HuffPo: Let’s Start Honoring People with Autism by Stopping the Celebration of Autism
Note: Uh oh, someone hit publish at HuffPo... what happened? This is a terrific article.
By A. Elizabeth Washington
World Autism Awareness Day hits me like a ton of bricks every year. As the mother of a child with autism, there isn’t another day I loathe like April 2nd. Autism Speaks proudly proclaims on their website: “Every year, autism organizations around the world celebrate the day with unique fundraising and awareness-raising events. How will you celebrate?”
Awareness is one thing, but I recoil at the assumption that my son and I will be celebrating the immense suffering he has endured since autism came into our lives. Each year, I mark the day by cringing as I drive past blue porch lights and pulling my blinds closed as neighborhood kids hop off the school bus in blue shirts. I know one thing for sure: the celebratory tone of April 2nd directly contrasts the reality of day-to-day life for many with autism. It doesn’t feel like a day that supports my son and those like him. It feels like a kick in the face.
A small sliver of the autism spectrum works happily in Silicon Valley, comfortable in their own skin, able to overcome their challenges and function successfully in the world. Some have genius IQs and special talents. They celebrate their abilities. I celebrate them too. Those at this end of the autism spectrum however, are not reflective of the entire autism community by any stretch of the imagination.
At the opposite end of the autism spectrum, parents are diapering their teenagers. Distressed children are literally banging their heads against walls. Parents are cleaning feces from furniture, carpet, and fingernails daily. Families are trying to function despite extreme sleep deprivation. Hyper-vigilant parents are turning their backs for a second and losing their beloved children to drowning... Click HERE. to read more.
The BBC (taxpayer funded via a licence fee) is on a big pro-vaccine push this week.
Apparently the Gardakil-HCG vaccine is set to eliminate cervical cancer within a generation.
My interpretation of this declaration is rather different,
# the Gardakil-HCG vaccine is set to eliminate a generation. #
Now hear this :
"There is no conspiracy folks, just get your damn vaccine" Nancy the Snyde
Posted by: Hans Litten | April 04, 2019 at 06:31 AM
I will celebrate when vaccine mandates are banned, forever.
I will celebrate when individual and parental rights are fully restored with regard to medical decision making...meaning nothing other than a simple "no thank you" will be required when one wants to decline or refuse any medical treatment, procedure, or product for themselves or their child.
I will celebrate when vaccines are completely eliminated from the marketplace, and from use.
I will celebrate when those who have been harmed by vaccines will be embraced, supported, and helped, by all community members.
I will celebrate when there is a "Justice for the Vaccine-Injured and Vaccine-Killed Day"...a day on which many will be sentenced to prison...many for life, with no option of parole. Personal, corporate, government, charitable, and academic institution bank accounts affiliated with the guilty will be drained and that money will be used to help those whom they have harmed. In jail, they will have to work hard to earn their food, shelter, clothing, and hygiene essentials will not be a given.
Thank you, A. Elizabeth Washington, for your impactful article.
Posted by: Laura Hayes | April 03, 2019 at 06:03 PM
Exemptions are really a divide and conquer strategy. Let's placate some people who strongly object to what we are trying to mandate, in order to get enough support to get most of the population under our thumb (and, of course, the existence of such exemptions is never publicized).
Then, after the mandates have become entrenched, it is time to whittle away the exemptions.
As Laura often says, the mandates need to go, as a first step in dismantling the entire apparatus of fraud and coercion.
Posted by: David Weiner | April 03, 2019 at 03:54 PM
A. Elizabeth Washington ... you have absolutely nailed it. THANK YOU for articulating my feelings for the many years since my son's ASD became apparent. God Bless You ... keep writing.
Posted by: Alfred Schiavo | April 03, 2019 at 10:05 AM
From the Autism Speaks website:
"What Are the Symptoms of Autism? Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are characterized by social-interaction difficulties, communication challenges and a tendency to engage in repetitive behaviors. Genetic Disorders. Seizure Disorders. Sleep Dysfunction. Sensory Processing Problems. Pica."
Which part of that are we celebrating?
The part that refers it Autism, rather than doctor administered vaccine injury.
Posted by: Barry | April 08, 2018 at 05:11 PM
From the Autism Speaks website:
"What Are the Symptoms of Autism? Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are characterized by social-interaction difficulties, communication challenges and a tendency to engage in repetitive behaviors. Genetic Disorders. Seizure Disorders. Sleep Dysfunction. Sensory Processing Problems. Pica."
Which part of that are we celebrating?
Posted by: Carol | April 08, 2018 at 09:21 AM
Big Pharma are trying to attack this from all angles.
Autism is not more common we are better diagnosing it.
Autism is not an illness it is a gift.
Vaccines do not cause autism.
All this to grow their vaccine market. The next targets are pregnant women.
Maternal immune activation during pregnancy has been linked to Autism and Schizophrenia in the offspring.
When the children are born autistic no one can say a vaccine caused it. Parents will not have to observe their child regressing.
Soon a pregnant women will get Tdap, Flu shots, Hep B,RSV, Zika vaccine, Streptococcus and god knows what else. At least then they will have the type of autism they always wanted and promoted: congenital.
The Zika scare was a convenient excuse to experiment on pregnant women. We can assume that the pharmaceutical industry was behind it.
Thanks to Zika maternal immunization ethics were rewritten.
The Wellcome Trust(UK) which is possibly the PR front for Glaxosmithkline is pushing to include pregnant women in vaccine trials.
They sponsor this project for example:
Why would they(big pharma) be so interested in getting pregnant women in vaccine trials?
First perhaps to promote the idea that vaccines in pregnancy are not that unsafe.
Second perhaps to be able to experiment on pregnant women.
Third to make the development of specific vaccines for pregnancy possible.
Posted by: pharmster | April 08, 2018 at 04:59 AM
Bravo Zulu Ms. Washington! I have 2 sons, now adults. One is totally disabled and incompetent needing 24/7 care. At the other end of the spectrum our older son has a great job in IT but will never marry, drive a car and we fear hos isolated he will become when my wife and I have died. We have no other family. Back to the point. We also have no "community." The effort to "celebrate" and "normalize" autism is slowly killing us. I will try to get your essay published by the New York Times and Washington Post. I am less than optimistic. The cavalry is not coming. I may be forced to post it everywhere I can. But, other than mixed responses of at all, I doubt that the massive and necessary resources from government and the restitution of Pharma caused brain damage will be the outpouring. This is America. Where we fooled everyone by putting "In God We Trust" on the money. When it is only the money that matters. In the twilight of my life I recognize that "they have us just where they want us." Like Ms. Washington, I am recognized only when I cry out in pain.
Posted by: Mark Wax | April 07, 2018 at 09:08 AM
Then there is those PDD-NOS which are the largest number; they have no high IQs, but not in diapers. They might drive, but not far and seldom. They might have a job for 9 dollars and hour and keep it if they don't take the company's insurance, but more likely they are at home, sitting in their rooms with no jobs.
Oh wait; those are not in the autism spectrum any more. They are in communication disorders, or tics and Tourette's, anxiety and all that.
Posted by: Benedetta | April 06, 2018 at 03:50 PM
"World Autism Awareness Day" has morphed from "awareness" into a widely recognized day to "celebrate" autism .. the same as the "Combat Autism Act" .. which was established when autism affected about 1 in 150 children .. has morphed from "combat" into "acceptance" of autism affecting about 1 in 68.
Orwell would have been proud of the "newspeak" that defines autism today .. such as ... "Autism Speaks" has for all intents and purposes .. has remained SILENT rather then SPEAKING .. as the pretense there has been no increase in autism at all .. just "better diagnosing" and "broader definition".
Ah yes, War is Peace, Slavery is Freedom, Autism is a Gift ......
Posted by: bob moffit | April 06, 2018 at 01:19 PM
God bless you A. Elizabeth Washington for writing this article. God bless Huffington Post for publishing it. I do pray that the tide is turning on the lies and deceit implicit in marketing brain damage as "neurodiversity" that should be celebrated.
Posted by: Beleaguered Autism Mom | April 06, 2018 at 11:55 AM
I have a real beef with the notion of celebrating autism when 22% of children with autism develop epilepsy [1] and 70% experience gastrointestinal problems [2]. In a recent study in the Lancet, two-thirds of adults with Asperger Syndrome, now part of the autism spectrum, reported considering suicide. 35% had made specific plans or an attempt [3]. Another study showed children with autism were three times more likely than their typically developing siblings to be bullied [4]. Children with developmental disabilities have a substantially increased risk of becoming victims of sexual abuse [5]. Which of these grim statistics are we called to celebrate?
Pharma For Prison
Posted by: Angus Files | April 06, 2018 at 11:10 AM