Dr. Brian Hooker At the Revolution for Truth March 31 Rally
Note: Thank you to Anne Dachel for transcribing this talk, and to Joshua Coleman for the video.
Dr. Brian Hooker, the man who was contacted by CDC whistleblower William Thompson, spoke at the Revolution for Truth Rally in Washington D.C. on March 31, 2017, along with over a dozen leading autism activists.
Brian’s speech was only about ten minutes in length, but his words were dynamite. Just like Del Bigtree did in his talk, Brian told his audience that when he goes to Congress, they know about CDC scientist William Thompson’s charge that his agency ordered him to destroy evidence showing a vaccine-autism link in the MMR vaccine. This issue is only going to get more heated because the people who represent us know that the government is involved in vaccine safety fraud. It’s their job to look into this.
Brian also went into detail about Poul Thorsen and Diana Schendel’s roles in fleecing the taxpayers out of millions of dollars in order to manufacture bogus research on what’s causing autism.
(And for all the details on just how Thorsen and Schendel pulled this off, read the fascinating book, Vaccine Whistleblower, by Kevin Barry.)
Dr. Brian Hooker, Revolution for Truth Rally, Washington, D.C., March 31, 2017
Brian began by talking about his 19 year old son’s vaccine injury, his dedication to his recovery and the toll it takes on every affected family. He was very positive.
Brian: “…And yet, we’re winning. …You get the word out there. When I go up to Capitol Hill and I ask people, and I start to explain the story about Bill Thompson, they’re like, ‘Oh no, no, no. We already know about Bill Thompson.’
“You’re doing your job! You are absolutely, absolutely doing your job, and please, please, please keep up the good work. …”
People are waking up to the truth, according to Brian. He focused on parents.
“They are fighting for a cause. They have been let in on a dirty little secret, and they are no longer trusting the government to do good things for them. They are no longer trusting the authorities to do good things for them. They are making health decisions, family decisions, decisions to affect their lives and their children’s lives and their children’s children’s lives based on the best information, and trusting their own instincts—Which is exactly what you should be doing.
“I want to talk a little bit about the CDC.
“I recently had another tranche of Freedom of Information Requests. …
“I’m the whistleblower guy. Bill Thompson contacted me in November, 2013, and we had conversations over the next approximately eleven months where he revealed documents to me regarding the gross fraud and malfeasance and the paralysis that is over the vaccine safety division, not only around autism, but any neuro-developmental disorder around the only two things that they’ve actually studied: thimerosal-containing vaccines and the MMR vaccine, where they have shown fraudulent data over, over, over, over and over again.
“Well, it gets worse. I’ve recently uncovered another hundred and fifty thousand pages of documents through the Freedom and Information Act. And not only did the CDC manipulate the information showing that ‘there was nothing to see here, no effect from the MMR vaccine and autism, no effect from thimerosal and autism, no effect from thimerosal and other neurological disorders,’ which we now know there is a proven association, even by CDC’s admission. [That is] that thimerosal causes tics in boys.
“But at the same time, …they also paid Poul Thorson ten million dollars to babysit us with studies that showed that it was old parents, it was old moms, it was old dads. You see we have old sperm. Or it’s psychotic parents, parents that are a little ‘cray-cray,’ and they’re the ones that are going to have autistic children.
“At the same time that they were covering up the issue of vaccine safety in neurodevelopmental disorders, they were trying to lay the blame [for] autism on anything and everything that would take us off of the trail of truly the causal factors, the environmental causation of autism, and the fact that autism has been associated with thimerosal-containing vaccines—even by CDC’s own data when it’s analyzed correctly, as well as the MMR vaccine.
“And the way that they did that was, they put Diana Schendel, Poul Thorsen’s lover, in charge of him. She was his direct supervisor. They had an elicit relationship that smacked of nepotism throughout the entire time that Dr. Thorsen was receiving money directly from the CDC.
“And CDC insiders, CDC officials knew about it. And they knew about it before she was actually called on it in 2009 after it became evident that they were no longer going to be able to hide the fact that Dr. Thorsen had himself embezzled a million dollars worth of funds.
“So it gets worse and worse and worse, but you guys are like flashlights on steroids. You keep on shining the light and shining the light and shining the light … Darkness has no place to hide because of you. …”
Hi Morag, salmon farming must have the lowest figures for employee theft of produce, thats a certain.As for eat it it’s the same as vaccines toxic waste bin required or an incinerator if you need to dump any but just fine to put into the human body??Our leaders have done us proud over the years with poisonous food, poisonous vaccines, poisonous water, and poisonous air even, what chance does the world have?
Let’s have faith that with the likes of Mr Hooker and Mr Thompson guiding us guiding them we bring an end to this human tragedy together.
Pharma for Prison
Posted by: angusfiles | April 11, 2017 at 06:56 PM
I've been thinking I agree with Brian that the grass roots - parents and grandparents are ultimately going to be the ones to make change happen.
But...the government, the media, the pharmaceutical and health industries...that's a huge number of people. With the autism rate as high as it is, there must be many people and families in government, etc. who are affected by autism. Certainly some would be sympathetic to our position.
How can we mobilize those who agree with us - and who might be able to affect change from inside?
Posted by: Aimee Doyle | April 11, 2017 at 05:14 PM
Hello ma dear Angus ,How many Fish Farmers do you know on the west cost of Scotland that eat their own muck - Sorry, meant to say their own produce !
"It's an embarassment" ,if I am out with friends for lunch, for the cheap lunchtime menue .I will ask for a tin of sardines or pilchards even if it's from Chefs own Staff locker . or just a fancy green salad with roast potatoes or chips . And yet we used to eat the sheep who had died of Scrapie but it was only the best cuts, not the sheeps head ?
Posted by: Morag | April 11, 2017 at 04:03 PM
For Susan and others, the Department of Health, along with the Dept for Work and Pensions have recently been found lying about the data from the PACE trial, which was designed to prove that M.E. is psychological. The results disproved this theory, so they altered the data. Sound familiar to people here? Perhaps, Susan, you could draw the attention of DoH to this disgrace.
Posted by: Grace Green | April 11, 2017 at 03:20 PM
Thank you for this post. I agree with Brian that it will only be parents/grandparents that will win this battle. Governments, Health Authorities and media will, and are, doing all they can to cover this up.
I have now embarked on a letter (yes, snail mail) writing campaign to bring this matter to the attention of some MPs and members of the House of Lords in UK, as well as the useless media and Departments of Health and Mental Health. The Department of Health have 'written me off' and told me they will no longer reply to my correspondence. I have, therefore, brought The Truth About Vaccines to the attention of the above, with a copy to Department of Health. Although I don't expect any response, I hope the fact that I have alerted some prominent people to the docu-series will upset the Dept. of Health just a little.
Posted by: susan | April 11, 2017 at 02:38 PM
The compromising and illicit Schendel/Thorsen relationship is so disgustingly seamy, and such profoundly unworthy behavior from any taxpayer-funded government official, much less CDC scientists.
Interesting how very "National Enquirer" these sleazy escapades sound -- but despite that tabloid's penchant for salacious headlines, it has still had some of the most fearless and credible national news coverage of vaccine-induced autism to date.
Posted by: nhokkanen | April 11, 2017 at 02:36 PM
Thanks so much for sharing this from Dr. Hooker!
Posted by: Jeannette Bishop | April 11, 2017 at 02:12 PM
I number one prayer is that the truth will come out in my lifetime. This kind of tragedy needs to stop!!
Posted by: Loraine Fishel | April 11, 2017 at 12:14 PM
Well done Bill and Brian were winning for sure...I see the darkside are complaining that no head has been appointed at the CDC yet - a bit like Turkeys wishing for Christmas..nothing against Turkey`s
Pharma for Prison
Posted by: angusfiles | April 11, 2017 at 10:31 AM