Five Years Since the Suspension of Proactive Recommendation of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine in Japan
Five Years Since the Suspension of Proactive Recommendation of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine in Japan
June 14, 2018
National Plaintiffs Association for the HPV Vaccines Lawsuits in Japan
Representative Nanami Sakai
National Attorneys Association for the HPV Vaccines Lawsuits in Japan
Joint Representative Masumi Minaguchi
Joint Representative Yoshiaki Yamanishi
It has been five years since the Japanese Government halted proactive recommendation of the HPV vaccine on June 14, 2013, claiming that it could not provide the public with enough information. Compared to other routine vaccinations, an average of over seven times the number of serious adverse effects per one million HPV vaccinations have been reported, and the number of disability certifications by the Adverse Drug Reaction Relief System is almost ten times higher. The government has put in place research groups and selected cooperating medical institutions for the HPV vaccine, but measures to prevent adverse effects and to provide treatment have yet to be established. The public cannot use the HPV vaccine with peace of mind.
The government officially endorsed the HPV vaccine nine years ago, and many of the victims who were junior or high school students at the time of their HPV vaccination have now grown into adults. However, they have received no effective medical treatment until now and suffer from serious adverse effects, not only pain spreading all over their bodies and involuntary movements, but perceptual disorders, impaired mobility, sleep disruption, impaired memory, and learning disabilities. While their classmates became working adults, they have been incapable of fully attending classes and have abandoned their plans for higher education or getting a job. With no medical institutions able to give them sufficient treatment, they see no bright future and live under a shadow of uncertainty as they struggle to cope with agonizing symptoms every day.
Similar cases have been also reported overseas. Groups of victims from five countries, UK, Spain, Ireland, Colombia and Japan, participated in an international symposium held in Tokyo in March this year, and published a Joint Statement in April, calling for the necessity of a fact-finding investigation, development of treatment methods, and support for daily life, education and employment.
In the meantime, studies on the adverse effects of the HPV vaccine have made solid progress and a number of results have been reported. Based on analysis of multiple cases, one study clarified that the adverse effects of a range of symptoms develop in a multi-layered manner over time. Another study reported changes in cerebrospinal fluid, cerebral blood flow, and peripheral nerves, etc. A third study reported that the HPV vaccine causes impaired mobility among other effects in vaccinated mice due to neurological damage. Finally, a fourth study indicated that individuals develop chronic ailments soon after receiving the HPV vaccine. A paper written by researchers from the WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring argues that previous signal evaluations and epidemiological studies have relied primarily on reporting of a specific diagnosis or single-symptom concept, and thus a focus on symptomatology and seriousness in combination with an investigation of the underlying pathology may be required to fully elucidate the safety signals.
The drugmakers GlaxoSmithKline PLC and Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. have long ignored this progress and insist on resuming proactive recommendation of the HPV vaccine, adding that the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS) in WHO and other overseas authorities have already approved the safety of the HPV vaccine. However, the epidemiological studies they rely on were not conducted with proper understanding of the adverse effects of the HPV vaccine and thus cannot be a basis for confirming safety. It has also become clear that there are conflicts of interests and a lack of neutrality in WHO.
At the current time, the overall Japanese HPV vaccination rate has dropped toless than 1 percent, and few new cases have been reported from clinical practices, but new victims will obviously emerge if the government were to resume proactive recommendation of the HPV vaccine. In January this year, although the government updated their HPV vaccine leaflets, those for girls to be vaccinated and their parents intentionally omit the risk of impaired memory and learning disabilities, delivering misleading information to the public. Far from resuming proactive recommendation of the HPV vaccine, what the government must do now is to remove the HPV vaccine from its routine vaccination list.
We call again for the government and drugmakers not to spread harm any further, and demand that they compensate for all the harm caused based on their legal liabilities, and take the necessary measures to develop treatment methods and establish a medical treatment structure to prevent more suffering, so that victims can live in peace in the future.
Gardasil 9:
Merck shows no authority, Mercks' No Attorney for the MSDS sheets, is not stated on the Material Statistical Data Sheets label, as is required for such approvals, The law cannot prove Gradasil9 is safe or not safe
Posted by: laevern | December 10, 2018 at 07:20 PM
Hans, could you give a link to the Dr. G. Stuart address to the WHO in 1953 on Yellow Fever Vaccine and encephalomyelitis? I only managed to find a 1948 reference which was about Smallpox vaccine and the same problem. I ask because I had both those vaccinations in 1953 and have had autism/ME ever since. It's horrific to think they knew all along.
Posted by: Grace Green | July 03, 2018 at 04:16 PM
We need to strongly support this. This erosen of peoples rights is deadly. Vaccines have never had double blind placebos done on them because they would not pass the testing. HPV or Gardisil is just a money spinner. 95% of cervical cancer is completely treatable. Only 5% who leave it too late to get treatment die from it. It should never be given to boys who do not even have a cervix! Young girls should NOT be given it either. It is being given to younger and younger children. This is about money not health and safety. Possibly given to female sex workers / drug addicts but that would not make enough money.
Posted by: Chris Gray | July 02, 2018 at 09:01 PM
At first it was SO important to give this vaccine to very young girls before girls became sexually active (and that didn't involve any discussion of the "negative efficacy" on cancer rates in those already exposed to HPV and then vaccinated, like that was the only way it would do them any good (didn't have anything to do with a prescience that the vaccine would reduce their fertility, did it...?).
But hey, now...nobody (nobody largely in child-bearing years anyway) should be allowed to live without huge doses of Merck's special aluminum adjuvant ... and whatever else comes with this vaccine, including the possible increased cancer risk if already exposed to HPV?
Posted by: Jeannette Bishop | July 02, 2018 at 07:14 PM
I haven`t seen anything else on this
Suit opens in Tokyo court over cervical cancer vaccine side effects
Twenty-eight girls and women suffering what they say are side effects from cervical cancer vaccines that were recommended by the government demanded compensation from the state and drugmakers Monday as their trial opened at the Tokyo District Court.
The plaintiffs, ranging in age from 15 to 22,.....
Pharma For Prison
Posted by: Angus Files | July 02, 2018 at 03:35 PM
It's the Aluminium Adjuvenant...
Posted by: Al | July 02, 2018 at 10:43 AM
Vaccination is the crime of all centuries (& they have known for decades 1953\1996):
Dr. G. Stuart made the same warning in 1953, when he spoke to the World Health Organization. He was talking about the yellow fever vaccine at that time. He stated:
Two main objections to this vaccine have been voiced, because of the possibility that (i) the mouse brain employed in its preparation may be contaminated with a virus pathogenic for man although latent in mice … Or may be the cause of a de-myelinating encephalomyelitis; (ii) the use, as an antigen, or a virus with enhanced neurotropic properties may be followed by serious reactions involving the central nervous system. [5]
patients. He stated:
The infection is a virtually inevitable consequence of xenotransplantation and this is a very serious worry because the animals that have been chosen for doing this — the baboon and the pig — are both known to carry endogenous viruses, replication competent, but very poorly studied, that are
In 1996, Dr. John Coffin, a leading expert on recombination in viruses, warned against transplanting cells from animals into humans to improve the functioning of the immune system of HIV-AIDS capable of infecting human cells. [6]
Posted by: Hans Litten | July 02, 2018 at 09:20 AM
Possibly the absence any particular country has no particular significance. It is just where the delegates, speakers who were there happened to come from. And groups may be better organised in some countries than in others.
Posted by: John Stone | July 02, 2018 at 06:39 AM
Groups of victims from five countries, UK, Spain, Ireland, Colombia and Japan, participated in an international symposium held in Tokyo in March this year, and published a Joint Statement in April, calling for the necessity of a fact-finding investigation, development of treatment methods, and support for daily life, education and employment.
Why weren't Danish representatives there ?
And in fact all the other countries where this scandalous concoction has been allowed in .
Posted by: Hans Litten | July 02, 2018 at 06:08 AM