BHARE Foundation: Small Size Yet BIG Plans
By Teresa Conrick
Here is an excerpt of a letter I just received from one of my favorite Autism Organizations. Since Megan's regression into AUTISM, my life has centered on research that connects the gut and brain -- THE MICROBIOME. I plan on hitting the streets again with them because even though they are a small organization, BHARE has a long, successful history and BIG, HOPEFUL plans. Please consider donating! :
Dear BHARE Foundation supporter,
In 16 years, our small, fully volunteer, and committed group, has donated over $615,000 to research. Because of your help, over 12 different studies have been published, many of which, have influenced the direction of current research. As I look back over 2015, and now into 2016, I feel encouraged more than ever. Mainstream researchers for a variety of disorders, NOT including autism, are spending more funds on gut research than ever before. Autism is an immune/gut/brain disease, and as such, research into the gastrointestinal tract will almost certainly give us some answers by default. Because of the bacterial infection Clostridium difficile and other gastrointestinal diseases, wonderful groundbreaking work is being done. We are hopeful that people afflicted with autism will finally benefit from other "unrelated" work.
Studying the gut has been our most promising research. Dr. Jim Adams at Arizona State University along with Dr. Rose Krajmalnik-Brown, and Daewook Kang, have published studies proving major differences in the total make up of types and groups of populations of bacteria in people with autism. I hope you will assist us in helping to fund this work. Our goal for the Spring/Summer is to raise $15,000. With your help, I know we can reach it.
Further research areas we would like to explore include Helminths (parasitic worms), FMT (Fecal Microbial Transplants) and Medical Cannabis.
Our 17th annual Tag Days will be May 7th, June 18th and August 13th.
You can now donate online using PayPal.
Thank you,
Bram Hornstein
The BHARE Foundation
Dear Teresa,
As I was reading the above, I had a great AHA! for I do not recall ever hearing any autism discussion -- even when about the gut -- have mention of good digestive food combining.
On the Standard American Diet (SAD)the idea is unknown. So if there are gut problems, they would be way exacerbated by toxic combinations which inhibit digestion which is already poor. I can't believe this is the first time this has registered on me.
I thought it was just no dairy when we became raw vegan that helped so much, and perhaps it was much more attention to the healthiest and so delicious way to eat.
Posted by: Sun~Rose | May 02, 2016 at 05:31 PM
Hi Maurine,
It stands for The Brenen Hornstein Autism Research And Education Foundation, named after their son who is very affected, like most of our kids. I would not steer anyone wrong as donating here is going directly into the research stated - microbiome- brain/gut/immune. It's the real deal.
Posted by: Teresa Conrick | May 02, 2016 at 04:37 PM
and it stands for what? BHARE? Certainly will consider it and pass the word around. Thanks
Posted by: Maurine Meleck | May 02, 2016 at 08:55 AM