Best of Dan Olmsted: A Little Milton with Your Post-Election Coffee
Dan wrote this post last year on November 12. We run "best of" from him from time to time. I tend to choose the posts by how my heart feels - or how sad my heart feels. Out of the blue Dan's death hits me like a punch t0 the throat. Hard. And it hurts. Today is 11/11. Those of you who follow my nonsense in other social media know that I am guided by 11:11 the angels' number. Dan will always be my guardian angel - in writing, in taking care of my family, and in running Autism Age - which he left to me, and which I will guard with my life for all of us. A year after the 2016 election, we're waiting for action for autism from the White House. We've seen more violence than ever before. And the media is more split and crueler than ever to those of us with vaccine injured children. We need to stay focused on sharing our stories and fighting back against the loss of our medical rights. It's what Dan would have wanted. Kim
By Dan Olmsted
The election just passed still feels so raw and immediate that it almost seems like it’s still going on – I feel like one of those times when I’ve driven for 10 hours and I close my eyes at bedtime and still feel like I’m driving. That happened another time when Mark Blaxill and I were working on our first book and had put in a marathon long weekend session. I tried to go to sleep but words were appearing in front of me as if the inside of my eyeballs was a sheet of paper.
Much could be said, but little needs to be: I wish President-Elect Trump well and I hope this is an opportunity to end the age of autism and confront the damage done by the bloated, unsafe vaccine schedule. Readers of all stripes continue to be welcome here. Partisan politics really doesn’t advance the cause – and as a non-profit we don’t endorse candidates or adopt a political line beyond calling it as we see it. Yes, we practice advocacy journalism, for which there is a rich tradition. And at least we acknowledge it rather than descend to the sneering condescension of supposedly balanced outlets like the New York Times. (“On Autism’s Cause, It’s Parents Versus Science.”)
As for Milton, I was recalling the last lines of Paradise Lost – no hidden message here, just the idea that we need to leave the past behind to fully accept the invitation to shape our future:
“The world was all before them, where to choose
Their place of rest, and Providence their guide:
They hand in hand, with wandering steps and slow,
Through Eden took their solitary way.”
Let’s hope and expect that Providence, however defined, will continue to guide our efforts. To invoke another of my favorite quotes, “Continuous, calm, powerful use of the will shakes the forces of creation and brings a response from the infinite.” (Paramahansa Yogananda)
Our matching fund-raising drive has a ways to go to take full advantage of the $5,000 match being offered by Anonymous Reader. We hope that perhaps with the election over and a few moments before the holidays hit us head on, you’ll consider a donation to keep us going strong in the new year, the new administration, the new era. With wandering steps and slow, with continuous, calm, powerful use of the will, we’ll get there.
Dan Olmsted is Editor of Age of Autism.
Thank you for reposting this. This quote particularly struck me as a description of the spirit that emanates from Dan's writings:
"Continuous, calm, powerful use of the will shakes the forces of creation and brings a response from the infinite."
Posted by: Jeannette Bishop | November 12, 2017 at 02:06 PM
Oh, Kim, I think he would have been so very proud of the way you've kept AofA up and running. But still...what a tremendous loss. :(
Posted by: Donna L. | November 11, 2017 at 03:52 PM
Thanks for the article! I have just realised that all I need to keep myself focused in this fight, is Dan's photo on the wall !. Dan was the living proof that anyone can be a true scientist He came to that through the use of logic and reason and honesty. All of you know how many of the supposed "great scientists" have shown themselves to be only pseudoscientists, when it comes to autism.
He was always helpful to any individual who was genuine. I once wrote to Dan that I had seen kids in my nursery school with some symptoms of autism, who improved by the age of 5 or 6 and then seemed largely normal. (Often without the parents even having been aware of what was happening) . Dan replied to me, that Yes, the autism world knew about kids like that and it was called "Autism Lite"
Hey Dan, Youre the best, Hope you've been reincarnated somewhere !
Posted by: cherry Misra | November 11, 2017 at 12:46 PM
I only managed to exchange a few lines with Dan no more than a couple of sides of A4`s and every word of Dan`s was so precise and sincere in its use .Great people like that only come along every so often there wont be another,
We fight on with the wise words of Dan guiding us.
Pharma For Prison
Posted by: Angus Files | November 11, 2017 at 11:19 AM
My modest contribution to keep AoA afloat will be mailed today.
As tough as it has been these last 18 years .. without Dan, Kim and AoA community of support .. it would have been a HELL OF A LOT TOUGHER.
Posted by: bob moffit | November 11, 2017 at 08:35 AM
Thank you Kim. He was so fine. Made the world a better place.
Posted by: Gary Ogden | November 11, 2017 at 07:54 AM