Autism and the Microbiome: Will Fecal Transplants Be the Next “AWAKENINGS?" Part 2
What Will Happen To Adult Children with Autism?

Pence or Kaine: Which Man Will Mandate Vaccines as Vice President?

Which way to goBy Kim Stagliano

Where oh where to begin with our Presidential race? I don't know many friends or family who aren't dismayed in some fashion, groping for reasons to choose one of the two major party nominees, or not.

Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's choice for Vice President is Tim Kaine of Virginia. In 2007, then Governor Kaine passed legislation requiring Merck's Gardasil (genital wart/HPV) vaccine for 6th grade girls.  He expressed concerns about parental rights, however.   Kaine Wants Stronger Opt-Out for HPV Vaccine.  The "opt out" as it is known, has allowed parents to vote for their own daughters' healthcare - and the majority have said, "NO" to this vaccine. Why Virginia Girls Aren't Getting HPV Vaccine .

Republican nominee Donald Trump's VP pick is Indiana Governor Mike Pence.   A Gardasil mandate bill failed in that state. Indiana is the home of Eli Lilly, which could lead some of us to wonder about where Governor Pence's financial and political allegiance might lie. 

HPV Vaccine Effort Fails Indiana House

Pence said he supports the vaccinations for the measles and other illnesses now required in state law and added that the Health Department would continue promoting HPV immunizations. But he said he shared the concerns that some lawmakers and the public had raised about the legislation.

"By establishing a goal of 80 percent immunization that may set Indiana on the path toward mandate, (that) created a concern for many people," Pence said. "I think it is a decision that's best left to parents in consultation with their doctors."

Cain killed Abel. Penser in French means "to think."  Merriam Webster defines "trump": a decisive overriding factor or final resource —called also trump card and  a dependable and exemplary person. Hillary is derived from the Latin hilarius meaning cheerful, merry.

And I don't feel any of them are dependable or hilarious. How about you? Let us know your thoughts on the race and all topics that matter to your family.

Kim Stagliano is Managing Editor for Age of Autism.





Trump is the only choice. Hillary guarantees more of the same. The same no one is happy with. Riddled with old and new scandals. Her smug vaccine tweet. She's beholden to so many from the Clinton Foundation money grabbing scam... How could anyone in our shoes even consider her?!?!

Plus, the democrats are going hog wild about vaccine mandates and exemption removal. California, Virginia, Ohio...who is next?

We are so screwed if she gets in.

Raymond Gallup

Regards to the Presidential candidates, Republican and Democrat, the only one listening to parents regarding autism and vaccines is Donald Trump. Per the following:

Donald Trump Uses GOP Debate to Push Anti-Vaccination Myths

Of course most Washington DC politicians are ruled by special interests and lobbyists which Donald Trump isn't and a big reason why he is under attack by the establishment politicians both Republican and Democrat along with the lame stream media. In the end it won't matter because Hillary Clinton will most likely be elected (I say this even though I will definitely be voting for Trump) and the same old, same old will continue regarding "vaccines are safe" and "vaccines don't cause autism"; though some interesting articles have come out of late but the lobbyists and special interests will try to bury it per:

Courts quietly confirm MMR Vaccine causes Autism

Ronald Kostoff

I am trying to make sense of the whole Trump candidacy, and think I have found the missing link that ties it all together.

I believe Trump entered the race to promote the Trump brand, and increase his personal visibility to the public. I don't believe he was ever serious about going the whole route, or ever thought he would win. This has been stated by a number of his close associates.

Because he was a media star already, and an unusual person, the media initially gave him substantial free time, much of it very positive. During that time, Trump was not buying any adds from the media; their main benefit was additional viewers to enhance their ratings.

After the Nevada primary, it was obvious he was becoming a formidable candidate. His opponents started posting negative adds on the media, and the media started giving him very negative publicity. I believe the role of funds to the media has been downplayed in their turnaround relative to Trump. The media was getting plenty of money from the Clinton campaign, and starting to get money from NeverTrump Republicans. So, like any other beneficiary of campaign funds, the media started doing what their sponsors wanted. This negative barrage from the media continued for the remainder of the Republican primary, but Trump had built up too much of a following to be greatly affected. Even his miscues could be contained because of the fervor of his Republican base.

When the shift came to the general election, the Clinton campaign had massive funds to spend on negative advertising, while Trump had relatively little. Worse, many of the typically Republican high-rollers, like the Koch Brothers, were withholding funds from supporting Trump, which translated into withholding funds that would ordinarily go to the media for negative advertising. So, the media is getting very little funding from Trump, little prospect of getting money from the Republican high-rollers for anything but negative adds against Trump, and getting massive amounts of funds from the Clinton campaign for adds attacking Trump.

Additionally, their main base of advertisers (such as the large pharmaceutical companies, large weapons companies, etc) would be more sympathetic to the pro-war pro-pharma policies of Clinton than to the policies of both Trump and Sanders potentially threatening their business, leading to a built-in bias against Trump (and Sanders) irrespective of money provided for negative advertising. With the prospects of their major funding coming from people who want to attack Trump, and their major advertising customer base being more sympathetic to Clinton's policies, the media has put on a full-court-press in attacking Trump. The mainstream media is doing this 24/7 in the most blatant propaganda effort I can remember during an election.

In parallel, Trump's strategy has been twofold: take every possible opportunity to shoot himself in the foot, as well as to cause damage to Hillary's campaign. In effect, a scorched Earth policy including his own property. Why would he take such an obvious defeatist approach?

I believe he realizes he is neither qualified for the job nor has the temperament for the job. Basically, he doesn't want the job! He has succeeded beyond his wildest expectations, for a job in which he was never interested. He is looking for a way out while not coming across as a quitter; perhaps a medical reason. If he is able to leave and be replaced by a credible candidate, like perhaps Kasich or Pence, while having severely damaged Clinton, this would essentially assure victory for the GOP. I wouldn't be surprised if he were able to get a large payout from the GOP in the process.

Ronald Kostoff

Gary Ogden,

"Ridiculing Gold Star parents has sealed his fate. In addition to losing the bulk of the Latino and women's vote, he just lost a big chunk of the veteran's vote."

I'm not sure about that. He has made a number of statements in the past year that would have destroyed a 'normal' candidate, yet in some cases he even seems to prosper. On the other hand, Clinton has exhibited behaviors (such as mishandling of Top Secret information) that would have landed most people in jail.

In the end, most voters seem to vote their self-interest in the two or three issues that matter most to them. You can easily see that on AoA when it comes to vaccine mandate issues. Or, for the coal miners in Appalacia, they will vote on mainly who will get them back to work. Or, those opposed to TPP will vote for whom they believe really opposes it. Or, for people who believe in expanded immigration, it is clear for whom they will vote. As far as the veterans' vote, they are probably more interested in getting better medical care, and keeping us out of unnecessary wars. Trump's comments on McCain's service were forgotten, and the latest flap will be forgotten soon enough.

Comments by Trump, which would be better left unsaid, are basically amplified by the media to both gain readership and tilt the election towards Clinton. The DNC emails showed how the major MSM organizations were subservient to the DNC. The True Believers on both sides are not going to be swayed by these peripheral statements.

I still believe that Trump has gone further than his wildest expectations, and would like nothing better than getting out of this race while saving face. After calling Bernie essentially a quitter for dropping out, Trump can't do the same without major embarrassment, but maybe some medical excuse would work. I also believe that HRC will resign when the hard-hitting emails are released by Wikileaks. Don't be surprised if we end up with a Kaine-Pence contest!

Gary Ogden

Ronald Kostoff: Thank you for your insights. I can remember back as far as the 1960 election, and these two are far and away the worst candidates for president I've seen. Hillary is fully bought, and bright enough to do a lot of mischief. The oligarchs best friend. Trump, on the other hand, is little more than a glory-seeker who knows very little about much of anything, other than making business deals. Ridiculing Gold Star parents has sealed his fate. In addition to losing the bulk of the Latino and women's vote, he just lost a big chunk of the veteran's vote. Both of these candidates are atrocious. You are certainly correct that no president would be able to eliminate the rot at DHHS. That will take local and state, grassroots efforts. So what to do in November? Leave the ballot blank? A possibility. Jill Stein has a healthy skepticism about the federal agencies responsible for vaccine safety, but she's only polling 5%, and the Green Party, in my opinion, doesn't really understand how to protect the Earth from the rapacious corporate assault on her and all of us. After a great deal of thought, I've decided to vote for Gary Johnson, as the least worst. My vote won't really help his cause, because my state (CA) almost certainly will go to Hillary, but he is the only possible chance, and it is a vanishingly slim one it is, of stopping Hillary (by sending it to the House). Interestingly, it may not matter how we vote. John Rappaport wrote a post today about a software program used in many states to count ballots which is capable of turning votes into fractional quantities to show a pre-determined outcome, and leave no trace behind. Worth a look.

Jeannette Bishop

Ronald Kostoff


"Have those of you making a big deal about Trump asking Russia about Hillary's email ever heard sarcasm before!? Good grief anyone could see he was being facetious."

At this point in the 2016 election cycle, facts have become irrelevant. The mainstream media has put a 24/7 'full court press' on Trump, distorting and misquoting everything he says to emphasize complete negativity. The only reason he is still competitive in the polls is that the Democrats have offered the most damaged candidate in my memory. It has become a choice between the 'lesser of two evils', sort of like choosing between lung cancer and pancreatic cancer.

Hillary is the choice of the Government-Industrial-Media Complex; she has a proven record, is completely reliable, and has already been rewarded by the GIMC. Trump has been more of a wild card so far, but given that he is now forced to raise substantial amounts of money to fund his campaign, he will end up doing more or less what his large donors want.

I suspect when Hillary's deleted emails are revealed (probably by Wikileaks), her campaign will be effectively over. I suspect Kaine was selected as a replacement if/when her withdrawal occurs. He will follow the same path of subservience to the GIMC, but he doesn't have anywhere near the baggage that Hillary does, and he comes across as a more believable politician. No matter whether Clinton, Trump, Kaine, or Pence ends up being President, Big Pharma, Big Fossil Energy, Big Telcoms, Big Agrichem, The MIC, etc, will all be satisfied. Ignore the puppet show; focus on the puppeteers!


Have those of you making a big deal about Trump asking Russia about Hillary's email ever heard sarcasm before!? Good grief anyone could see he was being facetious. Making fun of the fact that the MSM seems to think he has control over Russia. It is much more likely that it was someone here in the USA that just hates Hillary because of all her lying and scheming. Trump may have his faults, but God help us all if that pharma funded woman wins the Presidency. You think things are bad now with vaccine mandates, then just wait. She is totally bought! How could any decent Amercian not care about the email server scandal and Benghazi? She doesn't care about safety or security! #NeverHillary

Ronald Kostoff


"What about asking Russia to hack Hilary's emails? That is treason. What if Obama had asked that?"

According to the NYT, Trump's statement was: "Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing". That's very different from what you're implying. As I understand the situation (based on minimal data), Hillary Clinton kept her email correspondence (including at the Top Secret level) on a non-secure server while she was SOS. This covered the period 2009-2013. According to her, there were ~55,000 emails on the server. When the government requested her emails a few years ago, she supposedly deleted ~30,000 emails (which she claimed were not work-related), and turned over the remainder to the government.

So, any hacking of the missing emails, which was the focus of Trump's comment, would probably have been done between 2009 and 2013, but possibly up until the time she deleted them. Thus, Trump is not asking Russia to hack into her server; he's asking Russia to provide those emails if they indeed had hacked them a few years ago, or obtain them from some other source that had hacked them. I don't see where Trump did anything wrong with his statement; it was spun by the usual suspects.

Some other observations. The ~30,000 emails deleted sounds fishy to me. The total of ~55,000 emails on Clinton's server was the net amount of ALL the emails she received and sent from 2009-2013 MINUS those she deleted during that time period. I suspect if we were to include EVERY email she deleted from 2009 until the time she deleted the ~33,000, we might find she actually deleted closer to ~100,000!

Also, if you or I or anyone reading this comment had handled Top Secret information the way that Hillary did, we would be sitting in Ft. Leavenworth today!

Finally, Trump and Clinton are the two worst candidates for President I can remember, for different reasons. It's like having to choose between two terminal diseases.

However, having said that, I believe when the main Wikileaks release of emails comes out, that will be the end of Clinton's campaign. I strongly suspect that release will consist of the 33,000 deleted emails (and, depending on how they were hacked, perhaps some of the others that were deleted during the 2009-2013 time frame), and they will show how SOS Clinton traded favors with foreign governments for donations to the Clinton Foundation.


I am completely disgusted by the state of vaccine safety in this country. I am very upset about the Hep B vaccine being administered at birth (great idea someone posted to have home births). No one can seem to offer any logic for this policy and it goes from there. I sympathize with the vast majority of posts on this website.
That said, Trump has absolutely no political experience. Would you hire a contractor to renovate your house whose only experience was as an English professor? I do not consider being a reality show star whose father forked over a million dollars decades ago (worth a lot more today) to get him started as a person qualified to learn on the job as president.
Trump's status as an "outsider" is also questionable to me. He lost no time getting in bed with the NRA, saying he would repeal all gun laws, and wants a gun in every school. He can pander with the best of them. Maybe his kids will be protected with armed guards but what about ours? Any mentally ill person or spouse abuser will be able to easily get an assault rifle. What about out-gunning all our police? This waving guns around with the NRA is a huge red flag to me.
As for the "Christians" with their family values, how would they react if Hilary had had three muscle bound husbands, each more buff than the next? They deride her for forgiving Bill--I thought that was a tenet of Christianity, must have been reading a different book. But it is okay for him to evaluate women like prize cows.
None of Trumps kids or Trump himself have served in the military but he has the nerve to insult McCain and the father of that soldier who died in the Middle East who spoke at the democratic convention. His sons are out on expensive, luxury safaris killing endangered species but he wants to be in charge of where to send yours..
What about asking Russia to hack Hilary's emails? That is treason. What if Obama had asked that?
Saying a few sentences about vaccine safety was the best thing Trump ever did. But like any relationship, you have to see the total picture.

Dorie Southern

For those who are interested here is a link about what Jill Stein has to say about vaccines. Since she is a doctor it is unlikely that she would totally disavow vaccines.

The received wisdom is that vaccines saved us from various diseases. I don't think you can hold that against her. But she believes that individuals have the right to question the safety and efficacy of vaccines. That is a start. There is no way that a parent should be forced to vaccinate his or her child if there is a concern that it could harm the child. Parents should not have to endanger the health of their child for the "greater good."

And what about vaccinating a child at birth for a sexually transmitted disease? That is an outrage. Nobody wants their baby poked with needles as soon as the child is born. One thing you can do is have your child at home. Most places have midwives that can attend a birth. They know what they are doing.


Mr Kostoff,
Very informative, thank you! I did not know that. One thing I do know however is that, "women's rights are human rights", and MOTHER'S RIGHTS are women's rights. When you take away a mother's ability to determine what does or DOES NOT get injected into her child you are not a defender of women's rights. When you take away a mother's ability to know what's in the food she's feeding her children you are not a defender of women's rights. I wish Secretary Clinton would consider how much the practice of mandatory vaccine is rooted in misogyny. Throughout the ages dismissing women by calling us crazy has been a tactic deployed by bullies asserting their own agendas; from the Salem witch trials to institutionalizing women whom did not agree with police or other authority figures. Women have always been marginalized through the fallacy that we are mentally unfit. Think of how many brilliant and brave mothers that have been referred to as "crazy anti-vaxxer" or "crazy anti-scientist" over the years. Can any self-respecting feminist really malign herself with such sexism?


I'm voting for Trump. I think Kaine is a Big Pharma man all the way. Isn't he for the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement) which has some tiny print related to "biologicals." I don't know exactly what it says but I've read that it is a favor to the pharmaceutical companies and will extend their reach. I don't trust "Blue Sky" Hillary to stand up for the vaccine injured. She has taken in a lot of donations from Big Pharma too. It does matter who is president because there might be an outside chance that a bill will get through Congress (I should say highly unlikely) that relates either to mandates or overturning the 1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation Act that will need a signature and we need someone in there who sees the vaccine injured as a real constituency and the only one that I can see who is even willing to admit the vaccine injured even exist is Trump.


Did you watch the debates Leah? Trump had nothing to gain by taking such an unpopular stance on vaccines, and in fact took a huge risk by doing so. Trump also has total pay parity for women vs men in his company and women are extremely well represented and well treated in his senior executive ranks. I am sorry he has a blustery demeanor-it serves him poorly. But on substance, he is the anti-establishment (anti-corporate) candidate. I know many Democrats voting for him, including me.


Trump announced he was raising money for veterans, amassed a pile of it, and forgot to send the check! His business acumen--which he is running on--resulted in filing for bankruptcy six times. Conveniently, he also forgot to pay many of the workers. He hates women, basically; this is amply shown by his many crass, disgusting comments...and forget about gays, latinos, immigrants, etc. etc. etc. The list is long. I hope you are a rich white guy if you are voting for him. That is his real constituency.
Just because he made a couple of comments questioning vaccines does not mean he will do anything. Right now he is looking for donations from all the usual suspects.
Oh, and check out him on camera imitating and mocking a disabled reporter. He sounds like he would be a really compassionate guy to have in the White House. No one is perfect but this really isn't a one issue campaign.


Hillary is a huge vaccine proponent; Trump has voiced some skepticism. Here in NJ, Pharma is gunning hard for Hillary, and scared to death of Trump. That is all I need to know.


I am an independent and All I can say is....Watch "Hilary's America," read, "Clinton Cash" as well as "Jeb and The Bush Crime Family" and you will come away realizing that the ONLY choice is Trump. We may not like his brash manner but we have to admit that he is the only one paying attention to what both sides are doing...that is why even the GOP elite is going after him. The man has guts as I am sure he knows his life is in danger by daring to change a status quo that has been around for decades.

Doug Troutman

I am from Indiana. We signed up for the autism waiver when Mitch Daniels was governor and he stalled the program. We have received services during Mike Pence administration. I blame Hillary and the Bush family for this autism disaster.


I would like to know if some (not naming names here) Saw the very first Republican DEBATE?????

- Trump was backed up by Ben Carson

BEN CARSON IS -- a top notch neurologist and has been -- get this: ON some kind of vaccine safety board.

That is right Ben Carson backed Trump up on his vaccines - and for that matter - Rand Paul a doctor too -- also backed Trump up - right there national TV.

Something else I have observed since that first debate: Ben Carson comes on TV regularly to support Trump, and as soon as Ben Carson lost in one of the western states, and saw he could not win; he pulled out and IMMEDIATIELY threw his support to TRUMP. .

Things are going on there, and I am not imagining things..

I am paying attention. I do not just turn on a station to the debates of the Democrats only.

I DID NOT MISSSSSssss the first Republican Debate?

IF you did -- ya should try to look it up on some U TUBE if they have it here and get informed. IF you don't listen to that exchange - and to Ben Carson's support since - consider you are not informed enough to vote. I am darn well serious here.

If you watch and are not impressssssssssssssssssssssseed then?????

The only thing I can figure, it is like when I was teaching school - I could catch some students red handed, with my very own eyes doing bad things, and there are people that start out really young; out there that can lie so well that you question your own eyes! HMMMm I wonder if they later grow up to be pediatricians - and politicians. Such people, confuses the heck out of -- very honest people, and those with communication disorders.

Perhaps turning off the Democratic conference on TV in that case might help it congeal in some of our minds?

Ronald Kostoff

John Stone,

"there is always the possibility that politicians can bring some personal insight or conviction into the game"

If it was a central part of their platform, as medical insurance modification was with Obama, then conviction could certainly be brought into play. Remember that Obama had substantial popular support on this issue, and even with that and control of the House and Senate, he was only able to pass Obamacare after making serious concessions and 'creative' political maneuvers (aka shennanigans).

There's no parallel with Trump on vaccines. It's not been an issue in his campaign, and a few statements in response to reporters' questions in no way equals Obama's commitment to health insurance change.

Suppose Trump gets into office, which is becoming more of a possibility. If he gives a speech with an anti-vax slant, who will listen to him? Is Trump your medical advisor? To have any credibility and influence, he would have to get his medical 'expert' surrogates to make such statements in public (Directors of CDC, NIH, FDA, IOM, medical schools, AAP, etc). What are the odds of that happening? Where would he find such Directors, and for those in government, how would they pass Senate confirmation? And, in the private sector (e.g., medical schools), where they are heavily dependent on Pharma support, what are the odds they would appoint Department Chairmen, Medical School Deans, etc, who are anti-vax? There is a whole culture that needs to be changed, and I am not seeing net positive motion at present.


"Yes, I know about the email scandal and Benghazi etc. No delusions there but I am talking about being the President of the United States of America."


John Stone

Hi Ronald

I don't disagree with any of that, but there is always the possiblity that politicians can bring some personal insight or conviction into the game. Things are done differently in the UK from the US but I note an interesting change in Theresa May's re-arrangement of post and offices. The one I rather like is the transfer of responsibility for higher education from the Department of Business back to the Department of Education. Whether this betokens any serious change of culture remains to be seen, but one lives in hope.

Ronald Kostoff


"she stands by her convictions".

I would question that statement for any politician. She and Kaine shifted on TPP at lightning speed, once they saw how opposing it was gaining traction for Trump. Once in office, she will shift again in the blink of an eye.

The major politicians seem to live and die based on purely political computations. How much will this position help me or hurt me to get elected, and help me or hurt me for re-election or post election enrichment once in office? For vaccines, the answer is rather clear, as I pointed out yesterday. The vast majority of the voters are comfortable with vaccines, the Federal biomedical bureaucrats are almost unanimously (at least in their public statements) behind vaccines, and Congress is essentially unanimously supportive of vaccines. I don't see either candidate willing to expend the green stamps required to oppose vaccines on the campaign trail or once in office.

If public opinion were to shift drastically against vaccines, then, despite the Big Pharma pressures, there could be some slowing down of the Vaccine Express. State mandates could be removed, and possibly the vaccinations could be spread out. If a large majority opposed vaccines as it did with smoking, then I could see vaccines treated similarly to how cigarettes are treated to day. They would be allowed, but purely voluntary. Studies of adverse effects would be increased, and made more available to the public.

We are starting to see how this could play out with climate change, where there is very modest pushback against fossil fuel use. It is only happening because the majority of the USA electorate has concerns about the climate. There is nowhere near such a majority opposing vaccine use; if there were, BOTH Clinton and Trump would get on board!


I know I am in the minority when it come to Trump but I have to look at the reality of the people involved. I have no delusions or illusions about Hillary. Did all that work back in 2008. However from a pragmatic perspective in terms of qualifications let's just say because of her 40 years in politics, regardless of all the things it's claimed she's done, hasn't done, will do, won't do etc. of which there are NO verifiable documentations to confirm all her dastardly deeds-she is the better qualified. Yes, I know about the email scandal and Benghazi etc. No delusions there but I am talking about being the President of the United States of America.

There are basic qualification beyond what’s in the Constitution and just making a vague statement about vaccines & autism isn’t anywhere near a qualifier for the single most important job in the world. Many on this site have declared they are single issue voters. OK. That’s your right. But are you basing your single mindedness on facts or speculation?
George Stevens said: Trumps the first one I have ever heard associate vaccines and autism in a national election where it didn't benefit him in any way.
Julianne Boise says: Trump is the ONLY one with nothing to gain from talking about vaccine safety/efficacy/side effects

You statement about Trump being the “first one I have ever heard associate vaccines and autism in a national election” may be your first but he isn’t the first one that made a statement associating vaccine & autism:

“Ugh. It appears that Barack Obama has joined the John McCain bandwagon in suggesting that there may be a link between vaccines and autism, science to the contrary be damned!

“We’ve seen just a skyrocketing autism rate. Some people are suspicious that it’s connected to the vaccines. This person included. The science right now is inconclusive, but we have to research it.”

-What Obama Said About Vaccines and Autism in 2008

-In 2008, Obama called science on vaccines 'inconclusive'

Did you miss this? What happened with Obama? It’s a disease called political reality which can lead to political career suicide. This is a sibling disease of medical career suicide when a doctor goes on camera and declares vaccines unsafe. It is a deadly disease to any politicians who want to continue being a politicians. Trump has now declared himself one and by his silence on vaccines issue-he’s been infected.

What has Trump really said about vaccines? Really. He mentioned vaccines BUT has he committed to doing anything about them? Has Trump said anything about vaccines in his campaign stumping in the last few months? Did he say anything about vaccines in his speech at the convention? Did any of the speakers say anything about vaccines at the convention? In his thousands of tweets and phone calls he was making during the convention did he mention vaccines or autism? NO. Trump hasn’t spoken about vaccines since his interview with Sharyl Attiksson on April 10, 2016. Here again is the transcript of Trumps response to Sharyl:

Sharyl Attkisson: “Viewer question: What’s your position on freedom of choice regarding various vaccines that could be dangerous for some children and why is the mere discussion of making vaccines safe censored?”

Donald Trump: “It’s the most unbelievable discussion I’ve ever been involved in. If you say anything about vaccines that is slightly, like…holding back the hate mail, the level of vitriol, it’s incredible when you see it. First of all, I’m a big believer in vaccines. But there could something to the theory that these massive doses that are given to children have an impact on autism. There could be something to it. Now some people say no, some people say yes, I’d like to see studies. The bottom line is they have to get vaccinated. When I was going to school as a young guy, polio was a really big problem and vaccines knocked it out. So the vaccines are very important, but we have to study the vaccines and we have to be very, very careful with vaccines.”

Trump: First of all, I’m a big believer in vaccines.
Trump: The bottom line is they have to get vaccinated.
Trumps position on vaccines is clear and concise. He also believe vaccine eradicated Polio.

Trump made the request some time ago to see studies so you I sent his campaign this:
126 Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link
Apr 28, 2014 by Ginger Taylor
And these:

22 Medical Studies That Show Vaccines Can Cause Autism-

I figured since I got an email asking for campaign donations I could help out with Trumps request to see some studies. This was after I saw the Attiksson interview. Did he get the information? Probably not but the point is if he wanted to see studies in the age of the internet-they are at his fingertips. Now I’ve gotten response from other commenters that Trump doesn’t have the time to read studies-which is a valid point except politicians don’t read. This is why they have so many staffers. To read for them and than give them the readers digest version of the material. So If Trump wanted information on vaccines-it’s there but what many of you cannot accept is, he’s not interested. Once he saw the reaction from the anti-vaccine community he knew he’d hit pay dirt. Now he doesn’t have to do anything except sit back and enjoy the largess he gained from his statement without ever having to say another word about vaccines. In fact if you look back at Trumps remarks on the subject they are quite startling. One of his tweets:
-Donald Trump quotes: Vaccines, Ebola and Universal Health Care
Via Twitter:

“If I were President I would push for proper vaccinations but would not allow one time massive shots that a small child cannot take – AUTISM.”
“To all haters and losers: I am NOT anti-vaccine, but I am against shooting massive doses into tiny children. Spread shots out over time.”

-"Trump says he favors vaccines"
The Science of President Trump

--Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 3, 2014
I'm not against vaccinations for your children, I'm against them in 1 massive dose. Spread them out over a period of time & autism will drop!

-Trump: I'm 'Totally Pro-Vaccine' But I've Seen Them Cause 'Horrible Autism'
"It's amazing that it's never discussed," he added, saying that he's gotten thanks from people who are "incensed in terms of what's going on with vaccines."

Trump, oddly, went on to state that he is nevertheless "a huge fan of vaccines" and "totally pro-vaccine." He suggested they be given in smaller doses.
(I put the first comment in so you won’t accuse me of cherry picking)

-“Viewer question: What’s your position on freedom of choice regarding various vaccines"
Trump NEVER ANSWERED the question. He said:
"The bottom line is they have to get vaccinated."
He has never addressed PARENTAL CHOICE.

Here is what Trump stated in an interview in Feb 2015 on the “Hugh Hewitt Show which was posted on Breitbart newsletter:
Trump said that while he is a “total believer” in vaccines “what I don’t like seeing is that 20 pound little baby going in and having this one massive inoculation with all of these things combined.

When asked by Hewitt if he believed in “a causal connection between vaccines and autism,” he stated “a lot of people do. I mean, there are many people that do.”

He continued, “all I’m doing is saying spread it out over a period of time. I’m not saying don’t get inoculated, don’t get the shots, don’t get the vaccines. I’m saying spread it out over a period of time. It doesn’t hurt anybody other than probably the pharmaceutical companies, because they probably make more money putting it into one shot. Maybe it hurts the doctors. I don’t know. But I can say this. Everybody would get the vaccines. They just, they wouldn’t be pumping these massive amounts of liquid into a child.”

Trump doesn’t answer the question.
When asked by Hewitt if he believed in “a causal connection between vaccines and autism,” he stated “a lot of people do. I mean, there are many people that do.” 2015

Just like in the Attkisson interview:
“There could be something to it. Now some people say no, some people say yes, I’d like to see studies.” 2016

Absolutely non-committal to even answering the questions. What Trump has done is given himself plausible deniability.

Please don’t respond with a bunch of Hillary comments. I absolutely know where she stands-she is pro-vaccine. No doubts. What I do like about her, despite my objections to her position, she stands by her convictions. Trump won’t even answer the questions.

Ronald Kostoff


"I know many here think Trump is their guy but it was Reagan and the Republicans that indemnified the vaccine industry."

That's only partially true. The following summarizes what actually happened to result in the passage of the 1986 Act.

"Several national groups studied or recommended a no-fault compensation system to address these problems.10 Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-CA) eventually succeeded in getting the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program passed in 1986. The Reagan administration opposed the legislation, fearing a precedent for no-fault systems for other injuries and preferring tort reform to limit the number of lawsuits.11 But the program was linked to a bill expanding export of pharmaceuticals that the administration favored, and Reagan signed the program into law in November 1986."

The following provides a more detailed history of the Vaccine Act, starting on p.152.

The real honcho appears to be Henry Waxman (a Democrat), and it appears he may have garnered bipartisan support. I don't know the actual vote.

a person

I know this is an unpopular view on this website, but I am voting for Hillary. Hillary has said clearly that she will go after Citizens United which is the root of millions of problems in our country, that a corporation can legally buy a candidate. Big Pharma and the NRA love it. I am not going to vote for a candidate--Trump--who openly mocks disabled people and calls women slobs, not a 10, etc. The women around him all look like model/Stepford wives in a strange trance. Too spooky for me. Trump is crazily thin skinned, can't take any criticism without lashing our and throws our reporters he doesn't like. He wants to give a huge tax cut to the richest people. If you think there will be any money for group homes, adult autism services, etc., I think you are naive.
Hillary is far from perfect in my view but Trump is a loose cannon. I think strong, persistent pressure on Hillary can change her on vaccine mandates and GMOs. This is her weakest area in my view, unfortunately.


Another one of my favorite quotes from Dr. West:
"....we stand for truth and the condition of truth is always to allow the suffering to speak" .
It's a pity for the Democratic party that this issue isn't on its radar because now that the world has seen how the DNC silenced the Sander's campaign standing with the families of the vaccine injured would be the mulligan that they need.
I'm not sure I heard Minister Mohammad correctly when I watched the Compton Q&A of Vaxxed but I thought he said that the Million Man March was going to be outside the CDC in October? If you really want Thompson deposed, that would be strategically brilliant. I know many here think Trump is their guy but it was Reagan and the Republicans that indemnified the vaccine industry. This is more about CORPORATE control of our children, the government is just the conduit. Sorry, I hope my opinion isn't offensive to anyone! I really am grateful for all of the information that this site gives me especially from those I don't agree with politically.


I meant to thank you for this report, Kim.
And your illustrations are the best.

Dorie Southern

Pense and Kaine will not be "the deciders" when it comes to vaccine mandates. If either one is in the pocket of Big Pharma, it could make a difference. But the big issue is the president, although even the president cannot make a mandate for vaccines because they are state laws. I suppose there could be some kind of executive order.

Here is what Jill Stein said about vaccines from Wikipedia. "Stein has stated that "vaccines in general have made a huge contribution to public health," but that it is reasonable to be skeptical of mandatory vaccinations due to allegedly close connections between corporate interests and regulatory agencies."

Being tied to the two parties of the corporations and the warmongers will destroy this country. There is now a way out presented to us by Jill Stein of the Green Party and Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party. Trump and Clinton are both a danger to us all. Clinton is the bigger danger.

Hans Litten

Stop the Clintons !


If all of us "Age'ers" lived in the same state, I'd probably write in Kim's name for the first woman President of a Major Party--we are a major and growing party...aren't we? And for VP, Dan Olmstead. Looks good to me.

Cornel West had an interesting comment a few days ago: "This November, we need change. Yet we are tied in a choice between [Donald] Trump, who would be a neo-fascist catastrophe, and Clinton, a neo-liberal disaster," wrote West. "That’s why I am supporting Jill Stein. I am with her – the only progressive woman in the race.”

I'm not suggesting who to vote for, because at this point, I'm not sure it matters any more.

But I'm still thinking.

Not an MD

I plan to vote for Trump and Pence, due to the passage of SB277 in California, and the fact that Trump led the way, and had the guts to discuss the vaccination issue on national television during the Republican debates. He was asked the question by the moderator, and he did not back down or shy away, or spout out baloney to avoid the discussion-- Trump took the issue head on in a way that made me hold my jaw shut, because I could not believe what I was hearing, and I was in shock-- a good kind of shock.

Hillary thinks, "The sky is blue… etc." Not good enough for me. Nowhere close to good enough.


Dr. Kostoff,
I don't believe those CDC vaccination stats. I think parents are increasingly saying no or wanting to slowly or selectively vaccinate. The CDC is full of it. They can't admit the real stats because that would let the public know that there's a real crisis of confidence in them and the vaccine program.

Not an MD

Oops! The vitriolic and psychotic article from Slate is this one:

Make sure you have a tall glass of your favorite alcoholic beverage handy when you read it!


Pickins are slim.

Not an MD

I'm planning to vote for The Donald, and with him, comes VP Pence. Period. I see no other possible choice. The lines are quite clearly drawn, especially after what happened in California with SB277, and especially after Hillary's comment, "The sky is blue," etc.

Has anyone checked out the latest, way beyond vitriolic and psychotic, Slate article?

Yuppers-- it's the Donald for me-- and my children -- and my future grandchildren (if I am so blessed)!
Trump/Pence 2016!!!!!

Gary Ogden

Ronald Kostoff: Agreed. Sounded like a bizarre strategy to me. Only happened once, and it made Jackson, the winner of the popular vote, mad as hell. Each state has one vote, and I can't imagine either Hillary states or Trump states changing their vote, so there would be back-room horse trading like nobody's business. My take is that our federal electoral system is so irretrievably and horribly broken that we can only fix it from the local and state level, and through the courts, although that takes gobs of money, and they tend to prefer the status quo. It is the vast tumor of federal bureaucracy that is harming so many lives, while enriching corporate coffers with our hard-earned tax money. Trying to turn us into compliant clients; not citizens, clients. Congress has made this happen, and we've allowed it. I say fire them all, except Bill Posey. There is actually an organization (Brand New Congress) working on that. Hard not to despair, though.

Ronald Kostoff


I don't see any of the candidates doing anything to change the status quo on vaccines, wireless, etc. Look at the recent USA immunization rates for vaccines (from the CDC-MMWR):

"National coverage estimates indicate that the Healthy People 2020 target* of 90% was met for ≥3 doses of poliovirus vaccine (93.3%), ≥1 dose of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR) (91.5%), ≥3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine (HepB) (91.6%), and ≥1 dose of varicella vaccine (91.0%). Coverage was below target for ≥4 doses of diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP), the full series of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine, hepatitis B (HepB) birth dose,† ≥4 doses pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV), ≥2 doses of HepA, the full series of rotavirus vaccine, and the combined vaccine series".

So, many of the vaccines have >90% immunization rate, and I would assume most of those are voluntary (based on CDC and pediatrician recommendations). Given that the mandates tend to be State-driven, and the liability waiver laws tend to be Congress-driven, what is it exactly that any President/Vice-President would be able to accomplish relative to significant changes? The big number is the 90% who basically support vaccinations, not the ten percent who may not want the mandates. I don't see the President/Vice-President supporting any recommendations that would decrease vaccination use; the Congress is comfortable with the present arrangement, the Federal biomedical agency bureaucrats are comfortable, the medical schools are comfortable, most pediatricians are comfortable. At best, the President could use the bully pulpit to question the efficacy of vaccines; given the lack of support among the political, medical, and voter communities, I don't see the President using up any green stamps on this issue.

I would base my support of any of the candidates on two criteria: their chances of getting elected, and how I align with the major issues on which they have campaigned.


With all due respect, if we cannot be assured that our government will not assault us and will fulfill its primary roll of protecting us from enemies including the plethora of white collar criminals chomping at the bit to invade and enslave our bodies, nothing else matters.

Tim Kasemodel

No Matter what party affiliation you have, with every election year, even non Presidential years there are many important factors to consider when voting. Regardless of whether it is a state level or national race, a candidate's views on vaccination is only one.

While all of us who follow AOA want to see a real change in vaccination policy, I hope that this one issue is not the only one that a person would consider. There is too much at stake no matter who you plan to vote for to make your decision on one issue. Whether it is vaccines, guns, abortion or any of a hundred different problems in America, please consider all the policies of a candidate. We all remember how Senator John McCain was all for going after Thimerosal and then dropped us like a hot potato, or that Obama was going to take away our guns, and that never happened either.

We always say "educate before you vaccinate" - remember to educate before you vote as well.

Julianne Boise

Spot On, as usual, Kim !
I agree whole-heartedly with George Stevens comments ... Trump is the ONLY one with nothing to gain from talking about vaccine safety/efficacy/side effects ! He had my vote in the OH primary and will have it again this November :)


Geesh we all are looking at a lot of stuff with so many different opinions.

We are talking about climate change when physic text books clearly say it is a theory and truth is - CO2 can't hold the heat, but water vapor sure can; or is it wrong to be against same sex marriage, but for civil unions; is it wrong for the Americans that bricked my home bot be rather nervous about the foreign dry wallers - would soon be taking their job next, thus they were all for building a wall and making foreign workers pay in health insurance, and taxes too. Every thing has a flip side and all can be spun like a spider wed and made to spin like tires stuck in mud.

So how do we get informed about so many different things that every last one of us really do not have enough information about - except mostly propaganda brought to us by the very same people that said vaccines are safe, get your damn vaccines.

One thing we all know about at this sight "Age of Autism" and that is - how smoke and mirrors get thrown up to confuse the masses about vaccine safety, corruption, throwing data in trash cans, these are liars, master manipulators, maimers of small children and murderers.

One thing we know for sure and that is the vaccine schedule and the corruption surrounding vaccines is unbelievable -- not almost unbelievable -- I mean unbelievable. So what makes you all think you all are so right about what else you believe?

What do we all know well and for sure:

We know that there is corruption and stupidity and out right criminal behavior from the CDC and the NIH. That is what we know.

George stevens

Trumps the first one I have ever heard associate vaccines and autism in a national election where it didn't benefit him in any way. If that's not enough to get him yall people's votes I don't know what is. The rest of the issues are fluff this is the most important issue in our life time and trump is the only candidate standing on the correct side of it. Your crazy not to vote for him for that reason only.

Ronald Kostoff


"but his strategy is to win enough states to deny an electoral majority to the others, throwing it to the House, him becoming the compromise candidate."

The most 'bought' people in DC are the elected members of Congress, along with the President. They are owned lock, stock, and barrel by Big Pharma, Big Telcom, Big Fossil Fuel, Big AgriChem, etc. If they do the selection, they will choose the candidate most in their self-image.

The second-tier candidates have essentially no chance. For me, the issue boils down to how much damage Trump will do to the planet by his attitude on climate change vs how much damage Hillary will do to civilization with her hawkish desire for endless war. Given the Congress we have now, and the Congress that is likely to result after the election, I see essentially no chance that any of the Acts protecting the Telcoms, vaccine manufacturers, etc, will be reversed.

Gary Ogden

There is a third-party candidate, Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party. We've heard little about him (he's the former governor of New Mexico), but I suspect he would be better on vaccine mandates than the other two, both of whom I find frightening, and neither of whom I think competent. He has almost no chance of being elected, but his strategy is to win enough states to deny an electoral majority to the others, throwing it to the House, him becoming the compromise candidate. Sound likely? We are between Scylla and Charybdis. The oligarchs want Hillary, and they always get what they want.


Mike Pence Has Led a Crusade Against Abortion Access and LGBT Rights:

-The Mike Pence Show, a talk radio show, and described himself as "Rush Limbaugh on decaf."
-In Congress, Pence was a champion of conservative and religious causes. He voted against measures aimed at preventing LGBT discrimination and helping families in poverty, and he supported federal legislation prohibiting same-sex marriage. As governor of Indiana, Pence has brought this Religious Right-friendly agenda to the state and enacted a number of stringent socially conservative measures.
-He is not a fan of LGBT rights:co-sponsored an amendment that would have prohibited same-sex marriage. Four years later, he voted against the Employee Non-Discrimination Act, which aimed to prevent job discrimination based on sexual orientation.
-He has made life harder for low-income families:
-He refused to comply with Obama administration rules aimed at reducing prison rape:
-He has supported deporting undocumented children and sick people and favors building a fence on the border (sound familiar?): In 2009, Rep. Pence co-sponsored a bill that would have eliminated automatic citizenship for children born on US soil to undocumented parents. A few years earlier, he voted in favor of bills that would have allowed for the detention of undocumented immigrants seeking hospital treatment. He also voted yes on a bill—foreshadowing Trump's current platform—to build a fence on the Mexico border.
-He has decimated access to abortion: In March 2016, Gov. Pence signed a measure prohibiting women from obtaining an abortion because of the race, gender, or disability of the fetus, making Indiana only the second state in the nation to do this.
-He slashed Planned Parenthood funding, spurring clinic closures and an HIV outbreak: In 2011,
-He gave protection to businesses in Indiana that discriminate against gay people: In March 2015, Pence signed a bill into law permitting business owners to refuse service to gay and lesbian customers due to their religious beliefs.
- Indiana Gov. Mike Pence: The Governor's statement reads:
"Indiana law requires all children be protected from vaccine-preventable diseases like the measles by getting vaccinated. Vaccines protect all our children from illnesses, and our administration strongly urges Hoosier families to have their children vaccinated."

In fairness-Pence expresses concerns about the HPV vaccine although his stance is Pro-Vaccine just like Donald Trumps stance as expressed in his interview with Sharyl Attkisson:

Sharyl Attkisson: “Viewer question: What’s your position on freedom of choice regarding various vaccines that could be dangerous for some children and why is the mere discussion of making vaccines safe censored?”

Donald Trump: “It’s the most unbelievable discussion I’ve ever been involved in. If you say anything about vaccines that is slightly, like…holding back the hate mail, the level of vitriol, it’s incredible when you see it. First of all, I’m a big believer in vaccines. But there could something to the theory that these massive doses that are given to children have an impact on autism. There could be something to it. Now some people say no, some people say yes, I’d like to see studies. The bottom line is they have to get vaccinated. When I was going to school as a young guy, polio was a really big problem and vaccines knocked it out. So the vaccines are very important, but we have to study the vaccines and we have to be very, very careful with vaccines.”

I've never been a one issue voter and neither Kaine or Pence are ideal but Kaine supports an opt-out and I feel with the devastation the HPV is causing to young women around the world-if this shot is mandated we could be looking at another genocide similar to Autism in young women. Since the CDC is now pushing it onto boys-this shot is a equal opportunity life destroyer.

If we all step outside the confirmation bias we have placed ourselves in we should see that NO candidate is discussing vaccines. Now that sides have been chosen both sides need that infusion of cash from big pharma and they are not going to discuss in any meaningful way vaccines that will jeopardize the flow. Knowing how pharma works they will not fork over a penny without locked down promises from candidates to support big pharmas' agenda-not just presidential candidates but your congress people and senators who are currently on the dole. In the end it's all about politics and the benjamins. Nothing more.


It's not even a discussion. Never Hillary. She is too easily bought and as the director of the FBI said " not sophisticated enough ." The vaccine/autism link will never penetrate her small mind.

Hans Litten

glad you have written this Kim . I can only say for sure I don't want Clinton .
What I have read is truly truly alarming - does no-one read anymore ?

I understand Obama made many positive comments before he got elected . which all evaporated after his success .

Science is pure.  People are corrupt.

So far this election cycle Hillary has received $8 517 530 from the health industry, while Donald Trump does not appear to have received anything.

In 2012 Obama received $19 582 720 while Mitt Romney received $19 904 143, and in 2008 Obama received $22 809 571 against $8 339 176 for John McCain.


Oh, Yeah! It does not count that President Obama was once upon a time; ambushed by a parent of a vaccine injured child, whose heart beat with rage and pain, and wanted to save others from his child's fate. Quick witted President Obama was - responded with -- more research.

Well actually the research has been done - it was just hard to locate in the vast land fill bordering the big city of Atlanta, Georgia.


Never ever - ever - ever has any candidate stated anything about vaccines, nor even bothered to even recognize there is a problem with vaccines -not ever -ever other than to agree with what ever the CDC and the NIH says about vaccines. IT has never -ever- ever been discussed, ever.

Hmmm; Well, except when Senator Burton's grandson was tragically maimed by vaccine . Hmm Eli Lilly is in Indiana and so also; is where Senator Burton is from too.

Not that I know anything about the relationship between Dan Burton or Pence.

How about that first Republican debate when Rand Paul and Ben Carson backed Trump's observations that vaccines do cause autism? Ben Carson and Trump has had a friendly relationship ever since. How about Chris Christie's stance on vaccines as opposed to what Hillary said.

And for that matter Bernie Sanders -- vaccines and autism and vaccine injuries is not even on his radar. Many have said he will fight corruption - hump -- he has discussed Wall Street - but he has not a clue about the corruption within the health related federal agencies. .

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