EcoWatch: Early Pregnancy Flu Shots: New Research Hints of Autism Link
Merry Christmas from Age of Autism

A Visit from St. ThereIsNoAutismEpidemicandVaccinesareSafe

Santa sleigh

For many of us, the holidays are bittersweet. We buy our adult children Sesame Street toys. We worry about how to manage the noise, lights and hubbbub of a large family meal. Is Auntie Bev going to serve GF food? So many hurdles - will any of the 8 nights of candles be peaceful? And so it goes.

Take a moment for yourself - especially you Moms. Go into a room and close the door. Sit. Breathe. Know that you are doing your best even when it feels like you rival Joan Crawford at her worst. Soldier on. You have support and love everywhere within our community and we will always bolster each other. You are us. We are you.

Love, KIM

Twas the night before Christmas, to our readers we say

Thank you kindly for logging on every day.

Your comments were written with keen thought and care

In hopes that we'd publish them and not put them "there."

Blaxill and Olmsted with science expose

The strange world of pharma and how it all goes.

And Kim in her office (so close to the stove)

Baked up post after post and some cookies with clove.

The stories keep coming - vaccines that did shatter

We ask every day, "Will our voices soon matter?"

Parents who tell us their toddlers did crash

As doctors and media continue to bash.

The stories are true, oh this much we know

To special ed and therapy our children will go.

The pushback from pharma has become very clear

We ask you what is it that they have to fear?

They know that they made our kids so very sick

With a needle they said was "just a small prick."

They say we are looking for someone to blame

Where is their conscience, their care and their shame?

Now Offit! Now Pan! Now Szabo and Reiss!

Snyderman chastises, "Just roll the dice!"

To the CDC schedule! You must heed our call!

Now vaccinate! Vaccinate! Vaccinate all!

As sleeves roll up and babies will cry

Some children will sicken. Some may even die.

And then in a twinkling hear this dear friends

We will not sleep until the epidemic ends.

We must work as a team seeking answers all 'round

Our goal is the same: A cure must be found.

On Twitter we hashtag and battle the bots

"Our children are aging, they are no longer tots!"

Experience has taught us to connect the dots

Autism for many was caused by those shots.

But the future's not bleak, we have many a star

RFK, HealthChoice and always GR

Thank Schneider, McCarthy whose voices ring out

"Informed consent is the message we shout!"

We'll continue to work and to wage the good fight.

For the kids who are growing - we will do what is right.


The AofA team



I suppose people think there is No Peanut Allergy epidemic, no Epi-Pens, No special Education, No children who cannot speak or bang there heads, no need for fertility clinics or ABA therapists and especially no gigantic increase in tiny children with cancers-something nearly unheard of in the previous generations. Babies and children too young to have been exposed long enough to acquire it from food or water? Science without conscience


And don't forget all the children who's hormone regulating systems have been so messed up, that it's hard to tell what gender they're morphing into as teenagers.

Denise Anderstrom Douglass

Merry Christmas and thank you for all you do every day.

Tom Petrie

What a beautiful poem! Well done and very appropriate. YES, keep up the fight!

Shelley Tzorfas

I suppose people think there is No Peanut Allergy epidemic, no Epi-Pens, No special Education, No children who cannot speak or bang there heads, no need for fertility clinics or ABA therapists and especially no gigantic increase in tiny children with cancers-something nearly unheard of in the previous generations. Babies and children too young to have been exposed long enough to acquire it from food or water? Science without conscience

Patience (Eileen Nicole) Simon

Gayle and AoA team, A CURE will possibly be found once the injured brain structures are identified. I will continue to suggest that brainstem circuits should be looked at. Symmetric bilateral injury of brainstem sensory pathways were identified 135 years ago following toxic injury, Wernicke's encephalopathy (WE). See AD Thomson et al. Alcohol Alcoholism 2008 Mar-Apr;43:174-9.

Brain research must be demanded. We need to point out the history of discovery in neurology, and how laughable the other "historic" views are of a disorder as serious as autism. Parents are demeaned for their anti-establishment views, but keep at it, until the "experts" can only hang their heads in shame.

Merry Christmas, ho ho ho. I am now off to take my 54-year-old son out, or he might run away from his group home again. ...


Thank you for your informative emails and updates, let's educate and ensure that these children are kept safe and away from big pharmaceutical reach. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Jeannette Bishop

Thank you so much for the information found here each day and for this post!

Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
Restoration and Compensation for Our Injured
Informed Consent for ALL
And for ALL a GOOD NIGHT!!!

Dan Burns



"Our goal is the same: a CURE must be found" We need research into a cure for our vaccine injured children and may 2017 be the year that it is found for all of our suffering families. May God give us the answer and Happy Holidays to all with hope for the new year.


Thank you -and thank you for all the posts/comments. This is the best of all the 'vaccine injury' sites!

May 2017 be the year that the world learns the truth - so that children not yet born and their families are spared all the heartache. I hope you all have a very happy Christmas.

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