Dachel Wake Up: Hidden Horde in UK?
July 30, 2016, UK Daily Mail: Research thousands of British men have gone undiagnosed with Autism
So is your impossible husband actually autistic? Research reveals thousands of British men have gone undiagnosed.
By Rachel Ellis
- Undiagnosed autistic spectrum disorder may be cause of marriage trouble
- Signs include clumsiness, social awkwardness and a lack of friends
- Studies show that up to one-in-38 people could be born with autism
...Undiagnosed ASD may be the cause of marriage trouble for many couples, according to a woman who has set up a support group for wives who, like her, are in just this ‘devastating’ situation.
According to UK charity the National Autistic Society (NAS), ASD in adults can often be a ‘hidden disability’ with sufferers simply being thought of by those around them as ‘a bit odd’....
Fifty years ago it was said that four in 10,000 children had autism.
In 1980, it was recognised as a distinct disorder and today that number is thought to be closer to one in 100 – although wider studies have suggested the true figure could be between one in 38 and one in 64.
The increase does not mean autism is more prevalent, but that in the past, thousands were either misdiagnosed or completely missed.
More lies from the UK.
Reporter Rachel Ellis: See, there is just as much autism among adults, they just haven't been diagnosed. See, autism is genetic, it's always been here, people are born with autism. Ellis gives examples of autistic adults, including a 46 year old animator and father of two.
The truth is this claim from the media and the National Autistic Society is a repeat of the worthless announcement nine years ago http://www.hscic.gov.uk/catalogue/PUB02931/adul-psyc-morb-res-hou-sur-eng-2007-rep.pdf that the UK government had found a one percent adult autism rate by asking survey questions.
(See: 1 in 100: How the UK Government Arrived at the Adult Autism Figures, by John Stone.) http://www.ageofautism.com/2009/10/1-in-100-how-the-uk-government-arrived-at-the-adult-autism-figures.html
This is one more phony attempt to explain the massive number of autistic children who will be an increasing burden on the taxpayers as they enter adulthood. As the demand for services grows, the public is again assured autism is nothing new; it was just never addressed in the past. Kudos to the enlightened people of the 21st century.
It's all just smoke and mirrors.
It's never going to work. What Ellis and the National Autistic Society can't do, of course, is show us real autism among adults, and they know it. Telling us that autism in adults includes those who are 'a bit odd' and have certain quirks and relationship problems would include almost everyone on the planet. It's fraud.
I don't have to look for children who are 'a bit odd' to find autism everywhere. I can go to every local grade school and find loads of kids with all the signs of severe autism that doesn't exist in huge numbers among adults. Real autism includes those children who weren't "born with autism." Real autism can be found in kids who were once healthy and normally developing and who suddenly lost skills and ended up being stamped with the label of "autistic" in an attempt to explain away the damage. Real autism can be seen in children with life-threatening seizures and severe bowel disease. Real autism leaves kids unable to speak, prone to violent outbursts and self-abuse. Real autism destroys families and futures.
Finally, I can't imagine a more insulting and dismissive question than the one posed by this reporter: "So is your impossible husband actually autistic?"
That would have no meaning to the mother who has to change her nonverbal teenage son's diapers. That young man will never marry, hold down a job, or have children. His mother's greatest fear is over what will happen to her son when she's gone. Pretending eccentric men represent real autism among adults is a fairy tale meant to convince us we can all live happily ever after with a manmade epidemic.
It is not surprising, as toxic vaccines have been around for decades. Generations born in 1950-1970 also received a few toxic vaccines and some people from those generations have certain vaccine injuries, but true epidemics of autism started in 1980-1990 following infant bombardment with very many toxic vaccines.
Posted by: no-vac | August 02, 2016 at 05:15 AM
I think it is getting easier to find "quirky" adults these days. There are so many possible toxic exposures now that mess with our health, both mental and physical. Just consider how many people have insufficient microbiomes these days, and how many people are gluten sensitive and are not avoiding gluten. How about all the exposures to plasticizers and fluoride and aluminum and, of course, glyphosate. It's a wonder any of us are able to function without being a bit "quirky"! I'll bet they couldn't come up with the same number of "autistic" adults 30 years ago. The number of people who border on being narcissistic seems to be skyrocketing. It's a boon for those trying to paint the autistic population as if it has always been this way. People will believe it because they can see all these "quirky" (I might say toxic) adults.
Posted by: Betty Bona | August 01, 2016 at 02:02 PM
Is this article trying to prove that autism is 100% genetic.? That vaccines never cause autism? That vaccines are all safe and effective. That a 60 year old man who is non-verbal and in diapers is the same as a man who is married with children and acts a little quirky on Sunday afternoons?
This article is as believable as an elephant riding a tricycle doing a paw stand on the handle bars, all the while eating tea and crumpets.
Maurine Meleck
Ponte Vedra FL, USA
Posted by: D | August 01, 2016 at 01:07 PM
Thank you for drawing attention to this paper, whether or not it is the one that Rachel Ellis based her article on (talk about incompetent). Note that this is the same team behind the 2009 survey I was writing about so presumably they are admitting that it is tripe. I don't have immediate access this new study but it seems to be saying few autistic adults have intellectual disability. The cases in the 2009 survey were supposed to have intellectual disability, but were not properly scored according to the diagnostic tool ADOS 4 (which wasn't stand alone anyway). They certainly were not proper cases, and never had a proper diagnosis. But remarkably the authors had altered the original study group in 2009 from Asperger (in the original protocol) to autism. Cases without ID were excluded, but they came up with a 10 in 1000 figure anyway, using an arcane weighting system. I don't think it is possible to trust anything they say.
Br J Psychiatry. 2016 Jul 7. pii: bjp.bp.115.174649. [Epub ahead of print]
Epidemiology of autism in adults across age groups and ability levels.
Brugha TS1, Spiers N2, Bankart J2, Cooper SA2, McManus S2, Scott FJ2, Smith J2, Tyrer F2.
Author information
The epidemiology of autism in adults has relied on untested projections using childhood research.
To derive representative estimates of the prevalence of autism and key associations in adults of all ages and ability levels.
Comparable clinical diagnostic assessments of 7274 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey participants combined with a population case-register survey of 290 adults with intellectual disability.
The combined prevalence of autism in adults of all ages in England was 11/1000 (95% CI 3-19/1000). It was higher in those with moderate to profound intellectual disability (odds ratio (OR) = 63.5, 95% CI 27.4-147.2). Male gender was a strong predictor of autism only in those with no or mild intellectual disability (adjusted OR = 8.5, 95% CI 2.0-34.9; interaction with gender, P = 0.03).
Few adults with autism have intellectual disability; however, autism is more prevalent in this population. Autism measures may miss more women with autism.
© The Royal College of Psychiatrists 2016
Posted by: John Stone | August 01, 2016 at 10:07 AM
This rather strange Daily Mail article seems to be in response to a recent British Journal of Psychiatry article that replicated and extended earlier work that suggested that 1% of the adults living in the community in the UK have ASD. The newer work sampled adults who would not have been able to respond to the earlier survey of ASD "in the community" due to intellectual disability or because they were institutionalized, and so, not surprisingly, found a somewhat larger proportion of adults have ASD.
Posted by: ndavis | August 01, 2016 at 09:49 AM
John Stone, Thank you for taking on the establishment!!! Also, for your link yesterday to your AoA discussion of Uta Frith's attempts to detract from the seriousness of autism that develops in early childhood.
Anne, Thank you again for continuing to bring up the topic of how autistic adults are to be cared for. My son is a 53 year old adult already, and in a miserable "community" group home. No house with alarms on all the doors can be considered in the community. This just reinforces my son's sense of being a complete outsider in the community.
As for all the special snowflake autism wannabe's out there. If you are not neurologically impaired, you are not on the autism spectrum.
Posted by: Patience (Eileen Nicole) Simon | August 01, 2016 at 09:35 AM
Just to mention, this is the most recent update of my article Anne mentioned above:
And this was comment in the Mail:
"So, where is the study? This looks like a disinformation exercise to cover up the increasing autism numbers among children (the NAS at is worst). An Autism Speaks population screening survey in Goyang, S Korea did in fact detect a rate of 1 in 38 in schoolchildren a few years ago (published 2011) but more than three-quarters of the famlies had withdrawn their children before the survey was completed. The present rate in Scottish schools (September 2015) was 1 in 58 (Scottish Executive data), but it has been rising steeply virtually every year since they began counting in 1998 - it is no guide to the adult population. That is the real story, and no newspaper will cover it. John Stone UK Editor, Age of Autism."
Posted by: John Stone | August 01, 2016 at 08:39 AM
What are they talking about ? Thousands , its millions of British men have gone undiagnosed .
Rachel Ellis is a half wit .
Posted by: Hans Litten | August 01, 2016 at 07:39 AM