve been told about vaccines is a lie, and everything parents of vaccine-injured children have informed you of or reminded you about vaccines is true.
Cathy, I loved your article and, in particular, the above sentence. Thank you for continuing your support for all families affected by vaccine injury.
Bob, I totally agree with you regarding the loss of trust in all institutions. When I started research, 4 years ago after the Wm Thompson revelations, I believed that Health authorities and governments had our best interests at heart. I also believed that the media would report on the CDC cover-up of MMR/autism link. What I have found out in those 4 years has completely changed the way I view everything. The hypocrisy, corruption and total lack of empathy from all the people I used to respect is mind-blowing. We live in a truly Orwellian world.
Posted by: susan welch | July 22, 2018 at 09:12 AM
I used to think our representatives were just ignorant now I think they are just bad people. Maybe they are trying to destroy our social security system.
Posted by: doug troutman | July 22, 2018 at 08:30 AM
" …. Why would the HHS have allowed decades to go by with nary a reply to Congress or to the people they serve? I think the long and the short of it is because they can."
At 78 years of age .. I have .. unfortunately .. learned I cannot trust a single institution I once had complete faith and trust in. Military? Academia? Religion? Federal, State, local government? Politicians? Public Health bureaucracies? Professional medical organizations? For the life of me .. I cannot think of a single institution that has maintained the trust and faith I had in that institution for most of my life.
A little off topic .. (caps are mine) .. here is an article that appeared in NY Post yesterday titled: EPA's Toxic
"Scott Pruitt's staff took precautions to protect HIM from the toxic effects of formaldehyde in a fancy new desk .. but months later, his top aides blocked the release of a report on the health dangers of the very same carcinogen, according to a report Friday. During Pruitt's $9,500 office redecoration, an official noticed a warning on a desk that then EPA boss wanted to order, saying it contained the chemical. "The desk the Administrator wants for his office from Amazon has a California Proposition 65 warning" an aide emailed the EPA's toxic chemicals office. A few months later, EPA officials took steps to block a health report that found breathing formaldehyde is tied to leukemia and nose and throat cancer"
As I understand it .. the EPA and CALIFORNIA'S PROPOSITION 65 WARNING .. have determined that formaldehyde is dangerous to breathe, touch or ingest .. but … I have never heard of either the EPA or CALIFORNIA'S environmental agencies have raised ANY OBJECTION .. NOR ISSUED ANY WARNINGS TO THE VACCINE INDUSTRY ... TO HAVING FORMALDEHYDE AS AN INGREDIENT IN VACCINES THAT ARE INJECTED DIRECTLY INTO THE IMMATURE IMMUNE SYSTEMS OF INFANTS, TODDLERS AND CHILDREN?
The older I get .. the more I learn to have reason to no longer TRUST those who are given the great responsibility of protecting my family and community.
Kathy you are one hundred percent correct .. when you say: "Why would the HHS have allowed decades to go by with nary a reply to Congress or to the people they serve? I think the long and the short of it is because they CAN!!!!!!
Posted by: bob moffit | July 22, 2018 at 07:22 AM