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Letter on Vaccination to Members of the European Parliament with Damning Official Report on the Deaths and Illnesses of Italian Military Personnel

image from Age of Autism reproduces a letter to be circulated to members of the European Parliament in advance of a resolution about “vaccine hesitancy” aimed at creating a false emergency and putting pressure on member states to maximise vaccine uptake. John Stone made a response on behalf of AoA to the European Commission at the beginning of the year in regard to this initiative, which argued that it was an egregious attempt to hi-jack policy on behalf of a greedy and rapacious industry. It was one of hundreds of negative responses to the consultation, with almost none favourable. The reality is that though popular opinion can no doubt be manipulated the drive for this comes from the institutions and their industrial cronies: the cry is not coming from below. Although the resolution proposes no specific actions it is evidently intended to support anti-democratic, inegalitarian and illiberal measures in member states, disregarding for example the major political upheavals in Italy with mass demonstrations, and a collapse in the vote of the responsible parties, much reported in AoA in recent months. Moreover, it looks as if much of this came through the agency of the Obama administration in the US.

Notable are clauses 3 and 12:

3. Points out that Vaccines are safe according to the WHO, as a licensed vaccine is rigorously tested across multiple phases of trials before its use is approved, and regularly reassessed once it is on the market...12. Condemns the spread of unreliable, misleading and unscientific information on vaccination aggravated by media controversies; calls on Member States and the Commission to take effective steps against the spread of such misinformation and to further develop awareness and information campaigns, especially for parents, including the creation of a European platform aimed at increasing vaccination coverage...

Particularly absurd is the appeal to authority, as if the World Health Organization is inherently trustworthy, free of conflicts etc., meanwhile by inference suggesting that contrary information is necessarily unreliable – a view which the document tackles head on, making available for the first time the utterly damning report of the  “Parliamentary commission of inquiry into case of deaths and severe illnesses affecting Italian military personnel assigned to military missions abroad...” a document officially published amid an international mainstream media blackout earlier this year

An obvious interpretation of all this is that we have institutions which while behaving in an ultra-aggressive manner, are terrified at ever being held to account, and are moving in pre-emptive way.


 To our members of the European Institutions

Please consider this recent information before voting the resolution on ‘vaccine hesitancy and drop in vaccination rates in Europe’ as proposed by the Commission on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety of the European Parliament (2017/2951. For Mid-March 2018)

(Scroll down for full text of resolution)

- On Feb. 7th 2018, an Italian Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry has issued a report that finds higher risks of death and illnesses such as cancer, autoimmune disorders and hypersensitivity associated to the administration of combined vaccines (1). A copy of this report has been addressed to the European Parliament.

After an 18-year investigation into causes of thousands of cases of serious illnesses and deaths amongst personnel affected to military missions abroad,
this Parliamentary Commission has found a significant risk of cancer and autoimmune diseases associated with the use of combined and multiple vaccines in the prophylactic schedule. While the 4th ‘Uranium’ Commission initially investigated other factors such as exposure to uranium from bombshells and other war hazards, the causal association with vaccines was raised both by personnel accounts and by the fact that soldiers who did not leave the country had also been affected.

Vaccines in the military vaccine program are the same as those used for infants.

Findings of this Commission – whose interests are neither in favor or against vaccines, or close to ‘vaccine hesitant groups’ – raise a serious alarm in the present context of vaccine mandates and schedules in Europe.

  1. The Commission could not find a single study assessing the safety of combined vaccines

  2. The Commission estimated that “the cumulative amount of the various components of the vaccines exceeds the permitted limit for the marketing authorization of the single vaccine”. This means that in combined vaccines the sum of adjuvants (aluminium or mercury), preservatives and biological contaminants - i.e. viruses, bacteria, mycoplasmas and mycobacteria, as well as fetal human DNA and animal DNA, recent findings also show nanoparticles - that come from the biological tissues of vaccine culture has not been tested.

  3. “Vaccines that have a high content of components in quantitative terms, but also of varieties of foreign components, determined a greater number of adverse reactions»

  4. Ao. the Commission was concerned by the use and safety of aluminium adjuvants (hexavalent vaccines), large quantities of fetal and animal DNA (eg. MMR) and the presence of inflammatory nanoparticles contaminating the vaccines.

Recommendations of the Parliamentary Commission for immunization include

  1. The use of single vaccines and single doses over combined vaccines

  2. with no more than 5 vaccines to be administered at one visit

  3. Personalized risk assessment before vaccination, including blood tests and

    patient records of previous health conditions. The tests should detect any changes in the immune system and hypersensitivity, with 81 elements identified for which testing is required, in addition to the active ingredients in the vaccine. Vaccine leaflets recommend the verification of health status at the moment of vaccination and the Commission sums a number of diseases that contraindicate immunization. The cumulative number of adverse reactions on the vaccine leaflets analyzed amounted to 240.

    Note: the Commission only analyzes the vaccine leaflets here, but the number of adverse event reactions in the follow up reports are much higher, e.g. A 2011 confidential report of Infanrix hexa (that includes DTP) mentions 825 different side effects, with more than 500 not mentioned in pre-licensing phase, of which 50 are serious adverse advent reactions (2)

  4. Long-term periodic monitoring of each individual vaccine

  5. Avoid new immunization for a disease where natural immunity is already

    present, such as after a natural disease (need for single vaccines again)

Recommendations of the Parliamentary Commission for a safer vaccine policy include

  1. The development of safer ‘purified’ vaccines to limit the amount of toxic components.”

  2. Evaluation of long term effects of vaccination...most vaccines are assessed on a very short period, a few days or weeks and less than a month. (p. 155)

  3. Better safety studies of vaccine components including adjuvants and contaminants.

If military are at risk with 5 vaccines, are babies really safe with 9 or 11 or more?

Article n°3 of the draft resolution of the European Parliament “Points out that vaccines are safe according the WHO, as a licensed vaccine is rigorously tested across multiple phases of trials before it’s use is approved, and regularly reassessed once it is on the market”

However, WHO relies on the ‘multiple phase trials’ provided by the manufacturer and not by independent bodies. And vaccines are not submitted to the same safety requirement of other drugs. Unlike those, they are no tested against real placebos, there are no middle or long-term studies, no studies on cancer risks, no studies on the impact on fertility, no studies on DNA modification, no pharmacokinetic studies (to know what happens to the substance injected in the body), insufficient studies on vaccine components, and once more, no assessment of combined vaccines or of the global vaccine schedule.

The ‘reassessment’ of vaccines mostly relies on yearly ‘PSUR’ follow up reports from the manufacturer to the EMA. These reports are however ‘confidential’ and very difficult to obtain. A recent independent evaluation compared PSUR reports of the Infanrix Hexavalent vaccine, obtained under the Italian freedom of information act, and found that several death cases had been omitted from one report to another. The final comments urges to further ‘reappraise the reliance on the EMA’ (3)

There has been no reaction from EMA, while this vaccine is recommended in most vaccine schedules.

In a confidential follow up report PSUR4 Prevenar issued by Pfizer/Wyeth it is mentioned that the administration of Prevenar together with Infanrix Hexa could triple the risk of serious neurological damage (eg. Epilepsy). (4) Prevenar has 13 vaccine strains, while Infanrix has 8 (6 diseases, 3 strains for polio). However, these vaccines are still recommended to be administered in the same visit in most national vaccine schedules.

Risk of death associated to vaccines

It should be noted that WHO has recently modified the reporting criteria of the ‘Brighton Collaboration’ AEFI Adverse Events Following Immunization and that according to their new definition, it becomes almost impossible to report death cases or side effects that were not reported by the manufacturer in the pre-licensing phase. In a study on urgent readmissions after vaccination, the cases that survived were reported in the AEFI registry, while ALL those who died were excluded from the reports, due to changes in classification. (5)

It is urgent to conduct studies on the death risk of pediatric vaccines, as well as middle of long-term studies for adults.

Article 15 of the resolution “welcomes the encouraging progress made in the fight against cervical cancer thanks to vaccination programs against the HPV virus” and further encourages the vaccination of boys.

In spite of the fact that the Nordic Cochrane Collaboration has repeatedly warned EMA for a high number of vaccine adverse reactions with HPV vaccines and that researchers have both pointed that the vaccine is neither proven effective or safe, the Draft Resolution is further promoting this vaccine. After the decision of EMA’s Ombudsman, the Nordic Cochrane Center has “questioned EMA’s independence from industry because chairs of important committees are allowed to have conflicts of interest in relation to the manufacturers whose products are evaluated” (6)

Vaccine hesitancy

In the light of this information, and before any further guarantees can be provided, one might wonder if ‘vaccine hesitancy’, defined by WHO as ‘delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccines despite availability of vaccine services’, is not simply a mark of healthy reasoning, wisdom and responsibility, rather than a ‘behavioral problem’ such as it is now suggested.

Vaccine hesitancy is growing with vaccine safety issues and the high number of adverse reactions events observed and experienced, even if widely underreported. If all were fine and science convincing, there would be no vaccine ‘skeptics’. There would be open scientific debates, solid studies by independent bodies to answer questions asked and public results instead of confidential reports. Claiming that ‘the science is settled’ and censoring the debate is contrary to very principle of any scientific approach and will never be convincing.

It is unacceptable to base human health policies on the sole argument of ‘authority’ and approval by WHO, who is directly influenced by financial and industrial stakeholders. European Institutions are still made by European citizens and we believe they can still influence this issue. People working directly for the Institutions also have children, they will also need to answer these questions for their own families.

Will this resolution further fuel a political crisis in Europe?

The current situation in Italy proves that when making vaccines mandatory, failing to address these concerns is not only an ethical and medical issue, it can also destabilize member countries' political unity and fuel euro-skepticism. Radical parties and separatists profit from Union's failure to properly answer citizen's

majors concerns, such as the health and environmental safety or the protection of individual freedoms.

Both in France and Italy, vaccine obligations were imposed with ‘fast tracking’ legislation, while there was no real emergency and conflicts of interests were blatant. Guerra, the chief of cabinet of Health minister Beatrice Lorenzin’s is a member of the GSK’s trust board. Italian citizens led large protests for months while those were never reported in the media. Refusal of school access to unvaccinated children further spurred the anger of the people and created a discriminative situation, that is leading to an unprecedented chaos between the people and their administrations. Several regio’s have asked for autonomy in health regulations and opposed the new law. This is called a political disaster and was entirely predictable.

Is it a surprise that the Italian democrats party has now achieved it’s lowest score in decades? Are obligations, denial of constitutional individual rights and freedom, refusal to school access, fines and censorship really the tools a democracy should use to ‘convince the people’? Is it still a democracy?

We, who are concerned about the health of our families and attached to the European Institutions and their common human values, freedoms and rights, we ask you to vote against this resolution and review the entire vaccination policy before making further recommendations.

In faith,
Citizens of Europe

References of the Open Letter and Copy of the Draft Resolution


(1) Full Report of the Parliamentary Commission on the Italian Parliament website Doc. XXII-bisn. 23-bis,Vol. I, II and III on

English translation approved by the Court of Genoa here

(2) Confidential Infanrix Summary Bridging Report , 16th December 2011,

(3) Jacob Pulyiel « Infanrix Hexa and sudden death : a review of the periodic safety

update reports submitted to the EMA »

Member of the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation of India

(4) PSUR 4 Prevenar 13 Response to question on neurological events Pfizer-Confidential.pdf

(5) Jacob Pulyiel, « Death following pentavalent vaccine and the revised AEFI classificaton »

(6) « Complaint filed to the EMA over HPV vaccine over maladministration related to the safety of the HPV vaccine » maladministration-related-safety-hpv-vaccines

(7) 2 November 2017, Nordic Cochrane Centre « Comment to EMA’s ombudsman » ews_on_the_ombudsmans_decision_2_nov_2017.pdf

European Parliament

Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety 2017/2951 (RSP)


on vaccine hesitancy and the drop in vaccination rates in Europe (2017/0000(RSP))

Renate Sommer, Elena Gentile, Bolesław Piecha, Gesine Meissner, Katerina Konecna, Marco, Affronte, Mireille D'Ornano on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety





European Parliament resolution on vaccine hesitancy and the drop in vaccination rates in Europe (2017/0000(RSP))


The European Parliament,

– having regard to Article 168 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU),

– having regard to the Council Conclusions on childhood immunisation, adopted by the Health Ministers of the EU Member States in June 2011,

– having regard to the Council Conclusions on vaccinations as an effective tool in public health of 6 December 2014,

– having regard to the Commission communication of 29 June 2017 on “A European One Health Action Plan against Antimicrobial Resistance”,

– having regard to the WHO Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP), endorsed by the 194 Member States of the World Health Assembly in May 2012,

– having regard to the World Health Organization’s resolution 68.6, adopted by the 194 Member States of the World Health Assembly in May 2015,

– having regard to the World Health Organization’s European Vaccine Action Plan 2015- 2020,

– having regard to the ECDC’s Technical report, of April 2017, on “Immunisation information systems in the EU and EEA”,

– having regard to the ECDC’s Technical report, of June 2017, on “Vaccine- preventable diseases and immunisation: Core competencies”,

– having regard to the UN Political Declaration of the high-level meeting of the General Assembly of 21 September 2016 on antimicrobial resistance, New York, USA,

– having regard to the World Bank report of March 2017 on ‘Drug-Resistant Infections: A Threat to Our Economic Future’, Washington, DC,

– having regard to Rules 128(5) and 123(2) of its Rules of Procedure,

– having regard to the question to the Council vaccine hesitancy and the drop in vaccination rates in Europe (O-000000/2017 - B8 0000/2017),

– having regard to the question to the Commission on a vaccine hesitancy and the drop in vaccination rates in Europe (O-000000/2017 - B8 0000/2017),

– having regard to the motion for a resolution of the Committee on the Environment, PE613.639v03-00 2/5 RE\1143378EN.docx

Public Health and Food Safety,

– having regard to Rules 128(5) and 123(2) of its Rules of Procedure,

  1. whereas in December 2010, global health leaders committed to ensure the discovery, development, and global delivery of lifesaving vaccines, especially to the poorest countries, declaring the following 10 years (2011-2021) the “Decade of Vaccines”;

  2. whereas cost of a full vaccines package for one child, even at the lowest global prices, has increased by a factor of 68 from 2001 to 2014;

  3. Whereas within the EU/EEA, countries vary considerably with respect to recommended vaccines and organisation of health services;

  4. Whereas the Member States of the EU have all endorsed the World Health Organization’s European Vaccine Action Plan 2015-2020;

E.Whereas encouraging high vaccination rates protects citizens from contracting vaccine- preventable diseases that are pandemic in countries with low vaccination and immunization rates;

F whereas the decline in vaccination uptake in Europe has led to significant measles outbreaks and related deaths in several European countries;

1. Recognises the potential role vaccines can play in combatting Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR), which should continue to be explored;

2. Welcomes that the introduction of the large-scale protective vaccinations in Europe has significantly contributed to the eradication or decline in many infectious diseases; Nevertheless, is concerned that the above achievements are now gravely challenged by the worrying phenomenon of vaccine hesitancy;

3. Points out that Vaccines are safe according to the WHO, as a licensed vaccine is rigorously tested across multiple phases of trials before its use is approved, and regularly reassessed once it is on the market;

4. Welcomes the active engagement of the Commission on the issue of vaccination and the inclusion of a Joint Action Plan on vaccination, co-funded by the EU Health Programme, in the 2018 Commission Work Programme;

5. Strongly supports the Joint Procurement Agreement, which gives Member States and the Commission a framework to jointly procure vaccines, thereby pooling the purchasing power of Member States, ensuring that pandemic vaccines are available in sufficient quantities that access to vaccines is guaranteed, and that all participating Member States are treated equally;

6. Welcomes the fact that 24 Member States have signed the Joint Procurement Agreement, meaning that the Agreement covers 447.8 million of the 508.2 million EU citizens; calls on those Member States which have not yet signed the Joint Procurement Agreement to do so to ensure that all EU citizens are covered by the agreement;

RE\1143378EN.docx 3/5 PE613.639v03-00


7. Recalls the importance of transparency in building and maintaining public trust in medicines;

8. Recalls the importance of the Clinical Trials Regulation in stimulating and facilitating research into new vaccinations and ensuring transparency of results of clinical trials; calls on the Commission and the European Medicines Agency to implement the Clinical Trials Regulation without further delay;

9. Calls on Member States to ensure that all healthcare workers are sufficiently vaccinated themselves; calls on the Commission to address the vaccination rates of healthcare workers in the Joint Action Plan;

  1. Notes with concern that epidemiological data on the current situation of vaccination in the Member States shows important gaps in the uptake of vaccines and insufficient vaccination coverage rates necessary to ensure adequate protection; is concerned that widespread vaccine hesitancy has become a worrying phenomenon due to the range of health-related consequences it causes in the Member States;

  2. Is concerned by the wide variation in the vaccines that are recommended, provided and/or mandated by different Member States; is concerned that this variation in vaccination coverage exacerbates health inequalities between Member States and undermines efforts to reduce and eliminate preventable diseases;

  3. Condemns the spread of unreliable, misleading and unscientific information on vaccination aggravated by media controversies; calls on Member States and the Commission to take effective steps against the spread of such misinformation and to further develop awareness and information campaigns, especially for parents, including the creation of a European platform aimed at increasing vaccination coverage;

  4. Is concerned about the high prices of some life-saving vaccines; calls on the Commission and the Member States to implement the measures called for in the European Parliament’s report of 14 February 2017 on EU options for improving access to medicines;

  5. Is concerned that high vaccine prices disproportionately affect low and middle income countries, including countries that are losing donor support through Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance; calls on the Commission and Member States to take measures to help facilitate access to vaccines in those countries;

  6. Welcomes the encouraging progress made in the fight against cervical cancer thanks to vaccination programmes against the HPV virus; calls on the Member States to further develop these programmes and explore ways to increase coverage rates and prevent other forms of cancer, for example by including boys in vaccination programmes;

  1. Believes providing vaccination services for migrants and refugees entering EU countries is critical; calls on the Commission and Member States to map what concrete vaccination activities are being implemented for migrants and refugees entering EU countries and work to address the identified gaps;

  2. Calls on the Member States and on the Commission to promote awareness- raisingcampaigns among physicians who provide vaccinations underlining their obligations, including providing patients (or patients’ legal guardians) with sufficient information about recommended vaccines so that they can make an informed decision.

  3. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to elaborate a fully comprehensive EU Action Plan raising the social problem of vaccine hesitancy, strengthening Member States’ commitments, including priority and region-specific actions, and taking into account the varying circumstances and specific challenges faced by the Member States;

  4. Calls on the Commission to facilitate a more harmonised schedule for vaccination across the EU, to share best practice, ensure even coverage across Europe and reduce health inequalities;

  5. Calls on the Member States to punctually provide data on vaccination;

  6. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Member States, the World Health Organisation and the Governments of the Member States.





Gary Ogden

Would it be correct to say that the European Parliament is largely window dressing; that the rule-making which afflicts the citizens in EU countries takes place in the nameless, faceless, unelected bureaucracy in Brussels? If so, it would be much like the U.S.


Hans - I read the article from your link about (...less likely to be vaccinated). Once again, it is Wakefield who is behind all this. Aha! That mastermind of evil! (My greatest respect to Dr. Wakefield - this post is entirely sarcastic!) I wonder if they think that parents of sons/daughters with autism are dumber than rocks. All the "studies" that they present showing that autism is not linked to vaccines and these parents still choose to believe Dr. Wakefield from way back in 1998 - 20 years ago! What a bunch of schmoes. Maybe they are working on a vaccine right now for parents who are leery of vaccinating. They could call it the anti-wakefield vaccine. I am from the government and I am here to help you.

John Stone

Just to make clear I am not the author of the letter but I did write the intro.

Angus Files

Well done John again.The word missing by Pharma WHO et-al is independent.No independent tests have ever been done on any of their poisons and if the Pharma Phirm have nothing to hide with such a great product you have to ask the WHO WHY?

Having faulty vaccines is for the better good of mankind!

Pharma For Prison



I live in italy and have dual Italian ans US citizenship. I sent the following message to the EU parliament at :
Question sent to the European Parliament 3/26/18:
The upcoming resolution about “vaccine hesitancy” is aimed at creating a false emergency and putting pressure on member states to maximise vaccine uptake. It is an egregious attempt to hi-jack policy on behalf of a greedy and rapacious industry. The drive for this comes from the institutions and their industrial cronies: the cry is not coming from below. It is intended to support anti-democratic measures in member states, disregarding for example the major political upheavals in Italy with mass demonstrations, and a collapse in the vote of the responsible parties. The people do not support mandatory vaccinations, fines and denial of schooling and seek the reversal of this undemocratic law. What will you do to end this undemocratic and dangerous law? Bonnie Willson

David Weiner

Let us pray for the imminent collapse of the EU.

Hans Litten

Seriously they can just go and take a running jump !
Here is their latest dirty tactic.
So it seems everyone knows it was the vaccines (& people are staying quiet !)

Kids with Autism—And Their Siblings—Are Less Likely To Be Vaccinated

susan welch

Thank you, John, for this excellent article. I find the whole EU situation quite frightening. I did write to my 6 MEPs with varying responses. One was particularly pro-vax and the others just seemed to think that each country made its own rules re mandates - so nothing to worry about in UK.

No-one seems to take any of it very seriously and my concern is that, until the majority of people know someone with an obvious vaccine injury, the general public remain apathetic. The exception, of course, is Italy but even then, Pharma/Govt. imposed the mandate anyway.

Maybe the fact it was proven that adults suffered adverse reactions could make people think, but even then they have to read it.

I usually only copy articles to Twitter as I have few FB 'friends' and they only tolerate my views, but I did copy this article to Facebook saying something along the lines of 'this is serious, please read' but am sure I will get the usual reaction, i.e. none.

Sorry to sound so negative but it seems the more people are slowly waking up (being injured) the more propaganda is being pumped by governments, media etc. - especially the BBC!

Hans Litten

"and a collapse in the vote of the responsible parties"

These are inherently criminal & highly infiltrated political parties, and quite frankly I hope they never recover from what happened.
Ok so the Bettencourt family may have pulled off a stroke in France with the thief Macron but for how long ? I don't expect them to get away with it forever.

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