Flu Shot Fever
Triple D for Autism Speaks: Double Digit Drop as President's Salary Exceeds Grants to Families

Negación del Autismo Como Epidemia

NOTE: Autism is a global epidemic. Adriana Gamondes has teamed up with Alberto Castro, in Argentina, to begin providing perspective from beyond our shores.  Just as John Stone brings us the UK news, Adriana and Alberto will be adding more international flair to AofA. Please join us in welcoming Alberto. The English translation follows the Spanish.

By Alberto Castro

 Hace 40 años, en EEUU había 1 caso de autismo cada 10.000 niños y ahora de acuerdo al Centro de Control de Enfermedades (CDC ), hay 1 caso cada 68 niños. Los síntomas del autismo son únicos, no hay antecedentes de estos antes de1930. Esta epidemia se ha incrementado significativamente desde que el Congreso de ese país aprobó una ley en 1989 que impedía a cualquier persona demandar a las empresas fabricantes de vacunas, sin importar lo perjudicial que pueda ser la vacuna, lo enfermo que uno pueda quedar, o lo imprudente o negligente que puedan haber sido en la producción. A partir de esa maniobra del lobby farmaceutico, nuevas vacunas se incorporaron en el programa de vacunación, muchas de estas sin haber sido debidamente probadas y algunas contenían mercurio. Ell mercurio es mil veces más neurotóxico que el plomo. Actualmente gran parte se ha sacado de las vacunas para niños pero aún hay restos en alguna de ellas en gran cantidad en la vacuna contra la gripe, que le dan a los niños y a mujeres embarazadas. Las cantidades de mercurio en esas vacunas son cientos de veces y en algunos casos miles de veces más de lo que el cerebro de un niño puede recibir.

En el 2014, un denunciante del CDC, el Dr William Thompson, científico senior de la división de vacunas del CDC, declaró que le entregó 100.000 páginas de documentos comprometedores, al Congreso y dejó grabado en su declaración que él y todos los científicos de la división de vacunas del CDC habían alterado datos de un estudio para ocultar la conexión entre el autismo y las vacunas y en particular mercurio en las vacunas. Estudio del cual él fue uno de los autores en el 2004 en los que había 4 autores, incluyendo a Frank di Stefano Jefe de la sucursal principal del CDC.

A pesar de toda esta evidencia recientemente se han publicado libros argumentando que el autismo estuvo siempre presente y es una variación genética que exige aceptación y en casos celebración, negando así esta epidemia. Este argumento obstruye la necesidad urgente de enfrentar y detener la epidemia y pone en peligro a la humanidad toda. El Libro “Denial” de Mark Blaxill y Dan Olmsted descartan estas teorías acerca del autismo con una minuciosa investigación documentada de su historia. Ponen de manifiesto el dolor, sacrificio y privaciones que pasa una familia con uno de sus miembros afectados y nos despierta a reaccionar ante esta desconcertante realidad, tergiversada por poderosos intereses.


Denial of Autism as an epidemic

40 years ago, the rate of autism in the United States was 1 in 10,000 children. But currently, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the rate has climbed to 1 in 50.

The symptoms of autism are unique and there is no recorded history of the condition before 1930. The epidemic has increased significantly since Congress passed a law in 1986 that prevented anyone from suing vaccine manufacturers, regardless of the damage. This maneuver by the pharmaceutical lobby paved the way for new vaccines to be incorporated into the vaccination schedule without being subjected to the same rigorous safety studies required for drug approval.

The vaccine schedule has never been tested in its entirety and the new vaccines added to the schedule following the indemnification of industry also tripled the amount of mercury to which children were exposed. Mercury is a thousand times more neurotoxic than lead. Currently mercury has been reduced but not entirely removed from many children's vaccines and there remains a large quantity in flu vaccines given to children and pregnant women. The amounts of mercury in these vaccines are hundreds of times or, in some cases, thousands of times more than a children can safely tolerate.

In 2014, a senior scientist in the CDC’s vaccine division, Dr. William Thompson, turned whistleblower and delivered more than 100,000 pages of compromising documents to Congress. Thomspon recorded in his statement that he and other senior scientists at the CDC had altered data from a study to hide the connection between autism and vaccines and, in particular, mercury in vaccines. Thomspon also denounced a study of which he and four other authors participated in, including the head of the CDC’s vaccine division, Frank DeStefano.

Despite all this evidence, several books have recently been published arguing that autism has always been with us at the current rate and is merely a genetic variation that requires acceptance and even celebration, effectively denying the more profoundly disabled majority with the condition and denying the very existence of an epidemic. This argument obstructs the urgent need to confront and halt the epidemic and endangers the health of humanity. Denial by Mark Blaxill and Dan Olmsted discards these obstructive theories about autism with a thorough and documented investigation of its history. The authors reveal the pain, sacrifice and deprivation that affected individuals and their families endure and urges us to respond to this bewildering new reality, distorted by powerful interests.

 Editorial note: Thompson's legal statement concerned only the omission of  the data set in the MMR study by DeStefano et al (2004) though he discussed extensively the massaging of thimerosal data with Brian Hooker, transcribed in the book CDC Whistleblower ed. Kevin Barry published by Skyhorse.


Maria Russo

Excelent contribution to AoA and specially from our part of the world. Gracias.


Yadira... working on it.

Yadira Calderon

Important to provide input regarding the actual attitudes and behaviors towards autism, vaccination, medication, government support or lack of... in Argentina... in Spain and the rest of Latin America...

Jeannette Bishop

This is an issue of local (down to the individual) sovereignty vs. topdown global control. Connecting internationally is a great idea IMO (and I might learn a little more Spanish this way).

cherry Misra

I agree with Linda 1 . I would like to send this article to the embassies of Spanish speaking countries in New Delhi. Wont the embassy staff be the first people to have autistic kids.? As they move from country to country they will be told to take more and more vaccines. And they often eat fish- more mercury. No doubt the majority of the parents are still told that autism is genetic. It would be particularly interesting to have news from Chile, a country that seems to have more awareness of mercury.

Angus Files

Divide and rule has been one of the the main tools used by Pharma AOA bringing everyone together.

Pharma for Prison



Fantastic idea to have reporting from Argentina and other parts of the world. Such a unique and important role Age of Autism continues to play.

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