Throat Cancer Foundation Sues United Kingdom National Health Service To End HPV “Vaccine Apartheid”
The Daily Mail recently reported that its long running campaign to end the HPV “vaccine apartheid” may succeed, since the Throat Cancer Foundation filed a High Court case in the UK against the National Health Service (NHS) under the 2010 Equality Act, seeking to add boys to the national HPV vaccine program.
The Throat Cancer Foundation is a small charity and not a “top cancer charity” as the Daily Mail article claims. In 2017 the charity reported a modest income of £36,418, with expenses of £34,402. The HPV vaccine Gardasil, is not approved or indicated for throat cancer but this seems irrelevant to the campaign.
A few months ago, I wrote an article exposing the enormous conflict the Scottish charity has with regard to its campaign “Jabs For The Boys.” Professor Ian Frazer (pictured), Gardasil’s inventor and a native of Scotland, served on the charity’s clinical and scientific advisory board. Professor Frazer, who is based in Australia, earns royalties on every vaccine sold in the developed world. He has since stepped down from his role at the charity.
Professor Margaret Stanley, who is a consultant for Merck, the manufacturer of Gardasil, remains on the charity’s advisory board. Professor Stanley is a virologist at the University of Cambridge and was a consultant on a special committee for the JCVI in 2008, when GSK’s HPV vaccine Cervarix was approved for the national school-based program. The UK switched to Gardasil in 2012. Professor Stanley has also worked as a consultant for GSK and has been very involved in promoting both vaccines via speaking engagements and publishing articles. Her presence on the advisory board of the Throat Cancer Foundation indicates high-level industry support and influence.
Only a handful of countries have a national HPV vaccine program for boys. In the US, uptake for boys is around 27% for the first dose and much less for the complete series. In the UK the vaccine is currently given to almost 90% of girls, and a similar high uptake rate would be expected for boys.
The JCVI will meet again on June 6th to re-examine the issue of adding boys to the HPV vaccine schedule. With a high court case looming over the heads of the NHS, will this influence their decision? Could filing this case be a lobbying tactic by the Throat Cancer Foundation, and by extension Gardasil’s manufacturer, to influence vaccine policy? A positive outcome from the JCVI will directly benefit former board member Professor Frazer and could indirectly benefit Professor Stanley due to her ties to industry.
It appears that this conflict of interest is of no consequence but perhaps the Throat Cancer Foundation should disclose all influences by the vaccine’s manufacturer to the British public, before any high court case proceeds, and before a single boy is vaccinated following their campaign.
Eileen Iorio is co-author of the upcoming book, “The HPV Vaccine On Trial, Weighing The Evidence” published by Skyhorse Publishing.
They are "Banking" on it are they? Apparently the latest industry "Buzzword " of profit anticipation is being described as "Stockpile Excitement"
Sex,drugs and politics, the HPV vaccine for cervical cancer https/ by MJ Casper 2008 .
Apparently the HPV vaccine is not approved or indicated for throat cancer? is this "OFF Label use and prescribing " with no health and safety risk assessments having been completed for lads ? to be prescribed a vaccine to prevent a sexually transmitted virus ."not cancer"
The Cancer Act 1939 is there to prevent "Scams" on an unsuspecting public being sold fear based products ie HPV vaccine for profit selling only "A Hope and A promise " of Cancer prevention ?
Is "The Evidence based medicine " data going to be left dribbling in its own chair of the perceptions of some of these innefectual intellectuals yet again ?
NHS Greater Glasgow Health Board would have described that type of professional behaviour as
"Bumping their Gums"as industry lackeys for profit/expenses! in kind . for the drug companies ,when there's no such thing as a free lunch!
Posted by: Morag | June 01, 2018 at 03:16 AM
Susan Welch , will you look at this - what a complete coincidence :
Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation Agenda – 6 June 2018
1.Minute of the last meeting
2.Matters arising
3.Horizon scanning
4.Influenza vaccination
5.Subunit zoster vaccine
6.HPV vaccination - adolescent boys#
7.Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
All other business I take to mean the William Thompson revelations haha
Posted by: Hans Litten | June 01, 2018 at 02:35 AM
Posted by: Laura Hayes | May 31, 2018 at 12:07 PM
I have read that Gardasil hits the oriental races the hardest of all.
Japan suggests this may be true. And we all owe the Japanese a huge debt of thanks for the wonderful work the parents there have inflicted on Merck.
Does this China move have the potential to finish Gardasil once and for all (Phillipines Dengaxia style) ?
As for this billionaire I feel his pain already (and quite frankly I hope they hang him out to dry).
Posted by: Hans Litten | June 01, 2018 at 02:29 AM
Posted by: Angus Files | May 31, 2018 at 05:58 AM
A wonderful country Scotland , and these people are an absolute disgrace to the human race.
Posted by: Hans Litten | June 01, 2018 at 02:20 AM
Posted by: susan welch | May 31, 2018 at 04:55 AM
Where do they meet ?
And is a reception committee planned for these architects of genocide ?
Posted by: Hans Litten | June 01, 2018 at 02:18 AM
John: As usual, your comment is trenchant. Frightening as well. We are living in an age of medical fascism. Quackery is as rampant today as in the 19th century. The solution will come from the ground up, and it won't be pretty. Brexit and Trump were the opening salvo, but the public will not tolerate the destruction of their children much longer, and I predict we will see more mass action, like in Italy, at some point, in the U.S. and the U.K. In the U.S. the political system is thoroughly broken. The swamp now has a fresh batch of alligators, and our economy has never recovered from the "recession" because the banksters were never required to invest the $4.5 trillion they received, so they just stuck it in the mattress. There is now so much evidence connecting vaccines with neurological injury that they can't hide it any more. No telling what the future will bring. Just some thoughts.
Posted by: Gary Ogden | May 31, 2018 at 10:22 PM
I think going back into the mists of time there has been little difference between the meaning of conflicting interests and competing interests - there should always have been a distinction between those interests which should reasonably be disclosed in the public sphere when pronouncing on an issue and those which should disqualify someone from pronouncing on an issue at all. It is obviously not alright for Frazer to lend his name and prestige to something unless he makes it perfectly clear that he stands to make loads of money if his advice is followed. I am even more worried, for example, about the position of Andrew Pollard who is not only director of Oxford Vaccine Group which develops vaccines and has a commercial relationship with most of the main vaccine companies but also is chair of the JCVI which decides on the U.K. vaccine schedule (not to mention being an advisor to two licensing authorities, the MHRA and EMA). It is fascinating to discover that the JCVI have a wonderful complex of rules on conflict which never seem to bar or inhibit Pollard from carrying out his role as its head. What you find is that at the highest levels of the bureaucracy there are really no longer any limits to conflict or perhaps any recognition of them. One of Pollard’s first acts as chair of the JCVI was to recommend to the infant schedule the MenB vaccine, Bexsero, of which as director of OVC he was lead developer. But this is what goes now.
Posted by: John Stone | May 31, 2018 at 09:01 PM
Can anyone imagine a product where thousands upon thousands of YOUNG GIRLS the world over have asserted did them harm now being recommended for YOUNG BOYS?!!!!
I guess just like school shootings, vaccine violence has now become an equal opportunity.
Yes, by all means, let's end apartheid. Let's start with letting all children, CHILDREN!!! have access to an education!!!!!!
Posted by: annie | May 31, 2018 at 07:51 PM
They do not say "conflicts," any more, is my understanding. They say "competing" interests, and then they all nod that as long as their peers "disclose" competing interests, everybody is home free. I am not sure how one deals with this self-serving subterfuge, especially now that Gates bought Cochrane. As long as yhey know not to shoot their own kids, it's ok?
Posted by: Mary Saunders | May 31, 2018 at 06:35 PM
Conflicts of interest aside, it will be interesting to watch the cczit hit the fan as boys are harmed by the vaccine. They think they can get away with the damage more with girls, this will expose it all even more.
Posted by: @Susan and all | May 31, 2018 at 01:25 PM
To add to the Gardasil Horror Show, Vaccine Holocaust, and Anti-Fertility/Population-Reducing regime:
Posted by: Laura Hayes | May 31, 2018 at 12:07 PM
Posted by: pharmster | May 31, 2018 at 07:03 AM
It is a bit strange a tiny charity that registers professional fees for the year of £516 and has 24k as its bank balance would even contemplating suing as these funds would be evaporated up front even before commencement of litigation if, your paying and the law firm isn’t working Pro-bono.
The founder a Jamie Rae had in the past suffered throat cancer and we can all understand the sentiment of him setting up the charity. But to then blindly think HPV is going to be cured by a vaccine shown to be highly dangerous and saturated with conflicts of interest world wide is bordering on the criminally insane. Worry not he’s in good company with Ian Frazer nothing but a total disgrace to Scotland.
That all said birds of a feather, an all that!!
A convicted conman, a generous donation to SNP coffers…and a £2m NHS contract
Mr Rae has now resigned 30th April 2018 from NUGENSIS LTD
The Un – Audited accounts leave me picking my eyeballs up from the table.
Cough!!nothing to see folks move on!!
Pharma For Prison
Posted by: Angus Files | May 31, 2018 at 05:58 AM
Merck thinks that nobody knows their proxy charities and 'researchers', they think they are in disguise. Hopefully by the psychopaths in Big Pharma using such dirty techniques to try to get their wicked way, it will create more push back from the NHS. Merck are openly showing their bullying nature here, one hopes that there are powerful people in the NHS who won't allow themselves to be undermined. Hopefully this backfires long-term for Merck by harming their relationship with the NHS.
Posted by: Pete | May 31, 2018 at 05:43 AM
When the JCVI meet on 6th June, I'm fairly sure they will discuss the impending Court case (a set up for sure) and there will be lots of discussions about 'discrimination against boys' but they most certainly will not see that huge elephant in the room with the words 'conflict of interest' all over it.
I doubt, either, that there will be any real science discussed on the benefits of this vaccine for boys.
As Bob says, and the band marches on and on and on.
Posted by: susan welch | May 31, 2018 at 04:55 AM