Safety Concerns and Hidden Agenda Behind HPV vaccines: Another Generation of Drug-dependent Society?
Safety concerns and hidden agenda behind HPV vaccines: another generation of drug-dependent society?
Analyses of data and hidden agenda behind repeated failed outcomes of cancer research and therapy, status of American health, safety concerns for HPV vaccines and future research considerations are summarized in this commentary. A closer look at cancer science reveals that highly power structure (system) in medical establishment vs. anti-system and chaos in cancer research (‘medical/scientific ponzi schemes’) is potent recipe for failed therapeutics that kills patients but generates huge corporate profit. American health status ranks last among other developed nations despite the highest amount that USA invests in healthcare. This is a wake-up call to make sure that the evil part of human being does not prevent the health services that the public deserves. Otherwise, ‘it does not matter how many resources you have, if you don’t know, or don’t want to know, how to use them, they will never be enough’. Answer to cancer and improved public health is possible only by switching the current corruptive and abusive culture of ‘who you know’ to a culture of ‘what you know’. Policy makers and professionals in decision making roles are urged to return to common sense and logics that our Forefathers used to serve the public.
For over a century all directors of NIH and other governmental health agencies, cancer centers and organizations, medical schools, Big Pharma and food industry (producers of genetically modified organisms/GMOs) have been physicians (with MD degrees). The only formal duty of these leaders was to improve and promote public health, prevent diseases and save American lives. However, despite excessive investment of American resources for healthcare the opposite has occurred. American health ranks last of 11 or last of 17, compared with other developed nations. Majority of vaccines that were designed to prevent diseases caused more death and diseases than public exposures to infective agents.
Policy makers and public should take a closer look at the long-lasting ‘medical/scientific ponzi schemes’ that cancer establishment created to control a drug-dependent sick society. Millions of cancer patients who enter clinical trials are treated with drugs (poisons) and procedures that postpone their death-sentence for short duration, while their resources (insurance and personal assets) are drained! In this medical ponzi scheme, not only trillions of dollars wasted on ‘molecular false flags’, but millions of precious lives were lost to such illegal, unethical and horrendous crimes against humanity.
Instead of using common sense to promote health and prevent or delay the onset of age-associated diseases, medical establishment has managed to gradually alter and destroy the natural immunity of Americans public and shift onset of diseases to younger age for increasing the population of sick people and pushing drug sale.
This is a wake-up call to make sure that the evil part of human being does not prevent the health services that the public deserves.
Answer to cancer and increased public health is possible only if policy makers and cancer-stricken public seriously realize that the might of establishment over the right of science must be drastically reversed.
Decision makers in Congress who appropriate funds and those who direct medical sciences, should return to the forgotten values of common sense and logics that our Forefathers used for serving the public. After all ‘we may be intelligent, but if not able to think and love well being of others, we use the intelligence against humanity’.
Thank you for posting this commentary!
"It is painful to project that the sick status of ‘baby boomers’, created half a century ago could be repeated, if not already started, by vaccinating the public with HPV or other vaccines (e.g., meningitis, shingles, flu), whether or not vaccines are contaminated with live viruses. Such fraud approaches could present grave health consequences for future generation (s), if the policy makers, professionals and public do not reflect on the fact that ‘intellectuals’ in health system who were responsible for improving public health are destroying it."
Posted by: Jeannette Bishop | December 10, 2016 at 12:14 AM
New information on "Shaken baby syndrome"
Posted by: Reader | December 09, 2016 at 10:26 PM