ROBERT F. KENNEDY, JR. LAUNCHES THE WORLD MERCURY PROJECT Vows to change government policies that injure children.
Washington, DC—Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announced today the launch of the World Mercury Project (WMP), a public health advocacy organization dedicated to ending exposure to neurotoxic mercury in fish, medical products, dental amalgams and vaccines. The group will focus on making sound science the driver of public policy.
“We will expose the government and corporate corruption that has led to increasing exposures to neurotoxic mercury in foods and medicines,” said Lyn Redwood, RN, MSN, the group’s executive director.
Grassroots organizations who support vaccine choice and autism advocacy, representing thousands of families in the U.S., celebrate the WMP and applaud its actions to ban mercury from all medical products, including vaccines. They stand with WMP to soberly reflect on the 30th anniversary this week of Congress’ enactment of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), which launched the $32.2 billion yearly vaccine market and some argue indirectly spawned the epidemic of childhood neurological disorders, including autism.
WMP joins these organizations calling for the repeal or radical reform of NCVIA. “This act provided vaccine manufacturers blanket immunity for any harm caused by injuries from vaccines, no matter how wanton, reckless or negligent the manufacturing, how anemic the testing or how grievous the injury,” Kennedy said. “That act and the mountains of pharma cash going to politicians, regulators and the press have helped obliterate all the checks and balances that normally stand between a rapacious industry and vulnerable children in a free and Democratic society. The complete vacuum of accountability caused by the NCVIA has emboldened the worst kind of behavior by vaccine makers including the continued use of mercury in vaccines.”
“We want robust and transparent science, independent and honest regulators, safe vaccines and healthy children,” Kennedy added. “Although Congress intended this law to make children healthier and safer, it has paradoxically made them less healthy and less safe, allowing them to receive mercury-contaminated vaccines that other countries have long outlawed.”
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Rein in the overstepping of authority in the Federal goverment with a Inform others that people we did not elect (the CDC, FCC, FDA, USDA), should not be making one size fits all decisions about our lives. Dont pimp my health and dont either
Loretta Marmor
Los Angeles
[email protected]
Posted by: Loretta Marmor | November 28, 2016 at 12:31 PM
Linda and grace,
just saw this article about mercury contamination in Peru, they found problems upstream too.
Posted by: greyone | November 19, 2016 at 07:16 PM
Excellent point, Grace, to consider the plight of the mercury poisoned fish. If fish wasn't a food source, would man care at all?
Posted by: Linda1 | November 19, 2016 at 02:21 PM
In addition to the many well presented comments here I would like to put in a word for the poor old fish, who always seem to be the first to get the blame for our poisoning. They are in reality victims of human activity, just as we are.
Posted by: Grace Green | November 19, 2016 at 11:03 AM
Simply -Just ban the vaccines - the human population will still be here and healthier.
Posted by: Angus Files | November 18, 2016 at 04:37 PM
mercury is not the only reason vaccines are dangerous, and it is not just aluminum either. The movie Vaxxed talks about how the MMR vaccine can cause autism in some kids, and it doesn't contain either of these toxins.
The sad truth, is that we have no idea what is actually in the MMR vaccine. Or any vaccine for that matter.
Remember , the people twisted enough to inject babies with poisons..... are the same people who decide what gets written on those vaccine inserts.
Posted by: Barry | November 18, 2016 at 01:25 PM
I support freedom of choice regarding vaccines. Obviously Pharma has overdone it as usual
c vaccines. Where's all the GI symptoms coming from? Antibiotics+Pesticides!! All pesticides
are Antibiotics correct? Antibiotic=Antilife. Doctors+Practicioners are the keepers of the
Antibiotics, it is their job to decide whether they are needed or not. It's not your fault that
you may have wanted antibiotics for your child. Are the kids with Autism Spectrum having
all sorts of Fungal Issues? Dr. Wakefield said the kids responded to antifungals?
I'm just learning about Kerri's Protocol c CD! IT'S BEING USED FOR ALS 2? MAKES SENSE.
ARE THE ROPEWORMS mostly FUNGAL BIOFILMS? THAT'S MY GUESS....Pharma will never bee able
to produce strong Antifungals like Nature can. OUR BODIES OFTEN HATE SYNTHETIC DRUGS.
I wish you all the best....I love Organic Hippocrates.... Mark BrownPA Maverick
Posted by: Mark Brown | November 18, 2016 at 10:50 AM
Cherry, One of your sentences (in particular, tho your whole comment was excellent) struck a strong painful chord.
" Vaccines are only one small part of the mountain of mercury shame. How many of you have parents who died of heart attacks, strokes or disorders such as Alzheimers, due to mercury in amalgams and fish?"
My mother, and a great many dear family friends, lived very vibrant healthy lives into their '70's, but then like a tide of toxic sludge in the form of flu shots virtually forced on them by indoctrinated doctors, and they lost their mental health - particularly in the form of Alzheimer's and dementia and overall mental destruction. This flu-shot from Hell loaded with Thimerosal became demonically pushed in the early 1990's by the CDC on senior citizens. And my trusting mother and family friends her age of course obeyed their doctors.
As for myself I was still unaware of this ongoing flu-shot catastrophe, but since my technology career was based on the simple axiom of 'cause and effect' I immersed myself in the world of vaccines and have since been quite active here on AoA the last 8 years.
So, from the beginning of life in the womb, and into elderly age, we are being destroyed by the Hell of immunizations, and last but not least, this now includes the abundantly obvious poisonous HPV shots conned onto females as well as males.
Posted by: david m burd | November 18, 2016 at 08:24 AM
To those wanting to skip to the perfection of complete medical freedom: Of course that's the desired ethical end game. You and I and anyone who's been researching enough to be comprehensively informed about the myriad and unpredictable path of destruction that occurs in the wake of vaccine administration could save any number of people and families from decades of financial, emotional, sociological, physiological woe - if people would just be immediately opened minded (yea right), listen, (yea right) and then immediately act (yea right) on the . . . what? The 30 years worth of accumulated facts we've collected and explained to them in the 2 minutes we talked about it at the water cooler? (sure, that's gonna happen) Or when we kept babbling on past the point of them going crosseyed when we mentioned the word mitochondria and methylenetetrahydrofolatereductasesinglenucleotidepolymorphism? Where is the crossover population that will stand and continue that conversation so that the next time they are at the doctor's office they will just say no to the offer of vaccines? (at which point when they are asked to leave the practice their eyes may open wide - say wwwwwhat?) It wasn't at my workplace, that's for sure. Maybe a toxicologist? Does anyone think the population of toxicologists in this country is large enough or vocal enough to make a difference? HOW does one stop preaching to that miniscule choir and start approaching the tipping point that will bring about serious change?
Go ahead and keep the endgame idea out there. Yes, there are people out there who are early adopters who will "get it." But they are such a small population. How do we reach larger or even huge chunks of the rest of the population and move them toward understanding the value of the end idea?
Kennedy may be able to leverage an existing, large vocal contingency (gateway, people!) of environmentally based democrat voters already in tune with the horrific damage done by mercury to our environment - our water ways and food systems, who just may be willing to hear more on the subject. He's loading the bases in a tie game. By the time he's done, all that particular group may need is a well-placed soft bunt to bring home the winning point.
Posted by: Jenny | November 18, 2016 at 07:26 AM
@Dawn Winkler
Yes, you are quite right -- mercury is not the only reason vaccines are dangerous, and it is not just aluminum either. The movie Vaxxed talks about how the MMR vaccine can cause autism in some kids, and it doesn't contain either of these toxins. Obviously, just a strong immune activation can cause major problems for kids who are on the edge of being able to cope with their environment.
And it is not just vaccines, although banning all vaccines would have the biggest immediate impact. Glyphosate, PBDEs, EMFs, fluoride, aspartame, and the list goes on...
Posted by: Tim Lundeen | November 17, 2016 at 11:16 PM
I don't know what it is that makes people believe that there is a way to redeem the false religion known as vaccination that has maimed and killed millions. Thank you to Laura and Dawn for being the voice of reason. I hope that RFK Jr will in time embrace the whole issue. Mercury is the tip of the iceberg.
Posted by: Linda1 | November 17, 2016 at 07:52 PM
What happens when mercury is removed (again) from vaccines? We have been down this road once already and in the wake of supposed "mercury free" vaccines, millions of children continued to be injured and many killed. Why? A couple of reasons. First, mercury wasn't really removed. It was merely reduced in some vaccines. How do I know? My organization had them tested by two independent laboratories. Second, mercury is NOT the only issue. Far from it. So again, I ask, where are we when mercury is supposedly removed from vaccines again? Do we still have mandatory one size fits all vaccine programs? I will also ask the same question that was asked in 2012 at Autism One in Chicago. Do you support a parent's right to say no to vaccines once the mercury is removed? That question was asked at least 3 times during that conference. Twice by me. Congressman Posey answered a resolute YES. Unfortunately, the silence following the question after RFK Jr's talk was deafening. A moment in time I won't soon forget. The mood of the room changed from an energetic standing ovation to energy draining nausea and shock.
I do not want safer vaccines because I know that the term "safe vaccine" is an oxymoron. How do I know? Because twenty years of research has shown me that vaccines are flawed by design and that they cannot be made safe, ever. Save yourself the twenty years and just read Tetyana Obukhanych's book "Vaccine Illusion". She holds a PhD in immunology and the book sums up the issue quite nicely and in layman's terms.
The end of vaccine mandates is the only real solution to the health crisis our society faces as a whole. Yes, the NCVIA of 1986 should go away, along with the mandates.
While I applaud the effort to remove mercury from all medicine and food, I know from experience the dangerous ground we tread on when we focus solely on mercury when it comes to vaccines. I try to learn from my mistakes. I was heavily focused on mercury for a certain time frame of my life, even got a bill sponsored to ban it in one state. But as I learned more and as I watched things unfold around the country, I realized the inherent problems that arise when this is the focus. I'll be crucified for not being ecstatic over this effort, but, so be it. What we should all be pushing for is the 28th Constitutional Amendment to the United States Constitution:
"The United States Government and its agencies may not compel or deny any medical procedure, treatment or substance, whether by force, detainment, fines, taxes or the withholding of benefits."
Dawn Winkler
[email protected]
Posted by: Dawn Winkler | November 17, 2016 at 07:21 PM
Friends My heart is filled with joy to read this news, Mercury tops the long list of unscientific, disgraceful medical practices of our age. One cannot even say that doctors and scientists did not know what they were doing. There was a mountain of knowledge and research regarding mercury available for decades. Putting mercury into babies , vaccinating newborn babies and pregnant women, Insisting that children in the third world cannot be vaccinated without mercury. Vaccinating tiny children with kidney disease with more aluminium, more mercury., and then lying , saying , We dont use mercury in vaccines now. I realize that the doctors were brainwashed, but dont they need to apologize to us for that? How did inteligent human beings, who take pride in being "scientists" do this to us. Is there no pediatrician, even one - even ONE ! - saying, " We need to start a fund to compensate the damage we have done to children and families . We are not the only ones responsible, but we shall be the first to start the reparations"
Friends, Vaccines are only one small part of the mountain of mercury shame. How many of you have parents who died of heart attacks, strokes or disorders such as Alzheimers, due to mercury in amalgams and fish?
I agree that vaccine damage is a larger issue, but it was parent s of autistic kids,, hot on the trail of mercury , who lead the way to uncovering the other dangerous elements in vaccines,
RFK, - Go forward - Let shine the light of truth Put an end to medical barbarity.
Posted by: Cherry Misra | November 17, 2016 at 03:24 PM
You may be interested to watch "Haley vs Offit: A Virtual Debate About Vaccines, The Greatest Medical Controversy Of Our Time" at
In the video, biochemist Dr. Boyd Haley counters the claims of vaccine millionaire and promoter Dr. Paul Offit with the relevant science. The site also features a list of more than 180 published, peer-reviewed studies showing the great dangers of mercury in small doses, especially when combined with other metals we are all exposed to.
Posted by: Richard P Milner | November 17, 2016 at 01:42 PM
“We want robust and transparent science, independent and honest regulators, safe vaccines and healthy children,” Kennedy added. “Although Congress intended this law to make children healthier and safer, it has paradoxically made them less healthy and less safe, allowing them to receive mercury-contaminated vaccines that other countries have long outlawed.”
My questions:
1. "Safe vaccines" is an oxymoron. Why would we want any vaccines at all? Why not support our God-given, amazing, efficient immune systems through excellent nutrition (which is most certainly not what the USDA recommends, check out the WAPF diet instead) and through reducing/eliminating the toxins in our environment (which are wrongly permitted by our corrupt, unethical, and idiotic government regulators)?
2. Why no mention of ABOLISHING vaccine mandates, and any form of mandated medicine, forever? There can be no mandated medicine in a society that calls itself free. At this point in time, since the U.S. has chosen to not abide by the many international codes of ethics it has signed guaranteeing medical choice freedom, specific language must be written into our Constitution addressing medical choice freedom. Forrest Maready has suggested the following 22nd amendment to the U.S. Constitution:
"The United States Government and its agencies may not compel or deny any medical procedure, treatment or substance, whether by force, detainment, fines, taxes or the withholding of benefits."
3. Where is the justification for stating that Congress intended this law to make children healthier and safer? If that is what they had intended to do, they would have ordered an immediate moratorium on all vaccines at the point in time when thousands were being maimed and killed by vaccines, instead of indemnifying those who were making and administering the dangerous and deadly vaccine products. The 1986 NCVIA protected industry, both pharmaceutical and medical, not children. Let's not perpetuate the propaganda.
Although I do support the complete removal of mercury from vaccines, medical products, dental amalgams, and the food supply, and although I also support exposing and prosecuting the regulatory agency criminals who have allowed such toxic products to be used in consumer goods and our food supply, such efforts must be in conjunction with ending medical fascism and restoring individual and parental rights with regard to medical decision making, including vaccine decisions.
Posted by: Laura Hayes | November 17, 2016 at 12:50 PM
Our gratitude goes to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr , Lyn Redwood and all the other putting their efforts in the World Mercury Project. Cheers and plaudits and gratitude. We have a family wrecked basically by having a member with acute mercury toxicity. We would not want it to seem that we are blaming this group who are doing something major because they are not doing everything.
Posted by: Granny Blue | November 17, 2016 at 10:15 AM
while mercury is certainly a major cause of the autism/brain damage problem we see in 1 in 42 males today, we should not forget about the other major causes that have recently been identified:
vaccine damage from immune activation and aluminum adjuvant crossing into the brain.
many of you are already aware that much of the recent studies have been analyzed and listed on
would highly suggest anyone not familiar with that site to spend time reviewing all the literature listed there.
Posted by: Mr. Washinton | November 17, 2016 at 07:56 AM
" WMP joins these organizations calling for the repeal or radical reform of NCVIA. “This act provided vaccine manufacturers blanket immunity for any harm caused by injuries from vaccines, no matter how wanton, reckless or negligent the manufacturing, how anemic the testing or how grievous the injury,”
Indeed .. we are long passed the time .. 30 YEARS .. to "repeal or radically reform NCVIA" .. which .. from the very beginning ... has violated the original "spirit and intent" of Congress .. which was supposed to offer a no-fault alternative to the traditional injury claims filed in state or federal courts and was to provide quick, efficient, and fair compensation for those who have been injured by vaccines.
Instead of giving parents and vaccine injured victims QUICK, EFFICIENT AND FAIR COMPENSATION .. the NCVIA has done the exact opposite .. giving the vaccine industry total IMMUNITY from being held accountable to the damage done by their PRODUCT.
The NCVIA has no one to blame but itself for losing the faith and trust of the PEOPLE .. and .. it is time for the PEOPLE to get rid of the NCVIA!
Posted by: Bob Moffit | November 17, 2016 at 07:01 AM
The mercury debacle is emblematic of everything that has gone wrong with public and global health science - it is the beginning of sorting it out, not the end. We recall the offensive from GAVI, the Gates Foundation when the WHO waived mercury reform vaccines in January 2013. These people are not respecting human life at all. They can talk using the rhetoric of the "herd" which is offensive or speak about "the greater good" which echoes the most brutal politics, but they have an agenda which still has to be explained. Mercury is a good topic but so long as the wider issue of vaccine damage remains taboo the problem will remain. RFK jnr has always led on the mercury issue, and good for him, nevertheless, once you have the institutional and public relations machinery in place for extending the policy and denying the harm, their use/misuse will not be reined in anywhere.
Posted by: John Stone | November 17, 2016 at 06:40 AM