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"Prehistoric Autism Neurodiversity"

Scribbles I just completed the paperwork to send my gorgeous almost 22 year old to  day program for the severely disabled. She can watch Wonder Pets for 24 hours straight. I can't even begin to tackle this argument for "prehistoric" autism, a diagnosis that did not exist in any lexicon before the 1930s with a shred of respect.  Draw your own conclusions.  Kim

Prehistoric autism helped produce much of the world's earliest great art, study says

Harsh Ice Age conditions may have favoured the selection of genes which allowed some humans to focus on tasks in great detail for long periods, scientists believe.

Much of the world’s earliest great art is likely to have been created by gifted early humans on the autism spectrum, new research by British scientists suggests.

Archaeologists working in conjunction with autism experts have concluded that humans were able to produce the first realistic art some 33,000 years ago because ice age conditions drove the selection of particular combinations of genes.

Harsh conditions favoured the natural selection of genes which predisposed some humans to develop abilities to focus on tasks in great detail for long periods; to perceive their environments in three-dimensional terms in an enhanced way; to develop greater image retention abilities; and to develop greater aptitudes to identify and analyse patterns of geography and movement. Read more here.


Robin P Clarke (end of comment)

John - I don't rule out those other factors even while I reckon that the change of dental amalgam has been the main cause of increase. Also the time-series data is not sufficiently clear to rule out a possibility of still thousands of cases of autism being mainly due to vaccines. Just I don't find it sufficiently clear to confirm either way.
Also I am beginning to suspect some new factor has been involved in more recent increases, possibly the diagnoses catching up with reality, or effects of mobile phones liberating mercury from dental amalgam.

John Stone


A very good thing to remember: POLLY'S PLACE!!!!


Angus Files

Since were on Autistic art, just a plug for Polly`s Place where our artistic autistic s and family members can turn a coin or two thanks to generous kind buyers and the hard work of Polly and her team.


Pharma For Prison



Are forensically befuddeled researchers, suffering from an undiagnosed overload of toxic fumes from sniffing their own felt tip pens, in an unventilated, hot. stuffy enviroment ? Or an over consumption of battery hen's eggs gluttony, causing an altered emotional state !
Two researchers spotted in UK supermarket ? buying the scientific felloship's team's provisions for the duration of the study . Chewing The Fat - EGGS -youtube

John Stone


Yes, I agree, and very well put about Frith and her "islets". The only real disagreement I have with Robin is there is such an environmental toxic brew now that one cannot put it down to one thing, and the many people who have seen vaccine damage have seen vaccine damage, some of which may also have been in part precipitated by parental dental amalgams, but we also have Round-Up, WiFi and common use of SSRIs etc all of which you expect to extract a toll on us and our children.

Grace Green

Robin Clarke,
thank you for your comment - your story is very moving, and totally relevant to this topic. I myself have a similar life-experience although I now know I had "Aspergers" since childhood vaccines, exacerbated by dental amalgams in later life.
I think where they are going wrong in their "interpretation" of the facts is that a person with a higher IQ, or ability in the arts or sciences, is much more likely to be affected by the nuerotoxicity of mercury. The "islets" of ability described by Uta Frith are nothing more than the remnants of what would otherwise have been a person with a long string of qualifications! This is how they manage to twist it round, and as others have said here, their motive is probably completely cynical.
Kathy Sincere,
Maybe it was the mercury in the man's tattoos which caused his autism at age 35!


As Autism goes mainstream the psychology field and pop culture is becoming part of this scam.

An autism diagnosis will change your life for the better.
All you can do is therapy and lots of it.
Self-acceptance an loving yourself (They are not ill)
Coping (Painting. animal therapy, whatever but never any real medical treatment)
Autism pride
TV series (The good doctor, Big bang theory)

All of this leads to passivity and dumbing down of society. They should call it state sanctioned artificial large scale brain damage instead.

Liz V

Just so offensive to me as an mom with an autistic son. Obviously no one except parents of an affected child has half a clue.


One other point needs making about this propaganda piece: By saying "autism existed 10,000's of years ago", they deny that anything recent, like, oh, VAXXES might be causing it....
Think about that!

I'm pretty sure that what was the whole point of the article.

They can't use real science to deny the autism-vaccine connection, it doesn't exist. Heck they can't even use real science to prove that any vaccine, has ever prevented a disease of any kind.

They produce this kind of nonsense all the time, it just takes difference forms. Just go back to that study in 2011, where a research team (.. partially funded by Autism Speaks!) just happened to be dispatched to South Korea. Where they just happened to stumble upon a high incidence of autism. That just happened to be even worse, than what WE were experiencing in the most vaccinated population on earth.

The immediate implication, using actual wording from that study, is

"... This study is further evidence that autism transcends cultural, geographic, and ethnic boundaries and that autism is a major global public health concern, not limited to the Western world..."

Same old same old, as they just deny, deny, deny ...... that vaccines could possibly be implicated in this horrific tragedy.

Kathy Sincere

Ah yes…….the autistic painter. We here in the Colorado autistic community have been shown this “proof” before. Just give someone on the spectrum a paintbrush and all is well. This article ran on CBS Denver News this spring right before our Bill, HB1223 Declare Autism Epidemic, was due to be heard in the Colorado House. If you watch from 00.33 to 02.20 you will discover a former Air Force veteran, previously married, and diagnosed on the autism spectrum at age 35. All is better now for him because he is painting……. Note the extensive tattoos all around his neck (VERY painful) and on the top of his hands. http://denver.cbslocal.com/2018/04/02/lawmakers-autism-epidemic/

My 45 year old son with Aspergers has typically sensitive skin for which I cut all tags off clothing, etc. to help him cope. He would never ask for a tattoo. He has never been on a date let alone married. He cannot work or drive a car. He couldn’t paint anything if his life depended on it.

I think we are going to see so much more of this neurodiversity drivel. So much of the testimony against our bill which came from autism societies, ARC, CANDO, JFK Center (CU) and our state agencies focused on the gifts of autism and how we cannot call autism an epidemic because "it would imply that people on the spectrum are dirty and contagious" – try real hard not to laugh at that. We can talk about the obesity epidemic, the opioid epidemic, the diabetes epidemic, but not the autism epidemic.

HB1223 was defeated in committee by 12-1. No one who spoke FOR the bill was showing off artwork.


One other point needs making about this propaganda piece: By saying "autism existed 10,000's of years ago", they deny that anything recent, like, oh, VAXXES might be causing it....
Think about that!


One thing stuck out for me. The "researchers", - I use that term VERY loosely, - claim that "only 4%" of the students they studied had autism, and that "most" didn't even know!" Imagine THAT!... Maybe only *1%* actually have autism and know it! So where do all these autism prevalence figures of as many as 1 in 20, 30, 40, come from?....
The 2 words that BEST describe this baloney are PSYCHOBABBLE and GOBBLEDYGOOK....
I also wonder who paid how much for this ridiculous nonsense?....
I didn't realize "The Independent" printed such drivel!
(If you lived in prehistoric, caveman times, 99% of what we now do, and now interact with on a daily basis, wouldn't exist. It's easy to pay attention, when there is ONLY NATURE!....)
How stoopid R these pseudo-scientists?

Robin P Clarke

Here is a different historical perspective, from myself admittedly so it obviously counts for nothing.

Life in the past was very taxing. No-one could just turn on their central heating to keep warm. They couldn't just toddle over to Tesco/Walmart to get food. They couldn't even use an umbrella to keep dry. They didn't have much means to defend against wild animals. They had to work hard to store tons of food for over the winter.
They certainly couldn't afford to be autistic, or depressed, or missing too many marbles. Natural selection must have kept various mental problems to a very low level.

We hear of many hardships of living in the Middle Ages, the time of the Black Death and so on. We don't hear about mental problems of those dark times.

Then - something started happening a few centuries ago. A great book "The invisible plague" by E Fuller Torrey documents it. Gradually mental problems increased in the increasingly techno world. "Bedlam" in London for instance, where the VERY RARE mental cases were exhibited as if in a zoo.

Let's jump forward at this point to a more recent researcher by the name of (quick check of what it says on my NHS (National Hypocrisy System) card...) Robin P Clarke.

I was doing brilliantly at grammar school until about age 15, when I "~MYSTERIOUSLY~" started to develop all sorts of horrendous mental/physical problems. None of the (cough) experts ever had any suggestions of what may have caused this or what could be done. I carried on under this mysterious curse. And carried on and on. I thought maybe one day I would learn something.

Meanwhile, while I was unable to do things like wake up and attend courses, or pass exams, and could hardly even write, I did get to have published a number of scientific papers. The first was the still-unchallenged "antiinnatia" theory - of autism, IQ, and genius. If you can't afford €l$evi€r's $70 fee you can read it for FREE at Chapter 7 at www.pseudoexpertise.com. Saint B Rimland described it as "excellent" "fine work", so so much for his judgement, pah. And the (then) most-cited-ever scientist HJ Eysenck foolishly said it was "well-worth publishing", only one of two theories published in his journal. But Saint Lorna Wing forgot to mention it in her literature reviews.

Numerous years later, the internet developed and I got a vague hint from some forgotten website(s) that the "mysterious" cause of my ruinous (non-autistic) disabilities could be mercury vapor from dental amalgams. I then started researching that subject. I found out several things that very few people know. Even Prof Haley didn't know a key fact! Anyway, it is all explained in FREE Chapter 3 at www.pseudoexpertise.com, and I won't copy it all out here as I'm concerned this page may run out of ink.

I first discovered (in the context of my PREVIOUSLY-published theory) that the increase of autism could be fully understood in terms of the change to non-gamma-2 amalgams from 1976 onwards. I then checked the case for vaccines causing the autism increase, and I have presented my full review of the question in FREE Chapter 6 at www.pseudoexpertise.com. (If anyone can get some pharma company to mail me a few million bucks, I'd be very grateful as I have not succeeded so far. I consider vaccines to be poisonous pseudoscience by the way.)

This then led me to further predict that the same mercury increase would have caused a concurrent epidemic of adult mercury poisoning such as had destroyed my own life (as by profession I have always been a NOBODY, in contrast to all those experts with strings of letters after their names, see FREE Chapter 1 for more). And my graph 3.5 shows that epidemic prediction confirmed, exactly same time as the autism increase.

This then led me to a further prediction, that the original introduction of amalgam would have caused an earlier whopping increase of disability 120 years before. At which I was fortunate to find Fuller Torrey's book and used his historical data to produce my Figure 3.7 - basically another whopping prediction massively confirmed. (And I could go on....)

Such confirmed predictions are the hallmark of scientific superlativeness. By contrast any number of stellar "qualifications" merely attest to ability to parrot exams and fit in institutionally and not rock any boats of the latest would-be-science fashions.

Sher DeGenova

not only stupid but truly OFFENSIVE to parents/family members of individuals with autism.
Celebrate autism? Don't disturb those with autism? Don't support them?
How little the world knows about living with individuals who have autism, and their needs.
How quick many are to write it off as a simple "difference", a 'neurodiversity'...
and how ugly our world is becoming. Random 'theories' and 'requests to be tolerant' are everywhere when really what we need is respect for our fellow humans, patience, and the courage to help anyone who is different.

Mark Wax

Where does my mentally incompetent adult son return his "gift?" Perhaps we can exchange it for one of the authors?


Jonathan Rose... Totally agree. The radical "Neurodiverity" screed is really nothing more than another version of the pseudo-scientific "new man" theory at the root of every totalitarian cult. The fact that it's being promoted in the current political climate shouldn't be surprising.

Jeannette Bishop

The comment section, I agree, does at least show evidence that many are still cognizant of reality, but I think I'm seeing in this articles reams of wanting-by-some-to-be-assimilated-by-all assumptions based on what I think is an attempt to normalize population-wide neurological decline.

"study says?" Did they publish some data like some analyzed petrified gene sequences (containing all those autism genes we've nailed down) found in trace amounts around prehistoric cave drawings?

So if someone can't seem to focus on anything, are they supposed to say to themselves, "Well I guess I've evolved far from the cavemen of old, and clearly, I'm not autistic? Now what did I just sit down to do?"

And if someone can do anything with effective focus, are they supposed to suspect they are autistic and go seek out a diagnosis? Or just tell themselves they must be one of those "really rare" people otherwise?

And anyone autistic or otherwise, focused or not very, when they see autism arising especially in the children around them, they're supposed to think, "Oh cavemen! Well these "genes" ensured our survival so I'm sure they're/we're getting on just fine...?"


So how was the fecal matter perserved for all this time?


Definitely not in freezers at any Harvard-affiliated hospitals


Ain't revisionist history grand? It sounds like some Baron Cohen research. Utter garbage.

Donna L.

Ha! I can't tell you how often I've thought, while my son tries for hours on end to balance water bottles or videotapes to be precisely 51% on the countertop and 49% off (insert massive hissy fits here), "this would be a really great skill to have if you were living in brutal, freezing cold conditions under the threat of being torn to pieces by large-tusked animals or saber toothed tigers."

I hope these authors' next study will be all about the teams of personal assistants who would hover around these very special detail-oriented prehistoric autistic individuals, keeping them safe from harm 24/7.


Hilarious. So all of these prehistoric autistic people procreated? They were able to keep up with the group? Steer clear of danger? Somehow not drown? And then these genes - which are apparently desirable - went dormant for a very long period following the age of great artists, and then have suddenly exploded in the last 20 years? How many of the great artists wore diapers I’m curious?


So how was the fecal matter perserved for all this time?

Rebecca Lee

Arrant nonsense!

Laura Hayes

Utter fabrication. Wonder who these “autism experts” are who “worked with” the archaeologists. The long arm of Pharma grows longer by the day.

Louis Conte

This is perhaps the dumbest nonsense ever published.

Angus Files

I spent my sons childhood stopping him from collecting feathers from under the wheels of 40 ton lorries and still do.He draws in peculiar style slapstick, pictures of feather's,himself anything he fancies.I am just to quote him, quoting Thomas The Tank Engine "surprised and delighted" that he wasn't into big cats as well,looks like I got off lightly! .Those Flintstones parents must have had it tough dinosaurs and goodness knows what, catching the attention of the autism community,Theres no arguing the caveman diet helps some autistic sufferers thats where it ends.

Pharma For Prison



Human brain sizes reached their peak 500,000 years ago, and have not changed much since.
Except 10,000 years ago the brains shrank a bit. That is according to some good articles, and research and not speculation.

Such as here: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-has-human-brain-evolved/

That is about the time; that we changed from hunter-gathers to agriculture, started to eat a lot of grain/wheat. Civilization.

We even have a written record of that transition:
Genesis in the Bible. This old record tells about the mark of Cain on the fore head. It goes on to say that his punishment was that anything he tried to grow, would perish. He was a city dweller, maybe a farmer; but no longer a child of nature, and did not understand it. Perhaps some kind of innate understanding was lost?

Which caused the rise of doctors that thought miracles of health were found in the minerals of earth, and invented ways to get those minerals of the earth inside the human body other than the two natural existing openings the human body had.


Isn't it interesting, how the list of causal guesses/excuses keeps growing

blame 'refrigerator' moms
blame older parents having kids
blame older, engineering parents having kids
claim that autism is inherited (.. from ancestors who never had it)
claim that autism is a genetic disorder (.. while never identifying the responsible gene)
claim there is no epidemic (.. credit doctors as being much smarter now than in the 70's)
soften the US incidence, by pretending to 'stumble' on a much higher incidence in S.Korea
claim that autism is nothing new, and that it has been here since prehistoric times

While the list of things that could not possibly be causing autism.... never expands beyond one?

Jonathan Rose

What's truly frightening about this is that it's good old-fashioned scientific racism, straight out of the Nazi handbook. The Nazis argued that "Nordics" had superior brains because they had to struggle for survival in the frozen north, and hence evolved greater intelligence and creativity. Africans had it easy living in warmer southern climes, so supposedly they never developed art. So if you're not autistic and not of Northern European origins, you probably can't draw. Substitute "Aryan" for "autistic" in this article, and it reads just like a Nazi racial screed. Not coincidentally, Hans Asperger, celebrated in "NeuroTribes", was an active Nazi collaborator, which Steve Silberman somehow overlooked.

John Stone

Of course, there will be some visually talented autistic people just as there are some visually talented non-autistic people, but there seems to be some incredible leap in logic. I suspect that one thing some autistic people do to overcome problems - if they have the cognitive ability - is to remember things in extended sequences, as an actor or musician has to do anyway.


From the article:

"Medical researcher, Barry Wright and archaeologist Penny Spikins, both of the University of York, carried out research on students at the university and found that 4 per cent were on the autistic spectrum. Most had never realised their autistic status and that they owed some of their abilities and skills to the condition. Significantly, the highest levels of hereditary autism are found in populations of Northern European origin, many of whose ancestors would have experienced the challenges of the Ice Age....'Detail focus is what determines whether you can draw realistically; you need it in order to be a talented realistic artist. This trait is found very commonly in people with autism and rarely occurs in people without it,' [Spikins] added."

So "detail focus" is how we're diagnosing autism now?

I recently heard about "white people perfectionism." It was presented as a bad thing, but it sort of sounded, well...really, really good. Of all the faults one might have, that's the one I'd pick. This article is along those lines. It aims to soften up its audience by appealing to human vanity. Once the mind is softened up, it's more willing to swallow the bilge: hereditary autism and who has it, detail focus and who has it.

As for the cave art, artistic, yeah; detailed, not so much.

Grace Green

The comments on the Independent article were mostly similar to those here, with a few of the predictable replies from the present-day nuerodiverse. The autism they describe seems to be so different from our experience that I wonder what would happen if some parents receiving a diagnosis of autism for their regressed severely injured post vaccination child showed their doctor this article and asked, "so is this what my son has?" Has the time come for us to say, "if that's autism then autism is not the right diagnosis for my child. Perhaps s/he has brain injury."?

John Stone

This foolish hypothesis was significantly first floated in the Cambridge Journal of Archaeology in 1998, Nicholas Humphreys, ‘Cave art, autism and the evolution of the human mind’ - completely unscientific, untestable, whimsical. Perhaps in some ways 2018 is another 1998. Any kind of nonsense to distract from the unfolding carnage.


again, pinterest won't let me safe aoa article.

Gary Ogden

A fetid, heaping mass of drivel. Not even good as fiction, which it clearly is.


Interesting how they combine "Autism is very old " + "Autism is a gift" while parents say it is new and vaccine damage.

bob moffit

Whoudda thunk it .. "Much of the world’s earliest great art is likely to have been created by gifted early humans on the autism spectrum, new research by British scientists suggests."

Odd that Darwin's Origin of the Species made no mention of "gifted early humans on the autism spectrum"? I suppose we can't hold Darwin responsible for not being as proficient in "identifying autistic behaviors" and their contribution to the evolution of mankind .. as only in recent years have we learned that autism has gone unrecognized for centuries.

Thanks to British scientists we now know how critical AUTISM was to the evolution of mankind.

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