De Niro Drops Da Bomb
"By Dan Olmsted
I don't know what impact Robert De Niro's interview on the Today show Wednesday will have on those who don't believe vaccines cause autism, but I do know the effect it has already had on those who do. The word is "galvanic." This was a call-up-your-friends moment, and we don't get those too often.
It's been, as they say, a long cold lonely winter, and I'm not speaking meteorologically. The condescending and ridiculous premises of books like Neurotribes and In a Different Key; the refusal of those I call the "greasy nothing-burgers" in Congress to confront the William Thompson revelations; the long slog of the Merck mumps whistleblowers; the removal of Vaxxed from the Tribeca Film Festival; the triumph of SB-277 forcing vaccine mandates on California schoolkids; all of it is very wearing. And I say that without having an affected child.
Now that De Niro has put himself forward as believing there's a link between vaccines and autism, he can count on the usual drubbing for advocating a view that's been disproven, debunked, discredited and delisted, deleted. ... Just this morning, Today felt it necessary to do a follow-up piece that amounted to giving pharma a chance to recite its talking points. Dr. Ari Brown did the usual parent-blaming -- saying that they've just missed the early signs of autism, then get confused by thinking it occurs as a result of vaccination when it just happened after vaccination. This is the modern version of Bettelheim.
Because it's not just about debunking Wakefield or RFK Jr. or Jenny anymore, it's about debunking parents. It's parents versus science, as the Times famously put it. And now "science" -- really scientism, believing that one branch of human knowledge reigns supreme and knows all -- has its fangs out. You think you saw your child regress after vaccination? You are debunked by science! It's a nonsense kind of argument, really -- you can't debunk this volume of eyewitness observation, you can only claim it doesn't mean what people think it means -- thousands and thousands of people, who now are joined by the De Niros.
On Saturday I wrote about W. Ian Lipkin's Wall Street Journal piece in which he said that he'd spent 45 minutes talking to Di Nero before he pulled Vaxxed. Presumably De Niro told him he had fundamental concerns about vaccines and autism, something Lipkin didn't bother to say in the article, which is a little bit incomplete, wouldn't you say? Or maybe Lipkin never gave him the chance. Anyway, Lipkin looks like a loser in this battle, just another self-interested "scientist" unable to convince a parent that they didn't see what they saw and it didn't mean what they think it did.
All of us will have our favorite comments from this interview, which succinctly raised so many fundamental issues, but mine was when De Niro told Willie and Savannah, and by extension NBC News, and by further extension the mainstream media, that they should be investigating this: “Everybody doesn’t want to seem to hear much about it. It’s shut down. You guys are the ones that should be investigating. Do the investigating.” I don't think I can recall someone besides RFK Jr. telling the media they are failing on this story. As a journalist, it was incredibly welcome. De Niro is right. This is a story that needs to be covered, not covered up. It's a historic failure and one that will haunt journalism even longer than the cheerleading that led up to the Iraq War.
You never know what's going to make this cookie crumble, this wall fall. It may just be the equivalent of 50 percent and a feather -- one last thing that, added to the weight of the evidence of corrupt science, pharma greed, and CDC mendacity pushes the whole thing into the light. Whether De Nero is the feather, time will tell. But for now, for a lot of people who have felt increasingly isolated and denigrated, spring has sprung.
Dan Olmsted is Editor of Age of Autism.
Ronald Kostoff: God and Nature always win, but the price will be high before that happens. There is a self-preservation mode that will kick in should it ever get that far, and that is death and infertility and disability. There will come a time if mandates are not withdrawn when there will be no more babies, adults will die earlier, a huge percentage of working aged people will be on disability, and there will won't be enough medical workers to administer medical care because IQs will be too low for them to be educated, much less produce new research leading to more vaccines. Babies will be made by synthetic manipulation of amino acid sequences, but even if infertile people wanted to have children that way, they themselves will likely be disabled and ill, and disabled ill people who can't take care of themselves are hardly likely to seek out babies to raise and pay for. There will be complete decline in those cultures who's economies are embroiled in or use the vaccine industry. It's like the decline of the Romans, or maybe the Mayans, and we are in the middle of it and don't yet have the capacity to recognize it, and turn back on the path to where we went wrong. But I think if the phrase "better living through chemistry" could be put on the map, I'd stick a thumbtack on it, and start over from there. In the end, it was man's jealousy. He could not just be happy with what had already been created so beautifully.
Posted by: Jenny | April 16, 2016 at 03:14 PM
To For Danchi
It would be nice to have a name.
You logic is not sound. I continue to ask people do they understand President Powers as laid out in the Constitution. Please read up on that subject and you will see the real limitations ANY person who sits in the White House has placed on them. I'm not going to defend every person who has ever been President but what I will say is Clinton, Sanders, and the others manned up and said outright their position on Vaccines-they support the program. Trump, on the other hand has used the emotions and frustrations of the Pro-Choice/Anti-Vaxx community for his own selfish purposes-to garner support. Just by hanging in the air like a dangling carrot the words:
Vaccine Cause Autism
Pro-Choice/Anti-Vaxx community rallied to his support. Since no MSM or anyone was pinning him down and asking for clarity he continued this---sucking more people in until the support for his Anti-Vaxx movement took on a life of it's own. But the real bug a boo is:
TRUMP NEVER COMMITTED TO A PRO-CHOICE/ANTI-VAXX CAUSE. Someone created the illusion and people just fed into it. Because the powers that be have come down on him he has had to clarify himself. Part of the illusion of Trump is that he's this maverick (shades of John McCain) an outsider when the reality is---he isn't and he's had to prove it. He has now provided clarity to his position not only his personal beliefs regrading vaccines but what he would do as President:
“His views are clear . Trump says “he favors vaccines”. He’s say’s he’s not Anti-Vaxx and
"The bottom line is they have to get vaccinated."
"Trump says he favors vaccines"
The Science of President Trump
“Viewer question: What’s your position on freedom of choice regarding various vaccines"
Trump NEVER ANSWERED the question. He said:
"First of all, I’m a big believer in vaccines".
"The bottom line is they have to get vaccinated."
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 3, 2014
I'm not against vaccinations for your children, I'm against them in 1 massive dose. Spread them out over a period of time & autism will drop!
Donald Trump quotes: Vaccines, Ebola and Universal Health Care
Via Twitter:
“If I were President I would push for proper vaccinations but would not allow one time massive shots that a small child cannot take – AUTISM.”
“To all haters and losers: I am NOT anti-vaccine, but I am against shooting massive doses into tiny children. Spread shots out over time.”.
So Trump is against the combo shots. He is for spreading out the toxins over a long period of time. Yea, that's work.
You may not like the positions of the other candidates but at least you know where they stand. Trump, on the other hand, didn't have the decency to provided clarity until he was backed into a corner with very specific questions which demanded very specific answers:
-If I were President I would PUSH for proper vaccinations but would not allow one time massive shots that a small child cannot take.
-First of all, I’m a big believer in vaccines.
The bottom line is they have to get vaccinated".
Trump has strung people along and they have invested so much of their emotional being in him, they cannot accept the betrayal to the point of making excuses as to why he has to say the things he's saying: the medical mafia won't let him speak or the elite is holding him back. Whenever a person loses someone, even a political candidate, that is a loss-a hole has been created, just like a death and it takes great effort to fill that space but first there has to be acceptance that Trump was NEVER one of you and he NEVER wanted to be one of you. He only wanted to use you-like all candidates.
I've read a lot of comment boards and the reality of Trump is setting in because of the Attkisson interview and his other comments. Someone said this feels like a death and it is. Many are in the early stages of the grieving process. Eventually I think many people will realize that Trump was never worthy of their support in the first place.
Posted by: Danchi | April 16, 2016 at 10:03 AM
You're doing what trolls usually do. Distract from the obvious.
Dachel Media Update: Melinda Gates on Presidential Candidates' Vax and Sex
Melinda Gates was interviewed about Donald Trump's opinion on vaccines and autism. She's speaking out because he's so completely wrong.
So The Gates Foundation says Trump is wrong on vaccines. So what?? What's you point?
It doesn't matter what anyone else says. This exchange is about Trump---period. Again, you and other fail to accept the reality that TRUMP is no champion of the Pro-Choice/Anti-Vaxx cause. So lets reiterate exactly what Trump isn't saying:
-He has not stated he supports Parental Choice.
-He has not stated he supports changing the vaccine mandate.
-He has not stated he is anti-vax or pro choice. In fact he has stated he’s Pro-Vaccine and has said emphatically I am not Anti-Vax.
-He has not stated in any way shape or form any policy changes he would recommend. In fact, he hasn’t made any policy statements.
Donald Trump HAS NEVER SAID PEOPLE HAVE A RIGHT TO CHOOSE. However-Carly Fiorina Says Parents Should Have Right Not to Vaccinate Kids.
QUERY: Fiorina make it very clear Parents have a right to choose, why didn't you support her? Is it because Trump is saying other things that are not nice and politically correct that Fiorina didn't say.
“His views are clear . Trump says “he favors vaccines”. He’s say’s he’s not Anti-Vaxx and
"The bottom line is they have to get vaccinated."
"Trump says he favors vaccines"
The Science of President Trump
Trump on Vaccines and Autism: Pro-Vaccine but Cautious
Viewer question: "What’s your position on freedom of choice regarding various vaccines"
Trump NEVER ANSWERED the question. He said:
"First of all, I’m a big believer in vaccines.
The bottom line is they have to get vaccinated".
Clear. Concise. Succinct.
Donald Trump quotes: Vaccines, Ebola and Universal Health Care
Via Twitter:
“If I were President I would push for proper vaccinations but would not allow one time massive shots that a small child cannot take – AUTISM.”
“To all haters and losers: I am NOT anti-vaccine, but I am against shooting massive doses into tiny children. Spread shots out over time.”.
Haters: I assume that would be the pro-vaccine trolls and MSM people and so called vaccine promoting charity groups who have been attacking Trump (Melinda Gates) because they believe he is messing with their plans.
Losers: That would be anti-vax people and websites who continue to support Trump because they can't let go of the fact that he ISN'T ANTI-VAXX OR PRO-CHOICE. It's called Cognitive Dissonance. He is yelling at the top of his voice and calling you guys losers because you can't make that shift. He probably thought anti-vaxx support in the beginning was way cool but now by him basically saying "losers" he probably thinks you guys are a boil on his butt. At the end of the day, not only is he one of them----he has made it loud and clear HE IS PRO-VACCINE, NOT ANTI-VACCINE quote:
"I’m a big believer in vaccines".
******The bottom line is they have to get vaccinated.*****
Trump has disrespected the Pro-Choice/Anti-Vax community at every opportunity and you guys go on like a woman who has been abused by her husband yet continues to stay with him hoping he'll change.
Posted by: Danchi | April 16, 2016 at 09:14 AM
"Vaccines have been linked with a myriad of chronic diseases and disorders; this includes diabetes, autism, ADD/ADHD, asthma, eczema, autoimmune conditions and allergies, just to name a few. What do these all have in common? They all require extensive pharmaceutical intervention. Sure, the vaccines themselves might only account for 2.5% of the profit, but how much profit is gained from treating these other long-term (and in some cases life-long) conditions? Is the pharamceutical industry creating lifelong customers through vaccines?"
While the pharmaceutical companies may in fact be creating lifelong customers through vaccines, I do not believe it is DELIBERATE, as your statements imply. I believe the companies would be happier if there were no adverse effects. But, they have a problem. Most of their products, including vaccines, drugs, and other, have numerous adverse effects associated with them, and to stay in business, they have to downplay these effects to the public.
I believe you are missing the strategic plan for vaccines. It is one of their products that has almost limitless potential for growth. Consider the potential market for biowarfare agent and other viral/bacterial vaccines? There are three general classes of biowarfare agents: bacteria, viruses, toxins ( Let's focus on viruses. As I stated in a previous post: "It has been estimated that there are at least 320,000 viruses that infect mammals (, with the potential of being transmitted from animals to humans (zoonoses, like the SARS pandemic)."
Now, not all of these can be used as biowarfare agents; certain properties are required, such as transmissibility and pathogenicity. The problem is that we have not characterized these properties for most of the 320,000 viruses mentioned above, and therefore we don't know how many could be used as potential biowarfare agents. Additionally, we don't know how many viruses are serious threats from natural transmission. The CDC/USDA identifies about a hundred (
To 'protect' against diseases from these agents, vaccines are being developed either for post-exposure or for pre-exposure administration. It takes years to develop and test a vaccine, and, whether for pre-or post-exposure administration, would require large amounts of vaccine to be available in case of a pandemic, however caused. In other words, large amounts of each vaccine would have to be stockpiled even for post-exposure administration, since the window for 'effectiveness' closes rapidly.
So, we are talking about a vaccine market of unimaginable proportions, if the general public can be persuaded that these vaccines are required for protection. It seems to me we are in the initial phases of a 'conditioning' program to accept the validity of vaccines, with childhood vaccinations. The more we are led to believe vaccines are necessary and beneficial, with minimal harm, the more vaccines we will receive. It is no different from our being 'conditioned' to accept myriad wireless devices.
With each additional vaccine, our resistance to acceptance decreases. Given the potential viral threats, we could probably be persuaded to take THOUSANDS of vaccines for pre-exposure 'protection', or stockpile THOUSANDS of vaccines for post-exposure amelioration. So, statements in the Press about ten thousand vaccines being possible to administer, while being made to sound ludicrous, may in fact portend what we have in store for the future. I suspect that's the real game: once our 'conditioning' is complete, then the vaccine spigot can be fully opened, and we will be immunized against every virus that poses any sort of realistic threat. So, multiply today's 2.5% of the market estimate by a factor of ten or a hundred (or more), and you begin to see the real potential of vaccines for the pharmaceutical companies. And, no side-effects are required; the side-effects are the icing on the cake for them in terms of profits!!!
Posted by: Ronald Kostoff | April 16, 2016 at 06:57 AM
TC Bronson
It is, of course, hard to know where one thing begins and another ends, but yes the UK Department of Health tied themselves in knots over Pluserix. It was being introduced in the UK in 1988 despite the fact that it was withdrawn in Canada pending investigations, and indemnity was given to the manufacturers through state purchasers (the NHS). After a British government lab showed that the vaccine was indeed implicated in meningitis the Canadians withdrew their license but the British Government on advice from its various committees pressed on until the manufacturers withdrew it (the license however was not withdrawn and the product marketed in other countries). The contract was possibly a sweetener for a merger deal between SmithKlineBeckman (which was not a British company at the time) and Beecham Pharmaceuticals which was. It was the manufacturers who ultimately pulled the product not the government.
The legal suit when it came was against SKB (later GSK after another big merger in 2001) but presumably they stood to be re-imbursed by the British government (not for the embarrassment though). Everybody stood to lose their reputations.
The UK Legal Services Commission pulled the plug on funding for litigation in October 2003, a decision which was legally upheld in the High Court in the week after the publication of Deer's first article against Wakefield by Sir Nigel Davis who as it happened was the younger brother of Crispin Davis, CEO of Reed Elsevier, publishers of the Lancet, who had recently also become a director of GSK. When Crispin Davis spoke against Wakefield as proprietor of the Lancet at a parliamentary hearing a week later, he seems to have mentioned neither his family connection to the judge, or the GSK directorship (he was also knighted three months later).
It is also worth noting that these events (February/March 2004) were virtually simultaneous with the publication of the fraudulent Thompson/DeStefano paper and the crucial meeting of the IOM (rejecting the autism/MMR link). It looks like what was going on was part of an international mopping up operation.
Posted by: John Stone | April 16, 2016 at 06:15 AM
Barry, if I understand Dr. Wakefield's own account correctly, he believes the fierceness of the effort to discredit him may have been due, in part, to UK government liability, because they may have released the vaccine manufacturers from liability in advance, as they had in the case of the Pluserix MMR vaccine, which was ultimately discontinued because it caused meningitis in children receiving it. (After assurances that it was perfectly safe?) He was anticipating a battle with pharmaceutical companies. He did not expect betrayal from his own government, and only later understood the likely UK government stake in the matter.
Just like our own government is on the hook here in the US after releasing vaccine manufacturers from liability. I don't believe it was pharma dollars that caused California to mandate vaccines, Elizabeth Warren to participate in an extended lying session, and so many other leaders to behave in such a disappointing way.
They are behaving as if maintaining public confidence in the vaccine program were a matter of national security; understandable given the consequences of acknowledging the truth, but not excusable. They should have more faith in the capacity of our nation to come together to deal with the truth and all of the consequences.
Posted by: TCBronson | April 15, 2016 at 11:14 PM
Thank you, Dan! Well written, and furthermore, right.
Posted by: Denise Anderstrom Douglass | April 15, 2016 at 07:36 PM
"At 25 billion, vaccines account for a measly 2.5 % of that trillion dollar cash machine. Which from a financial perspective, makes the income from vaccines darned near close to irrelevant."
Vaccines have been linked with a myriad of chronic diseases and disorders; this includes diabetes, autism, ADD/ADHD, asthma, eczema, autoimmune conditions and allergies, just to name a few. What do these all have in common? They all require extensive pharmaceutical intervention. Sure, the vaccines themselves might only account for 2.5% of the profit, but how much profit is gained from treating these other long-term (and in some cases life-long) conditions? Is the pharamceutical industry creating lifelong customers through vaccines? The profits accumulated from the treatment of all of the other conditions that vaccines might be a co-factor in creating is actually very relevent.
Thank you, that was exactly my point. I just didn't spell it out.
No successful business would ever work this hard, to protect 3% of it's your total income. It makes no sense. Unless of course, that 3% has a whole lot to do with creating the other 97%.
If this is in fact the case, then we basically have a generation of children who have been intentionally poisoned, just so someone could turn them into life long customers.
And it's not hard to understand why the people behind this crime, are so desperate to keep that truth from the parents of those defenseless children.
Posted by: Barry | April 15, 2016 at 06:13 PM
Trump is the only shot in terms of a President that we have. Hillary is completely in bed with pharma. Bernie cannot even bring himself to mention the connection that Trump does. If you're expecting Trump to say something more definitive then you're just being naive. We have to hope he's understating what he really thinks, no other choice. Obama seemed so promising and it's been such a disappointment that he hasn't done anything on this issue. In fact he will go down as having increased and continued the damage.
Posted by: for Danchi | April 15, 2016 at 03:37 PM
The vaccine market is a growth market. Whatever they are making presently, it is obvious that they plan on mandating a good many more vaccines and making it so that you need to have them to work, travel, medical care, them there is still room for growth. Can you just imagine the horrific state of the nation if this comes to realization. Our children are sick enough and Alzheimer's is growing. So many people will become debilitated it is literally unsustainable.
Posted by: for Barry | April 15, 2016 at 03:30 PM
"At 25 billion, vaccines account for a measly 2.5 % of that trillion dollar cash machine. Which from a financial perspective, makes the income from vaccines darned near close to irrelevant."
Vaccines have been linked with a myriad of chronic diseases and disorders; this includes diabetes, autism, ADD/ADHD, asthma, eczema, autoimmune conditions and allergies, just to name a few. What do these all have in common? They all require extensive pharmaceutical intervention. Sure, the vaccines themselves might only account for 2.5% of the profit, but how much profit is gained from treating these other long-term (and in some cases life-long) conditions? Is the pharamceutical industry creating lifelong customers through vaccines? The profits accumulated from the treatment of all of the other conditions that vaccines might be a co-factor in creating is actually very relevent.
Posted by: Joanne | April 15, 2016 at 10:51 AM
Just to add..
With regard to the neologism 'contraspiracist', the third type extends to those who automatically designate Vaxxed, Wakefield, De Niro etc as ‘necessarily’ anti-vaccination.
In my opinion, the pro-vax extremist's worst mistake was to brand Wakefield as anti-vax. As a result, his otherwise non-extreme position with regard to advocating a single measles vaccine has actually set the bar for anti-vax extremism. Consequently, no matter how moderate and reasonable a viewpoint may be that questions vaccine policy, it will always be regarded as extreme by those opposed since it is highly unlikely to be less confrontational than Wakefield’s.
And so now we have De Niro asking pretty reasonable – if not always sufficiently informed – questions. It is the job of those opposing him to make him sound utterly unreasonable and deluded. If he manages to keep his cool and continue asking reasonable questions – such as wanting to have the issue properly debated etc – he should succeed well.
Posted by: Eddie Unwind | April 15, 2016 at 05:38 AM
Danchi , Linda & DanO
here is the Trump alternative :
& Trump is mentioned at the bottom .
Posted by: Hans Litten | April 15, 2016 at 04:51 AM
Why Does Donald Trump Think Vaccines Cause Autism?
Posted by: Hans Litten | April 15, 2016 at 04:48 AM
Dachel Media Update: Melinda Gates on Presidential Candidates' Vax and Sex
Online newsBy Anne Dachel
Melinda Gates was interviewed about Donald Trump's opinion on vaccines and autism. She's speaking out because he's so completely wrong. Notice that she talks about the controversy over vaccines and autism in the past tense. People used to believe that vaccines caused autism. Of course Gates is speaking to those who don't know about Hannah Poling or the dozens of cases of vaccine-induced autism that have been compensated by the federal government, Poul Thorsen or William Thompson, Simpsonwood or the Merck Memo.
This is the same thing John Donvan and Caren Zucker do when they talk about their book, In a Different Key.
It's interesting that everyone seems to have gotten the same talking point: Pretend that the issue is settled and no one makes the claim anymore. Interesting too that the NBC Today Show warned candidates not to talk about vaccines and now CNBC has the Gates twosome promoting vaccines as safe.
A female president in my lifetime would be fantastic: Melinda Gates.
The Gates Foundation has over $40 billion to give away in endowments, according to CNBC.
The middle video link had Melinda Gates talking about what Donald Trump said about vaccines.
1:36 CNBC anchor: "Melinda recently went head to head with presidential hopeful Donald Trump, after he said childhood vaccines can lead to autism.
Gates: "I'm concerned anytime any leader speaks out and says something that is a misrepresentation of the facts. And unfortunately, autism got mixed up with vaccines for quite a long time, and that myth existed in our society, and I want to make sure it's not perpetuated. So I spoke on that because I want people to know that's not the truth, and in fact it's been completely debunked."
While Gates didn't reveal who she'd vote for, she did say she was "concerned any time any leader speaks out" and says something that is "a misrepresentation of the facts," in reference to Republican candidate Donald Trump's views on the issue of whether vaccinations lead to autism in children.
In September 2015, Trump's views on autism's association to child vaccinations were called to question at a CNN GOP debate, with Trump suggesting a link remained, even though the belief has been widely discredited.
At the debate, Trump said autism had become an "epidemic" which had become "totally out of control." The billionaire backed up his comments, with a story of an employee's child who got diagnosed with the condition, after they got "a tremendous fever" and "very, very sick" due to a recently administered vaccine. Trump added however that he was in favor of vaccinations, but they should be given in "smaller doses" over a longer period of time.
Posted by: Hans Litten | April 15, 2016 at 04:46 AM
Contraspiracist -
1. A person who assigns a truth value to the rejection of a statement purely on grounds that its claims appear far-fetched, conspiratorial, exaggerated etc.
2. A person who employs this reasoning as a tactic to reject, or divert attention from, an opposing opinion.
3. A person who assumes that one who holds contrary opinions to theirs is necessarily a conspiracist, an extremist etc.
Posted by: Eddie Unwind | April 15, 2016 at 01:52 AM
I think the main reason Wakefield had to be demonized was for suggesting that children should get one vaccine at a time, and that vaccine should be for a single disease. This strictly limits pharma profits
No way.
According to Robert F Kennedy Jr (
"... Pharma is a TRILLION-dollar industry with vaccines accounting for $25 billion in annual sales... "
At 25 billion, vaccines account for a measly 2.5 % of that trillion dollar cash machine. Which from a financial perspective, makes the income from vaccines darned near close to irrelevant.
There has to be a much bigger reason than that, for trying to silence what Dr. Wakefield has to say
Posted by: Barry | April 15, 2016 at 12:05 AM
“Donald Trump has spoken out on vaccination and autism on many occasions prior to his presidential candidacy .”
Yes he has in 2007 and 2012. Here is what he said:
Here's more of what Trump had to say about autism and vaccinations:
"When a little baby that weighs 20 pounds and 30 pounds gets pumped with 10 and 20 shots at one time, with one injection that's a giant injection, I personally think that has something to do with it. Now there's a group that agrees with that and there's a group that doesn't agree with that."
Referring to his and his wife Melania's 22-month-old son Baron, Trump continued: "What we've done with Baron, we've taken him on a very slow process. He gets one shot at a time then we wait a few months and give him another shot, the old-fashioned way. But today they pump the children with so much at a very young age. We do it on a very, very conservative level."
The above is the same comment/story every vaccine site has been posting since Trump said the words he thinks vaccine has something to do with Autism. It is not current but they continue to post it as if it was. He has not moved from this statement. He’s created variations of it but he has not said any more. Trump, since 2007 is what we called back in the day---TALKING LOUD AND SAYING NOTHING.
-He has not stated he supports Parental Choice.
-He has not stated he supports changing the vaccine mandate.
-He has not stated he in anti-vax or pro choice. In fact he has stated he’s Pro-Vaccine and has said emphatically I am not Anti-Vax.
-He has not stated in any way shape or form any policy changes he would recommend. In fact, he hasn’t made any policy statements.
“His views are clear .
Yes, they are. Trump says “he favors vaccines”. He’s say’s he’s not Anti-Vaxx and
"The bottom line is they have to get vaccinated."
He knows "vaccines and autism" go together like "strawberries and cream" .
You can also say his views go together like oil and water.
“I suspect he doesn't the issue to derail his very successful campaign so far”
I suspect you are suffering from a little cognitive dissonance.
“If he gets in , then lets see what he says & does.”
Did you take civics or government classes in school? Do you understand Presidential Powers? Policy changes are made with the votes from the Congress and the Senate. The voted officials in Washington have no less than 3 pharm lobbyist assigned to them. That’s their gravy train and they are not about to jump off to help anyone who messes with that. So if it’s comes down to those congress and the senators keeping their nice government jobs, with all the privileges and bennies for life and jumping on board with Trump or anyone to thrown down with the pharmaceutical industry who at the drop of a pin can destroy their careers. It’s not happening. PLUS, they in no way will sabotage the possibility of getting one of those Eric Cantor consultant type millionaire jobs if they get booted out of office or just want off the hill.
It comes down to being about the Benjamin’s.
You and the others can talk about the elite, the medical mafia who are holding Trump back from speaking his mind on vaccines, not willing to accept the reality HE HAS SPOKEN HIS MIND ON VACCINES and also he has TAKEN ACTION ON HIS BELIEFS. His children, all of them, are vaccinated. On extended schedule, but vaccinated. Who are these no name- faceless people of the medical mafia and the elite you and a couple of others talk about on this and other sites? Maybe we can email them and ask them to ease up on Trump so he can speak his mind on vaccines.
-This is the reality you can’t face. Trump is no champion on the Pro-Choice/Anti-Vaccine cause. Period.
Let Trump be Trump in his own words:
-First of all, I’m a big believer in vaccines.
**********The bottom line is they have to get vaccinated.**********
-When I was going to school as a young guy, polio was a really big problem and vaccines knocked it out. So the vaccines are very important, but we have to study the vaccines and we have to be very, very careful with vaccines.”
“Viewer question: What’s your position on freedom of choice regarding various vaccines"
Trump NEVER ANSWERED the question. He said:
"The bottom line is they have to get vaccinated."
-alter vaccination schedules to avoid autism: Trump says he favors vaccines, but giving children smaller doses over a longer period of time. He has blamed vaccines for causing autism in children.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 3, 2014
I'm not against vaccinations for your children, I'm against them in 1 massive dose. Spread them out over a period of time & autism will drop!
If I were President I would push for proper vaccinations but would not allow one time massive shots that a small child cannot take - AUTISM.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 27, 2014
Push: to move (something) in a specified way by exerting force; shove; drive:
He is Trump-Hear Him Roar:
“First of all, I’m a big believer in vaccines.
**********The bottom line is they have to get vaccinated.**********”
Clear. Concise. Succinct.
Posted by: Danchi | April 15, 2016 at 12:00 AM
Dan, In reference to the "journalist do your job: There was a Dan Burton hearing in a galaxy that the CDC and the rest of evil empire says doesn't exist, where he points out that the media, the journalists should be covering the hearing. Just a few were in the room. They weren't interested or were told to stay away and this hearing was 15-20 years ago or more. Can't remember.
Posted by: michael | April 14, 2016 at 10:50 PM
Thank you, Dan, and God bless Robert DeNiro (and all other autism parents). I really think we're getting close to a tipping point. Vaxxed, and the Today interview, will lead us to that tipping point. I think there are a whole lot more people now who have become skeptical of the official narrative. No telling what will happen when the house of cards begins to fall. Dubya and Cheney got away with unspeakable crimes, as did Clinton-Gore, Inc. But the CDC crimes have so deeply wounded Americans rather than people far away, that it is bound to be a cathartic, and probably ugly, process.
Posted by: Gary Ogden | April 14, 2016 at 10:18 PM
I just about fell off my chair watching that interview. Robert De Niro did an absolutely OUTSTANDING job! So many incredible moments...fact after fact delivered with the anger, intensity, and sense of urgency that this medical catastrophe warrants (and that is never, ever portrayed in the media). I don't think we could have found a better 'feather', someone who is loved and respected across all generations; Robert De Niro, if you're out there, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Posted by: Donna L. | April 14, 2016 at 04:49 PM
@ Kendra
That old ped doc certain sounds as if he had much life experience. He probable remembers those past times when many lived squalid conditions. The measles virus is an immunosuppressant, so it is no wonder that back then children may have survived that infection but then succumbed to pneumonia etc. Even though those times have passed (and better condition brought down the death rate, well before measles vaccinations where developed) that ped doc knew it was important not to mix measles vaccs with any other live vaccine because of those dangers. Attitudes have changed much but I remember listening to a midwife (or some similar type of visiting community nurse) explain that measles used to be considered a ''harvester'' disease. In the early part of the century (guess she was born round about the Great War) it used to take away those few children who would sooner or later die anyway. Although I admit it sounds terribly dispassionate today -when today’s antibiotic treatments may have saved some of them, this was the late 1950's when people didn’t mince words and was talking about her early experiences and emphasizing that children no longer died from measles – and that was over fifty years ago. I think you and I agree: We don't live in an age, where even single shot measles vac is better than non for the general population. It doesn’t invoke the primary immune response and mothers don't pass on their antibody to their babies etc.
Posted by: Paul Champion | April 14, 2016 at 04:27 PM
Just in case Robert De Niro, his wife Grace, or someone whom they know should read our comments here on AoA, I hope he will ponder this:
Although I am not a fan of "safe vaccines", as I believe that phrase is an oxymoron (, please consider what happens when any other product is deemed unsafe, even if only one user is harmed or killed, as in the case of certain cribs in the past, for but one example. An immediate recall is instituted and the product is not allowed back on the market to be sold until it passes rigorous safety standards.
Not so in the case of vaccines. It is an undisputed fact that vaccines will harm and kill a certain percentage of recipients. What is not admitted in a truthful and transparent manner is just what that percentage is, nor is it properly studied by the powers that be, nor is there proper follow-up on the vaccine-injured and the vaccine-killed (there is none, to be exact). Evidence mounts daily, in the U.S. and beyond, that the percentage is quite staggering, especially as the vaccine schedule continues to expand seemingly without limit, and certainly without common sense, wisdom, honest science, ethics, or morals. And truthfully, why is any percentage of known-in-advance harm and death acceptable and allowable for any product used on children (70+ times to boot!)? It shouldn't be, plain and simple.
I am grateful and thrilled that you spoke up and out on The Today Show this morning...wonderful to see! Now, it is my hope and prayer that you continue to delve deeper into the cover-up documented in Vaxxed, as it is but one of many vaccine cover-ups, cover-ups and smoking guns aplenty that go back decades.
I also hope that you will think beyond "safe vaccines" and question whether vaccines of any sort are a wise idea, versus a complete paradigm shift to one which focuses on protecting, maintaining, and enhancing the health of our children and ourselves via risk-free ways, without the use of risk-laden vaccines.
I also hope that you will give some thought to your statement that "vaccines are dangerous when given to certain people." For whom is it safe to have the ingredients in vaccines injected into them?
Lastly, please understand that to stop vaccine harm, the top priority must be to stop vaccine mandates. Informed consent, the hallmark of ethical medicine, means nothing when one cannot say no. When parents and individuals no longer have the unfettered fundamental human right to decide that which enters their bodies or those of their children, what meaningful right remains? A simple "No thank you" should always suffice when one wants to decline any medical treatment or procedure, including vaccination, for themselves or their children.
I hope that we will continue to hear more from you, Mr. De Niro! Please help us to expose decades' worth of vaccine cover-ups and lies. Please help us to ban vaccine mandates, restore individual and parental rights with regard to medical decision making, including vaccination decisions, and repeal the egregious 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which indemnified vaccine makers and those who administer vaccines. Please help us to reclaim and restore the health of our children, and the health of our nation.
Glad to have you onboard! Onward!
Posted by: Laura Hayes | April 14, 2016 at 04:05 PM
Here's The Schedule in all its toxic color glory; pass it on.
Posted by: david m burd | April 14, 2016 at 03:53 PM
Greatly appreciate all the comments here as to exposure in the Media: However, what keeps getting ignored about vaccines' dangers are the inevitable toxic CONTAMINANTS that can never be kept out of the vaccine production lines as has been well documented not only in medical papers but by Janine Roberts' book and writings. Clearly, DeNiro has no grasp on this vital factor, though I applaud his stance.
NOBODY ever reveals the vaccine syringe dose of a just born infant (even premature) is .5 milliliters, the same vaccine dose as given 200 pound adults. The only exception is the U.S. flu shot given at 6 months, then again at 7 months - each dose being .25 milliliters, but adding up to .5 milliliters.
The U.S. Child Immunization Schedule is NEVER SHOWN on TV or Print Media. IF SO, that Graphic alone would be cataclysmic in its revelation. But Mainstream Media will NEVER show it.
Someone such as DeNiro need only display The Schedule -- and stand back.
Posted by: david m burd | April 14, 2016 at 03:39 PM
Kendra, Fascinating indeed, thanks!
Posted by: Tim Lundeen | April 14, 2016 at 03:30 PM
Fascinating historical insight. Thanks!
Posted by: John Stone | April 14, 2016 at 02:58 PM
John Stone and Tim Lundeen. You both might find it interesting that an old ped doc that I used to live next door to used to talk to me about all this. He told me once that the only time he worried about his little patients regarding measles, mumps, or rubella was when one of them contracted two of them at one time. He said the only adverse outcomes he saw in his nearly 50 years of practice was exactly when they contracted more than one of these at a time.
So, he said he had used the single vaccines as each one came out and separated them by 6 months or more, to alleviate his own fears about those 3 illnesses being introduced to close to one-another. He said when the triple vaccine came out in 72 (MMR)he was livid. His exact words to me were "Who was the Moron who decided to put the exact 3 diseases together in a vaccine that we NEVER want to see together in the wild illnesses. He predicted that MMR was disaster after disaster waiting to happen. He refused to use the MMR ever in his practice and continued with singles at least 6 months apart.
Eventually, he said that undue pressure was being applied for his office to use the triple but he refused. Then he said the insurance companies, with pressure from the manufacturers refused to compensate for singles and would only reimburse for the triple and the singles became almost impossible to get his hands on. He retired instead. He was already considering it and he said that just pushed him over the edge.
When I explained the entire Wakefield affair to him, he laughed and said "not only was he on to something, but it was something I predicted would happen decades ago. Combining any of those three AND the fact that they are all live-virus vaccines is pure stupidity."
Posted by: Kendra Pettengill | April 14, 2016 at 02:50 PM
Thanks, I didn't realize that big difference between the UK and US. Certainly made it even more important to hang Wakefield, "in order to encourage the others".
Posted by: Tim Lundeen | April 14, 2016 at 02:43 PM
"I think the main reason Wakefield had to be demonized was for suggesting that children should get one vaccine at a time, and that vaccine should be for a single disease."
That is one very significant aspect of the affair - in the UK in 1998 all the components of the vaccines MMR and DPT were available seperately and on the NHS and Andy advocated something within the present policy (indeed he was supporting it). They switched the tables on him because that was not where the industrial plan was heading. It is a very important way of denying choice by bunching products together (even before you get to mandates which we don't have in the UK).
But I believe an even bigger reason for taking Wakefield out was that he was prepared to give the parents an honest hearing and that was something which could never be allowed to happen. In the UK doctors like Waney Squier face professional destruction for listening to parents about potential vaccine injury: evidence which would be perfectly acceptable in US courts. We do things differently in the UK. In the US there are doctors who can still help over vaccine injury. In the UK the policy enforced by the GMC is that it is only theoretical possibility but doesn't ever happen. Anyone who diagnoses vaccine injury is in deep doo-doo.
Posted by: John Stone | April 14, 2016 at 01:31 PM
The best moment was the reaction by DeNiro when Jane Rosenthal tried to lie and claim that fellow moviemakers were the ones that requested the movie be removed and not corporate sponsors. That seemed to be the first DeNiro had heard of that and he even said he wanted to know who they were. He didn't go so far as to call her a liar on public television.
My take on her humongous lie is it is complete and utter bullshit. A first time filmmaker gets invited to Tribeca or any filmmaker or festival. Do they then dare question the festival about any other choice of film they may have chosen. Really? That would bite the hand that feeds you and risk blackballing your name in the industry. Filmmakers are artists and they respect the art even if they do not agree with the message and frankly I doubt that any but a few were even aware of the issue or political implications.
Plus we know the watchdog list-serve is already taking credit for the pulling of the movie, as well as the meeting Dan talks about above. Rosenthal is in over her head and apparently has no idea people can think for themselves and see through her BS lies.
She also piped up with "We have OTHER movies that are very controversial" as if that makes their censorship acceptable. Except none of those were pulled under corporate or government pressure were they Jane?
Posted by: Kendra Pettengill | April 14, 2016 at 01:07 PM
I think the main reason Wakefield had to be demonized was for suggesting that children should get one vaccine at a time, and that vaccine should be for a single disease. This strictly limits pharma profits: the most they could make per child through the age of 5 would be 31 doses, compared to the 49 the CDC currently recommends. Devastating -- and also hard to get parents to come in every two months, so compliance/uptake would be much lower.
So Vaxxed makes the same suggestion: one disease at a time, spaced out. Devastating to pharma.
The CDC lying they can just ignore as they have all along, and do their best to see it die out: that's been working for them. That vaccines cause autism in some kids they have their talking points.
But limiting the rate at which shots are given: that can't be allowed to reach the public.
This is probably one of the reasons they are working hard to defeat Trump.
Posted by: Tim Lundeen | April 14, 2016 at 12:36 PM
Hope springs eternal.
Let's hope hope is not all we have.
Posted by: Cynthia Cournoyer | April 14, 2016 at 12:27 PM
DeNiro against the mob. This should be good.
Posted by: Nora | April 14, 2016 at 12:15 PM
"fifty percent, and a feather"
I first read this as 'fifty percent, and a father." And actually, I have always wondered what would happen if on a single day, only fathers called all their representatives to tell them in no uncertain terms, that they do not support or believe in vaccine mandates, that they are in charge of their children's lives, and that they are well aware that no other civilized countries require vaccination in order to comply with compulsory education laws, and that they will not support representatives who try to remove the father's right to handle his own child's health needs.
Posted by: Jenny | April 14, 2016 at 12:14 PM
More good discussion:
Sharyl Attkisson on Imus discusses Vaxxed, De Niro, Congress:
I hope that link works (it's currently on top of her twitter feed).
She mentions that she's hearing that leadership is shutting down attempts by members to hold hearings on topics like calling William Thompson.
Posted by: Jeannette Bishop | April 14, 2016 at 11:51 AM
I have a group of casual friends who meet up for recreation purposes. The two gentlemen in the group are somewhat aware of my position on this health topic. They both have science backgrounds, one in engineering. I'll never forget their reaction when I mentioned that aluminum was in most vaccines on the schedule now. It was very much different from any other previous mention of vaccine safety concerns (which were brief, being that we meet up for sport and so it really doesn't come up much). They both literally changed their posture and said, "really?" They actually seemed concerned and shocked upon hearing this.
Posted by: Go Trump! | April 14, 2016 at 11:42 AM
Great points, Dan!
Posted by: Twyla | April 14, 2016 at 11:30 AM
The Deer Hunter, the movie, now see it for real.
Posted by: Angus Files | April 14, 2016 at 11:25 AM
This week Amy Goodman and Thom Hartmann called out the corporate media for not covering the Democracy Spring. I would like to know where the progressive media is on this issue.
Thompson is to Dr Wakefield, what Chelsea Manning is to Julian Assange, what Edward Snowden is to Glen Greenwald.
Where are these guys?!!! HELP US PLEASE!!!
Posted by: Annie | April 14, 2016 at 11:05 AM
You want to see the Clintons & organised crime ?
Posted by: Hans Litten | April 14, 2016 at 10:59 AM
A truly elegant piece, thanks Dan Olmsted.
Posted by: Greyone | April 14, 2016 at 10:58 AM
When you say ORGANISED CRIME Danchi \ Linda , are you including the CDC in that ?
Posted by: Hans Litten | April 14, 2016 at 10:54 AM
I think that Robert De Niro could very well be reading all of the debates here. After all he may (has) have found himself between a rock and a hard place. If one one spends much of one's own time and effort to promoting something like the Tribeca Film Festival one doesn’t want to see it mired with bad publicity. So, I hate to say it but I think I would have made the very same decision -if I had been standing in his shoes. There is a lot of wisdom in the saying that He who fights and runs away, may live to fight another day as dead heroes can't achieve anything no more. He must have become aware -if he reads AoA that the Listserv terribles have now got him on their watch-list (oh horror and dread). Ready to phone him or his publicity agent or anyone else, that they think they may be able to put pressure on. However, having an autistic son himself and having now experience what it is like to be on the receiving end, of what his fellows have suffered like Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey. Those cog -wheels must be turning inside his head. No parent, that sees though the fog-of-greed will sit back for long.
Posted by: Paul Champion | April 14, 2016 at 10:47 AM
The London Telegraph no less !!!!!!!!
Robert De Niro: 'there is a link between vaccines and autism'
SO VERY DAMAGING - Are you watching you scoundrels .
Posted by: Hans Litten | April 14, 2016 at 10:46 AM
"He's done business with organized crime do you really think that the medical mafia concerns him? "
Posted by: Linda1 | April 14, 2016 at 10:37 AM
Donald Trump has spoken out on vaccination and autism on many occasions prior to his presidential candidacy .
His views are clear . He knows "vaccines and autism" go together like "strawberries and cream" .
I suspect he doesn't the issue to derail his very successful campaign so far .
If he gets in , then lets see what he says & does.
Its unlikely he will get in without giving cast iron assurances to the ruling elite that he can be controlled
But we know what Bluesky Hitlerary thinks .
Posted by: Hans Litten | April 14, 2016 at 10:35 AM
Your premise that most do fine with vaccines is not born out by the evidence. An astounding 50 or more % of children now suffer from at least one chronic illness. The more vaccines a country gives, the sicker the children and the higher the infant mortality rate (defined as death within the first year of life). The US does not rank with the industrialized countries. We are at the bottom. Also, since vaccines are not given routinely during pregnancy, the fetal death rate is very high, despite what is claimed about the health promoting benefits of vaccinating pregnant women.
There is no justification for injecting mercury into anyone, no matter what their glutathione stores are. The criminal AAP fought to keep mercury in vaccines sent to third world countries that are no longer allowed here because they know it's an extreme toxic load (and once they realized they tried to cover it up - see the meeting at Simpsonwood, Ga.). And it's not just mercury. It's alumininum, a proven neurotoxin, and a long list of other nasty ingredients like formaldehyde, detergents, and genetically modified animal and plant cells. Really disgusting.
Then there is the fact that none of these drugs are tested with true placebos. They are tested against other vaccines or vaccine ingredients (like neurotoxic aluminum) and when you look closely, you'll see that the studies are rigged to have an industry friendly conclusion.
Re the MMR as just one example (each vaccine has it's own sorry history and unique problems), the triple live virus vaccine does not have the same effect on the body as the three live virus vaccines given individually, spaced apart. There are many, many problems with this vaccine. The medical community acknowledges that only about 95% of children mount an immune response to their first dose, necessitating a booster dose a few years later which is meant to catch 100% of the children. Yet, the rabidly robotic provaccine medical community never considers what happens to those 3 live viruses in the bodies of children that do not fight them. It is a fact that live vaccine strain of measles virus has been found by several different researchers infecting the intestines of sick (autistic) children who were previously vaccinated with the MMR. Then there is the fact that Merck is being sued by their own virologists for adding rabbit antibodies to human blood samples to make it look like the mumps vaccine was more effective than it was.
Then there is the fact that Gardasil vaccine DNA has been found on autopsy in the brain of a young girl who died within months of being vaccinated with Gardasil. The Danes have also made the connection between elite atheticism and severe reaction to HPV vaccine. The Japanese goverment has withdrawn their recommendation of HPV vaccine due to severe side effects. The US shamelessly ignores these findings, does not inform the public of this history while denying the reports of its own citizens, and pushes on with HPV vaccine promotion for all.
The genetically modified hepatitis b vaccine, a vaccine for protitutes and and IV drug abusers that is given to every baby in this country within 12 hours of birth, is not given this way in most countries around the world. In most countries, the vaccine is given at birth only to babies of hepatitis b infected mothers in an attempt to prevent transmission of the the disease to the baby during the birth process. The vaccine has killed many, many innocent babies (google Michael Belkin and see and sickened many others. Research has linked this vaccine to a greatly increased incidence of developmental disorders.
The pertussis vaccine not only does not work to prevent pertussis, but the vaccinated become silent carriers able to infect others, including the infants, elderly, and immune suppressed that they are supposed to be protecting by getting the vaccine in the first place. (google vaccinated baboons spread pertussis - FDA study - believe it or not - I think November 2014). And the CDC has acknowledged that the vaccine is causing other pertussis strains to become more virulent.
I could go on all day. As De Niro says, it's not that simple. If you haven't already seen Dr. Suzanne Humphrie's talks, I highly recommend them on youtube. Also, her book, as just one of many, is excellent. _Vaccine Epidemic_ is another.
Posted by: Linda1 | April 14, 2016 at 10:33 AM
Jill, the comment he made about Andrew Wakefield has been interpreted by the Daily Mail as being, "he's not so sure about Andrew Wakefield" ! Edited!
Posted by: Grace Green | April 14, 2016 at 10:31 AM
A better rebuttal of the Liar Proffit .
Posted by: Hans Litten | April 14, 2016 at 10:14 AM
Paul Offit's review of the film VAXXED .
• Rates of autism are rising exponentially; it is now estimated that by 2032 about 80 percent of boys will be on the autism spectrum, essentially creating a new normal. On the contrary, the latest evidence shows that rates of autism in the U.S. have plateaued.
If I am not mistaken , Paul , this is at least an admission of the previous stratospheric rise of Autism , that we here call the Autism Pandemic . 80% has got to be frightening even for you Paul - this means this whole escapade is bigger than the Nazis' , Pol Pot , Stalin , Rwanda , bigger than all of those added together EVEN . you must be terrified
Vaccines are not tested prospectively in placebo-controlled trials or with other vaccines that are given at the same time. In fact, all vaccines submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for licensure are subjected to this kind of testing.
Paul , this is the most massive LIE.
• Children who receive the single measles vaccine instead of MMR don’t develop autism. Amazing, given that unvaccinated children can develop autism. Does this mean that the single measles vaccine prevents autism?
Where are your figures Paul - you are hiding behind transparent words here . Ok , un vaccinated children can be autistic but at a rate of 1 in 15000 . But the vaccinated are autistic at a rate of at least 1 in 30 (if you told the truth about the statistics and didn't have to fiddle them)
Posted by: Hans Litten | April 14, 2016 at 10:10 AM
Hans Litten
Here is the Sharyl Attkison interview of Trump:
Trump on Vaccines and Autism: Pro-Vaccine but Cautious
by sattkisson
on April 10, 2016
in News
Sharyl Attkisson: “Viewer question: What’s your position on freedom of choice regarding various vaccines that could be dangerous for some children and why is the mere discussion of making vaccines safe censored?”
Donald Trump: “It’s the most unbelievable discussion I’ve ever been involved in. If you say anything about vaccines that is slightly, like…holding back the hate mail, the level of vitriol, it’s incredible when you see it. First of all, I’m a big believer in vaccines. But there could something to the theory that these massive doses that are given to children have an impact on autism. There could be something to it. Now some people say no, some people say yes, I’d like to see studies. **********The bottom line is they have to get vaccinated.********** When I was going to school as a young guy, polio was a really big problem and vaccines knocked it out. So the vaccines are very important, but we have to study the vaccines and we have to be very, very careful with vaccines.”
See Trump’s last video clip on this page
CDC government vaccine resources and more reports here
Full Measure is broadcast each Sunday to 43 million U.S. households on ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, CW and Telemundo Sinclair Broadcast stations. It also live streams Sundays at 9:30a ET at Replays available there anytime and on our YouTube channel.
Here's the salient part of the question:
“Viewer question: What’s your position on freedom of choice regarding various vaccines"
Trump NEVER ANSWERED the question. He said:
"The bottom line is they have to get vaccinated."
Trump in no champion for the pro-choice/anti-vaxx crowd and no matter how many anti-vaxx website cherry pick comments to present him as if one thoroughly researches Trump, his quotes, his tweets and interviews-HE NEVER says Parents Have A Right To Chose.
How much clearer can the man make it:
"The bottom line is they have to get vaccinated."
No, his free speech is not being suppressed by the medical mafia. He's done business with organized crime do you really think that the medical mafia concerns him?
Posted by: Danchi | April 14, 2016 at 10:08 AM
Journalistic objectivity, WHERE HAS IT GONE? on holiday with morality and conscience being seduced by cash.
Shame to all and they know who they are.
We thank you Mr De Nero
Posted by: Angus Files | April 14, 2016 at 10:03 AM
River Walker , why don't you catch Brian Hookers talk at Autism ONE 2014 . There is an eye opener for you .
They are giving the MMR to CHILDREN on the very DAY they know statistically results in the MOST autistic OUTCOMES >
do you understand the implications of what I am saying ?
Posted by: Hans Litten | April 14, 2016 at 09:34 AM
Keep digging, River - you are on the right path.
However, for that approach to work, the labs need to develop a rapid on the spot immune functionality test, because what if vaccines CAUSE problems in the glutathione/excretion pathways? That means that an immune test needs to be done immediately to / prior to not just the first vaccination, but every vaccination! Now that would be a blockbuster! Let your imagination run wild on how many great things that could lead to! Maybe 2 tests: a saliva test combined with a rectal swab - showing not only immune marker activity but micro biome status.
I would have been willing to go to a pediatrician for a much longer amount of time if something like that had been offered.
Posted by: Jenny | April 14, 2016 at 09:31 AM
De Niro should have forced the film to be shown at Tribeca -
But hopefully the censorship of the film by the GestapoCDC
has worked better in our favour .
And coming out like he has , is fantastic .
I bet he'll vote Trump .
Posted by: Hans Litten | April 14, 2016 at 09:05 AM
Thank you Robert De Niro! I agree completely with you Dan - the moment I heard him say “Everybody doesn’t want to seem to hear much about it. It’s shut down. You guys are the ones that should be investigating. Do the investigating,” Yayyyyy! Hallelujah! It's not just the pharma companies - the media is complicit with this cover-up. I am so sick of the repeated media description of Andrew Wakefield - that he falsified records - NOT; that he was paid by parents - NOT; etc, etc. And now they are saying directly because of his study that four children died. WHAT? They don't have to back any of this up. They just say it over and over and over again. De Niro's last comment about Andy - “Even he, I’m not so sure about,” said De Niro of Wakefield. “At the end of the day, even him.” Wow. I feel like a door has been opened and I can smell some fresh air. Let's keep pushing that door wider and wider!
Posted by: Jill | April 14, 2016 at 08:54 AM
The primary preservative used in pediatric vaccines is Thimerosol. It is methyl mercury which when introduced into the body converts to methyl-ethyl-mercury. Most body metabolisms can process this "heavy" and it does no damage. Those bodies that lack or are low in glutathione and other enzymes that break down and remove metals from the body may be at higher risk for hippocampus/neurological/motor complications post vaccination. If pre-vaccination tests could be performed on bodies prior to vaccination to determine if the body could properly remove the mercury preservatives commonly used in vaccination then resulting damage may be avoided. Either that or a better pipeline of non-preserved, refrigerated vaccines should be made available. Another consideration is physicians who give doses of vaccines to close together such as when they need to catch a child up to required vaccine history in order to enter the school system. One case I know of is where a mother had not vaccinated her son on schedule and then was required to vaccinate prior to acceptance to kindergarten. The boy, who had otherwise developed normally with milestones reached at age five then developed Asperger's symptoms within weeks post vaccination. Millions of children are vaccinated on schedule without ensuing complications from absorption of methyl mercury contained within said vaccines. However, for those children whose physiology may show decreased production of glutathione prior to vaccination another form of vaccine suspension must be utilized to prevent developmental problems. Just my take.
Posted by: River Walker | April 14, 2016 at 08:47 AM