We're a Nation of Bullies
Read All About It: Federal Vaccine Safety Reports Go Unreported

Former Philippine President Aquino Restricted from Leaving Country Due to Vaccine Injury Controversy

DengvaxiaNote:  Can you imagine ANYthing like this in America, where politicians and corporate executives have immunity from just about EVERY crime?   Here in the good ole USA, HHS has not followed up on 30 years of vaccine safety mandates (thanks, RM.) T-H-I-R-T-Y  Y-E-A-R-S.  RFK, Jr. Proves HHS is in Violation of the “Mandate for Safer Childhood Vaccines” as Stipulated in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act

When Congress granted economic immunity to pharmaceutical companies in 1986 for vaccine injury, Congress recognized it eviscerated the economic incentive for pharmaceutical companies to create safe vaccines or make existing ones safer. Congress therefore placed the responsibility and burden for vaccine safety directly and virtually entirely on the shoulders and in the hands of the Secretary of HHS. This requirement is codified at 42 USC 300aa-27 (note that the 1986 Act is very short and codified in 42 USC 300aa-1 through 300aa-34) which is the section underpinning the entire mandate for safe and safer vaccines in this country – this section is literally entitled “Mandate for safer childhood vaccines.” This section first lists the HHS Secretary’s obligation to assure vaccine safety and then requires the HHS Secretary to submit a report to Congress every two years detailing what improvements in vaccine safety were made in the preceding two years. But, amazingly, as seen from the so ordered stipulation, it does not appear that HHS has ever, not even once, submitted a bi-annual reported to Congress as required by 42 USC 300aa-27 listing what improvements it has made to vaccine safety. This speaks volumes to the lack of seriousness by which vaccine safety is treated at HHS and heightens the concern that HHS doesn’t have a clue as to the actual safety profile of the now 29 doses, and growing, of vaccines given by one year of age.

Ronald Reagan. George Bush. Bill Clinton. George W. Bush. Barack Obama. And now Donald Trump. Dereliction of duty to our nation. Treason on behalf of the pharmaceutical/CDC cabal.  They should all stand in front of this nation, of every child, every grave, and every family of every child who has died, been injured, compensated, DENIED compensation for a vaccine injury and beg for forgiveness. On their way to prison. Or hell, if deceased. Invite Julie Gerberding as well - she, the former CDC chief who became Wealthy Goddess of All things Vaccine at MERCK the moment the gate opened after she left CDC.


MANILA, Philippines — Former president Benigno Aquino III may not leave the country amid a string of criminal charges he is facing over the controversial Dengvaxia vaccine, the Department of Justice (DOJ) said yesterday.

Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra revealed that the lookout bulletin order (LBO) issued against Aquino, former health secretary Janette Garin and former budget secretary Florencio Abad Jr. stays as the DOJ has yet to resolve the charges of multiple homicide and physical injuries through negligence under the Revised Penal Code, malversation of public funds and violations of Republic Act 3019 (Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act) and RA 9184 (Government Procurement Reform Act) filed against them by Volunteers Against Crime and Corruption and Vanguard of the Philippine Constitution Inc. last February.

The DOJ is keeping the LBO, which was issued by former justice secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II in December last year when a key witness surfaced to spill the beans on the P3.5-billion dengue immunization program, also after the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) filed charges of technical malversation of public funds against Aquino, Garin and Abad before the Office of the Ombudsman earlier this week.

“The LBO issued on them is not yet lifted,” Guevarra told reporters.

The DOJ chief explained that since Aquino and the other respondents are covered by the LBO, they would have to “first seek permission (from his office) before they could leave the country” upon issuance of an allow departure order (ADO) to the Bureau of Immigration (BI).

The LBO was issued “considering the gravity of the possible offense which may have been committed” and the “strong probability that they may attempt to place themselves beyond the reach of the legal processes of the government by leaving the country.”

Guevarra, however, explained that the DOJ will reassess the LBO against Aquino after the resolution of charges against him.

“We will study carefully if there is a need to lift the LBO once the charges against them before the DOJ are resolved,” he said.

The DOJ chief further revealed that they would look into the effect of the Supreme Court (SC) decision that voided the authority of the agency from issuing a watchlist order (WLO) against respondents in pending criminal cases to prevent them from leaving the country.

Read more at https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2018/07/20/1835097/lookout-bulletin-issued-vs-aquino-garin-over-dengvaxia#mH1pyxuFCFVv0dkj.99


David Weiner


The U.S. let in the Shah of Iran.

White Rose

The Daily Mail group is disgusting !!!! More blood on their hands .


Teenage boys will be vaccinated against a cancer-causing virus responsible for the deaths of hundreds of men every year, the new Health Secretary Matt Hancock will announce this week.

In a landmark victory for The Mail on Sunday, the NHS will embark on a £20 million annual programme to inoculate all 12- and 13-year-olds against the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus.

Government advisers finally recommended last week that boys be vaccinated against HPV – a decade after girls first got it on the NHS.

Grace Green

michael, I think it was Pinochet who Margaret Thatcher allowed to go home from the UK instead of sending him for trial. That's one for you.


I imagine in typical fashion, the US would likely decide that if Aquino made it to our shores and requested political asylum, he would be granted such, like other government scoundrels who seek our protection from high crimes and misdemeanors. Can't remember who in the past fit that description, but believe there are examples.

Get real

Trump has no intention of draining the swamp. He is the king of the swamp creatures. A con man in the fullest. RFK jr already told us, he is no longer on the team and his picks for HHS, CDC, and FDA also speak volumes!

Science is pure.  People are corrupt.

The ramifications for those responsible for causing lifelong disability to tens of millions of children are hard to overstate, and at this point that responsibility blankets a lot of people.

That is why the cover up is so absolute.

cia parker

The way to prevent dengue is through the use of homeopathic nosodes.

1996: The Central Council of Research in Homoeopathy reported that a homeoprophylactic was administered to at least 39,200 people in the Delhi area during an epidemic of dengue haemorrhagic fever. The follow-up of 23,520 people, 10 days later, revealed that only 5 people (0.125%) had developed mild symptoms, with the rest showing no signs or symptoms of the disease. v (During epidemics of dengue, attack rates among the susceptible are often 40-50 %, but may reach 80-90 %, World Health Organisation). (vi)
2001: In São Paulo, Brazil in May 2001, a single dose of a homeoprophylactic was given during a dengue outbreak to 40% of residents in the most highly affected neighbourhood. Thereafter, dengue incidence decreased by 81.5%, a highly significant decrease when compared with those neighbourhoods that did not receive homeopathic prophylaxis (p<0.0001). (vii)
2006: A dengue outbreak was controlled by the Cuban Government through the preventative and treatment use of homeopathic remedies. A marked reduction in dengue haemorrhagic fever occurred easing the demand for intensive care beds. (viii)
2007: Between April and September 2007, a homeopathic complex (a combination of homeopathic remedies) was given to 20,000 city residents in São Paulo, Brazil. Unfortunately the trial was aborted prematurely due to national political intervention, but the preliminary findings indicate that homeopathy was effective in the prevention and treatment of the dengue epidemic. (ix)
2008: Facing an outbreak of dengue in early 2007, the Secretary of Health of the county of Macaé, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, carried out a “Homeopathy Campaign against Dengue”. 156,000 doses of a prophylactic complex (a combination of homeopathic remedies) was freely distributed to asymptomatic patients and 129 doses of the ‘genus epidemicus’ (the remedy that matches the characteristic symptoms of the prevailing epidemic) to symptomatic patients within outpatient clinics. The disease incidence in the first three months of 2008 fell 93% in comparison to the corresponding period in 2007. The rest of the untreated state experienced an increase of 128%. (x)
2008 – 2010: An interview with the Secretary of Health responsible for the integrative homeopathy program of the previous paper reported the following: In 2007, facing a dengue epidemic, the city of Macaé, Rio de Janeiro, decided to add a homeopathic medicine to the contingency plan for dengue fever after which the disease incidence in Macaé in 2008 fell by 71% compared to 2007. In the north Fluminense region, which did not receive the prophylactic, there was an increase of 273%, and in the State of Rio de Janeiro, the increase was 315%. In 2011, there was a decrease of 89% of confirmed cases in the protected area in the first quarter compared to the same period in 2010. The prophylactic was freely distributed by the Health Department of Macaé in the years: 2007: 216,000 doses; 2008: 203,878 doses; 2009: 211,059 doses; 2010: 178 677 doses. In terms of lethality and notified dengue cases there was 0.2 in 2007, 0.0 in 2008, 0.1 in 2009 and 0.2 in 2010. In 2010 the agreed lethality target for severe forms in Macaé was 2.58; the municipality reached 0.68, a much lower rate compared to the state and other municipalities. (xi)
2010: The Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) and homeopathic doctors used homeoprophylaxis to curb dengue in areas prone to dengue mosquito breeding in Colombo city and its suburbs. (xii)
2012: In Mudurai, India, doctors from the government medical college and hospital dispensed a homeopathic prophylactic to thousands during a dengue fever epidemic. First to receive the remedy were doctors, nurses, hospital staff and students followed by the residents of the city. (xiii)
2012: The Government Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital at Tirumangalam, India, distributed homeoprophylaxis for the prevention of dengue fever at two free camps during an outbreak. (xiv)
2012: The Medical and Health Department of Chittorr, India, distributed homeoprophylactics to 2.5 million people during a dengue fever epidemic following the earlier success of prophylactics distributed for the swine flu epidemic in Kurnool. (xv)
2012: Researchers and doctors from KEM hospital used a homeopathic prophylactic as the genus epidemicus (the remedy that matches the characteristic symptoms of the prevailing epidemic) for the treatment and prevention of dengue fever in Pune, India. (xvi)
2012: The Government Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital at Tirumangalam, India, established more than 30 camps to distribute a homeoprophylactic for dengue fever control during regional outbreaks. (xvii)
2013: AYUSH doctors in Guwahati state, India, used homeopathic remedies to treat and prevent dengue during a local outbreak. The former deputy director of health services and state programme officer of AYUSH advised that the constitutional medicine and nosodes (remedies prepared from a disease component) were among the best preventive medicines for the disease. (xviii)
2014: The Sing Buri province of Thailand reported the lowest incidence of dengue fever of all provinces following the distribution of a homeoprophylactic by the Thai government. If pilot studies in a further seven provinces are equally successful, country-wide implementation of the program will be considered.(xix)

bob moffit

"Here in the good ole USA, HHS has not followed up on 30 years of vaccine safety promised"

I would only quibble with the word "promised" .. as the HHS did not "promise" anything … instead the HHS was MANDATED BY CONGRESS to conduct that critical vaccine oversight and for whatever reason .. HHS FAILED TO COMPLY WITH THE CRITICAL CONGRESSIONAL MANDATE.

I would suggest … their REFUSAL TO COMPLY is a prosecutorial offense .. by all 50 State Attorney General's in the United States .. whose citizens were left exposed to potential life-threatening, life-long vaccine injuries that could have been prevented .. or at the very least diminished .. had HHS fulfilled their REQUIRED MANDATE TO CONDUCT CRITICAL MONITORING OF AN INDUSTRY THAT WAS AWARDED COMPLETE LIABILITY PROTECTION FOR A PRODUCT (VACCINES) THAT ARE RECOMMENDED AND APPROVED BY ALL FIFTY STATES IN THE COUNTRY.

I wholeheartedly agree former Presidents Ronald Reagan (8 years), George Bush (8 years), Bill Clinton (8 years), George W Bush (8 years), Barrack Obama (8 years) were DERELICT IN THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES BY ALLOWING THE HHS TO ABANDON THEIR MANDATE TO MONITOR VACCINES.


If ever there was a SWAMP TO DRAIN .. it is the entire vaccine industry and public health bureaucracies .. that we now know have AWARDED COMPLETE PRODUCT (VACCINE) LIABILITY PROTECTION .. ABSENT ANY CRITICAL MONITORING TO ASSURE THE PEOPLE OF THE SAFETY AND EFFICIENCY OF VACCINES.


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