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This Is The Sickening Amount Pharmaceutical Companies Pay Top Journal Editors

Does this Individualism-hierarchy Worldview Make My Yeti Look Fat?

Kim  Dryer bonnetNote: The headline isn't as kooky as this report below. Thanks Nancy H for sending it us to share.   This study says that the push to "educate" us into believing vaccines are as magical as fairy dust, as safe as a mother's hug and as necessary as air via "intervention programs" is a failure.  Well, lah de dah. Imagine that. Bullying fails. We believe what we see with our own two eyes. The study says that we tend to believe "conspiracy theories."  You can't color me and most of my colleagues with this broad "conspiracy nut" brush.    The more injured kids, teens and adults, the more the bubble is bursting on the Vaccines Are God industry.   Do I like this? Not really. It would be very nice if vaccines could safely protect from disease with ZERO harm. So would finding the Giant Pink Sea Snail with Dr. Dolittle.  For the record:

I believe the earth is a sphere. I believe we landed on the moon. I believe that 26 beautiful children and adults were slaughtered 15 miles up the street from me in Sandy Hook, CT. I believe that Mike Nesmith's mother created White Out. OK?  KR


The 'Attitude Roots' Underlying Antivaccination Beliefs

"Many intervention programs work from a deficit model of science communication, presuming that vaccination skeptics lack the ability to access or understand evidence," as explained in a new study published in Health Psychology.3 "However, interventions focusing on evidence and the debunking of vaccine-related myths have proven to be either nonproductive or counterproductive."

Emerging evidence suggests that targeting the underlying bases, the "attitude roots," of these beliefs may prove more effective than information-based strategies.4,5 To that end, the current authors aimed to determine links between antivaccination attitudes and 4 specific attitude roots:

  • Willingness to endorse conspiratorial beliefs
  • Disgust sensitivity toward blood and needles
  • Reactance (in response to perceived threats to one's autonomy or freedom)
  • Individualism-hierarchy worldviews (in contrast to communitarianism/egalitarianism)

The researchers used a data collection company to survey 5323 people (49.9% women) in 24 countries, using various scales to assess these measures.

Analyses revealed that the strongest antivaccination attitudes were found among participants with higher levels of conspiratorial beliefs (correlation coefficient [r], 0.334; P <.001), reactance (r, 0.235; P <.001), and disgust sensitivity (r, 0.201; P <.001). Although individualistic/hierarchical worldview was also associated with stronger antivaccination beliefs, the effect size was small (r, 0.186, P <.001). In addition, education and sex were not significantly linked to vaccination attitudes, whereas younger participants and more conservative participants had stronger antivaccination attitudes.

From a motivated reasoning perspective, the "goal of science communication is to align with people's underlying fears, ideologies and identities, thus reducing people's motivation to reject the science," the authors wrote. "If the motivation to reject the science is reduced, then people should become more willing to embrace the evidence on its merits."

To further explore these findings and their implications, Infectious Disease Advisor interviewed lead author Mathew J. Hornsey, PhD, a social psychology professor at the University of Queensland in Australia, and Nina Shapiro, MD, director of pediatric otolaryngology and professor of head and neck surgery at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, and author of the book, Hype: A Doctor's Guide to Medical Myths, Exaggerated Claims and Bad Advice.

Infectious Disease Advisor:What are the top takeaways from this study?

Mathew J. Hornsey, PhD: Of all the psychological variables that we measured, far and away the biggest predictor of people's antivaccination attitudes was their willingness to believe conspiracy theories. For example, the more people believed that Princess Diana was murdered or that 9/11 was an inside job, the more negative they were about vaccinations. Some people have a conspiratorial worldview: they think it's common for groups of people with malevolent agendas to get together and conduct elaborate hoaxes on the public in near-perfect secrecy. If you believe this is the way the world works, you're willing to entertain any conspiracy theory, including ones that suggest that Big Pharma is covering up the negative health effects of vaccinations.

Nina Shapiro, MD: The top takeaway from this study is that, contrary to what many clinicians have believed is the best method of dispelling antivaccination myths (eg, providing families with sound data and evidence that vaccines are safe and effective), this is actually, quite surprisingly, a poor method of dispelling concerns and may indeed make people more reluctant to proceed with immunization. This information is completely different from what many practitioners have been using for vaccine-resistant or hesitant families. Read more here.



Looking Good! That coordinated lipstick and lipgloss combination gives it that well groomed, well grounded presentation with an air of indestructable sense of humor and self- determination confidence. Does that cap come along with matching sling back wellies?
See Schiller Institute- The New Dark Age The Frankfurt Schooland "Political Correctness" By Michael Minnicino . This Political Ideology is present/current and historical fact not fable . Happy to to work in plain sight in all the political parties . Loves Quangos and Think Tanks Ed Bernays style ! Using "Feral Forensics" Marketing tosh to disguise real vicious Social Enginearing via weaponising language and medicalised terminology !
The 11 Point plan of The Frankfurt School since around 1924 . How many Tick boxes on this plan of action are being actioned today?
Latest one I heard of yesterday on the news was from the Think Tank Resolution Foundation .
Suggesting to make working pensioners pay heftier taxes in order to give millenials a £10,000 each one off payment gift/grant because so many of them are feeling that sorry for themselves? and it would help them save up to buy a house loan to add to university debt weighing them down like a heavy brick round their own dear necks .
8 or 12 slices pizza question youtube Fact or Fable!


corporate anthropology is stupid


Darn; I am still shocked over Cosby.

Darn; I am still shocked over seeing my son's vaccine reaction to those really safe vaccines.

I think I will reevaluate the Big foot films and foot prints, cause I know nothing.


If the 1979 Wyeth memo, the secret CDC Simpsonwood meeting, and the CDC trash can party to "disappear" the inconvenient MMR-Autism study results, isn't conspiracy.....I don't know what is!!

And of course, as we all know that's just the short list.

corporate anthropology is stupid

What in God's name (not religious here) is "individualism-hierarchism"? Tall-short? Fat-thin? Ayn Rand?

I'm an anarchosocialist.

I don't believe in Yetis.

I suspect the Twin Towers attack, if anything, echoed Pearl Harbor but I don't believe it was "ordered" by shadow government.

The earth is a spheroid.

There is no Santa Claus.


Lance Armstrong, Iran-Contra, Trump University, if groups of people didn't combine to pull off elaborate hoaxes on the public, there wouldn't be any need for investigative journalists. That used to be a profession.

If you read the news and are somewhat aware that things aren't always what they seem, that just means that what you read is going to be subjected to more scrutiny.

There must be ten books in my local library about Lance Armstrong's superhuman abilities.

Hans Litten

"Analyses revealed that the strongest antivaccination attitudes were found among participants with higher levels of conspiratorial beliefs "

This paper should have said :

"Analyses revealed that the strongest antivaccination attitudes were found among participants who took the time to read the manufacturers vaccine inserts "


"If the motivation to reject the science is reduced, then people should become more willing to embrace the evidence on its merits."

Therein lies the problem. There is no evidence and there are no merits. DUH.


it is easy to destroy all their arguments about "conspiracy theories".

This is what you say:

"Do you believe terrorism exists? What about organized crime? Hostile foreign armies? Gangs?

All of these involve a conspiracy (ie large groups of people engaging in secret nefarious activity. If conspiracies can't happen, then we would have to believe that foreign armies can't keep secrets from us.

At any rate, large groups of people sharing a vested interest is *not* the same as a conspiracy anyway. Doctors believed in bloodletting for thousands of years - completely wrong, completely stupid, completely dangerous - but no vast worldwide secret cabal. People don't have to act in secret to be collectively wrong. They don't even have to have the same vested interest. Nor do they have to engage in systematic suppression of dissent. Although there is a massive vested interest in vaccines and there is wide-scale suppression of dissent."

The other argument you can make is:

"Well if the only way for large groups of people to be wrong about something is for there to be a massive conspiracy, then does that mean we should trust all the world's priests, homeopaths, astrologers and chiropractors? What makes doctors special that they are the only ones who can't possibly be engaging in a conspiracy theory whereas all these other groups of people presumably are?"


To be honest, I am starting to feel proud and special that my antivaxx 'species' could so baffle researchers. It's incredible the amount of reseach doallars being thrown at prodding us to see how we tick. Even more shocking, it's not even as if we're trying very hard to beffudle them.


The naive boilerplate lead-in “According to the CDC…” cues readers that formulaic dogma will follow, copied-and-pasted by eager new science writers straight out of Magazine Writing 101. It never occurs to these neophytes that the CDC is not an infallible source of scientific fact and ethical virtue.

Dr. Nina Shapiro’s book Hype — praised by Paul Offit — “comes down hard on the ‘antivaxx’ movement” and refers to nutritional supplements as “very expensive pee and poop.”

By choice or ignorance Shapiro, Hornsey and Rodriguez miss the glaringly obvious point: when doctors provide vaccine information, savvy consumers will critique it from the viewpoint of factual integrity and personal safety rather than caving to self-serving institutional consensus and profit-driven quotas. It’s hardly reassuring to have 1 in 36 boys with autism, 50% of children chronically ill, and a primary CDC architect of vaccine/autism denial posted on the OIG Most Wanted List.

Jeannette Bishop

Once you prejudicially rule out the actual causes from consideration, then apparently their victims and even their symptoms are left as frontline suspects. Can we dub May Vaccine Harm Denial Exhaustion Awareness month (sorry, I'm too fried to come up with a snazzy acronym)? And then, maybe someone will then fund a study on why so many of the vaccine "resistant" are blue in the face?!? OK, so nevermind...


Apparently Matthew Hornsey spells his first name with two T’s, rather than “Mathew” as the article’s author, Tori Rodriguez, used repeatedly.

Hornsey’s assumptions about vaccine hesitancy in absence of vaccine corruption facts are like “man with a hammer” syndrome; to him, everything looks like a nail. “This staff member is a UQ Expert for media in the following fields: climate change skepticism, anti-science beliefs. They are happy to lend their expertise to your articles or broadcasts and share their research discoveries and insights with the community via media channels.”

“Rejection of science” is one of Hornsey’s research interests. “I examine the psychological motivations for people to reject scientific consensus (e.g., the psychology of climate change skepticism, anti-vaccination beliefs, creationism, superstition).”

Consensus as proof of scientific truth? What foolishness, especially given AofA’s other article today: “Scientific Publishing is Totally Broken” by Fiona MacDonald. So much for the media value of so-called “experts” if their contributions are based on falsified data or boutique research rather than a direct investigation of relevant facts.


In France only 41% believe vaccines are safe. The pro-vaxxers are a minority. What would they say about this?


Hornsey PhD says: "[morons] think it's common for groups of people with malevolent agendas to get together and conduct elaborate hoaxes on the public in near-perfect secrecy."

Everyone knows criminals go public before they do it,


It's very telling, that the ProVax crowd , and the ProVax industry, does NOT want anything to do with the CONTROL GROUP that so-called "anti-vaxxers" represent....


Hornsey PhD says: "[morons] think it's common for groups of people with malevolent agendas to get together and conduct elaborate hoaxes on the public in near-perfect secrecy."

Hell, yeah. That's the reason our court system exists. If people always, or even usually, told the truth against self-interest, we wouldn't need civil and criminal trials.

Off the top of my head, big tobacco and the seven dwarfs, Premarin/Prempro and Marin county women giving themselves breast cancer because they eat out too much, Vioxx, Seroquel, pregnant women secretly given radioactive iron at Vanderbilt University, WMD in Iraq, Trump is 6'3" tall....


The vaccine aware do not have a problem with science, it's the vaccine religious whom have a problem with vocabulary. Might I suggest they look up the word evidence and then look up the word theory.


It was the side affects of vaccination that dragged me into the world of conspiracy, not the other way around. When my dog got sicker and sicker with every yearly vaccine (7 years before I realized there was a problem with his vaccines. 7 years of torture for him! Thankfully his next 8 years were an improvement, but damage had been done). The bubble burst and I realized that if I was being lied to about vaccines, what else was I being lied to about? I don't believe the world is flat, but you better believe I trust no corporation any more. I try to buy all of my food from local farmers (ie I can visit and tour the farm). I make most of my own toiletries and most of the food I and my pets eat is homemade.

Gary Ogden

Oh Brother. From what planet is this "infectious disease advisor?" I can't remember psycho-babble sounding this ridiculous.

Mark Wax

Wow. Did someone get paid for this psycho babble? All I can say to to these "doctors" is this: 'Your PhD didn't make me stupid."

Angus Files

Oh look! more potential ant-vaxxers,conspiracy nut! Poor family.

BySam Yarwood
03:59, 7 MAY 2018UPDATED09:07, 7 MAY 2018

"“Ollie was born completely healthy,” she told the MEN . “He was hitting all of his milestones, he was potty trained.

“When he was around two-and-a-half we started to notice a speech delay. We mentioned it to the health visitor, but one of our older sons had the same thing and had caught up by the time he started school so we were told not to worry."


Pharma For Prison


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