Pittsburgh Mom Describes Serious Gardasil Vaccine Injury
Note: Doctors are ready to blame anything except the vaccines they administer when a patient becomes chronically sick. Watch this video about how a 13 year old girl's life changed dramatically after "just one" dose of Gardasil. "No no no it couldn't be the vaccine." Except when it is. See an interview with Sara at the bottom of this post. KRS
By Anne Dachel
Sara Sotomayor's mother tells her story at "VaxXed" in Pittsburgh. "She was injured by the Gardasil vaccine on October 17, 2006. She had just one dose of the Gardasil vaccine. She was 13 at the time. She’s 23 now, so we’re coming up on the ten year anniversary.
“As soon as the vaccine needle left her arm, she was squealing and crying. She said it felt like an aluminum bat hit her arm.
“We were, of course, reassured by the nurse at the doctor’s office that this is normal. Particularly the Gardasil vaccine, this is normal to have a lot of pain at the injection site. …
“Two days later, the pain is still there. She’s really complaining a lot, and she’s not a complainer. …So I called the doctor’s office and I said what was going on. Again they reassured me this is natural, this is normal, don’t worry about it. Just give it a little time. And so we did, we gave it time.
“I didn’t know anything about vaccine injury. …The following days and weeks what ended up happening was she had severe nosebleeds—like gushing. Her gait started to change when she walked. She kind of favored one side. She was extremely pale. …
“So when I would call back and I would explain what’s going on, they were like, ‘Well, you know, it’s probably her allergies, and it was ragweed season. Then the next event that happened was at school they would have gym only half of the year, so it was her turn to have gym for this part of the year. She came home and said, oh, my neck is really sore and I can’t move it….
“It got to the point where she was at the school nurse at first a couple of days a week, and then it was every day. She had to have people walk her to the nurse because she thought she was going to pass out. She was drenched in sweat.
“About two months after the vaccine she wakes up and her knee is about three times the size it should be. She didn’t do anything. She didn’t do anything to cause her knee to be swollen, so I called our family doctor again. …She was a bit annoyed that I called. She told me I was overreacting. Knees swell up; it just happens sometimes like that. At that moment I said, you’re done. …
“Took her to the emergency room. They drained her knee, they did some tests. Saw like an RA factor so they thought, oh, we’ve got an auto-immune problem. We’ve got rheumatoid arthritis. You need to go to an arthritis center. …
“We went to like sixteen different specialists, and everywhere we took my daughter Sara, I said, ‘Do you think it was the vaccine? Because like she was perfect, she was rollerblading, and playing basketball, soccer, and now she can barely get out of bed.’
“And everywhere it was like, no, no, no. It couldn’t be the vaccine. Finally we brought her to a specialist--And oh this is the other thing, when you have an auto-immune problem, they want to push more vaccines on you…— But I just had this little voice in my head to say, why don’t you ask? So I said, ‘This all happened because of Gardasil. She was perfectly fine, what do you know about it?’
“He said, ‘Well, I’ve heard some bad things about it. …About four percent of girls that are getting this vaccine at this time are presenting with arthritic type conditions, and I wouldn’t recommend her getting anymore.’…
“After about six months of my daughter being on all these drugs, her health deteriorated even further. …”
Sara’s mother learned of a homeopathic MD in Arizona, and “basically, he saved her life.”
By the time her mother got her to the doctor in Arizona, she could no longer walk. Sara was thirteen when she got the Gardasil vaccine, and by age fourteen, she could no longer do anything for herself. “She’s in a bed 24/7. …She has metabolic issues. She has to eat eight times a day, every ninety minutes. …The reality is, she hasn’t been able to walk in four and a half years.”
Sara’s life is constant hardship.
“She is in tremendous pain. Probably the first eight years of this, the pain was so excruciating that I couldn’t brush her hair, it hurt to have clothes on—to put clothes on her, she would cry like—the pain that you just couldn’t believe. I can’t even believe what I’ve seen with my eyes as a parent, the devastation and the pain that she has lived. …”
“It’s like, we stepped outside, and my kid got hit by an eighteen wheeler. I saw who did it, I took their license plate number, I know who committed the crime, they’re not being tried….”
More about Sara
Munchausen's by Proxy is a projection diagnosis. It occurs when a medical doctor places blame on a parent for the harm that the doctor is doing to that child when the doctor deliberately sickens the child and then controls the outcome, denying the child of therapies that might help and by ordering tests and treatments that do not help and often make the child worse, in order to profit, maintain power and get attention.
Remove "blame the parent" , and replace it with 'blame the parent's genetics" , and you have the autism diagnosis.
Posted by: Barry | July 16, 2016 at 01:38 PM
Munchausen's by Proxy is a projection diagnosis. It occurs when a medical doctor places blame on a parent for the harm that the doctor is doing to that child when the doctor deliberately sickens the child and then controls the outcome, denying the child of therapies that might help and by ordering tests and treatments that do not help and often make the child worse, in order to profit, maintain power and get attention.
Posted by: Linda1 | July 16, 2016 at 12:13 PM
Dr Briggs,
This is a link to an interview with a fellow oncologist, Dr Neil Spector, about his experience with Lyme.
Perhaps hearing this information from a colleague will be more meaningful to you.
He also wrote a book called Gone in a Heartbeat
Posted by: greyone | July 15, 2016 at 10:28 PM
Lol "Munchausen's by Proxy" syndrome, a bull$#it diagnosis if ever I heard one. Even Roy Meadows was found to be full of it.
Posted by: @Billie Briggs | July 15, 2016 at 09:53 PM
Benedetta, I think you may be right and Billy just does not understand. Billy , you are probably one of those people who has never reacted to a medicine in your life, right? No idea what it is like to have immune issues and to be ridiculously prone to medication reactions.
my family has the mthfr gene and family autoimmune issues all over the place. My eldest son is ridiculously healthy. Hasn't had a day off sick in years. But like the res tof us, he can't handle medications well. His doctor put him on an antibiotic for acne once, and he had a reaction of brain fog, being unable to concentrate orfocus, it was almost like living with someone with instant onset alzheimers. We told the doctor, and got him off the stuff, , and within a week, he was fine. Then there was the time I went temporarily blind from another ( different) antibiotic.
But probably you have never reacted to a medicine in your life, so you have no idea what it is like to be super sensitive .
We do know that Sara had a serious , bad reaction to Gardasil. It seems possible ( just a layman's guess) that she might reacts badly to other medicines too,. And interestingly, that is exactly what she described.
In the experience she describes with the medical profession ,her first MD 's level of "treatment" was to diagnose "allergies" That one really helped her to walk and get better, right?
(Is that the one you are recommending she go back to?)
Or is it one of the 16, I think they said? medical specialists who prescribed her medications that apparently per her description, severely worsened her symptoms?
As an oncologist, , I am sure you recognized those names and would know about any serious side effects those medications could have.
Organ damage; how many of the medicines she was prescribed have that as a side effect? You are a physician; could you tell us?
Like you, I think it is terribly sad that she can't walk. Unlike you, I don't blame her mother for what appears ( in my laymans opinon), to be a medical ( how to put this politely ?) mess up from the get go.
This isn't medical advice, just my opinion. My family as I have said before, overreact to medicines etc, but it seems our hyper effective immune systems, when left alone, are pretty good about fending off acute illnesses. The other side of that is we are super prone to autoimmune conditions. We go very carefully with all medications, and also with things like vitamin supplements as well. We found a good MD who, like us, prefers not to over medicate and lets the body heal itself. You might be right and maybe Sarah could find a mainstream MD who is willing to listen, watch for side effects, and might be able to find a way to help.
That is her decision, of course.
Perhaps you will understand better if we talk about car mechanics.
A mechanic has a special new treatment for your car.
As a result of the treatment, your car no longer runs. You go back to him, and he says there is nothing much wrong with the car, it just doesn't do well in the heat.. You walk home. He refers you, eventually to another mechanic. This mechanic treats your car, and as a result, two of the wheels fall off. You finally find a different, non mainstream mechanic. He says he can't completely fix the car, but at least he gets the wheels back on again, and it moves a bit. Someone online reads about your car woes and explains that actually the problem with the car is all your fault, and that the car would be fixed if you weren't deliberately making the car stay broken. This person also tells you that you need to take the car back to one of the first two mechanics immediately. Would you do what they said and return the car to the first two mechanics?
Something you may not realize; people who have been seriously damaged by doctors may find it hard to trust them again.
Posted by: Hera | July 15, 2016 at 07:07 PM
"Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Like autism, that's just another term invented by people like you. So you can blame your own patients, for the damage that you've inflicting upon them. "
There have been many well documented cases actually. You should read about it.
Surely you realize, that 'well documented" nonsense... is still nonsense.
Posted by: Barry | July 15, 2016 at 04:10 PM
Posted by: Kelly | July 15, 2016 at 04:04 PM
"Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Like autism, that's just another term invented by people like you. There have been many well documented cases actually. You should read about it.
Oh I know that there are documented cases. I've seen it used and abused. Especially in light of vaccine injuries. It could be said to be the precursor of Shaken Baby Syndrome where the legal system is now re-opening cases of parents who have been accused of SBS based on the testimony of so called experts who it turns out are just plain wrong.
"She wouldn't be debilitated for years because of untreated juvenile RA."
It’s interesting how you zeroed in on two things in this Mom’s revelation: saying the Mom suffers from Munchausen (also calling her crazy) and the daughter’s diagnosis of RA. You completely disregarded the other health challenges the child and now young lady suffers from. You say at 23 she should be making her own medical choices?
Consider this scenario: Mom took her daughter to have this shot. The following occurred.
-“As soon as the vaccine needle left her arm, she was squealing and crying.
-“Two days later, the pain is still there.
-The following days and weeks what ended up happening was she had severe nosebleeds—like gushing. Her gait started to change when she walked. She kind of favored one side. She was extremely pale. …
- my neck is really sore and I can’t move it….
“It got to the point where she was at the school nurse at first a couple of days a week, and then it was every day. She had to have people walk her to the nurse because she thought she was going to pass out. She was drenched in sweat.
-“About two months after the vaccine she wakes up and her knee is about three times the size it should be.
-“Took her to the emergency room. They drained her knee, they did some tests. Saw like an RA factor so they thought, oh, we’ve got an auto-immune problem. We’ve got rheumatoid arthritis. You need to go to an arthritis center. …
-“She’s in a bed 24/7. …She has metabolic issues. She has to eat eight times a day, every ninety minutes. …The reality is, she hasn’t been able to walk in four and a half years.”
So during the years this girl has been in bed 24/7 in excruciating pain, when did she have the time or the physical wherewithal to research her condition, interview doctors, drugs and alternative treatments? Considering how the medical community treats anyone who even eludes that their health issues began only after they took a vaccine-who was she to contact? Since you are a doctor you should know the names of those YOU think are jake and would explore every avenue that exist to help this young lady--including the possibility that her symptoms began after her vaccine. Please provide name. I’m sure the Mom would be interested. As far as the daughter suffering from RA-here some info on Aluminum which Gardsail and Gardasil 9 is loaded with:
The Effect of Aluminum in Vaccines on Humans : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCzdliixnmI
Department of Health and Human Services National Vaccine Program Office Presents:
Workshop on Aluminum in Vaccines
Caribe Hilton International Hotel San Juan, Puerto Rico
Jointly Sponsored by: Task Force for Child Survival and Development
May 11, 2000
This transcript also very much indicated that aluminum - a known gene mutant - tended to bind to large proteins - and "irreversibly so" and that it could "inhibit the formation of neuronal microtubules" (see p. 194 of report). Also interesting was the fact that aluminum tended to accumulate in very specific parts of the body... I quote:
"Bone seems to be the greatest deport followed by kidney and brain and muscle..." (p. 190 of transcript).
"If you are an MD you should have no problem, like other MD‘s online revealing where you practice."
I've seen what happens when MDs who argue with anti-vaxxers online get outed - no thanks. And I did get my name on a rat study in medical school.
That's an epic fail of a response. You're already in the thick of it so give it a go.
Also, you're attempt at discrediting the people on this site by calling them anit-vaxxers is another troll tactic. It’s the misinformation tactic called “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”. Number 4 on some articles.
Baseless ridicule is almost impossible to counter because it is meant to be irrational. It infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage. It also works as a pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
So what people are suppose to do now is get all hot and bothered and forced into defending themselves against a made up word by the CDC/pharma criminals. If anything it is the “reveal” of a troll. A tactic of last resort-disparaging the opposition with meaningless characteristics. Especially in the closing of a comment. As the saying goes” If you must resort to name calling you’ve lost the debate.
Posted by: Danchi | July 15, 2016 at 08:54 AM
Perhaps the lady in the video, should have gone into it more of what happened of why she fired the rheumatologist.
I think it is hard for people to understand that many times with a lot of these diseases -what we have to face from the medical doctors, nurses, hospitals.
Perhaps if I explain my own experience you can get a drift of what it is like to get help.
I know that I; for years I could not get help with my son's seizures. After he had had several strange episodes, along with grand mal seizures , and myoclonic jerks,--- it was a confusing -how we could be so ignored? Unbelievable actually.
I begged constantly to the peds to send me to a neurologist. I remembering finally after being turned down again, and my 15 minutes for the appointment was up; that - I went directly from seeing the doctor right to the office clerk and made yet another appointment the very next day' to continue the conversation of why we needed a neurologists. How much are these doctors getting for an appointment? Ask yourself that, and then if you are a doctor - as you say - answer it.
Once we got this hard earned appointment with a neurologist he proved what my son's peds told us that he would not be helpful at all. We went to several appointments and he dismissed us.
He told us not to come back for just those myoclonic jerks, only if he had some more grand mal seizures.
My son by the way had such bad myoclonic jerks, that at times he had to hold the walls.
After more seizures, more begging to send us to a neurologist - but not that one-- and yet we were sent to that neurologist anyway; again. .
Fast forward through the years - and my son is finally on seizure medicine and doing well - but he has been through five neurologists before he got help.
At last; this year: His most recent neurologist we went in for his yearly medicine prescription -- caused us to get messed up with an EEG overnight in his hospital - and they are charging us 10,000 dollars -- insurance negotiated it down to 5,000 dollars. If I look on line for this procedure it can range from 200 dollars to 3,000. I might be being overcharged for this simple overnight EEG test; do you think?
. Ohhhh and the company that owns the machine - charged me 300 dollars, the doctor 200 dollars and the hospital -- 10,000 - negotiated down by my insurance to 4,800 which is right there -at my deductible, and what I have to pay. .
Then I find out that the overnight EEG has a 80 percent failure rate of catching a seizure, and even though the EEG came out good and the doctor discussed briefly getting off the medicine - but rarely does juvenile onset myoclonic epilepsy go away - to call his office and they will send me a prescription and instructions of how to slowly decrease the medicine
We called two times - for two weeks and talked to them - but they never followed through.
Do you think the hospital had put pressure on the neurologist to get him - to get some patients in for a simple procedure. - and over charge them?
I think that was the case.
I have been with three family members to see these rheumologists too, and as bad as the neurologists seem to be -- the rheumologists seem even worse.
Perhaps it is the medical profession that has some form of of -- fancy name - Man chargerous- alottus for notus muchus.
Posted by: Benedetta | July 15, 2016 at 08:27 AM
"A 23 year old adult is certainly allowed to choose the medical treatments she receives, and she seems pretty sure about which ones helped and which ones didn't."
And now she can't walk or feed herself. And naturopaths diagnose Lyme disease in everyone.
"Who are you to decide what proper treatment is?"
I know coffee enemas, supplements and homeopathy don't work for RA.
"Most doctors who were terminally ill would AVOID aggressive treatments..."
Anyone of any profession would say the same thing until they get in that situation.
"Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy."
"Chemotherapy for malignancies too advanced for surgery, which accounts for 80% of all cancers..."
"I’m willing to bet this Mom has done everything necessary to help her child."
The facts say otherwise.
"...YOU question the motives and mental state of the mother without even knowing her."
I saw enough from the videos.
"That’s a blessing because I assume she would be getting PROPER medical treatment despite that hundreds of reports from other parents who took their children for proper medical treatment that didn’t work and caused more suffering."
She wouldn't be debilitated for years because of untreated juvenile RA.
" If you are an MD you should have no problem, like other MD‘s online revealing where you practice."
I've seen what happens when MDs who argue with anti-vaxxers online get outed - no thanks. And I did get my name on a rat study in medical school.
"Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Like autism, that's just another term invented by people like you."
There have been many well documented cases actually. You should read about it.
Posted by: Billy Briggs | July 15, 2016 at 02:12 AM
While I agree with your comment about Munchausens, it just goes against the grain to leave the good doctors quote on the top of the thread. Hence this comment..
I do notice Dr Briggs has not yet responded to any of Danchi's questions..
Just to remind Dr Briggs, here is a quote from Danchi:
" Where did you get your MD? What medical school did you go to? Since you are triple bonded are you published? Someone with you stunning credentials must have publications somewhere. Can we have a peek? "
Interesting that Dr Briggs chose not to criticize the Gardasil vaccine, that left this young lady severely disabled, nor her original MD who diagnosed her with "allergies" when she apparently had rheumatoid arthritis and other health issues, nor referenced her severe reactions and the weight loss and organ damage that was described as a result of the medications she was given.
Surely a physician such as Dr Briggs states he is , could give us lay people some input and illumination in these areas. . Yet the only person he has chosen so far to criticize is her mother, even though the young woman is 23 and therefore has been an adult, and hence able to make her own independent medical decisions for the last 5 years.
Posted by: Hera | July 15, 2016 at 01:39 AM
So she was diagnosed with juvenile RA at age 13, which is an autoimmune disease, she's now 23 and hasn't walked for 4 1/2 years, her mother fired her rheumatologist years ago and only let's her be treated with homeopathy, supplements, etc - why isn't this Munchausen syndrome by proxy?
Munchausen syndrome by proxy.
Like autism, that's just another term invented by people like you. So you can blame your own patients, for the damage that you've inflicting upon them.
Posted by: Barry | July 14, 2016 at 06:53 PM
Dr Briggs,
I strongly suspect you may be suffering from M.A.D. (medical arrogance dystrophy), a syndrome that develops after trauma to the ego, out of proportion to the actual events.
Posted by: greyone | July 14, 2016 at 06:01 PM
Again, both the mother and daughter say she has RA. Her mother has refused proper treatment for so long her daughter hasn't been able to walk for 4 1/2 years. That's either Munchausen's by proxy or plain child abuse.
Who are you to decide what proper treatment is? I can tell you from experience PROPER treatment will kill you. Cancer patients are convinced that chemotherapy & radiation is the PROPER treatment yet:
-Most doctors who were terminally ill would AVOID aggressive treatments such as chemotherapy - despite recommending it to their patients-http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2643751/Most-doctors-terminally-ill-AVOID-aggressive-treatments-chemotherapy-despite-recommending-patients.html.
- Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors. – Allen Levin, MD UCSF The Healing of Cancer
-Success of most chemotherapies is appalling…There is no scientific evidence for its ability to extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancer… Chemotherapy for malignancies too advanced for surgery, which accounts for 80% of all cancers, is a scientific wasteland Dr Uhlrich Abel, Stuttgart, 1990
The medical establishment doesn’t want to admit that the PROPER treatment they gave you in the first place CAUSED the serious medical problems you are presently experiencing. So they are NOT looking for the cause of the problem. Been there---still there after a decade. I’m willing to bet this Mom has done everything necessary to help her child. There is not a caring loving parent anywhere that wants to see their child suffer everyday. The HPV vaccine in plain language is CHILD ABUSE.
“No, I don't think everyone in the world with arthritis has Munchausen's - why would you ask that?
I asked this question because YOU question the motives and mental state of the mother without even knowing her. Without any medical or psychological test. If you get to ask an absurd question or make an absurd statement-so do I.
“Do you know what that means?”
If you are asking if I know what Munchausen means? Yea, and I’ve seen it tossed around far too much within the medical/social services communities.
“No, she's not my daughter.”
That’s a blessing because I assume she would be getting PROPER medical treatment despite that hundreds of reports from other parents who took their children for proper medical treatment that didn’t work and caused more suffering. Sanevax.org. Read the hundreds of parent reports & stories.
“No, I don't know the family“
Than your comments are moot.
My qualifications are a B.S. in genetics, an M.D., a 3 year internal medicine residency and a 3 year hematology/medical oncology fellowship, I'm triple boarded and have been in practice for 20 years. What are yours?
I would tell you mine BUT I don’t believe yours. Suddenly, you’re an MD. This is what you guys do when you are backed into a corner. Suddenly you become doctors, or head nurses, scientist etc. Bill Pemby disappeared from this blog and suddenly another Bill shows up? MD-Not buying it. Timing is too convenient. Why didn't you sign your name as DR Billy? There are hundreds of MD bloggers who identify themselves without being asked. Here is a PHD, not an MD who reveals himself: https://jameslyonsweiler.com/ and her is an MD who also has a blog and comments on other sites: http://www.drbrownstein.com/Default.asp. In the world of misinformation this is the INVOKE AUTHORITY tactics. It’s very well know and is listed on just about every how to spot a troll information article. If you are an MD you should have no problem, like other MD‘s online revealing where you practice. Where did you get your MD? What medical school did you go to? Since you are triple bonded are you published? Someone with you stunning credentials must have publications somewhere. Can we have a peek?
“No, I haven't reviewed her medical records and neither have you.”
No. However watching family members whose children digressed into autism, I don’t question parents who children are suffering. Compassion is very healing-you should try it.
Posted by: Danchi | July 14, 2016 at 05:04 PM
Billy Briggs,
You seem to have missed a lot if all you got out of the video was that she had rheumatoid arthritis. Sounds like she had a lot of other things going on as well, including lyme disease.
And you apparently also missed out about all the prescriptions and "help" the mainstream doctors gave her.
She wasn't getting tramadol or steroids from a naturopath, Billy.
A 23 year old adult is certainly allowed to choose the medical treatments she receives, and she seems pretty sure about which ones helped and which ones didn't.
Posted by: Hera | July 14, 2016 at 03:38 PM
Again, both the mother and daughter say she has RA. Her mother has refused proper treatment for so long her daughter hasn't been able to walk for 4 1/2 years. That's either Munchausen's by proxy or plain child abuse.
No, I don't think everyone in the world with arthritis has Munchausen's - why would you ask that? Do you know what that means?
No, she's not my daughter.
No, I don't know the family.
My qualifications are a B.S. in genetics, an M.D., a 3 year internal medicine residency and a 3 year hematology/medical oncology fellowship, I'm triple boarded and have been in practice for 20 years. What are yours?
No, I haven't reviewed her medical records and neither have you.
Posted by: Billy Briggs | July 14, 2016 at 03:17 PM
Billy Briggs
You watched the video--so what! You don't see the issue because you don't want to. You can't see or understand what you are not looking for or open to the possibilities of. Classic pro-vaccine indoctrination. Can you answer any of the question I asked you in my previous comment? If you can't you're just here doing this:
Posted by: Danchi | July 14, 2016 at 01:21 PM
I watched the mother's and the daughter's videos and they both said she had rheumatoid arthritis. Whether or not you believe it was caused by vaccines she hasn't been able to walk for 4 1/2 years and her mother still refuses proper treatment. Even though she's an adult now her crazy mother has brainwashed her so much I doubt she'll ever break free. It's heartbreaking.
Posted by: Billy Briggs | July 14, 2016 at 12:09 PM
Billie Briggs:
My daughter then tested high for ANAs and unspecified inflammation so they sent us to a rheumatologist. She had been to another one - before - useless. My Mother had been to one years ago after a flu shot reaction -- useless, My husband have a two tetanus reactions - had been to several - Useless. My baby cousin after a DPT who developed RA at five years old - the doctors and rheumatologists seem to care less. Grandma was given the task of giving her the hottest baths she could, and some kind of treatment that did help uncurl her fingers some. .
Too bad they don't understand that it is looking like food allergies and leaky gut. They might have actually helped my cousin with diet - but my baby cousin in buried close to my grandparents. She died first and their broken hearts took them soon after.
But this new rheumatologist my daughter went to -- said let it go and see what happens but mean while take the Ibaprophan and the Ultram Oh-- and see you in six months
can you believe that my daughter went on to have a flu shot -- which took her into depression - and they upped her Prozac (peds put her on Zoloft - when she was only 14) Turns out she has bipolar.
Another auto immune disease you might want to remember. I found her cutting imaginary botworms out of arms and hand one May Sunday morning - Yes, that was my Mother's Day Present.
She back off of Prozac - she was highly nervous, anxious - could not even go to the store with out the fear all over her face - but in a month's time she returned to her work - as a nurse and did pretty good till she cut her leg on a piece of tin roof. They did stitches and she said just a tetanus shot only - but I knew the next day it as more - since she developed a whooping like cough that lasted for weeks. The bill came in and yes it was a DTaP shot.
In a month she had IBS - depressed - and the fools upped her Prozac.
I called her health provider, her work place - the doctors called her health provider and the health provider finally took her off of Prozac.
I spend two weeks driving her all over the place because she was coming off of this antidepressant -- She said that she had only felt this bad and hurt this bad emotionally when he boyfriend in high school died in a car wreck.
So, We got her over this and again she was anxious - her health provider gave her some kind of benzos; that is like valium, zannax ; to take the edge off, and she really needed the sleeping pill ambien to the point she obsessed about it . She could not sleep. Ambien; the NIH said shrank women's brains, so they reduced her dose by half. . She wanted more - so she ordered it off line , Now here is were it gets dicey -- when you are dealing with illegal ordering of drugs from India, is it exactly what the brand name is, or is it something else.
. Her work caught her in a random drug test, that said she had valium in her system and she did not have valium prescription. So, she lost her Did she order valium too? It does not matter she should not have ordered it., but this is where we as a society might be more responsible - about making addicts and drug abusers
She is in AA and she is finally following her holistic Mother - advice on low carbs, no gluten, fermented milk products, garden raised - exercise and sun.
She has lost a lot of weight since she is off most medicine - not all - those medicines make you gain weight She is not taking ultram/ but she does hurt.
Can she be made worse if she gets a random flu or virus? Is her immune system really messed up and she needs to be careful
Notice how much the rheumatologist helps.
Do rheumatologist still give gold treatments?
That seemed to work, for so many. Like my little cousin who had RA right after a DPT shot when she was five years old.
Posted by: Benedetta | July 14, 2016 at 11:32 AM
" why isn't this Munchausen syndrome by proxy?
Nice tactic. Original. What you fail to take into account is the thousands of stories around the world of young women (and boys) who have been given this poison and developed similar symptoms and many have developed arthritis. So by your irrational way of thinking, thousands of parents around the world in the US, England, Denmark, Mexico, South America, Japan and so on are all suffering from Munchausen ? Prove it. I say you’re suffering from the delusion that vaccines are safe, effective and cause no harm. See how easy it is to throw out a unsubstantiated comment? My questions to you are: Is the child in this case yours? Do you know the family? What are your qualification to make such as suggestion? Are you a doctor? Have you been privy to her personal and confidential medical records? You’re a troll trying to create a distraction.
Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn Our Immune System Against Us
Merck’s Former Doctor Predicts that Gardasil will Become the Greatest Medical Scandal of All Time
-The impact of researchers loyal to Big Pharma on the ethics and quality of clinical trials in Latin Americahttp://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?pid=S1851-82652015000100006&script=sci_arttext
-Gardasil Vaccine in Denmark: Serious Adverse Reactions Now Number 1 in 500 Girls
-Gardasil: Sharing the Carnage with Boys
-Cervarix: New medical conditions for both my daughters
-AAVP: Outraged by Mexican Girl’s Death After HPV Vaccine
-Angry Parents in Colombia Shut Down Schools, Lock Gates in Protest Over HPV Vaccine Injuries
Posted by: Danchi | July 14, 2016 at 10:42 AM
Billie Briggs.
My daughter on her way to becoming a nurse - second BS degree had the Hep B. On her third in the series of Hep Bs she came down and stood in the hall way and told me that she had always been stiff and hurting; but never this bad in a very long time.
When she was Two years old - seven weeks after a DPT shot - which she reacted to and was sick for seven weeks - she finally came down with Kawasakis disease. The Fourth of JULY we spent in the hospital and we got her out and took her home about this same time. She walked like a little ol'e lady, if she turned her head she turned her whole body. She was always since that time stiff and hurting.
Posted by: Benedetta | July 14, 2016 at 10:10 AM
So she was diagnosed with juvenile RA at age 13, which is an autoimmune disease, she's now 23 and hasn't walked for 4 1/2 years, her mother fired her rheumatologist years ago and only let's her be treated with homeopathy, supplements, etc - why isn't this Munchausen syndrome by proxy?
Posted by: Billy Briggs | July 14, 2016 at 08:07 AM
So she has rheumatoid arthritis?
Posted by: Billy Briggs | July 13, 2016 at 04:21 PM
That's makes sense because rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease.
Posted by: Danchi | July 13, 2016 at 10:50 PM
I need == we need - prison sentences - and then have a autograph picture of them all in orange, behind bars, or eating at the prison lunch room - yeah, I would so like that.
Posted by: Benedetta | July 13, 2016 at 10:05 PM
So she has rheumatoid arthritis?
Posted by: Billy Briggs | July 13, 2016 at 04:21 PM
Sara is truly a brilliant soul. I can only stand in awe of her wisdom, and intelligence at such a young age. She is way ahead of me that's for sure.
What is happening to people who are vaccine injured is a holocaust. If anyone is offended by the use of that word to describe what is going on with the crippling, maiming, and murder of the people of this country and the world via vaccine violence, too bad. I'm calling it like I see it.
Posted by: U | July 13, 2016 at 04:17 PM
"About four percent of girls that are getting this vaccine at this time are presenting with arthritic type conditions, and I wouldn’t recommend her getting anymore."
That is a huge number of serious adverse reactions.
Posted by: Carol | July 13, 2016 at 02:03 PM
I have known Sara and Kelly for years. They are great people!!!!! Sara is brilliant, one of the smartest I've ever met. She has a razor sharp memory of everything that happened to her and it's a testament to utter incompetence of the medical establishment. After researching vaccines for the past 9 years following my own son's injury, I can safely say no vaccine is safe and they should all be avoided.. period. Those responsible for this holocaust will one day have to answer to a higher power.
April Boden at Aydan's Road to Recovery: https://aydansrecovery.wordpress.com
Posted by: April2438 | July 13, 2016 at 12:55 PM
Well said, Bob Moffit!
Posted by: susan | July 13, 2016 at 12:50 PM
Excellent article written by james lyons weiler
Posted by: Danchi | July 13, 2016 at 12:47 PM
After listening to the long audio recording of Sara at the bottom of the page, I have to say she is brilliant!
Posted by: AnneS | July 13, 2016 at 11:29 AM
RiteBack@U :Bob Moffit
"I am sorry that some well-respected people are "offended" when the word "holocaust" is used to describe what has happened "
You certainly do not offend me or anyone well read & fully informed on the vaccination-extermination subject . Do not apologize Bob ! Be emboldened and confident if anything .
Only those trying to perpetuate the carnage and the cover-up demand any such apology .
This is way bigger than the holocaust 39-45 by a considerable distance in my opinion .
(reminder: Stephanie Seneffs projection for 2030 is 1 in 2 of all US children - I believe it) .
Posted by: Hans Litten | July 13, 2016 at 10:01 AM
I am sorry that some well-respected people are "offended" when the word "holocaust" is used to described what has happened in our country to an entire generation of our most precious resources .. our children ... but .. listening to Sara Sotomayor's mother tell her story at "VaxXed" in Pittsburgh .. provokes the very same outrage in me that I get whenever I am reminded of the failure of so many people in Nazi Germany who WITNESSED EVERYTHING .. YET .. SAID NOTHING TO STOP IT.
Consider how many WITNESSED .. a perfectly healthy, indeed thriving 13 year old .. experience serious .. life-altering symptoms ..
The doctor .. the doctor's staff described by mom as "they" .. indicating more than one staff member .. the school nurse .. the emergency room staff .. again described as "they" ..who identified sudden on-set Rheumatoid Arthritis in a 13 year old .. 16 DIFFERENT SPECIALISTS .. ALL DENYING A VACCINE COULD HAVE CAUSED SARA's OTHERWISE INEXPLICABLE .. SPONTANEOUS .. AUTO-IMMUNE PROBLEMS .. AND .. "THEY" ALL RECOMMENDED MORE VACCINES FOR SARA BECAUSE HER IMMUNE SYSTEM HAD BECOME VULNERABLE TO ANY VIRAL OR BACTERIAL INTRUSION.
I see absolutely no difference between those in Nazi Germany who remained SILENT as the HOLOCAUST .. (officially sanctioned as the "final solution") .. was unleashed .. causing the death (murder!!!) of MILLIONS .. and ... those medical professionals who witness a similar HOLOCAUST (officially sanctioned by recommended and approved UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE vaccines) occurring today.
If you are offended by the label "holocaust" .. I apologize for having offended you .. but .. to put it bluntly .. to me .. "if it waddles like a duck .. quacks like a duck .. it is more than likely a DUCK"
Posted by: Bob Moffit | July 13, 2016 at 09:22 AM
Here is the link to the FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION to force MERCK to stop airing the manipulative commercial. Please sign and forward!
Posted by: Danchi | July 13, 2016 at 07:35 AM
Angry Parents in Colombia Shut Down Schools, Lock Gates in Protest Over HPV Vaccine Injuries
Posted by: Hans Litten | July 13, 2016 at 07:07 AM
I really suspect Gardasil is going to bring the house of cards down .
And the end of the cdc !
What do you think Bill Pembury ? Or in fact do you think Bill ?
Posted by: Hans Litten | July 13, 2016 at 06:43 AM