LA Times Chides HuffPo for Having Run Vaccine Posts (Once Upon a Time)
Houston Chronicle Reports Vaccine Exemptions on Rise

Dachel Wake Up: California Students Denied School Because of Vaccination Status

Dachel Morning Wake UoWhat is interesting here is that this story aired in Seattle. Something that is a local story in northern California makes the news two states away. No vaccination, no education.

Aug 13, 2016, NBC KING5 Seattle: Hundreds of [California] students without proof of vaccination sent home

Hundreds of students were sent home from school this week after failing to show proof of vaccination.

Daniel Thigpen, a spokesperson for the Folsom-Cordova School District said 145 students from their more than 3,000 students were sent home when they showed up to school without the proper immunization records.

Elk Grove school district also started school this week. The district’s spokesperson Xanthi Pinkerton said 133 students from their 32 schools, 110 7th graders and 23 Kindergartners, were unable to enroll because of the lack of vaccination records.

As of July 1, parents can no longer use personal or religious belief exemptions to opt their kids out of vaccinations. Under the new law, students entering Kindergarten and 7th grade are now required to show proof of vaccinations.

“We’re working under a different game plan now,” Thigpen said.

According to Thigpen, by the end of the first week of school, 47 students were able to clear up their records. Still, 98 students remain unable to attend class….

“While the number might not seem necessarily large compared to the fact that we have over 3000 kindergartners and 7th graders throughout the district in 24 schools still that’s almost 100 kids that aren’t in class right now,” Thigpen explained.

Thigpen said each family situation for why they didn’t provide a proof of vaccination is different. 


Mary Kretzmann

Please pray for LIGHT to fill the mind and heart of Judge Dana Makoto Sabraw who is hearing the lawsuit against sb277 in San Diego court. May it guide his understanding. Also - may that Light guide the team of lawyers. The judge was nominated by President George W. Bush. The Republicans have been more open minded on the vaccine issue. I don't like partisanship in the court, but I am looking for hope wherever I can find it.

The judge is deciding now on whether or not to grant a temporary restraining order/injunction to hold sb277 at bay while the lawsuit is decided. The decision on the restraining order should come down in less than 2 weeks. An earlier restarting order was not granted because the judge needed more information. That second hearing happened on August 12th.

Please pray and/or hold positive thoughts and words about this throughout this process. See it done. Let's make it so.


Well, now those parents have two choices left: either to leave fascist state California or start the revolution . It seems to me that SB277 was designed for cleansing of California from intelligent people.

Anne McElroy Dachel

This is nothing more than an op ed piece, yet it's in the "news." The Santa Monica Observer attacked the claim of parents that they have a right to choose to vaccinate. They congratulated the state government for forcing vaccines on every child.

Aug 16, 2016, Santa Monica Observer: Unvaccinated Students Turned Away on First School Day in Sacramento

"A contentious law that passed this summer eliminated both personal and religious exemptions from vaccinations in California schools, and 145 Sacramento children missed all or part of their first day of the school year on Tuesday because of it.

"Many of the children returned later on after their parents provided proper paperwork. Two clinics were open and available on school properties for parents wishing to vaccinate that day. The district says it is working to reach the other unvaccinated children on their rosters to see if the families need help.

"Some schools had less than 50% of their students fully vaccinated, a situation which prevents the so-called "herd effect" that protects those individuals who cannot receive the shots for medical reasons such as illness or allergy.

"In the end, public health benefits overruled the opinions of protesting parents.
The courts have made it very clear that no one has the right to spread disease within their community….

"The right of the state to take action in the name of public health came to the colonies along with British Common Law, and was implemented in a powerful way almost as soon as the Constitution was ratified when the cities of Philadelphia and New York were cordoned off to prevent the spread of raging yellow fever epidemics. The sitting government was left isolated in Philadelphia, new Constitution in hand....

"Exercise of that power has become somewhat lax over the last few decades, but outbreaks of disease remind us that the government we elect has the obligation to pass common-sense laws to maintain the health of our citizens.

"The California legislature and governor have done their jobs, and the school children of Sacramento and all the other communities will be healthier for it."


I think they are assuming that nearly everyone will cave and get the vaccines. If enough stay the course, and more and more parents withdraw their children, that will wake them up to the fact that they're losing more money from not having these kids than the vaccine companies are gaining in vaxxing them. Are the state authorities getting industry kickbacks sufficient to motivate them forever? I don't know.

I doubt the judge in the SB277 case is going to be as brave as Judge Mitting was in Dr. Walker-Smith's case. It's just so easy, so lucrative, so praiseworthy to just parrot the party line.


Is anyone keeping a good track of post mandate injuries? I think this will be a very important statistic to have moving forward.

Reading Is Fundamental
What is interesting here is that this story aired in Seattle. Something that is a local story in northern California makes the news two states away.

"Ericka So, KXTV"

Good to Know

A FREE Immunization Journal for Every Child from the Children's Medical Research Institute

This guide and journal is an invaluable resource to help parents make educated decisions BEFORE their children are immunized and to be aware of and track any reactions. In addition to a detailed chart for filling in immunization dates, locations, reactions, etc., the Immunization Journal includes information on:

•All vaccines on the 2016 CDC Schedule
•A Q&A on vaccine safety;
•Precautions for when NOT to vaccinate;
•Tips for expectant mothers;
•A special section on the flu vaccine; and more.

Also useful as a guideline for Adults and Seniors to record the Lot Number and their reactions when given a Flu Shot, Tetanus and other biologicals.


That is 100 kids that the school is not getting paid for by California taxes to educate these kids.

They don't like absentees, it means less money. It sees our society (our institutions ) has boiled it all down - vapored off morals, love, caring, even hate to obtain that mighty green gunk - the dollar.

Bob Moffit

"Thigpen said each family situation for why they didn’t provide a proof of vaccination is different."

Ah, yes .. imagine that .. "each family situation for why they didn't provide proof of vaccination is different" .. which is exactly the same COMMON SENSE reason that concerned parents suspect that "each child will react the same to a "one size fits all vaccine".

Unfortunately .. the powers that be staunchly refuse to accept ANY differences between family's .. whether they are providing proof of vaccination .. or .. proving a "one size fits all vaccine" violates their Constitutional "FREEDOM OF RELIGION" Rights.

Tyranny is tyranny .. whether it is imposed by military force or public health decree.

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