Dr. Brian Hooker At the Revolution for Truth March 31 Rally
Car Wash Employs People with Autism

Generation Rescue Personifies ACTION with Rescue Grant Medical AutismTreatment

GR Rescue Grant
Our friends at Generation Rescue are changing the lives of individuals with autism every single day. And that means changing life for entire families, for the better.  I especially love that the grants are not limited to youngsters. Many of us have older kids, my oldest is 22. And they can still benefit greatly from treatment. Thank you to Jenny McCarthy and the entire GR team. XOX

Rescue Family Grants provide autism treatment to families in financial need. The grant provides financial support, products and services for auditory listening therapy, dietary intervention training, dietary supplements, two doctor visits, and lab testing. To date, more than 700 individuals have participated in the program and report a better quality of life and improvement in speech, language, behavior, health and wellness, and social interaction. The grant is available to individuals of all ages who meet the eligibility criteria below. 

To see if you qualify for a Rescue Grant, which provides medical treatment for autism, click here.



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