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As The Pharma Money Turns: World Mercury Project Looks at CDC Thorsen Schendel Love Affair

By the World Mercury Project Team

The Love Birds:

Poul Thorsen, CDC Grantee, Autism Author and Researcher

Diana Schendel, CDC Epidemiologist, Research Health Scientist, CDC, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (and supervisor to Poul Thorsen)

World Mercury Project (WMP) has reported that Centers for Disease Conrol (CDC) autism research scientist turned whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson, disclosed fraud in CDC autism research. Since Thompson’s disclosures, even more CDC whistleblowers beyond the subject of autism have come forward describing ongoing research fraud and misuse of funds at CDC.

Now WMP wants to call your attention to a more recently uncovered scandal: the love notes between Poul Thorsen and Diana Schendel, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

As World Mercury Project (WMP) discussed in our criminal conduct report of Poul Thorsen, Thorsen had an inappropriate relationship with his CDC supervisor, Diana Schendel beginning in 2002. These love notes are an important piece of the autism/vaccine link story. It is highly inappropriate for a CDC supervisor to be intimately involved with a grantee. When CDC managers learned of Schendel’s relationship with Thorsen, the disciplinary response from her supervisor, Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, M.D., was equivalent to a hand slap.

As history has proven, the love relationship between Schendel and Thorsen (which includes accepting personal gifts and private retreats) resulted in lack of objectivity and oversight regarding Thorsen’s research activities which, in turn, allowed violations of laws governing protection of human subjects. And, as the indictment shows, the embezzlement of millions of dollars from the CDC.

Previous investigations into Thorsen’s research document a questionable loss of research subjects from studies using the Denmark Psychiatric Registry for which he had access and control. The loss of research subjects skewed research findings toward no association between autism and the mercury-based preservative Thimerosal. Noted epidemiological autism researcher, Irva Hertz-Picciotto, said of the Denmark research in a presentation at the 2007 Institute of Medicine (IOM) Workshop Autism and the Environment, “It was a study looking at the removal of thimerosal from vaccines and the rates of autism before and after. What you can see from this time line, which was not necessarily obvious from the original paper, was that before thimerosal was removed, there was a period of time when only inpatients were in the database, and during part of the “after-removal” period, which covered all the way out to 2000 in this study, there was an interval when both outpatients and inpatients were included. This study, therefore, is not a rigorous design, because as you can see, you can’t really compare the before and after periods because of artifacts in how the database was constructed, and specifically, in how that changed over time.” (WMP emphasis)

The Thorsen Denmark CDC studies were the bedrock of science used to dismiss over 5000 “vaccine court” claims by families who watched their children regress after exposure to Thimerosal-containing vaccines. And, by not being completely transparent on the dangers of injecting thimerosal into infants, the Thorsen research has resulted in the continued widespread use of this dangerous, neurotoxic vaccine ingredient. Read more at WMP here.

It has now been six years now since Paul Thorsen was indicted for the alleged criminal acts of wire fraud, money laundering and a scheme to steal over $1 million in CDC grant money for critical research. The Office of Inspector General (OIG) also added him to the “Most Wanted” list. Yet Thorsen has been allowed to continue his work, business as usual, with no effort to prosecute him. There has also been no effort to restore the precious autism research dollars allegedly stolen that would help find solutions for families who desperately need answers for their autistic children.


Michael Potvin

Our government does not want to extradite Poul Thorsen. He would blow the lid off all the conflicts of interest at CDC. Imagine what PT would expose to get a plea bargain.

Agent Orange poisoning was denied for decades. Autism is no different with the vaccine schedule.

Jeannette Bishop

Regarding Schendel's history with (I think it was?) a cancer hot spot that doesn't get explained and Boyle's Agent Orange Dioxin failure to research despite both funding and the existence of necessary data, it's hard to watch people qualify to conduct research on infant health seemingly in spite of or maybe because of their history. I don't like adding to this thoughts that maybe some/much of the above carrying on is part of the formula for research control, instigated from somewhere or other infiltrating our government.

With this history, and more so the harm done by Thorsen's "research," all the CDC vaccine "research," I can't believe we would be worse off if the CDC was completely dissolved without replacement today. Pharma would lose a "prestigious" body to market their products with taxpayer money, we'd probably have fewer nearly-annual disease panics selling flu shots, and also compromising people's health with stress. We'd probably have less immune system injury fairly shortly too if liability for injury, particularly undisclosed risks, was restored to industry and vaccinators, along with the CDC's dissolution, and hopefully as a bonus, less job security founded upon failure and/or corrupt activities.

Angus Files

When you browse the internet and see the,non-crimes that are worthy of extradition in the eyes of the law.Its no wonder the law is seen as a joke! Thorsen really rubs it in, I doubt he is suffering extradition trauma(rub the eyes) it is what it says on the package..or is he planning a compensation claim for falsely being accused.I doubt he even worries when the UPs deliver a parcel..

"As part of Operation in Our Sites, in mid-2010 the US government seized the domain name of The site was operated by 23-year-old UK-based student Richard O'Dwyer who is now subject to extradition proceedings. Today his mother speaks out, detailing the trauma the family is going through "....

Pharma for Prison



Kudos to Beth Clay and the World Mercury Project for their easy-to-read 47-page chronology of emails and other evidence titled “Evidence of Misconduct in Danish-CDC Collaboration: Mismanagement & Intentional Collusion by CDC Staff with Principal Investigator Poul Thorsen.”

Page 18: “…there is an appearance of impropriety and lack of appropriate judgment on your part related to the project… you are being directed to suspend all activities as the lead Science Collaborator for this Cooperative Agreement.”

Page 27 note: “Dr. Boyle, Dr. Yeargin-Allsopp & Dr. Schendel are fully aware that the autism studies were conducted illegally, they continue to include Dr. Thorsen in discussions, and do not stop the Danish project.”


No one in Government is going after him for stealing Federal Money, because
everyone in Govt takes Federal Money too. Govt employees don't have to go out
and get a real job!!

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