Sing, Sing a Song. Sing of Happy, Not Sad. A Tribute to Dan Olmsted
What Dan Olmsted Meant to Me

Levi Quackenboss on World Health Org's "How to Deal with Vaccine Deniers" Primer

SpankThanks to Levi Quackenboss for another kickass post. Read the full post here.

Hello, is this thing on?

I’ve been on something of a little brain break. Yes, I got your 1,000 messages telling me to write about RFK Jr. and Trump, but I don’t have any more information about that situation than all of you, and the only interview I’ve seen about it is here.

I was scrolling through my buddy Forrest’s Facebook page (if you don’t follow him, you’re missing out) last night and came across his post about the 44-page World Health Organization’s best practice guide “How to respond to vocal vaccine deniers in public.”

I didn’t get past the first page before I needed to look up the authors of this masterpiece and read up on Erfurt University’s Mr. Philipp Schmid. Nothing says esteemed professor like Mr. Schmid from Erfurt, right? Surely he must be 70 years old; an expert in his field. I bet he has 16 grandchildren and we can trust him to tell us what’s best for our kids.

But no, it turns out that Mr. Schmid is a research assistant. Like, at his university. And he wrote the 44-page vaccine pusher e-book for the WHO when he was… an intern at their regional office.


What medical doctor wants the Doogie Howser of pro-vax messaging to advise them on their professional conduct? I don’t care that he’s the president of the debate club at Erfurt.

I can’t even say that sentence out loud without laughing.

The whole point of the document is to teach doctors/pharma/spokespeople to 1) re-educate the masses who are listening to someone who is against vaccines and 2) unmask the techniques the anti-vax speaker is using. Because nothing says, “Gotcha!” like publicly shouting, “Post hoc ergo propter hoc!” to expose our logical fallacies of vaccine injury.

In one breath he says that “vaccine deniers” ignore scientific evidence because they criticize the scientific approach, and in the next breath he says that challenge is the fundamental tenant of scientific progress. Wouldn’t we all love to have the funding to challenge vaccine science?

Maybe he didn’t get the memo that the science is settled? Maybe he hasn’t heard that vaccine safety is “asked and answered?” Maybe he doesn’t know about the vaccination consensus? Because nothing says scientifically proven safety like a bunch of doctors agreeing on it.

Oh wait. His WHO paper says “consensus” 17 times. He does get it.

I can’t believe I suffered through reading this 9th grade level paper.

Note to Schmid: when your print-

ed work is laid out to have 158 hy-

phens in it, you should ask your ed-

itor to justify it. This isn’t 1950.

It reads like you wrote it on a type-


Go ahead and laugh at Levi's wit, then read more here.



Got any hard evidence of anyone on that list being paid?


It could have been ghostwritten by Robb Butler, Technical Officer WHO Europe and Group Leader for Vaccine Acceptance and Advocacy, but maybe he didn't want to put his name to it. The choice of this young lad without life experience is the same tactic the PTB used in appointing Ari Ne'eman to the National Council on Disability, at age twenty. These kids know nothing. They've grown up with ADHD, Aspergers, autism, dyslexia, OCD, Tourettes etc being commonplace conditions among themselves and their peers and they think it's normal. Spelling errors in Schmid's WHO document and in his video suggest that he himself suffers from dyslexia.

Here's Schmid's video with Robb Butler and other experts, most of whom are either sociologists or psychologists which is a little worrying. Perhaps another deviant condition from the norm will be added to the next DSM, such as non-compliance with scientific/medical authority.

The Culture-Sensitive Health Communications Project Testula Studios is a non-profit student project by Phillipp Schmid University of Erfurt:

What role does social media play in all of this?

Robb Butler:

"They are not using the digital ecosystem to the extent that the anti-vaccination lobbyists are. And they're using it fantastically well. So within the area of vaccines and immunisation, it's very clear that we are falling well short in our utilisation and leveraging social media optimally. If you search for example on vaccines and immunisation here in Europe, the first ten, fifteen hits that you'll get will be littered with anti-vaccination messaging, with anti-vaccination sentiment and the pro-vaccine environment, if you like 'the norm', because 90% of the people in our region do vaccinate their kids or themselves on time, according to their national schedule, so we have all the ammunition.

We are in the norm. We have the normative, if you like, standpoint and that little pocket, if you like, of undervaccinated or unvaccinated parents and advocates who are pushing back against vaccination have all the digital space. And that's both a challenge for us but it's also the beauty of social media, and it offers us an amazing opportunity. But at this point, that opportunity is largely untapped."

The best piece of advice from Schmid appears on page 38:

"Your mind stores thousands of pieces of information which it uses to warn you that something is wrong. Trust your instincts when you feel uncomfortable, get away from whatever situation you are in. You will only know if you were wrong if you ignore your instincts - is it worth the risk?"

Yes, I wish I'd had the courage to walk away from the nurse wielding a Hepatitis B-filled syringe in 1991. "Your son must have this vaccine or he could become infected in the playground and die." If I had obeyed my strong gut feeling at the time, our family life would have been very different.


44 pages? When you are that pretty, and young and that many pages you can bet you are also a plagiarizer?


I can't help but to notice that every time someone from the autism community posts a comment on various articles that they are immediately, aggressively drowned out by a flood of paid commenters who are hired by a PR firm.

These commenters will claim they are not paid and say things like "your claim, your burden of proof"

Here is a list of some of the commenters, they post thousands of comments and are on every day relentlessly pushing vaccinations. If you come across these propaganda bots with their phony like counts, it might be wise not to engage them. They are paid per comment and will argue day after day night after night year after year until you, the autism community member finally give up. They are disinformation shills, and their comment profiles are solid evidence of this fact.

These are some of the more aggressive and persistent paid disinformation shills. It's fun to poke at them but be careful, they will link to viruses, pornography, and use other deceitful tactics to send you on your way in the shortest time possible. It's easy to spot the shill, when you see a high like count for a mediocre comment you can hover over the list of who liked the comment. You will quickly see that it is usually bot profiles, and other paid commenters with a history of non stop pushing of vaccinations.

The paid shills will also use avatars to mislead the reader. Pretending to be attractive young women and such. Very very disturbing to see this in action. But they are very effective at derailing any logical discussion. You can spot them in the comment section of every article relating to vaccines and autism.

david m burd

If I ever want to laugh out loud I will pull up the photo of the great vaccine genius Philipp Schmid.

He's like the moronic Alfred F Newman of the iconic magazine called MAD: "What, me worry?"

These days I'll take the dark humor wherever I find it -- thanks!

Hans Litten

Now this is interesting . How could it be used for autism I wonder ?

Bob Moffit

Levi's description of the individual who authored the World Health Org's 44 page best practice guide to respond to vaccine deniers:

".... it turns out that Mr. Schmid is a research assistant. Like, at his university. And he wrote the 44-page vaccine pusher e-book for the WHO when he was… an intern at their regional office."

I really don't know whether I should laugh or cry ... but .. silly me .. I would have expected the WHO to require extensive experience and scientific-educational resume .. as basic qualifications to formulate the official guide on "best practices" for ANYTHING ... let alone "how to respond to vaccine deniers".

With all due respect to "research assistants" .. their experience as a "research assistant" .. is far removed from the experience and practice of someone with the required qualifications necessary to inspire confidence and trust in their advice .. in other words .. more suitable for TWITTER .. than a 44 page guide for the WHO.

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