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Physicians for Informed Consent Announces Inaugural Meeting & Luncheon

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Physicians for Informed Consent Announces Inaugural Meeting & Luncheon
Registration Now Open for Action-Packed Educational Conference

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Los Angeles, Calif. — Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC), the newly formed nonprofit organization dedicated to safeguarding informed consent in vaccination, has announced open registration for its Inaugural Meeting & Luncheon. The meeting will be held on Sunday, March 12, 2017, at the Hilton Orange County/Costa Mesa, in Southern California. Doctors, scientists, attorneys, and educators will join dedicated parents and distinguished groups in the community for the organization’s first conference.

“A growing number of physicians, scientists, attorneys, and other community leaders are uniting for one purpose: to end mandatory vaccination laws and promote and preserve the right to informed consent for any medical procedure, including vaccination,” said Dr. Shira Miller, PIC president and founder. “We are pleased to announce our Inaugural Meeting & Luncheon, which will provide a much-needed platform for education on infectious disease, the immune system and informed consent.”

The event includes a full day packed with invaluable, solution-oriented, educational and networking opportunities. Beginning at 8:30 a.m., PIC doctor members and their staff are invited to attend two panel discussions. The first session includes a panel of pediatricians specialized in “How to Evaluate Patients for Vaccine Adverse Events.”

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), jointly operated by the FDA and CDC, requires by law that doctors report vaccine adverse reactions. However, because VAERS is a passive surveillance program and there’s no penalty for failure to report adverse reactions, it is estimated that less than 10 percent of injuries are ever reported. In addition, over $3.2 billion has been awarded to victims for catastrophic vaccine injuries, through the government’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Despite the latter, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 continues to shield vaccine manufacturers and physicians from any liability for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines, so the frequency of vaccine injuries isn’t generally appreciated or publicized. Thus, learning how to evaluate patients for vaccine adverse events is imperative.

The second session includes a legal panel of seasoned attorneys examining SB277, the new California law which coerces children to receive multiple doses of vaccines in order to attend public or private school. The list of vaccines mandated by the government includes those for a sexually transmitted disease and for a disease which is not transmissible from person to person. This is a crucial seminar doctors won’t want to miss.  The attorneys will discuss best practices for physicians writing medical exemptions, as well as the legal standards for alternative methods in diagnosis and treatment, and their application in the vaccine field.

At 11:00 a.m., the general public, along with the medical community, is invited to attend several engaging activities. First, keynote speaker Dr. Gary Goldman will present “Misadventures with the Chickenpox Vaccine,” where he’ll discuss his varicella (chickenpox) vaccine findings, and share his experience as a whistleblower during his position as lead analyst in the Antelope Valley Varicella Active Surveillance Project.

Next, a healthy lunch will be served, followed by back-to-back education. Dr. Paul Thomas will present a pediatrician’s perspective on mandatory vaccination; attorney Greg Glaser will answer frequently asked questions about SB277; and Barbara Loe Fisher, president and cofounder of the National Vaccine Information Center, will present “From Nuremberg to California: Why Informed Consent Matters in the 21st Century.” Barbara will present a defense for the human right to exercise informed consent to vaccine risk taking, without being threatened, coerced or punished.

Immunologist Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych will present “Classroom Herd Immunity vs. Lifelong Immunity,” and help clarify why vaccine mandates cannot achieve their purported goal. Candace Lightner, MADD founder, and Dr. Shira Miller will together discuss leadership and action items for creating cultural change. And lastly, the conference will conclude with a lively “Physician Panel Highlights and Q&A” session, where pearls from the members-only physicians’ morning workshop will further open the conversation to address the most pressing vaccination issues we face today.

“Our speaker lineup combines the scientific, medical and legal expertise required for attendees to navigate our current landscape,” said Dr. Miller. “We welcome everyone to attend the upcoming event. We’re all joining together to promote the rights of parents to make medical decisions for their children, and to emphasize doctors’ professional responsibility to act ethically and in the best interests of their individual patients.”

Physicians for Informed Consent is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt resource for doctors and parents who support both informed consent and the elimination of government intervention in a family’s personal medical decisions. PIC’s mission is to end mandatory vaccination laws in California and throughout the United States. For more information, to view the entire Inaugural Meeting & Luncheon schedule, and to register for the event, visit


Bob Moffit

Too bad this meeting is not being held in New Jersey .. as an article in today's NY Post reports: "Vaccine-nixers on rise in NJ."

According to this article .. "There were 3,865 religious exemptions among children in pre-kindergarten through sixth grade in the 2009-2010 school year .. that number reached more than 9,500 in the last school year".

"The number of unvaccinated school-age children has public-health experts worried, while vaccine choice supporters say families are making the best decisions for their kids".

If this "rising trend to seek exemptions" is nationwide .. perhaps it is time for "public health experts" to worry more over the reasons WHY the exemption trend is rising every year .. and .. I would suggest the best way for NJ Public Health officials to reduce the number of parents requesting exemptions .. would be for Federal public health officials to publicly support the creation of a commission to investigate vaccine safety .. thereby providing independent .. scientific evidence .. assuring parents the "benefits of vaccines far outweigh the risks".

Common sense .. no?

Richard P. Milner

You may want to watch, like us, and share “Haley vs Offit: A Virtual Debate About Vaccines, The Greatest Medical Controversy Of Our Time” at

Forced vaccine proponent, Paul Offit says vaccines are safe and effective. Biochemist, Boyd Haley says they are not. Also at our site is a listing of over 180 scientific studies showing the extreme dangers of mercury, especially when combined with aluminum as in vaccines. We were unable to find credible studies in support of Offit.

All exported vaccines contain full dose mercury and aluminum. Consequently, very high rates of chronic disease, including autism are reported in several other nations.

Meanwhile, please like us and post and share this as widely as you can!


Richard P. Milner
Public Affairs Media, Inc.


Todavía tenemos el mercurio y el aluminio en las vacunas. ¿Esto causa el autismo?

Estimado Amigos:

Aquí en los Estados Unidos tenemos un promotor de vacunas que requiere mucha atención de los medios de comunicación para sus demandas. Su nombre es el Dr. Paul Offit.

Sin embargo, él no tiene conocimiento de la ciencia que lo contradice. Hemos ideado un debate virtual entre él y el bioquímico, el Dr. Boyd Haley en la ciencia pertinente. Nuestro programa, "Haley vs Offit: un debate virtual sobre las vacunas, la mayor controversia médica de nuestro tiempo" ya está disponible para su visualización con subtítulos en español en

Documentación de apoyo se puede ver en esta pagina, pero ahora esta solamente en Inglés.


Director ejecutivo,
Richard P. Milner
Public Affairs Media, Inc.

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