Autism Increase Barely Registers in Public Eye
Chelsea Clinton Joins the Pro-Vax Injury, Lay the Guilt on the Vaccine Injured Village

Autism Rates Increase. 1 in 22 Boys in New Jersey.

Mc-jersey-shore-superstorm-roller-coaster-20170523NOTE: Maybe Bruce Springsteen will write a song about the boys with autism who can't find work in the closed factories... and who might never have their hearts broken by a Jersey girl. Born in the USA has become frightening as more families are learning their child has a diagnosis. We are in an emergency situation.

U.S. autism rate now one in every 59 eight year olds in America. In New Jersey, it's one in every 34 children, one in every 22 boys.

By Anne Dachel

The numbers are from 2014. Dare we suspect that they are even worse today? Is anyone alarmed because the New Jersey rate is so much higher than the national average?  What if the Garden State has the most accurate count of kids? 

The go-to guy on autism in New Jersey is Dr. Walter Zahorodny. His remarks in the press on the horrific rate in New Jersey are incomprehensible. 

Six years ago he admitted the possibility of a connection between vaccines and autism.

I wrote this for Age of Autism:

Walter Zahorodny, an associate professor at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, directed the autism study. (Photo: Photo courtesy of Nick Romanenko)

Finally, there's Dr. Walter Zahorodny, an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark and he was the lead researcher on the New Jersey portion of a CDC rate study.  He was interviewed for in March, 2014 about the update in the autism rate to one in every 68 children.  Zahorodny said, 'It's a true increase. It's a change of great magnitude. It's silly to go on debating that.'  Furthermore, he said the numbers are going to get even worse.


Back in April, 2012, Zahorodny was featured on the Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC radio.

During the interview, the host brought up research on the possible causes for autism and he made this comment: "I guess we know what they aren't, for instance, childhood vaccines, right?”

This was Zahorodny's stunning response: "Vaccines don't play a significant role in autism increasing. Some small number of children probably do have autism because of an adverse vaccine reaction, but they don't make for the overall rise. Similarly, thimerosal, the additive in vaccines which was almost entirely out of the picture by 2000, which was when our children in the '08 study were born. So these kids, which would have seen declining autism prevalence if thimerosal was an important risk factor, not increasing prevalence. So I rule those two things out. There are other factors that would be more likely at play-demographical factors related to parents' age and other factors linked to that."

So a "small number of children" have autism because of their vaccines.  Shouldn't we all be concerned? 

While Zahorondny's claim that thimerosal was removed by 2000 is clearly wrong, his admission that yes, some kids really do become autistic after vaccinations, was alarming.

So how much of the rate increase is because of the vaccines children receive?

So now it’s 2018 and the numbers have once again taken a jump leap forward.

 Since NJ has the highest rate in the country, Zahorodny is being quoted in national coverage. He makes it clear that it isn’t just BETTER DIAGNOSING. The numbers show no sign of slowing down. He finds that worrisome...


“It all points to some factor that is causing autism rates to increase," Zahorodny said, adding that he believes it must be due to some "unknown, environmental factors."

How dare this man continue to act like he’s lost in the woods. How will he be quoted when the rate is one in every 10 kids in New Jersey? Will the mystery continue indefinitely?

 Bob Menendez is in the U.S. Senate from NJ.

U.S. Senator Bob Menendez says prevalence in New Jersey is nearly double the national rate, with about 3 percent of children in the state affected.

 "These increase rates only mean we need to redouble our efforts, keep up the pressure, continue expanding research, screening, and support services for Americans with autism spectrum disorder." 

‘Expand research’? More money into genetic studies? More ‘screening and support services’? So New Jersey would like to find even more autism?

Meanwhile the mainstream media is out to downplay the announcement. See America, everything is under control. There’s nothing to worry about, no matter what the rate.

Tech Times: Stuart Shapiro from the CDC attributes the increase to better diagnosing among minorities.

Washington Times: “It’s only a small increase.

Baltimore Sun: “The increases were not necessarily a surprise to public health officials, who said they don’t know if there are actually more cases, or if awareness and diagnosis have improved.”

CNN: “Also, the definition of autism has changed through the decades…”

Medscape: “Autism prevalence up slightly to 1 in 59.”

NJ.comAutism rates continue to skyrocket, NJ leads nation in latest study

One out of every 34 children in the state is affected by autism, according to a new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which used research by Rutgers University. That represents a 19-percent increase from two years ago when the report was last released. At that time, one out of every 41 children were affected. 

One autism expert noted, however, that more minority kids are being identified as autistic, which could help explain the increase.

Walter Zahorodny, an associate professor of pediatrics at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School who led New Jersey's portion of the study, said even though New Jersey may be more aggressive in diagnosing autism, he doesn't believe that alone can explain the rising trend.

Autism in New Jersey has climbed roughly 200 percent since 2000, Zahorodny noted, adding that he believes that increase is far too dramatic to attribute solely to better diagnostic techniques, especially since rates are going up across the country.

"That's similar to what they find in all other states ... Autism rates in NJ are the highest in the US, have tripled recent ly

The rate of autism among children in New Jersey — now nearly 3 percent — is the highest ever documented nationwide, with nearly 5 percent of 8-year-old boys in the state on the autism spectrum in 2014, according to a report released Thursday by the federal Centers for Disease Control. 

Autism diagnoses in New Jersey have tripled in 14 years and show no signs of leveling off, according to the study's lead researcher. The rate of increase accelerated in the most recent two years, climbing by 19 percent to one in 34 children.

"We don't understand the reason for it," said Walter Zahorodny, director of the New Jersey autism study and an associate professor at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. In the 14 years since the monitoring study began, "it has never stabilized or decreased."  

WBGO Newark, NJ Childhood Autism On The Rise

The childhood autism rate continues to rise, and New Jersey's rate is the highest in the nation.

A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that one in 59 children were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder in 2014, a 15 percent increase from two years earlier.

U.S. Senator Bob Menendez says prevalence in New jersey is nearly double the national rate, with about 3 percent of children in the state affected.

"These increase rates only mean we need to redouble our efforts, keep up the pressure, continue expanding research, screening, and support services for Americans with autism spectrum disorder."

Tom Buffuto , the executive director of ARC of New Jersey, says the findings are a wakeup call.

“When we see these numbers we clearly have to do a better job of diagnosing children on the autism spectrum disorder earlier and we must get them into early intervention programs so they get the support and service they need as soon as possible.”

Rutgers researcher Walter Zahorodny says undefined environmental risks contribute to the increase, but it might also be due to better awareness. …

Researchers intend to launch a large scale autism screening initiative in New Jersey to help identify children with autism who go undetected before the age of 3.

Tech Times Minority Children Caused Autism Rates To Rise, CDC Says

According to the researchers, more children with autism have been reported due to the growing recognition of the disorder in minority communities. In the past, autism was more traced among Caucasian children than African-American and Hispanic children. This is because experts did not examine minority children. Autism was originally 20 percent higher in Caucasian children than African-American children, but the percentage decreased to 10 percent. Despite the decline, the prevalence remained prominent among Hispanic children.

Stuart Shapira, associate director for science at CDC's national center, believes that the higher number of minority children with autism could be due to health services being made available to minority communities unlike before. Shapira further said that the efforts are significant, because if more children are screened for the disorder, they can eventually get the assistance that they may need.

Washington Times-Autism rate jump in US may be result of better diagnosis

The government estimates that autism is becoming more common, but it’s only a small increase and some experts think it can be largely explained by better diagnosing of minority children.

About 1 in 59 U.S. children were identified as having autism in 2014, according to a Thursday report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that focused on 8-year-old children. That’s up from 1 in 68 children in both 2010 and 2012.

White children are diagnosed with autism more often than black or Hispanic children, but the gap has closed dramatically. Autism used to be 20 percent higher in white kids than black children, and that difference shrank to 10 percent. The gap between white and Hispanic kids shrank from 50 percent to 20 percent.

That increased recognition in minority kids is likely a big reason for the overall increase, CDC researchers said.

The causes of autism aren’t well understood, and it’s not clear if other factors might also be at play – like, for example, more couples having babies later in life,said Thomas Frazier, chief science officer for the advocacy organization Autism Speaks.


Newsy CDC: More US Kids Have Autism — But Experts Don't Exactly Know Why

But the study's authors say the data isn't clear about the reason for the overall increase. One theory is that access to services, screening and diagnosis has improved, which is considered a positive improvement. Experts recommend more research to fully understand why youth autism rates have risen.


Baltimore Sun Rate of kids with autism in Maryland jumps to one in 50

…The rate of children on the autism spectrum in Maryland jumped to one in 50 in the latest report released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the disorder’s prevalence. It was one in 55 two years ago.

Nationwide, the CDC reported the rate increased to one in 59 children from one in 68 two years ago. That’s the highest prevalence since the health agency began tracking the disorder 18 years ago.

The increases were not necessarily a surprise to public health officials, who said they don’t know if there are actually more cases, or if awareness and diagnosis have improved. Still, the numbers are important for giving an idea of the disorder’s reach, said Rebecca Harrington, who helped lead the data gathering in Maryland through the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

“There remains a lot of children in Maryland who have autism spectrum disorder, and they and their families are going to need more services,” Harrington said. …

The rates have been rising since the 1960s, but researchers do not know how much of this rise is due to better screening, diagnostic services and treatment and intervention. The medical community also has improved the way it documents the disease and is better at identifying autism-related behaviors.

CNN Autism prevalence increases: 1 in 59 US children

…The new estimate represents a 15% increase from two years prior and a 150% increase since 2000.

Also, the definition of autism has changed through the decades. "Over the '80s and '90s, the diagnostic criteria expanded to include more children," Christensen said, "so I think that's definitely a possibility for the increase that we've seen."


U.S. News & World Report Autism Rates Jump Among US Children

The study, based on research by Rutgers University from 11 states, estimated that autism is present in 1.7 percent of the childhood population, or 1 in 59 children. New Jersey had the highest rate of the disorder among the states studied, at 1 in 34 – a 19 percent increase from a CDC study two years earlier.The rate of childhood autism in the state was also higher than the national rate, at 2.9 percent, or 29.3 diagnoses per 1,000 children.


Daily MailAutism rates spiked 15% last year, new CDC data reveal

Experts believe the spike may be the result of improvements in diagnostic methods, with more doctors testing for the condition, especially in black and Hispanic communities. The condition is also linked to children having older fathers and being born prematurely - both of which are increasingly common.

WebMD-More US Kids Being Diagnosed With Autism

But autism experts said better detection is not solely responsible for the continued increase in autism rates.

"We are seeing an increase, and I think it's a meaningful increase," said Thomas Frazier, chief science officer for Autism Speaks, an autism advocacy organization. "I don't think this increase can be completely accounted for" by the closing of disparity gaps.

 Anne Dachel is Media Editor for Age of Autism.


Jeannette Bishop

These children were born under whose CDC leadership?


Autism on the Rise: Don't Blame Vaccines for Autism Rates

Autism rates continue to climb, and experts don't exactly know why - " the closing racial gap is good news, because it means more minority children will have access to services."

Is autism more common now? - "In either event, this can only be a good thing if it allows us to identify sufferers earlier and if as a consequence, we can offer help sooner."

Is There Really an Autism Epidemic? - "Two recent studies buttress assertions that the autism epidemic may be more illusory than real."


These propagandists are true idiots.

How can they claim to be so much better at diagnosing (...finding ) something, that previous generations were unable to find. While simultaneously claiming that what they're so much better at finding.... doesn't really even exist to BE found.

Kinda like when they claim to have no idea what is causing the autism epidemic. Yet they can somehow know with absolute certainty, that one that the ONE thing which couldn't possibly be causing it is vaccines.

Margaret Jaeger, grandma peg

Thimerosol be damned.! All the adjuvants so far added to different vaccines are unsafe and the industry has yet to prove they are extremely clean of so called junk DNA. They have yet to prove that dead baby parts were used as cultivators, that aluminum included is safeand not accumulative, that they don't use formaldehyde in the vaccine.... those who defend the use of those things say...well, it's Only to preserve the vaccine... So, it suddenly disappears when injected as a vaccine? Gee, magic molecules. They have yet to prove that those stuffs don't accumulate in the brains and bodies of children, they have yet to prove that those who Seem unaffected don't have the same accumulations with, perhaps, a changed DNA....they have yet to prove that the amount of vaccines and the infant stages of children they start giving the vaccines...doesn't affect All children. They don't go the extra length needed for proof their claims are true ... by hiring independent labs to do the testing of said safe vaccines.... they have yet to prove that the known whistle blower, Dr. Thompson isn't telling the truth about vaccines side effects.....and We have yet to secure Robert F. Kennedy as Federal Chairman of the Vaccine Safety Commision. Oh Lord, bring back Dan Burton and install he and Dr. Thompson on that committee..... Now...!!



The mainstream media reporting is horrible. Many even claim autism rates increase but it is a good thing because it means we get better diagnosing it.

Autism on the Rise: Don't Blame Vaccines for Autism Rates

Autism rates continue to climb, and experts don't exactly know why - " the closing racial gap is good news, because it means more minority children will have access to services."

Is autism more common now? - "In either event, this can only be a good thing if it allows us to identify sufferers earlier and if as a consequence, we can offer help sooner."

Is There Really an Autism Epidemic? - "Two recent studies buttress assertions that the autism epidemic may be more illusory than real."

John Stone

We are dealing with methodologies of deceit which essentially were devised about two decades ago. As the numbers rise point to uncertainties of methodology, and project ever more cases into the past (Fombonne may be mentioned here). The collapsed logic is just because supposedly the measures are imperfect that it is not really happening, it is not changing the way we live. Insist that impairment is a boon. Just keep repeating it all.

cia parker

Barry, I was being sarcastic.


Whether autism is one in 20 or one in 30 or one in 50, it bears remembering that this does not mean that all the other kids are normal and just that one child is autistic.

Thank you Cherry! Not sure if anyone is entertaining the possibility that it's not a case that we're now diagnosing more kids lacking the classic symptoms of autism, the weird, social misfits (so to speak) as autistic, but there is actually a true, significant increase in these kids to be 'misdiagnosed', and who are also victims of vaccine injuries.


We are now witnessing the greatest tragedy in our nations history and the CDC and NIH have been continuing to destroy the lives of our children since the middle 1980s. My son was one of the unfortunate victims of this evil escalation of vaccines being injected into the bodies of perfectly healthy babies. He is now paying the high price of losing his normal life to an autism diagnosis. He also developed seizures after his vaccines. Where is the research to help us reverse this terrible vaccine damage to our children's immune and neurological systems. The situation is a crisis that will only get worse with time and we the families and our children are the ones left to suffer and pay the price of never seeing our children grow up to be normal adults! My son is now an adult and my heart is broken over his autism every single day.


Now, thanks primarily to vaccines and secondarily to better nutrition and hygiene, our quality of life, health, and life span are the best they've ever been in all of history.


Do you really believe that vaccines are the primary reason for this? When our children, the most vaccinated children in the history of mankind, are also the sickest children in the history of mankind?


Over 3 million people in the US have ASD today and perhaps 80 million worldwide.

Work and mental health:

85% Adults unemployed
66% Report suicidal tendencies
35% Plan or attempt suicide


Up to 50% have Intellectual Disability
20% Epilepsy
Average life expectancy between 40 and 54 years


Adult with ASD over $50000/year.
Estimated lifetime costs $1.5-2.5 million

2015 $250 Billion annual costs - 1% of GDP
2025 Predicted annual costs of up to $1 trillion - 5% of GDP
2035 Up to 20% of GDP?

Autism rates:

1 in 68 2014
1 in 30 2018
1 in 15 2022
1 in 8 2026
1 in 4 2030

cia parker

Hans Litten,

Alfie's Aunt Sarah said that he was normal until those eight-week vaccines, and Alfie's family members realize that his problems were caused by vaccine damage.

Wow. What's going to happen now? A baby actively murdered by the NHS behind the back of his protective father. But there was already a judicial order to put him to sleep, so I guess it was legal. How can that be?

Angus Files

"Stuart Shapira, associate director for science at CDC's national center, believes that the higher number of minority children with autism could be due to health services being made available to minority communities unlike before. Shapira further said that the efforts are significant, because if more children are screened for the disorder, they can eventually get the assistance that they may need."

Ocourse nothing from cooking/burning the books in the trash can!!

The statement opens with a blatant admission of scientific fraud at the CDC:

My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998. I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.

Pharma For Prison


bob moffit

@ John

"There is no mention of this in the court record but it is reported that he was well until 2 months. At any rate the Alder Hey Hospital have not got to the point of blaming the parents for not getting his vaccines on time."

As I have often said .. the greatest power of the press in the US is to IGNORE whatever it may be they choose .. for their own vested interests .. to IGNORE.

Apparently the media in the UK is no different than here in the US .. which is why they chose not to ask a common sense question of Alder Hey Hospital .. was this innocent child vaccinated or not.

In any event .. thankfully .. they didn't have time to prosecute mom and dad for Munchausen by proxy.


Is the New Jersey and Utah's vaccine schedule any different than the rest of the country?

Does New Jersey or Utah receive most of their vaccines from a different pharma company?

Jeannette Bishop

I'm not sure we should be accepting this 1 in 59 report for even the year 2006. According to Dr. Lyons-Weiler (if I'm understanding things correctly), the CDC was presented with an on-the-ground diagnostic rate of 1 in 29. So...half the kids with an autism diagnosis were given one for the fun of it? Are we supposed to believe the changes to DSM 5 led from "better diagnosis" to an over-diagnosis rate of 100%? Or that prior to just now half of the kids with autism were misdiagnosed or going un-diagnosed, but we have to resort back to our less-than-better state of diagnosing in the name of "scientific consistency" as if the CDC has anything consistent (other than data contortions) to continue with their reporting....?!?

I wonder what the diagnostic rate was going in to the prior CDC report that held at 1 in 68 (and around which a Utah CDC whistleblower case arose)?

But whatever, if anyone claims "better diagnosing" is weighing into this increase, I think we are obligated to point out that the CDC culled the existing diagnoses by half to come to this number.

Shelley Tzorfas

If 1 in 22 boys in NJ have Autism and 1 in 34 children in NJ have it, while 1 in 50 children in Maryland and another arm of the CDC posted recently that it is 1 in 39 children-then how is it possible to mathematically come up with 1 in 59 children? The answer: It is NOT Possible! Let the people and Mainstream media be AWARE! If they investigated 3 , 4, and 5 year olds with Autism, and reported the numbers within the year instead of waiting to report them 4 to 5 years from now or longer, the numbers would be Way Higher-the people would jump out of their chairs and tv recliners and do something about the largest tragedy in our nations history. The Root word of research is SEARCH, and since our children are shot with Aluminum, Mercury/thimerosal, cancer-promoting Formaldehyde, E-Coli Bacteria and other known Poisons in the so called name of health, they are Seizing, dying from SIDS, SADS & SUDS, developing ADHD, Autism, Juvenile Diabetes, becoming paralyzed,developing infertility, and becoming Stay-at-home kids rather than Stay-at-home moms. No, these kids in these large numbers were not in institutions years ago. Our health as a nation is declining and our age expectancy is going down. They are doing a lousy job of searching and conquering.


Inveigle and Obfuscate...To borrow a phrase

I was just reviewing package inserts and monographs, reviewing
what Alfie might have received in one visit.
DTaP, (1,1,3) Polio (3), HiB, Rotavirus, 13 strain pneumococcal, MenB (3)
Twenty-six antigens! + the very long list of adjuvants, growth mediums etc

Hypersensitivity, Encephalopathy, Progressive Neurologic Disorder...
Guillain-Barré Syndrome.. His condition unknown?
I find it an absolute wonder how he was able to endure at all.

How can informed consent be given? There is no way to keep up, let alone
accept the injury they may be causing.

Thanks AoA!! Given the above information, it looks like it is still up to us.


I read AoA every day...thank you for staying on top of everything!

I'm in Canada and in March 2018 they released information about Canadian autism rates in 2015: 1 in 66 with 1 in 42 boys (in P.E.I. it is 1-in-33 boys) while 1-in-165 for girls.

An independent research team also found that the higher the autism rates the higher the vaccination rates.

From the Canadian news article above - totally clueless as to why the increase in autism....

So why are cases of autism going up?

That's the "magic question," said Rhee. "We know that genetics play a role, we know that environmental factors play a role, we know that we've gotten significantly better at awareness and screening and diagnosing and that those components play roles in there being a higher prevalence.
"But it doesn't explain the whole picture ... there's still so much we have to understand."

Canada does not have a national autism strategy, though this year's federal budget earmarked $20 million over five years towards ASD. The money would include funding for a network to connect people with ASD and their families to information, resources and employment opportunities, and community-based projects to strengthen health, social and educational programs.

Snider said the report will help inform planning for ASD programs, services and research "that will impact Canadians living with autism spectrum disorder and their families and caregivers."

Full report:


Springsteen already wrote that song:

"The poets down here don't write nothin' at all
and in the quick of the night
they reach for their moment and try to make an honest stand
but they wind up wounded, not even dead
Tonight in jungleland

cherry Misra

Whether autism is one in 20 or one in 30 or one in 50, it bears remembering that this does not mean that all the other kids are normal and just that one child is autistic. Among the others are the boys with poor physical coordination, the kids who later will be called "Dyslexic", ; the kids who will be hyperactive and a percentage of those will be put on psychiatric meds ; the kids who are extremely good in one academic area, such as math, but very average and even struggling with other important areas such as reading comprehension . The environmental assault on our kids is so great and yet it seems to be left to the parents to figure out for themselves what to do about it.
I find it interesting that the concept of "Too many, too soon" vaccines seems to have taken off as something that resonates with a great many people. Im rather thrilled to see that happen. It makes me think how far we have come in the last nearly two decades.

Hans Litten

Four Months of Critical Information is Missing from Alfie Evans’ Timeline


As I stated in the introduction, Alfie’s situation has raised more questions than answers. What do the records at Alder Hey show? What do the records at Alder Hey really show?

Was Alfie infected with a vaccine-derived virus? July is same month where Alfie would have received his first round of vaccinations. July is temporally significant.

Which came first, the “divergent squint” or the vaccine?

My bet is Alfie received the vaccine first.

The circumstances in which little Alfie’s life ended can be used to help parents get a glimpse into those adamant on protecting a corrupt system.

Hans Litten

"If, as the evidence suggests, our public-health authorities knowingly allowed the pharmaceutical industry to poison an entire generation of American children, their actions arguably constitute one of the biggest scandals in the annals of American medicine."

complete understatement "one of the biggest scandals" - its way the biggest of all time :
Bigger than WW1 WW2 , bigger than the holocaust , bigger than all those combined.

This means the names of Gerberding, Boyle, DeStefano, Offit are names that will be forever vilified by future generations as the worst of the worst. The lowest of the low.

cia parker

I'd mentioned before the delusion that most people have that NOW we know more than anyone ever did before, we have REAL science and our populace is REALLY educated and endlessly compassionate, unlike at any time in the past. Now, thanks primarily to vaccines and secondarily to better nutrition and hygiene, our quality of life, health, and life span are the best they've ever been in all of history. THEN people just didn't realize that it wasn't normal for a child not to be able to talk, socialize, comprehend age-level materials, eat food with gluten and casein with no problems. So they just dumped all of these uncooperative children into institutions, which no one is able to provide records as to their existence in the numbers required, location, or on their having housed, presumably for free, millions of autistic children.

I used to think the classification of pride as being the very worst of the cardinal sins was wrong, but now I see its wisdom.


At least we do not have Chickenpox and Measles. I wonder how long it will take before society begs to have the old childhood diseases back.


Thanks Anne for this post! With this latest prevalence data, what I consider that is not getting emphasized enough is that New Jersey probably have the best records, so we really should accept that the true national rate is likely 1 in 34, not 1 in 59.

I think Autism Speaks 'meaningful' increase really amounts to telling the public to continue their 'meaningful' donations to address autism, and while they strive not to upset their pharma overlords with talk of an 'epidemic'.

John Stone


If Alfie had his shots on time, and my understanding is that he did he would have had at eight weeks:

DTaP, Polio, HiB, Rotavirus, 13 strain pneumococcal, MenB

There is no mention of this in the court record but it is reported that he was well until 2 months. At any rate the Alder Hey Hospital have not got to the point of blaming the parents for not getting his vaccines on time.

Hans Litten

sb792 mandated vaccinations for adults (imprisonment for refusal)
Your Childcare & Nursing work shall set you free !

Senator Richard Pan is the Rudolf Hoess of our time :

Hans Litten

Story out there (no idea of the truth of it) - all over the internet.

Alfie Evans took 6 vaccinations in one visit to the Doctors.

bob moffit

"We are seeing an increase, and I think it's a meaningful increase," said Thomas Frazier, chief science officer for Autism Speaks, an autism advocacy organization. "I don't think this increase can be completely accounted for" by the closing of disparity gaps."

To define this latest increase as nothing more than "meaningful" by the "chief science officer of Autism Speaks" .. a particular word carefully chosen to calm the fears of the pharmaceutical industry, main-stream media and all justifiably terrified parents .. that Autism Speaks chief science officer believes no one should be terrified .. indeed not even .. troubled, worried, or even marginally concerned about the increase".

Indeed, the despicable word "meaningful" was meant to do exactly what Autism Speaks has ALWAYS done .. make certain the BAND PLAYS ON AND ON .. ON AND ON ..

John Stone


I think one of the great problems is the delusion humanity makes progress. Maybe it sometimes makes some but the moment the myth of enlightenment spreads everyone has had it. Today we are apparently so enlightened that all checks and balances on the state can apparently be abandoned - the bureaucracy can see to everything. I remember shuddering on the first UK Holocaust Memorial Day in January 2001, hosted by Tony Blair. In those days I was probably still mildly ambivalent about Blair. I just thought it was empty and dangerous to make such gestures.

Hans Litten

The Nazis 39-45 were not truly defeated in WW2 .
They just relocated and have carried on the same ever since .

These figures are out od date too . Its much worse than this .

Vaccines are a form of warfare more than despicable than ever seen in all history.
The CDC is a military organisation , nothing at all to do with medicine or healthcare.

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