"The Use of Fear To Justify Oppression..." George Takei
Once Vaxxed But Not Shy? Washington Post Article Spurs Debate.

Dachel Wake Up: The "Unfounded Fears" Argument. Fear is Fear.

Dachel Morning Wake UoAug 8, 2016, La Crosse (WI) Tribune: Jeremy Fejfar: Concerns about vaccines based on unfounded fears

Some opponents of vaccines claim that evidence of the alleged harm of vaccines was covered up in a 2002 study and later revealed in an analysis by a man named Brian Hooker. The claim is that the study showed an increased risk of autism in a subgroup of African-American boys that they correlated to the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine. However, many have looked at this analysis and find many flaws. Truly understanding the issue involves a thorough understanding on epidemiology and the proper use of various statistical analytical methods and their limits.

Suffice it to say, Hooker used and limited his data set to a very small number of individuals in order to find a subgroup where the rate of autism was higher (likely by chance alone), and used a statistical method that is prone to false positives. Looking at this study shows that there was not an increased risk of autism in the other children studied, and there is no plausible mechanism whereby African-American boys would have an increased risk compared to their peers. Further, many other studies have been completed looking at autism and links to vaccines, and they have all come up negative. This information strongly points to Hooker’s findings as nothing more than “noise,” characteristic of the typical statistical anomalies that one can find in a data set when one twists it to fit a predetermined goal....

One must take care to get information from a reliable source when it comes to making health care decisions.


Jeremy Fejfar has given readers his version of the (2004) MMR study. The truth is, it was a CDC study that would later be used to dismiss claims by parents that vaccines caused their children's autism.  (These are the same people that Fejfar used as his source and he urged parents to visit their site.)

The new movie, "Vaxxed--From Cover-Up to Catastrophe,"  is showing in major cities across the U.S. It's about a senior scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. William Thompson, who revealed through a number of recorded phone conversations, that "senior people [at CDC] just do completely unethical, vile things and no one holds them accountable.”

Thompson described the standard practice at the CDC of designing vaccine safety studies that cover up any signs of vaccine side effects, and he specifically showed how fraudulent data on the MMR study was used to cover up a link.

Anne Dachel, Media editor: Age of Autism

Chippewa Falls, WI

This link shows the dramatic increase in the number of vaccine our children received between 1983 and 2016.

Where is even one study on the cumulative effect of the increasing number of vaccines in the childhood schedule? THERE ISN'T ONE.

Anne Dachel, Media editor: Age of Autism

Chippewa Falls, WI

 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the people in charge of the vaccine schedule, are also in charge of vaccine safety. This means that they literally have oversight over themselves. Hundreds of their employees have conflict of interest waivers because of direct financial ties to the industry they regulate. The last head of the CDC, Dr. Julie Gerberding, a long-time denier of any link between vaccines and autism, left the agency and became head of the vaccine division at Merck. 

In 2008, the late Dr. Bernadine, former head of NIH, was on CBS News and she said that we can't dismiss a link between vaccines and autism because we have never studied the children who were fine and who suddenly lost learned skills and regressed into autism following vaccination.

The truth is, we have the most vaccinated kids in the world and some of the sickest. Our schools are filled with children who can't learn, many who are non-verbal, others with diabetes, seizure disorders, behavioral problems, bowel disease, life-threatening allergies, and asthma.

We have an autism rate of two percent of our children and no one can reasonably explain why we don't see the same rate among adults.

For all these reasons, parents need to step back and educate themselves about vaccine safety.

Anne Dachel, Media editor: Age of Autism

Chippewa Falls, WI


Gary Ogden

I had the distinct pleasure of seeing Vaxxed last night. Exceptionally fine film. A Nobel laureate, three congressmen, a senior MIT scientist, several physicians, many parents, all saying the same thing. Are they all lying anti-vaxers, Mr. Pseudo-journalist? Very strange that he accuses Dr. Hooker of doing what DeStefano, et al did to the data in their MMR/autism study! Astonishing. Reduce the cohort by 40% to dilute the strength of the signal and eliminate its statistical significance. This article has the odor of a CDC media briefing paper.

Bob Moffit

La Crosse (WI) Tribune: Jeremy Fejfar writes:

"The claim is that the study showed an increased risk of autism in a subgroup of African-American boys that they correlated to the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine. However, many have looked at this analysis and find many flaws. Truly understanding the issue involves a thorough understanding on epidemiology and the proper use of various statistical analytical methods and their limits."

Admittedly .. I am just an uneducated .. "joe six-pack grandpa" .. but .. I found it somewhat absurd to read Jeremy's "scientific analysis" .. wherein he .. as far as I know .. more a "sock puppet" journalist than a scientist .. smeared Dr Brain Hooker .. who is not only a scientist but a well re-known expert in epidemiological research .. by claiming Hooker "used and limited his data set to a very small number of individuals in order to find a subgroup where the rate of autism was higher (likely by chance alone), and used a statistical method that is prone to false positives" ..

Jeremy's "scientific source? The "many who have looked at this analysis and found many flaws"?

Really? The unnamed "many" are his "source"?

My friends .. the ONLY thing in Jeremy's article that deserves acknowledgment is his closing comment:

"One must take care to get information from a reliable source when it comes to making health care decisions."

Which means .. anyone with basic "common sense" should know that JEREMY .. and .. his "unnamed sock puppet .. useful idiot .. sources" .. are NOT A RELIABLE SOURCES WHEN IT COMES TO MAKING HEALTH CARE DECISIONS.

What has happened to the OWNERS and EDITORS who publish this bought and paid for PHARMACEUTICAL PROPANDA .. as if it came from RELIABLE SOURCES?

Good God .. have they lost their collective MINDS?


Get 'em Anne! And as always thank you so much for all you do!

Anne McElroy Dachel

Yes, there is a difference.



I can't get to the site to post this so I'll post here. For Jeremy Fejfar at the La Crosse Tribune:

Dr. Poland of the Mayo Clinic explains how races respond differently to vaccines:

"Mayo Clinic Discovers African-Americans Respond Better to Rubella Vaccine"

Science is pure.  People are corrupt.

'...there is no plausible mechanism whereby African-American boys would have an increased risk compared to their peers.'

A scientist should be very, very careful when stating what is plausible.

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