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CDC: Denying Harmful Human Vaccine Consequences?

DeniedstampBy Teresa Conrick

The newest research on AUTISM shows that we are getting closer and closer to the true factors that affect so many children.  It's time to say so long to genetics and psychiatry as THE answers to what has been happening to a generation of children. This quote from the CDC -- More people than ever before are being diagnosed with ASD   -- is only partially true.  Yes, "more" and more but not people, as that is misleading, but CHILDREN, and that is ----- devastating.  My daughter, Megan, is one of them.  Her diagnosis of Autism came about after vaccinations.  Seizures and an autoimmune diagnosis were to follow. Immune dysfunction, OCD and tics continue to haunt her and SO many other children who have AUTISM, PANDAS and PANS. A future name to capture the significant immune horrors and behaviors of these children and young adults should be -- AUTOIMMUNE ENCEPHALITIS .  Research is looking at how this could be happening:  One way the microbiome could contribute to this process is via molecular mimicry of PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal infections), which sometimes co-occurs with autism. It was proposed that the presence of certain bacteria can lead to the formation of antibodies reactive with the basal ganglia of the brain resulting in behavioral abnormalities.112 

There are doctors treating the immune issues of Autism and noting up to 50% of their cases are children with this co-occurrence of PANDAS and PANS. Over the years, I have written about this topic, Many parents report their child exhibiting the first signs of PANDAS and PANS after vaccines , so as a refresher, here are updated definitions:

Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) is a clinical diagnosis given to children who have a dramatic – sometimes overnight – onset of neuropsychiatric symptoms including obsessions/compulsions or food restriction. They are often diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or an eating disorder, but the sudden onset of symptoms separates PANS from these other disorders. In addition, they may have symptoms of depression, irritability, anxiety, and have difficulty with schoolwork. The cause of PANS is unknown in most cases but is thought to be triggered by infections, metabolic disturbances, and other inflammatory reactions.

Like PANS, children with Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) have an acute onset – within 2 to 3 days – of neuropsychiatric symptoms, specifically OCD or tics (involuntary, purposeless movements). However, PANDAS patients test positive for a recent streptococcal infection, such as strep throat, peri-anal strep or scarlet fever. Like PANS patients, they also may suffer from uncontrollable emotions, irritability, anxiety and loss of academic ability and handwriting skills. Although PANDAS was identified as a medical syndrome more than a decade before PANS, it has been classified as a subset of PANS. To date, PANDAS is the only known subset of PANS, but we may discover more causes in the future. 

In some recent reading on the immune system, I came upon this information regarding antibiotic resistance from CDC that just seemed incorrect and troubling, especially as we see increases in too many children with immune dysfunction.  We must be vigilant when we see reports or research that are just NOT honest.:

Vaccination: There are few vaccines for antibiotic-resistant bacteria, but the S. pneumoniae vaccine has proven that an effective vaccine can reduce antibiotic resistance rates. The vaccine targets certain types of the bacteria, even if it is a resistant type, and reduces the overall number of infections, including those that are caused by resistant strains. The first version of the vaccine was introduced in 2000 and reduced the frequency of antibiotic-resistant infections, but it did not protect against a particular strain of S. pneumoniae called serotype 19A. This strain became increasingly resistant to antibiotics and caused more infections because the vaccine did not offer protection. A new version of the vaccine, approved for use in 2010, protects against serotype 19A. As a result, the rate of resistant pneumococcal infections is decreasing. 

There is so much wrong with that statement.   I boldfaced the phrases and sentences that seem to contradict MUCH research and will present research below to address these false points.  This is not the first time that I have written about immune system damage via the vaccination program.  Let's take a look at what CDC is NOT reporting.


Emergence of Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotypes 19A, 6C, and 22F and Serogroup 15 in Cleveland, Ohio, in Relation to Introduction of the Protein-Conjugated Pneumococcal Vaccine:

●  A 7-valent conjugate pneumococcal vaccine (PCV7) was introduced in 2000 ● This vaccine, which was introduced in the United States in 2000, contains polysaccharide from the 7 serotypes that are commonly responsible for invasive disease in children (4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, and 23F),   ●  The expectation of cross-coverage by PCV7 of vaccine-related serotypes was not fulfilled, and serotype 19A, above all, has filled the gap left by the effectiveness of the vaccine ● there were statistically significant increases in the incidence of vaccine-related serotypes for adult (206.7%) and pediatric (900%) noninvasive isolates.   (Pneumococcal infections are defined as invasive or non-invasive according to the body site they affect. Invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) is caused by infection of normally invasive sites e.g. blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)...Non-invasive forms of the infection commonly cause middle ear infection (otitis media), exacerbations of bronchitis, and pneumonia.) ● The incidence of infection due to 6 serotypes (6C, 15A, 15B, 15C, 19A, and 22F) increased after the introduction of PCV7. 

● A particularly notable finding in our study is the 900% increase in noninvasive pediatric vaccine-related isolates that was associated with serotypes 19A...serotype 19A frequently recovered from middle ear fluid specimens. ●  It is noteworthy that serotype 19A—the original multidrug-resistant serotype reported from South Africa in 1978 [41]—emerged in the United States after the introduction of PCV7 in 2000, and many of these isolates are multidrug resistant.

Points to repeat -- After the pneumococcal vaccine (PCV7) was introduced in 2000, data shows that NEW, non-vaccine types of serotypes INCREASED, as well as vaccine-type INCREASES of infection. The 19A serotype caused INCREASED (900%!) ear infections as well as cases of pneumonia. The use of the vaccine shows "statistically significant" increases in direct infection as well as the "herd" effect of INCREASED infections. The COMMUNITY IMMUNITY was shown to be negatively affected by the PCV7 vaccine as it caused increased incidences of pneumonia infection, skyrocketing ear infections, and dangerous antibiotic resistance. More effects were to come with each new type of pneumococcal vaccine.


The Nasal Microbiota: Diversity, Dynamacity, and Vaccine-Mediated Effects --- Why do we care about the nasopharyngeal microbiota?

  • Involved in maintenance and dissemination of pathogens across the population
  • May also govern the acquisition of antibiotic resistance genes among bacteria
  • Several S. pneumoniae vaccines in clinical use:

- Pneumococcal polysaccharide-based (PPS)

- Pneumovax – 23 polysaccharide 

- Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines 

- PCV7, PCV10, PCV13 (Prevnar) 

  • PCV programs have been successful in decreasing incidence of pneumococcal diseases… but eliminating the strain-specific serotypes in vaccine is followed by emergence of non-vaccine serotypes in the population.
  • We need a better mechanistic understanding of inter-microbial interactions 
  • How elimination or reduction of individual microbial populations alters presence, abundance, diversity, and behavior of others 
  • Long-term view of vaccinations – alter carriage patterns in populations over time 
  • Short-term benefits versus long-term implications

In 2001-2002, of the serotypes found in PCV-7, types 14, 19F, 23F, and 6B were the most prevalent erythromycin-resistant serotypes. In 2007-2008, types19A, 15A, and 6C emerged as the most common serotypes among erythromycin-resistant isolates. The increase in macrolide resistance over the surveillance period represented both an expansion of serotypes, with high macrolide resistance at the start of the period (e.g., 15A), and acquisition of macrolide resistance within specific serotypes (e.g., 19A), either through capsular switching or introduction of novel clones into the region.

WOW so much evidence!  And here is CDC again trying to downplay this very scientific effect:

Treatment of pneumococcal infections with penicillin and other drugs is not as effective as it used to be, because some strains of the disease have become resistant to these drugs. This makes prevention of the disease, through vaccination, even more important.

Well, the VACCINE is CAUSING  THESE PROBLEMS  It appears CDC is boldly pushing the vaccine although more and more research sounds the alarm that THE VACCINE is causing antibiotic resistance, ear infections and pneumonia. It is not hard to see how this science can play out in a child developing immune dysfunction -- PANDAS and PANS.

The introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines has led to the emergence of non-vaccine serotypes, which contributed to invasive pneumococcal disease in Canada and worldwide....A significant increase in the prevalence of non-13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV-13)-included serotypes 22F, 15A, and 8 was observed from 2009 to 2013 in Ontario (all p values<0.01). In this study, whole genome sequencing was conducted on the 25 isolates of serotype 22F, seven of 15A and 10 of 8 to investigate the population structure and antibiotic resistance. All seven serotype 15A isolates were found to be multidrug resistant. countries where PCV7 [2000] or PCV13 [2010] was introduced, overall coverage of serotypes by the vaccine gradually decreased because of pneumococcal serotype replacement from vaccine type to nonvaccine type.....PCV13 now has been introduced in >120 countries, and various pneumococcal diseases have decreased as a result. Unfortunately, serotype replacement by non-PCV13 serotypes such as 6C, 15B, 22F, 23A, and 35B has also ensued (13,14,16–18,31).

Effects of PCV7 and PCV13 on invasive pneumococcal disease and carriage in Stockholm, Sweden

Expansion of non-PCV13 serotypes was largest following PCV13 introduction. Serotype diversity increased and nonvaccine clones emerged...Pneumococcal vaccination leads to expansion of new or minor serotypes/clones, also in nonvaccinated populations....Importantly, the incidence of non-PCV13 strains was doubled following PCV13 introduction...expanding non-PCV13 strains are more prone to cause disease in individuals with risk factors as compared with many vaccine type strains...The increased serotype diversity in IPD post-PCV is most likely a reflection of the increased number of serotypes prevailing in vaccinated carriers, which will influence the success of current vaccine strategies and must be taken into account when future strategies are developed.

Postvaccination Increase in Serotype 19A Pneumococcal Disease in Norway Is Driven by Expansion of Penicillin-Susceptible Strains of the ST199 Complex   

Serotype replacement in invasive pneumococcal disease has been observed after widespread use of the 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7). Replacement is dominated by penicillin-nonsusceptible serotype 19A in several countries. Antibiotic selection pressure has been proposed to interact with immunization, leading to rapid replacement.

A systematic review of the burden of vaccine preventable pneumococcal disease in UK adults 

pneumococcal disease and PCV13 vaccine type pneumococcal CAP continue to have a significant burden in adults, even after the introduction of PCV13 in children.

Serotype Changes and Drug Resistance in Invasive Pneumococcal Diseases in Adults after Vaccinations in Children, Japan, 2010–2013

........After PCV7 was introduced, serotype 19A pneumococcal strains with penicillin resistance increased (8–10); the change in 2012 to PCV13 covers serotype 19A (11)......  However, in countries where PCV7 or PCV13 was introduced, overall coverage of serotypes by the vaccine gradually decreased because of pneumococcal serotype replacement from vaccine type to nonvaccine type. In particular, increases of nonvaccine serotypes, such as 6C, 15A, 23A, and 35B, have been reported in the United States (13,14) and other countries (15–18)

By targeting a small subset of serotypes, we have begun a vast ecological experiment. In short, we have created a vacant niche, which may be filled by pneumococcal serotypes not included........

It is an experiment and one in which the fallout continues to affect our children both as vaccine recipients and as the research shows, as a nonvaccinated person exposed to someone vaccinated.

The elimination of vaccine type strains in healthy carriage will create profound changes in the entire pneumococcal population structure within a community since different pneumococcal strains most likely coevolve as a result of reciprocal adaptation and counter-adaptation between interacting strains...The increased serotype diversity in IPD post-PCV is most likely a reflection of the increased number of serotypes prevailing in vaccinated carriers, which will influence the success of current vaccine strategies and must be taken into account when future strategies are developed.

This -- believe it or not -- is from a study on CDC's own website, a summary based on extensive research sums it up best --  Vaccination with PCV-7 resulted in a shift in bacterial community composition and structure, with an increase in presence or abundance of several anaerobes, such as Veillonella, Prevotella, Fusobacterium, and Leptotrichia species; gram-positive bacteria, such as Actinomyces and Rothia species, and nonpneumococcal streptococci; and gram-negative Neisseria species…. Together with S. pneumoniae nonvaccine serotype replacement, these effects may further jeopardize the net health benefit of vaccinations with PCV.”

Teresa Conrick is Contributing Editor to Age of Autism.



Thanks so much Teresa for the links.

Darn I think you gave me information once before to the possibility of Kawaskis being linked to an array of different types of streptococcus..

Strep aureus (The big bad pathogenic one) can cause an auto immune response to the heart valves.
That is not the type of strep they are finding in the guts of kidw with Kawasakis though.
It took my daughter seven weeks after her DPT to develop Kawasakis.
IT took only hours for the DPT to cause a heart murmur in my son - and cause his left ventricular to swell up. .

It does sound like the DPT vaccine has killed off something important in the gut. It has killed off or reduced something, leaving space for strep and maybe it killed off something that keeps the immune system damped down too.

There is good strep in yogurt, and cheese
There are a lot of strep types, mentioned in your second link :they listed at least six if not more types of strep connected to Kawasaki.

It almost sounds like what teachers have noticed. You get rid of a trouble making student only to have another student that has never given trouble, much - to start causing trouble an take the place of the trouble maker.

Always niches needing to be filled.
Of course the DPT was full of mercury and aluminum; and one more thing; the actually pertussis toxoid to boot.

. .

 Teresa Conrick

Thanks for your comments! Benedetta, just saw yours. There seems to be a steady flow of research and regarding your question on the microbiome and kawasaki's --


Do you think that if you kill off a certain micro in your gut -- or many types; that - that these microbes might be damping down the immune system and with out them it causing too many larger immune cells that clogs the small capillaries. I am just wondering how this micro biome could be linked to Kawasaki, strokes, ischemia

So much we don't really know for sure.

angus files

Thanks Teresa,
A bit more of the onion peeled and never kind to the eyes and we need to see and believe not just what were told to believe.
We put out this information to family and friends when asked but its the old adage - horse to water.



John Podesta, who was Hillary's campaign manager, is also a lobbyist and with his brother Tony owns a lobbying firm. . The two brothers are the most powerful lobbyist in D.C. and seem to manage the accounts of every corporation you can think of from pharmaceuticals to the military. With the expose of wikileaks it is becoming apparent how the system works. John Podesta was the key adviser to fill the cabinet positions in the Obama administration, many of those posts were filled with industry insiders. This is the way things are done in the government. Industry writes the bills for themselves, and it does seem as if industry also does the science to favor themselves. Vaccines cure everything for them, even illnesses touched off by vaccines. All of it is so infuriating, such a pack of lies; that it can make you crazy. At least now some of the methods are being revealed. The lobbyists have the power, they make the appointments, they set the social scene as well. I'm hoping and praying that with a new administration we'll get more truth, more current research, and a policy that favors children's health for a change rather than industry profits.


Lyons-Weiler's book, The Environmental and Genetic Causes of Autism, fully agrees that the CDC is not doing its job.


I think they're doing exactly what they've been created to do.

It's just different from what the public has been told they're doing.


Mind Boggling the drug companies just outdid themselves in horrible ideas:

Big Pharma now wants to vaccinate babies while they’re still in the womb

Tuesday, December 06, 2016 by: Vicki Batts
Tags: big government, vaccinating pregnant women, vaccination







Image: Big Pharma now wants to vaccinate babies while they’re still in the womb

(NaturalNews) It’s bad enough when pregnant mothers get vaccinated, but now Big Pharma wants to take vaccination to a whole new level. Instead of just vaccinating mothers-to-be, the industry wants to be able to inject unborn babies with their latest concoctions, too.

The 21st Century Cures Act is poised to pass any day now. While this legislation claims to bring medicine into the 21st century, it honestly seems intended to do the exact opposite. Instead of looking forward to new horizons, this bill would merely double down on conventional methods that have been in use for decades. The 21st Century Cures bill managed to pass the House last year, and after being broken up into smaller sections by the Senate, is set to see approval any day now.

One of the more concerning aspects of this bill lies in the Senate bill S. 2742 (the Promoting Biomedical Research and Public Health for Patients Act), which appears to be laying down the groundwork for amending the current vaccination schedule to include expectant mothers and their still-developing, unborn children. This particular provision contains the following language:

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for purposes of this subtitle, both a woman who received a covered vaccine while pregnant and any child who was in utero at the time such woman received the vaccine shall be considered persons to whom the covered vaccine was administered and persons who received the covered vaccine.

Now, this could be interpreted in any number of ways. It may, for example, simply be a form of liability coverage. But, it could also be paving the way for unborn children to be considered eligible for vaccination. If this is the case, it won’t be long before we see manufacturers developing new lines of vaccines designed with babies in utero in mind.

The Centers for Disease Control already suggests that pregnant women get a whole host of vaccinations – whooping cough, flu and hepatitis B vaccines are all pushed on mothers-to-be as the epitome of protection for their child – but many question the necessity and use of such injections.

In addition to these concerns, the new bill may also open doors for the current vaccination schedule to be shifted or expanded, and create a slew of opportunities for the industry to increase their profit margins. As the Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) suggests, “Maybe the first DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) shot will be given to the mother and the fetus, rather than to the child at one month. Perhaps the schedule will be expanded.” This is a great example of what the 21st Century Cures act could allow to take place.

There are many potential risks to doing this; for example, the aluminum adjuvants found in many vaccines have never been tested for safety in children, let alone unborn babies. And, as the ANH notes, there doesn’t seem to be any research on the safety of multiple vaccinations being administered during pregnancy, nor any kind of comparison between the potential risks and benefits.

This is far from the only concerning aspect of the bill; many other parts of it have also been raising a few eyebrows. For example, many critics say that the bill goes way too far when it comes to relaxing approval standards for drugs and devices. For example, one provision in the Cures Act would allow a company to obtain approval for a second use of an FDA-approved drug, without having to conduct a randomized clinical trial. Instead, companies could use something known as “real world evidence.” Real world evidence is a much lower standard of evidence – and it lacks any assessment of risk versus benefits. It’s more subject to bias, more easily manipulated, and in general, can be very misleading.

Heritage Action, a conservative group, commented that the Act had expanded from 300 pages last year, to “an almost 1,000-page omnibus health care spending bill.”

Heritage Action went on to state, “In Washington terms, back-room negotiators have turned the Cures bill into a Christmas Tree, loaded with handouts for special interests, all at the expense of the taxpayer.”

Across the aisle, Senator Elizabeth Warren has vehemently opposed the bill and lambasted the legislation as being nothing more than a license for corporate “fraud,” “bribery” and “extortion.” Just seven Democratic senators voted against the legislation, while 70 Republicans voted to shoot it down.

In her floor speech, Senator Warren stated, “Pushing treatments without scientific evidence that they work is fraud—fraud that can hurt people.” Hopefully, she and the rest of the bill’s opponents from both political parties can band together and stop the bill, and the establishment, before it’s too late.

John Stone


Moreover, they masterfully switched the rhetoric round by making the indentification of cases a triumph - most of what goes on in the CDC is pure trash but that's public relations genius, (whoever is responsible). It is one of the cleverest and wickedest misrepresentations ever in history of lying and deception.

Anne McElroy Dachel

CDC: "More people than ever before are being diagnosed with ASD."

BUT...they do not mean that there are MORE PEOPLE WITH AUTISM.

The clever phrase "diagnosed with ASD" merely means that it's identified correctly more often. It's just the result of all the "better diagosing" and "greater awareness" on the part of doctors.

No CDC official has ever admitted a true increase in the number of affected individuals. Every increase in the rate is dismissed with the words, "We don't know if THIS increase represents a true increase in the disorder. It only refers to recognition."

This is why no one at the CDC has referred to autism as a crisis, no matter what the rate is.

Anne Dachel, Media

Tim Lundeen

Lyons-Weiler's book, The Environmental and Genetic Causes of Autism, fully agrees that the CDC is not doing its job.

I personally think the CDC is both incompetent and corrupt, based on numerous examples over the last 20 years, continuing to the present day. It's not just vaccine safety, autism causes, and autism tracking, but Zika microcephaly, Ebola, chronic fatigue... Try to find something the CDC has done well over the last 20 years :-)


As I was reading, thoughts of our experience of regression with our daughter almost fifty years ago -- and what came to us to do --flooded into mind. And now I'm curious as to your experiences with diet, etc., for ours was very good.
also experiences on breast-fed versus bottle-fed.


Wow! Very impressive research. Thank You Teresa!


Doesn't get much clearer than that, does it? Thanks, Teresa! You make it easy to understand.

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