WHO Advised to Revise Its Post-Vaccination Philosophy
Two leading doctors have urged the World Health Organization (WHO) to urgently revise its new methodology to classify adverse events following immunization (AEFI).
Jacob Puliyel, a pediatrician and member of the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization, and Anant Phadke, an executive member of the All India Drug Action Network argue that WHO’s methodology does not address children's safety.
According to the authors, WHO's new classification of AEFI, in essence, implies that no death can result from vaccination and, if any death does occur, it is only coincidental and not due to the vaccine.
Only reactions that have been previously acknowledged in epidemiological studies can be considered as vaccine related in the new scheme. All deaths seen in large post marketing phase are simply labeled as coincidental or unclassifiable deaths. They cannot be classified as vaccine related if the vaccine had not caused a statistically significant increase in deaths in the small Phase 3 trials.
In a letter published in the prestigious Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, Puliyel and Phadke have expressed their concerns over this new classification system. "By simply denying deaths, the new AEFI classification is liable to miss the safety signals and therefore potential dangers with new vaccines."
They note that Sri Lanka suspended the use of a pentavalent vaccine after five deaths within four months after its introduction in January 2008 and, in 2013 and Viet Nam shelved the pentavalent vaccine because it had been associated with 12 deaths. However, in both cases, the WHO teams which investigated the deaths declared they were ‘unlikely’ to be related to the vaccines used.
The authors point out that the consequences of using the new classification are illustrated starkly in the causality assessment of 132 serious AEFI cases uploaded on the website of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in India. 78 of these babies survived and 54 died. Among those who survived, the causality assessment shows nearly 50%, were reactions to the vaccine. On the other hand not even one death was classified as vaccine related. 96% deaths were simply classified as unclassifiable or coincidental.
"The resulting paradox is evident," Puliyel and Phadke point out. "If a child is admitted to hospital with intractable convulsions after vaccination, if it survives, the reaction could be classified as vaccine-product–related, but if it dies it will be classified as ‘coincidental death’".
WHO has redefined ‘cause and effect’ in AEFI. According to the revised AEFI
Manual, the term ‘causal association’ refers to “a cause and effect relationship between causative factor and a disease with no other factor intervening in the processes”. This would mean that AEFI in children with an underlying heart disease who may develop symptoms of cardiac de-compensation after vaccination (due to a vaccine-caused elevation in temperature or stress from a local reaction at the site of vaccination), would not be considered causally related to the vaccine although vaccination contributed to cardiac failure in this specific situation.
This is of particular concern since the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine safety documented that a large number deaths in children after receiving Pentavalent vaccine were those with some pre-existing heart disease, the authors say.
"The new definition of ‘cause and effect’ is potentially harmful to children with underlying diseases as it removes the impetus to provide them special care during immunization," the authors note.
"In view of the above, it is necessary that the WHO's AEFI manual be reevaluated and revised urgently” the authors said pointing out that AEFI reporting is meant to ensure that vaccines given to children are safe.
"Safety of children (child safety) rather that safety for vaccines (vaccine safety) needs to be the emphasis," the authors point out. "Also many ambiguities in evaluating AEFI under the new classification scheme erode confidence in the scheme’s ability to evaluate rare adverse events and act decisively to protect children." (END)
This summary was drafted by a science reporter.
An odd video from WHO
seems against their policy frankly.
Posted by: greyone | July 09, 2017 at 06:43 PM
That's fine, so long as you are not criticising the people who are taking a stand. As to mainstream journalism it is not even softball, it is just bought out.
Posted by: John Stone | July 08, 2017 at 11:50 AM
It is not softball journalism when professionals are putting their careers on the line. Moreover they are specifically drawing attention to current corrupt institutional developments, not what we have known for years.
What these doctors are doing, isn't journalism at all.
The softball journalism is the way that stories like one get reported to the public, With no mention at all of the people at the WHO, who were responsible for making this happen.
How do we ever expect to stop this kind of thing from happening, if the PEOPLE responsible are never held accountable for what they've done?
WHO is just an acronym, it doesn't care what we think
Posted by: Barry | July 08, 2017 at 10:56 AM
Thanks Aimee
It took me a while to put it together too. His first noticeable symptom, loss of eye contact was "nothing to worry about" according to our pediatrician. And so it went.
I see suspect injuries all over the place now - young, middle-aged, and older Americans. Auto immune, neurodegenerative, GI...
It feels like George Orwell's book 1984...big brother is in control. Who knows how long or how far it will go ? Take care and I hope you have some fun this summer in Baltimore
Posted by: kws | July 08, 2017 at 10:01 AM
It is not softball journalism when professionals are putting their careers on the line. Moreover they are specifically drawing attention to current corrupt institutional developments, not what we have known for years.
Posted by: John Stone | July 07, 2017 at 10:56 PM
By simply denying deaths, the new AEFI classification is liable to miss the safety signals and therefore potential dangers with new vaccines."
The new AEFI classification isn't ' liable to miss ' safety signals and potential dangers , it's a deliberate attempt to hide them. Which is not just criminal, its insane!
Simply reporting that WHO is doing this, isn't likely to change much. In my opinion, articles like this one need to include the names of the WHO employees who are responsible for this crime.
We've literally known for decades now that children are being harmed by vaccines. And softball journalism has done little or nothing to stop it.
Posted by: Barry | July 07, 2017 at 08:53 PM
I agree that changing minds takes time - and often happens one person at a time. I remember back in the 80's I had a friend or two and a family member express concern about vaccines. I thought they were nuts. Even when my son regressed around age 2-3 (he was born in '89) I didn't immediately think vaccines were to blame. It took a decade of research and repeated regressions before I saw the light. He'll never get another vaccine as long as I live.
I think I've managed to sow doubt in some of my friends and family. But I've been surprised by how long it takes to change entrenched beliefs, even with evidence in front of your eyes.
Posted by: Aimee Doyle | July 07, 2017 at 05:37 PM
I think it ends one person at a time. Educated, enlightened parents and citizens change their views one at time, individually. Kind of like views on the environment.
Like some on this page, I spent the better part of my life trying to recover a previously healthy child from the mmr vaccine. By the way, I love him and accept him for who he is. Since that fateful day of betrayal, we've touched the lives of everyone in our circle and moved them closer to the truth. It's a long and difficult passage yet it's clearly the only passage for those with a conscience.
As a society we'll get there some day. Each day, more politicians are hit, as are pharma and CDC employees, newscasters and doctors. Inevitably and necessarily, society will change, it has to in order to survive.
Posted by: kws | July 07, 2017 at 10:44 AM
Let’s hope the meeting with President Trump and Putin goes well on Friday.
I would hope they exchange vaccine schedules and discuss why Autism rates in Russia are 100 times lower than the US of A.
Posted by: go Trump | July 06, 2017 at 09:35 PM
I wonder if Jimmy Kimmel knows about the WHO's new categorization of injury for children with heart conditions.
Posted by: annie | July 06, 2017 at 04:25 PM
This is terribly dangerous. Even to those who believe the myth that vaccine injury occurs "1 in a million times" remember the contaminated pet food? If a vaccine became contaminated, due to the action of a subversive agent, or due to an accident, it would take much, much longer for this to be detected if those responsible are urged that it is not possilble.
How insanely stupid and corrupt can one agency be?
And it's not a consipiracy THEORY if a group at the top conspire to hide and obfuscate the truth. This happens all the time. For example, a small group of VW engineers conspired to lie about emissions, but those who did not know this innocently promoted the cars. Etc. Etc. Etc.
Posted by: When will this end? | July 06, 2017 at 02:02 PM
The entire vaccine program is founded on lies. They see ischemic stroke evidence and call it SIDS, they warn parents that "fluffy bedding" kills babies, they don't warn that the "seizures are coming" and being on their backs in empty cribs may spare them death, but not autism, not asthma,not heart failure, diabetes, food allergies. The governments all over the world have determined our kids are an acceptable human sacrifice for the richest industry on earth. Business comes first.
Posted by: barbaraj | July 06, 2017 at 01:14 PM
This, of course, defeats the whole purpose of adverse event reporting, finding out what problems are emerging in a larger population, after the initial testing is done.
Posted by: David Weiner | July 06, 2017 at 12:24 PM
Twice I implemented pentacel in my office and within days we started getting calls about severe irritability and high fevers. Both times the calls stopped as soon as we stoped using that vaccine. There was a clear cause and effect in my mind. This article mentions increased deaths seen in Sri Lanka and Viet Nam. I'm not surprised.
The sad response of the WHO, makes it once again clear that they are just a marketing arm for pharma just as the CDC is here in the USA.
Come on doctors at CDC and WHO. Please for the sake of the children and the health of our society, start demanding honest research that compares vaccinated with unvaccinated and compares outcomes for those who get a new vaccine to those who don't (ALL OUTCOMES) over years. Let the data determine what is a coincidence, not your definitions.
Posted by: Paul Thomas | July 06, 2017 at 09:54 AM
"Only reactions that have been previously acknowledged in epidemiological studies can be considered as vaccine related in the new scheme." Except...epidemiological studies are, by definition, NOT set up to catch indications of susceptible subgroups having adverse reactions.
WHO'S approach is like taking tobacco manufacturer's studies (which showed no link to cancer) and decided that only the links to cancer acknowledged in those studies (the ones that didn't actually show such links) will now be considered as related to tobacco.
Think about it.
Posted by: Allie | July 06, 2017 at 08:29 AM
I don't trust WHO at all.
Dr. Teresa Forcades, a medical doctor in Spain who became a nun, made a very informative video during the big swine flu scare/hoax in 2009, when everyone was told by the main stream media to get the swine flu vaccine. She warned people to NOT get that vaccine and to tell everyone they knew NOT to get it. She said the WHO redefined the definition of "pandemic" just months before the swine flu "pandemic". I highly recommend her video.
Posted by: Susan | July 06, 2017 at 08:16 AM
Jacob Puliyel, Anant Phadke HONEST MEN ? I pray they are .
Paul Offit must have choked on his cornflakes this morning ? reading this
But listen Paul , we all boycott Kelloggs because of the GMOs (you keep on eating them though !)
Posted by: Hans Hitten | July 06, 2017 at 06:51 AM
'. "If a child is admitted to hospital with intractable convulsions after vaccination, if it survives, the reaction could be classified as vaccine-product–related, but if it dies it will be classified as ‘coincidental death’".
CRIMINAL .. no other word to describe this shameless "classification".
"..... the term ‘causal association’ refers to “a cause and effect relationship between causative factor and a disease with no other factor intervening in the processes”. This would mean that AEFI in children with an underlying heart disease who may develop symptoms of cardiac de-compensation after vaccination (due to a vaccine-caused elevation in temperature or stress from a local reaction at the site of vaccination), would not be considered causally related to the vaccine although vaccination contributed to cardiac failure in this specific situation .... this is of particular concern since the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine safety documented that a large number deaths in children after receiving Pentavalent vaccine were those with some pre-existing heart disease, the authors say"
If THEY KNOW that vaccination contributes to "cardiac failure" in children with "pre-existing heart disease" ... and ... THEY claim this to be of "particular concern" ... WHY DON'T THEY PROTECT THOSE CHILDREN WITH PRE-EXISTING HEART DISEASE .. BY DILIGENTLY GUARANTEEING THOSE WITH PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS ARE NOT VACCINATED??????
As I said ... CRIMINAL is the only single word that describes the reckless .. careless .. indifferent .. decisions of those who occupy space on the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety.
AND THE BAND PLAYS ON .. AND .. ON .. AND ... ON .....
Posted by: bob moffit | July 06, 2017 at 06:49 AM