Dachel Wake Up: Senators Reject Trump's Vaccine Panel
January 18, 2017, StatNews.com: Senators on key panel reject Trump's skepticism about vaccine
Most members of a key Senate committee are rejecting President-elect Donald Trump’s skepticism about the safety of vaccines, which suggests Trump could face significant backlash in Congress if he seeks to advance the anti-vaccine movement from the Oval Office.
In the week following Trump’s controversial meeting with vaccine skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr.1, STAT contacted all 23 members of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions and asked whether they shared Trump’s concerns about vaccine safety. The committee oversees public health, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and held a hearing2 last February on the re-emergence of diseases that can be prevented by vaccines.
Eighteen senators, including eight of the 12 Republicans in the committee’s majority, expressed confidence in the US vaccination system and recognized the health benefits of vaccination.
Representatives for three lawmakers — Republicans Rand Paul of Kentucky and Johnny Isakson of Georgia and Democrat Michael Bennet of Colorado — did not respond to repeated requests for comment by phone and email.
Staff for two other Republicans, Mike Enzi of Wyoming and Richard Burr of North Carolina, declined to comment....
No senator who responded indicated any level of concern regarding US vaccine safety. Allegations about the dangers of vaccines have been thoroughly discredited3 by the current science.
Indiana Republican Todd Young did offer a measure of understanding to those opposed to or skeptical of government-mandated vaccinations.
“As the father of four children, Sen. Young is persuaded by the scientific evidence in favor of vaccination and immunization,” a spokesperson for Young said. “However, he also understands citizens’ concerns anytime government expressly intervenes in health care decisions.”
Other Republicans were straightforward in endorsing the health benefits of vaccination.
“As a doctor,” said a spokesman for Louisiana Republican Bill Cassidy, “Senator Cassidy knows the US vaccine program is both safe and effective.”
Some Democrats went a step further, criticizing Trump’s comments on the issue.
Senators, both Republican and Democrat, defend the safety of vaccine program, according to this article.
But notice these names. …
Representatives for three lawmakers — Republicans Rand Paul of Kentucky and Johnny Isakson of Georgia and Democrat Michael Bennet of Colorado — did not respond to repeated requests for comment by phone and email.
Staff for two other Republicans, Mike Enzi of Wyoming and Richard Burr of North Carolina, declined to comment....
My message to all those senators who so enthusiastically endorse the mandated vaccine program: You have failed the children of America.
You willingly close your eyes to the thousands of parents who, for years, have come to rallies on Capitol Hill and to all those constituents who visited your offices and pleaded with your staff members to look into the damage from an unchecked vaccine schedule, damage that happened to their own children.
You defend vaccines, trusting in the assurances from health officials in the pay of the vaccine industry and from the pharma lobbyists sitting in your senate offices.
You willingly overlook egregious actions by our federal government.
In 2008 we learned that HHS conceded the claim of Hannah Poling whose vaccine injury included autism.
In 2011 it was made public that in over 80 cases, the U.S. Vaccine Court compensated victims of vaccine injury for autism.
Members of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the people who approve and recommend vaccines to the states for mandate, have a web of money ties to the companies they’re supposed to regulate.
A top vaccine researcher at the CDC, Dr. William Thompson, admitted in 2014 that his agency ordered him to destroy study findings showing a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. He said he is willing to testify before Congress, but no one on the Oversight Committee will call for a hearing.
The studies that supposedly debunked a link between vaccines and autism are based partly on the questionable science from a Danish researcher who is currently under indictment by the U.S. government for 22 counts of wire fraud and money laundering. He is alleged to have stolen more than $1 million from a CDC grant to Denmark. His study on thimerosal and autism was the science used by the 2004 Institute of Medicine panel to dismiss a connection between vaccines and autism.
What has happened to the health of America’s children as a result of an ever-expanding, unsafe vaccine schedule will be the biggest medical scandal in our history. The truth is being exposed. In the end, senators who blindly parrot the safety claims from corrupt public officials will look like they helped cover it up.
My experience with Republican opinions on vaccines is no different from that of the majority of the population, Democrats included. The general drift is: Vaccines are the greatest thing since sliced bread. Unfortunately that goes for other equally as important issues such as fluoride in drinking water. It is outrageous that the level of education among people who have decision making power is no higher than it appears to be. I get eye-rolling every time I talk about mercury from any source and I get more eye-rolling about fluoride. Fluoride had found its home in drinking water because it was a money-making proposition for the aluminum industry. If that had not happened, it would have become a superfund material. Fluoride is a by-product which was made useful in the same way thalidomide was. And when disposing of it in drinking water for money was not enough, it became an ingredient in Prozac and Paxil. Those two antidepressants contain fluoride, and those two drugs are in my opinion very problematic as far as depression goes. Opining about whether it is Republicans or Democrats is like saying there must be some reason why Democrats are bad. Both often went into politics (with exceptions) because they could not find any other gainful employment.
Posted by: Birgit Calhoun | January 21, 2017 at 10:10 PM
sorry, I type too fast! "The MEDIA almost ignores it." But you knew what I meant, right?
Posted by: Tom Petrie | January 21, 2017 at 08:52 AM
Group think, that's what we're seeing in Washington: The inability of our elected officials to think. Period! Have ANY of them met with Robert Kennedy Jr. or talked with ANY vaccine safety advocates to learn of their well-founded concerns? I doubt it! When polio struck 1 in 5,000 Americans, it was a major public health emergency; when Autism strikes about one in 68 of our children, the almost ignores it, except for the fact that it has nothing to do with vaccines. It's obvious that the politicians get their "news" from the mainstream media--apparently, gleefully (or happily) unaware of the fact that the mainstream media is mostly "fake news."
As Bob Moffitt stated, 'It's time the U.S. Senate listened to the people...instead of the vaccine industry/Public Health Charlatans....Drain the Swamp!!!!" I couldn't agree more.
By the way, what's "health" doing in the phrase, Public Health Officials? They're not doing a damn thing to promote public health, for if they were doing any such thing, we wouldn't have over fifty percent of our children suffering from some kind of health challenge, disease or disability, would we?
Posted by: Tom Petrie | January 21, 2017 at 08:50 AM
Note to Sisyphus (and Mr. Files)
When President Trump defies Merck's ability to hold the patent for the "measels" vaccine I will thank You kindly for the MMR resting in peace; until that time, i'll hold my breath.
Posted by: annie | January 20, 2017 at 10:26 PM
Yes, drain the swamp is the thing to do. I've been an A0A follower for a real long time. I am hopeful that we are approaching a tipping point within the CDC itself (reported to be scared "shoe-less") and now let's reveal some of our wonderful robo=response people we have sent to Washington D.C. to represent us! My personal Senators whom I voted for are the nondescript Senator Ed Markey, of Massachusetts, who does nothing, but always sends a robo-response thanking me for my concerns, and the absolute snake-in-the-grass Senator from Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren, who never responds at all. You all know her, I betcha! Up there asking rigged questions of the uniformed lady CDC officer! Well, as one of those idiotic Facebook things asked just after Mr. Trump won the election: "What movie best epitomizes this election?" I wrote: "Blazing Saddles". Yup, my fellow Americans, there's a new Sheriff in town!"
Posted by: Denise Anderstrom Douglass | January 20, 2017 at 08:59 PM
January 20th 2017,11.29
I liked this bit..
For too long, a small group in our nation’s Capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost.
Washington flourished – but the people did not share in its wealth.
Politicians prospered – but the jobs left, and the factories closed.
The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country.
Their victories have not been your victories; their triumphs have not been your triumphs; and while they celebrated in our nation’s Capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.
That all changes – starting right here, and right now, because this moment is your moment: it belongs to you.
Posted by: Angus Files | January 20, 2017 at 04:44 PM
Watching the Vaxxed team at the inauguration on the We Are Vaxxed facebook page (something happened to my Periscope feed - my fourteen-yr old downloaded some new stuff on my phone for me so because he's not here to defend himself i'll keep mum). SO HAPPY!!! Feeling SO vindicated and so SO GRATEFUL!!! I am SO GLAD that Dr. Wakefield is getting the justice he deserves!!!!!!
I'm also watching all of the confirmation hearings. Tom Price scares the begeebees out of me. I don't think Trump was after just the American Presidency, I think he's after a "new world order". Getting to hold scientific sway over what gets injected into people is the greatest political force on earth. Did Pharma just sacrifice its queen?
I want babies and children (to say nothing of my own) to be saved from vaccine violence. I don't want to be exploited by fascists.
At any rate, Poul Thorsen IS a wanted felon, the measels vaccine IS under litigation and Deep Throat is now going under the name Dr. Brian Hooker. Rachel Maddow needs to "watch this space" because she's about to be (professionally) taken out by it.
Posted by: annie | January 20, 2017 at 03:16 PM
Thanks for the responses to my post. But it doesn't really answer my question about why the Republicans haven't done anything on this issue. It's good to know that the whistleblower documents are freely available to other Congress members - There must be some way to publicize them. I don't think many people - and perhaps not many members of Congress know about them.
For the record, I have contacted my representatives in the past on this issue - congress member Donna Edwards and Senators Mikulski and Cardin and received nothing more than a polite response that they would "look into it." Now that we (here in Maryland) have Anthony Brown and Chris Van Hollen, I don't see much change likely...and I doubt they would read the documents even though they are available. So the Democrats have bought the pro-vax view hook, line, and sinker.
But I thought the Republicans were more skeptical and less likely to buy the government propaganda. And they have controlled - and continue to control - the Government Oversight Committee and the House, and now the Senate. Perhaps it would help I think if Bill Posey encouraged his friends and colleagues to actually read them, discuss them , and hold hearings.
Those of you who have Republican representatives in Congress and Republican Senators -what has been your experience when you contact them on the whistleblower documents and the issue of government hearings?
Posted by: Aimee Doyle | January 20, 2017 at 03:06 PM
Aimee Doyle asked, "Why doesn't Republican representative Bill Posey share the William Thompson whistleblower documents with his Republican colleagues in the House and Senate?"
The documents have been freely available to all Senators and Congressmen, as well as to the general public, for over a year. If you'd like to read them, here's a link:
Posted by: ndavis | January 20, 2017 at 02:07 PM
Here 's a Hopkins Press publication out today.....
"To Vaccinate or Not" Narrative Inquiries in Bioethics
Posted by: Ottoschnaut | January 20, 2017 at 01:16 PM
Aimee Doyle
"Why doesn't Republican representative Bill Posey share the William Thompson whistleblower documents with his Republican colleagues in the House and Senate? "
You have to contact your Congressional representative which you can do here:
Politely request them to ask for the documents from Congressman Posey. I have done this and I actually received a call from capital hill that my representative requested the documents. This also will leave a documented electronic record that they have been made aware of the issue.
Posted by: John | January 20, 2017 at 12:39 PM
Ottoschnaut: Thank you very much for that link. Both neurodevelopmental disorders and heart disease.
Posted by: Gary Ogden | January 20, 2017 at 11:40 AM
What a stinking pile of worthless trash these people are.
Posted by: Linda1 | January 20, 2017 at 11:35 AM
Why doesn't Republican representative Bill Posey share the William Thompson whistleblower documents with his Republican colleagues in the House and Senate? What has happened to those thousands of documents? Are they still just sitting somewhere in Posey's office? I haven't heard anything at all about those documents for almost two years. They would certainly be persuasive about the corruption at the CDC and the role of vaccines in causing autism.
I can understand that Democratic congresspeople might not be receptive. But surely Congressman Posey has colleagues and friends whom he could share these documents with - and certainly he could share them with the Government Oversight Committee - chaired by Republicans and with a Republican majority. Or, why doesn't he give them to the Trump administration?
Posted by: Aimee Doyle | January 20, 2017 at 09:59 AM
Ottoschnaut | January 20, 2017 at 09:12 AM
"they are literally scared out of their minds.
The 18 Senators who are openly dissing vaccine injured families may very come to regret their cavalier, let them eat cake attitudes.
The public now has a Pavlovian response to the scare tactics of the editorial pages and the bought, fake news screeds about vaccinations. I would describe it as a big yawn. The Immunization Action Commitee is going to get () trumped on the vaccine safety commission. It's gonna happen, and people are going to jail."
Love it !
Well they can hardly be surprised , can they ?
Sponsoring the poisoning of an entire generation globally .
Poisoning babies & children .
Paul Offit ? Are you there ? Please respond ?
Posted by: Hans Litten | January 20, 2017 at 09:45 AM
Hi Anne- the hectoring tone of the Stat piece reminds me of all those editorials demanding that the populace vote for Hillary Clinton. The same level of cognitive dissent. See how that worked out for them? There is a growing tone of desperation that the Immunization Action Committee is conveying in their increasingly shrill and manifestly dishonest propaganda push since the RFK announcement....they are literally scared out of their minds.
The 18 Senators who are openly dissing vaccine injured families may very come to regret their cavalier, let them eat cake attitudes.
The public now has a Pavlovian response to the scare tactics of the editorial pages and the bought, fake news screeds about vaccinations. I would describe it as a big yawn. The Immunization Action Commitee is going to get () trumped on the vaccine safety commission. It's gonna happen, and people are going to jail.
Price as HHS is their worst waking nightmare come true. The first articles comparing neurodevelopmental outcomes comparing cohorts that got TCV Hep B to chorts that got thimerosal free Hep B showed the TCV kids were 6 times more likely to get a diagnosis. That article appeared in JPANDS, by Geier and Geier, back around 2003....
"This study provides strong epidemiological evidence for a link between increasing mercury from thimerosal containingchildhood vaccines and neurodevelopment disorders and heart disease. In light of voluminous literature supporting the biologic mechanisms for mercury-induced adverse reactions, the presence of amounts of mercury in thimerosal-containing childhood vaccines
exceeding Federal Safety Guidelines for the oral ingestion of mercury, and previous
epidemiological studies showing adverse reactions from such vaccines, a causal
relationship between thimerosal containing childhood vaccines and neurodevelopment disorders and heart disease appears to be confirmed. It is to be hoped that complete removal of thimerosal
from all childhood vaccines will help to stem the tragic, apparently iatrogenic epidemic of autism and speech disorders that the United States is now facing."
Posted by: Ottoschnaut | January 20, 2017 at 09:12 AM
Listen the President of the United States says Vaccines cause Autism !
Has to be a bone shaker any way you look at it .
Get tweeting DT ! And lets see the vile BBC bury this story !
Posted by: Hans Litten | January 20, 2017 at 08:12 AM
Anne to Senators:
"You willingly close your eyes to the thousands of parents who, for years, have come to rallies on Capitol Hill and to all those constituents who visited your offices and pleaded with your staff members to look into the damage from an unchecked vaccine schedule, damage that happened to their own children."
In my humble opinion ... the "you" that Anne was referring to .. are those who have wallowed in the swamp of corruption .. that our public health agencies have become .. a swamp infested and fed upon by too many politicians, lobbyists, academic researchers, media outlets, etc ..who seek self-vested .. political and financial gains .. while ignoring the vested interests of our most precious resource .. our children.
Anne reports:
“As the father of four children, Sen. Young is persuaded by the scientific evidence in favor of vaccination and immunization,” a spokesperson for Young said. “However, he also understands citizens’ concerns anytime government expressly intervenes in health care decisions.”
While Sen Young openly admits he is "persuaded by scientific evidence in favor of vaccination and immunization .. and .. "understands those "citizens" who have raised concerns anytime the government expressly intervenes in health care decisions".
Unfortunately .. but also predictably .. the Senator conveniently avoids acknowledging the TENS OF THOUSANDS of citizens .. who Anne reminds have for YEARS have marched in Washington D.C. in front of the Senate itself .. personally visited Senate offices and shared with Senate staffs .. THEIR EXPERIENCES .. WHICH HAVE CAUSED THEM TO LOSE CONFIDENCE AND TRUST IN U.S. VACCINATION AND IMMUNIZATION POLICIES.
IT IS THESE CITIZENS THE SENATE HAS REFUSED TO HEAR OR ACKNOWLDEGE .. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHY the commission on vaccine safety and scientific integrity .. is not only the RIGHT THING TO DO .. IT IS LONG OVERDUE.
Posted by: Bob Moffit | January 20, 2017 at 06:38 AM