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WalletHub Asks "Should Vaccines Be Mandatory?"

Dice no yes maybeA few weeks ago, some of us in the vaccine injury/safety community were approached by a website called "WalletHub," a financial site, to provide content on the topic: Should Vaccines Be Mandatory?

From a fear of needles to concerns over autism and even government mind control, the small percentage of Americans who shy away from vaccinations for themselves and their children each year certainly have their reasons. Some even justify the choice with supposed financial responsibility, as if a $40 flu shot is really going to break the bank.

But that’s faulty logic, at least financially. For one thing, the best credit cards can pay for more than 15 flu shots with their initial bonuses alone. Even more importantly, people who fail to get their vaccinations cost the country over $7 billion per year in lost productivity and medical treatments, according to a new study from researchers at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Click into the link to read each response, Should Vaccines Be Mandatory? including one from AofA's Editor At Large Mark Blaxill as well as Mary Holland, Lyn Redwood, Paul Thomas, Stephanie Seneff, Jack Wolfson, Vera Sharav, Joel Lord, Lisa Jillani, Neil Z. Miller, Jane Orient and Ralph Fucetola.

Please comment at the WalletHub site and share their link on social media.  Thanks.


Jeannette Bishop

Forrest Maready effectively puts the call for mandatory vaccination "to protect the vulnerable" into perspective here:


Interesting how the article starts out by framing the issues in a very pro-vaccine way, but then has 12 strong advocates for choice on vaccines.

I didn't have time to read much tonight but will read more tomorrow.

Bob Moffit

Stupid me .. wasted my time and energies .. posting a "facebook" response .. but .. predictably .. cannot access anywhere to actually read my comment .. which is why .. I absolutely HATE face-book .. being MY ONLY way to respond to this crap "survey" .. shame on ME for participating.


Very interesting - 5 for, 12 against. What, they couldn't get 7 more to come out for, to make it even?

Mark, I didn't know that 30,000 injury reports are filed every year. If that's 1% of the true incidence, then there are 3,000,000 annually. That sounds about right.

What bothers me about this question, should vaccines be mandatory, is that should we win the right to choose, these deadly poisons will still be marketed, sold and pushed on the vulnerable, institutionalized, uninformed and intellectually challenged. Those for, like to say how mandates will protect those who cannot be vaccinated. We need to protect those who should not be vaccinated to begin with - and that appears to be just about everyone.

david m burd

Prof. Rathore perfectly illustrates how the typical American "health professional" has been completely indoctrinated ('indoctrinated' I first remember a few years ago by Bayareamom here on AoA, and so appropriate). EVERY topic Rathore talks about is such a blatant lie - yet he believes and espouses them. He's the perfect minion for the Vaccine Cabal. Here's his quote: (ps: Mark Blaxill counters everything Rathore says - please read and pass on Mark's quote, summing up history, etc.)

Mobeen H. Rathore

Professor and Associate Chair of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Florida, and Chief of Infectious Diseases and Immunology at Wolfson Children's Hospital

"Vaccines are the best and most effective tool in the medical and public health toolkit. Vaccines go through robust research trials to show efficacy and safety, and a rigorous approval process before they become available for use. Vaccines are preventive and as a result must be used in otherwise healthy individuals. Since they are not used for treating a disease, they have a much higher bar for approval. There is also more post-approval surveillance for vaccine safety than any other medical product that is currently in use. Post-approval surveillance assures that even rare adverse effects of a vaccine are identified and any such signal investigated in depth. This is important so that public can be confident on the safety of the vaccines."

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