Vaccine Herd Immunity Questions in The Hill Opinion Piece
Imagine our surprise to see the following article on The Hill website? We imagined it would have been pulled by now.
If only half of America is properly vaccinated, where are the epidemics?
By Gretchen DuBeau
In 2014, an outbreak of whooping cough (pertussis) broke out in the San Diego area. Of the 621 individuals who were infected, nearly all of them were completely up to date on all preventive vaccinations. If vaccines are given to protect from disease, how could this happen?
San Diego public health official Dr. Wilma Wooten argued that the cause was related to a decrease in the protection offered by vaccines after the first year. This answer is most revealing, in that it speaks to the actual efficacy of vaccines. It also shows that the concept of herd immunity is largely myth—and completely misunderstood.
The theory of herd immunity states that when a critical mass of the population (usually stipulated at 95%) is vaccinated against a disease, the possibility of outbreaks is eliminated. This is the main argument that is used to shame parents who wish to refuse certain vaccinations for their children: by not vaccinating, they put the health of the “herd” at risk.
However, if vaccines start losing effectiveness after the first year, as Dr. Wooten says, then constant revaccination would be required, since the immunity offered is only temporary for most vaccines. Achieving the required rate of protection is virtually impossible under this paradigm.
Of course, if we look back over the decades and note the lack of rampant epidemics in our nation, while remembering that vaccine protection is in perpetual decline, the myth of herd immunity quickly unravels. Our society has never achieved this level of herd immunity, yet not a single major outbreak of disease has occurred.
Noted author and neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, MD, offers this analysis:
It was not until relatively recently that it was discovered that most of these vaccines lost their effectiveness 2 to 10 years after being given. What this means is that at least half the population, that is the baby boomers, have had no vaccine-induced immunity against any of these diseases for which they had been vaccinated very early in life. In essence, at least 50% or more of the population was unprotected for decades.
After a recent outbreak of measles at Disneyland, the state legislature in California took the extraordinary measure of rescinding religious and philosophical exemptions for vaccinations, even for children at higher risk of vaccine injury. State Sen. Richard Pan, who led the fight, argued that it was imperative to public health to maintain herd immunity among the general population, and that to ensure 95% compliance, vaccination had to be mandatory. The law he authored, which risks the health of many vulnerable children, accomplishes nothing—because herd immunity is a myth. Read the full story here.
This statement:
About 3 weeks ago I began getting entire threats from from blogs if I post a comment.
Should have been "THREADS" not threats.
Posted by: Danchi | September 23, 2016 at 09:57 PM
Another thing is that it was in March 2015 that I first had a normal, factual comment disappear from where I had put it. It quickly became a normal, routine thing, not just for me but for several of my friends. I suspected the shill who couldn't refute what I said, but it was a new tactic. And I quickly found that I could find my disappeared comments in my Disqus profile, click on See in discussion, and the comment would reappear where it had been before.
In April we all made the acquaintance of the Liquid Logic Porn Gang: Brooke Dunne, Ivan Forsch, Zogby, Cathy, and Hans Meyer. Once Zogby was annoyed when Jack Sprat told me he had deleted my comments: Zogby told him, Oh yeah? Well, go to THIS link, I just deleted ALL of yours. And they were all gone. So I thought that the shills had a new technique for taking down our comments that was neither the moderator deleting them nor putting them in moderator jail, and I thought they could do it independently of the Disqus regulations.
Late last year we realized that Ivan/Zogby (I think they're the same person) was himself moderator on many Disqus sites: he took down ALL of my comments from many blogs for the whole month of November. In light of what's happening now, I'd say you're right, what we have is the Liquid Logic bunch being permitted by Disqus to moderate dozens, possibly hundreds, of its blogs, and do as he likes to silence vaccine critics. I saw something several months ago about stealth blocking on the Internet, and I thought yes! That's the right phrase for what they do when they remove comments from the thread, but you can click them back in from your Disqus profile.
So now I think that it's not that the shills have a new technique which they share among themselves, but that they're using a Disqus technique and Disqus is letting them do it, doubtless because they're being made an offer they can't refuse. It's crazy to turn a blind eye to rogue moderators deleting comments left and right. Or maybe when a shill sees a comment he wants to get rid of, he shoots Z a text with the reference number, and Z just stealth blocks it immediately.
Posted by: ciaparker | September 23, 2016 at 07:07 PM
I haven't commented on disqus in maybe 3 weeks. Somethings going on with their software-human and computer. About 3 weeks ago I began getting entire threats from from blogs if I post a comment. I opened my email on day and had 10 responses to a comment I made and only 1 was a response to my comment. OK. Didn't respond to the comment. Just deleted them. That evening-22 comments-separate emails for all of them. Didn't read them just deleted them. The next day the exact same thing happened -same comment but this time 30 emails. disqus went to the spam list. Just to try it out-I made a comment on an article about an entertainer. The comment: LOL. The same thing happened -dozens of responses. So I sent disqus an email and their response was basically they were having software issues BUT in light of your information about the moderator Ivan it makes me wonder.
I have no idea how to discover who moderates the sites. I have asked on Natural News because they frequent censors comments that don't fall in line with their way of thinking and was told disqus moderated-disqus told me blogs have their own moderators. It does give both blogs & disqus plausible deniability if the guidelines of the site are being violated by both and is a misdirection if disqus is being paid for censoring comments. I read disqus was having some funding issues which is why they have allowed ads to be used on disqus boards. Probably why it's easy for pharma to slide them a few bucks under the table to let a lot of things slide.
Posted by: Danchi | September 23, 2016 at 04:54 PM
@ciaparker: There seem to be some confusions in your comment.
Disqus is a commenting system that can be used by blogs. They neither host the sites nor care about their moderation policies, except for six user-reportable events. Complaining to Disqus about moderation policies is not much different from complaining to a lock manufacturer for being evicted.
Wordpress is perhaps the most widely used blog platform in the world. It is possible to use them as a hosting service (I sorely doubt that this comes with any centralized moderation, though), but much more common is to install the software locally.
AoA happens to use Typepad as a platform; by analogy, I think they would be very puzzled to receive a complaint about the moderation policies here.
Posted by: Reading Is Fundamental | September 23, 2016 at 01:45 PM
It's even worse, Ivan Forsch, a member of the Liquid Logic group, is a moderator on dozens of Disqus sites, and stealth blocks, jails, or deletes hundreds of comments by vaccine critics (and in the last month by many who were formerly on his side). Ivan put up information last week on how anyone can become a moderator of a Disqus site. I have complained to Disqus, and they say that moderators can delete whatever they like, even if they have a bias. I wrote this evening saying what about when the moderators work for a group whose goal is to manipulate public opinion by hosting comment threads that look as though both sides were being represented, but really deleting most of the genuine information the public needs to know, then only the side of pharma propaganda is served.
A Disqus person wrote today saying maybe I should only comment on sites where Ivan was not a moderator, but how can you tell? Wordpress seems more honest, but they don't have a lot of sites yet. Is there a list somewhere of Disqus moderators and the sites they moderate?
Posted by: ciaparker | September 22, 2016 at 10:28 PM
Every Dorit/Gorski troll imaginable is on that comment board. They came on like a mob of aggressive marauders. I guess this is why so many blogs have kicked Disqus to the curb. Disqus knows the sites are not being monitored by the moderators as they are suppose to be so the trolls are given free reign. For a social media site offering comment boards it's poorly run. Pharma know this and is probably paying Disqus to allow Dorit & the mob to do whatever they like. If you decide to comment there, hold your nose.
Posted by: Danchi | September 22, 2016 at 05:07 PM
And yet when co-author of SB277, Senator Ben Allen, was asked by Del Bigtree if he thought there should be adult vaccination mandates because most adults no longer belonged in the "herd" and he said "no" that he didn't think it was necessary at this time.
Sometimes I feel like I live an alternative universe where what should make sense and guide policy- doesn't, and the lunatics and egomaniacs and members of the "herd" are allowed to set the scenery and write the rules for the rest of us.
Posted by: Safika Erselcuk | September 22, 2016 at 02:05 PM
Sonja and Kathy in "comments" lost all credibility when they tried to sell the importance of hep b for infants. Oh and hep A is apparently a tragic disease for which vaccination is necessary. Do they understand that live vaccines transmit disease? Quite frankly the sooner pharmaceutical companies realized the jig is up and figure a healthier way to manage disease (say gut approaches or even managing some diseases) the sooner we can stop all the craziness. Perhaps even allowing this article is a tacit acknowledgement of that.
We simply cannot sustain this tsunami of soft sign brain damage and auto immune illness.
Posted by: Reader | September 21, 2016 at 01:37 PM
The Arkansas public health dept recently issued a statement with regard to a mumps outbreak. Mumps found in vaccinated - none in nonvaccinated (the statement revealed but did not emphasize) and the nonvaccinated were to be excluded from school until the outbreak is over. The health dept goes on to say that any unvaccinated child who gets the vaccine can go back to school immediately. Meanwhile, the reality is that the vaccine doesn't take effect (if there is a positive effect) immediately - not even close. So, what are they doing?
In his new book, Dr. Ken Stoller calls this religion Jabism.
Posted by: Linda1 | September 21, 2016 at 09:54 AM
It's probably just silly old me ... but ... there is something eerily similar to the immediate calls for vaccination increases by high level public and government health officials .. aided and abetted by a compliant main-stream media .. following each publicized "outbreak" of a supposedly "preventable disease" .. such as .. measles .. as if once vaccinated .. you are protected for life ever-more....
exactly the same 'knee-jerk" response .. by the same immediate calls for "gun control" legislation by high level government officials .. local, state and federal .. aided and abetted by the very same main stream media sources .. following each well-publicized incident involving a "gun" .. as if all guns were eliminated .. there would be no further incidents of violence.
My only point is .. to blame the gun .. and .. not the person shooting the gun .. appears the same as blaming the unvaccinated .. for causing the vaccinated to acquire measles.
As I said .. it's probably just silly old me .. but .. I believe our politicians and main stream media .. in both instances .. ALWAYS use the "gun" and the "unvaccinated" .. as convenient scapegoats.
Posted by: Bob Moffit | September 21, 2016 at 08:23 AM
Herd immunity is a bit like the scene from the Lion King where Mufasa (the father) tries to save little Simba from the stampede / “herd of wildebeests” set off by the hyenas / CDC.
Thousands of Americans are now working all day every day trying to save their children the “herd/ mob mentality” of the vaccine industry. Many are run over, harmed or killed every day.
The mob is now mostly concerned with Zika, and the next big pile of money they want from congress.
For some reason, we need a “new triple virus flu shot” every year as the 200 flu viruses are always changing. The CDC / AAP seems to think the other 40 vaccines never need to change, and will always provide protection for whatever is in circulation.
They also seem to think that the “damn little Simba” is the cause of all the problems, and the biggest danger...
Posted by: go Trump | September 21, 2016 at 07:06 AM
Herd immunity is a bit like the scene from the Lion King where Mufasa (the father) tries to save little Simba from the stampede / “herd of wildebeests” set off by the hyenas / CDC.
Thousands of Americans are now working all day every day trying to save their children the “herd/ mob mentality” of the vaccine industry. Many are run over, harmed or killed every day.
The mob is now mostly concerned with Zika, and the next big pile of money they want from congress.
For some reason, we need a “new triple virus flu shot” every year as the 200 flu viruses are always changing. The CDC / AAP seems to think the other 40 vaccines never need to change, and will always provide protection for whatever is in circulation.
They also seem to think that the “damn little Simba” is the cause of all the problems, and the biggest danger...
Posted by: go Trump | September 21, 2016 at 07:06 AM