The Pro-Vax Injury Misogyny Campaign Meets Robert De Niro
Professor Mary Holland on Vaccination Policies and Human Rights: United Nations 25th International Health and Environment Conference

Voices on VaXxed: All the Heroes

VaxxedBy Dara Berger

I attended a private screening of Vaxxed last week at the Soho House in NYC that was presented by Safeminds.  It was an incredibly intimate setting which made seeing this film on such a personal subject that much more comfortable.  The main focus of the screening was to invite the press so that they could 1.  not condemn a movie they have not seen and 2.  get it right on reporting what the movie is actually about.  The two medical producers that came from NBC left after about 20 minutes which was of course both rude and unprofessional.  Why even bother?

I already knew all the facts in the film and even heard some of the recordings from William Thompson AKA the whistleblower.  What I did not expect was to have my respect for Andrew Wakefield deepen even more.  He is giving a voice to the voiceless just as Robert De Niro did on the today show both last and this week. Andrew Wakefield could have walked away from this and nobody would have blamed him.  Everyone knows what happens to a doctor that sticks their neck out and questions vaccines.  They are threatened, ridiculed and even killed.  Yes even the ones that just study it are murdered.  But he didn’t.  He painfully compiled all the information and succinctly put it together in this film with the help of some wonderful people.  It is because of him that the voiceless have been given a louder voice in recent weeks.  

Robert De Niro gave us parents a voice too!  He said what we are all dying to say to the masses.  Shame on the Media.  You are all just as complicit as the CDC that hid the data and produced a fraudulent study.  You are all just as complicit as the Pharmaceutical companies that have known for decades that their products can induce illness, injure and kill children.  You are all just as complicit as a president and congress that ignores hundreds of thousands of parents that say their child was injured alongside the explosion in the numbers of autism.  Congress has had the whistleblower papers for a long time and done absolutely nothing.  

It amazes me everyday that so many people don’t care about this issue.  They think it only happens to other peoples children.  They are wrong.  Their child’s anaphylactic food allergy, asthma, dyslexia, learning disability, ADD, ADHD, diabetes, childhood cancer and juvenile arthritis may all be linked to the same vaccines that cause autism, brain injury and death.  Your child is functioning so you see no reason to drudge it up.  The injury your child sustained is just not dramatic enough for you to questions how vaccines affect their health.  I wish I could live in the kind of denial.  What I wouldn’t give to go back to my former self before the ball dropped out of the sky and before my beautiful baby boy suffered a stroke at the hands of a pharmaceutical product.

My son did not choose to receive that Hib shot that caused an ischemic stroke at 18 months.  He did not choose a life with great difficulty making friends.  He did not choose to lose his speech for seven years.  He did not choose to suffer this way.  Even so, he has handled it with all the grace and courage that a person can.  I am so proud to know him.

I hate that I post information on Facebook about vaccines and the same four people acknowledge it.  Thank god for them.  But does everyone else just not care!  I guess not.  But you cannot say the same about me.  I studied vaccine books while I was pregnant to try to make the most informed choice that I could.  My feelings were very uneasy about them to say the least.  Something just didn’t seem right and I was correct.  

If the CDC’s 2004 report on the MMR vaccine wasn’t fraudulent and actually showed the increase of autism among African American boys that received the MMR before the age of 3, my son would not have had a stroke.  I would never have vaccinated him against anything!  I would have assumed they all can be dangerous.  Their fraud hurt my son!

Shame on the CDC for committing fraud against the American children and more specifically my son!

Shame on the Government for doing nothing when they hear thousands of parents scream that their children were injured by a vaccine. 

Shame on the Media for not reporting anything on the Whistleblower or anything that questions vaccines.  Extra shame on them for repeating the CDC mantra that there is no connection between vaccines and autism when studies that disprove this are just a click away on Pubmed.

Shame on William Thompson for not coming out sooner.

Shame on all the online trolls who get paid to bully and harass parents.

Shame on you fanatical pro-vaccine people that insult parents who have an injured child.  

The tide needs to turn with vaccines.  I recently learned that they are planning to add the Gardisil to the infant schedule.  This is as ridiculous as the Hepatitis B vaccine.  Let’s pump vaccines for sexually transmitted diseases 10-15 years before they are even needed, so the immunity can continue to wear off year after year.  Kids get poisoned and Big Pharma makes a boat load of cash.  Sounds like a great plan!

A lot of people have been referring to De Niro as a hero including myself for speaking out in recent weeks.  I want to nominate another hero: Dr. Andrew Wakefield.  I put him in the same arena as others who fought for our basic rights such as Nelson Mandela and my favorite Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  I have no doubt that years from now he will be referred to in this light by the masses.  I only hope Dr. Wakefield is still around to see the fruits of his labor.  I also wish that this happens soon to prevent the needless suffering of so many more children that get cut down before their prime.  

I will do whatever it takes to support this movement.  You can rest assure I will never stop telling my son’s story, no matter how many people turn away, block or unfriend me.  If Dr. Wakefield can persevere against every odd, handle a barrage of public insults daily then I too can keep fighting in honor of my precious son.  Like Dr. Wakefield, my son is also a hero who everyday perseveres against every obstacle and odd against him.  Thank you to all my hero’s!  The world is a better place because of you!

Dara Berger is currently writing a book on Preventing Autism for Skyhorse Publishing.  She is also producing a documentary film on the same subject.  

Dara is enrolled in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s program to become a holistic health counselor. Visit their Facebook page here.


Cherry Misra

Dara, What a great article. Im really pleased that the time has finally come that the anger of the injured parents is being openly displayed. The evil ones will try their best to put the autism genie back in the bottle. We may have to fight on to prevent that. and we will do it because we are all sick and tired of watching the lives of children and their parents go up in smoke (Another Holocaust metaphor)
Last night I dreamed of extraterrestrials taking over the Earth, which in the morning I thought was quite appropriate. I think many here have wondered off and on....These people at the CDC- have ET's taken over their minds, in the hope of depopulating the Earth ? Sounds crazy , of course, but how else can we explain that American citizens stood by while children suffered ? And please dont tell us about the whistleblower and the two or three studies. We have all watched for more than a decade as the CDC twisted and turned to avoid studying autism. Even now- Hey, tell me-Why are they not screaming that we need to find the cause of autism so that the nutty anti vaxxers will stay quiet forever. Not one person is doing that . Everyone who knows anything about autism knows that the CDC does not want to find the cause of autism.

Angus Files

Our doctor said when we refused the booster MMR “you know he could catch measles and become infertile” a boy aged 6, mental age of 2, non-verbal, etc etc..dumbass shit for brains pharma bought Dr..




"One doctor said to me, if your grandson has autism already, why not continue to vaccinate."

What an IDIOT!

Kim Byrne

Shane on doctors for refusing to see childen of parents who are non vaxxers and public and private schools for not respecting a parents right to choose. Abortions are legal, non Vax is voodoo. Even if they don't agree, they should respect our freedom of choice.

Fix the vzccines. How easy would that be. One doctor said to me, if your grandson has autism already, why not continue to vaccinate. They don't hear, they won't listen.

Gary Ogden

Sorry, I meant they only filter particles larger than viruses. Long day.


Pandas Mom,
He is trying to put the CDC on a pedestal above the law and accountability.


What a brilliant article, Dara. You echo what I, my family and thousands (if not millions) of others feel. Well said.

As for you, W John, you have no concept of the anger we, members of vaccine injured families, feel every day when we read lies from the media, Governments and Pharma. The proof of those lies is our vaccine injured children and grandchildren.

Andrew Wakefield has been my hero for some years now and the list of heroes is being added to daily.

Gary Ogden

Dr. Martin's comments strike me as a bit odd. What stealth viruses? Where in the published literature can we find information about such things? In my judgement, virology stands on shaky legs, but clearly there is something going on in the disease process with these cell-produced messengers, perhaps when they move from the host to a different species. Dr. Martin, you are highly educated man. You would improve your credibility with this community if you pointed us to actual research which has tested your hypothesis. There is currently an abundance of good-quality research on the neurotoxicity of both mercury and aluminum, and the greater toxicity in the synergy between them. The VRBAC itself acknowledges that all vaccines are contaminated with known and unknown particles, be they viral, cellular or bacterial debris, human or animal DNA, since they only filter particles smaller than viruses. Yet we're injecting this stuff into every infant on the day of birth, and 71 more times before they reach the age of 18, if they make it that far? And you're concerned that these CDC criminals are unfairly harmed by a film which raises public awareness of their perfidy? I think all of them, including Julie Gerberding, belong in Leavenworth, breaking rocks into road gravel.


You can read Dr. Martin's full blog post - from which he seems to have cut and pasted many of his comments - here:">">

I can't follow his logic. He seems to say that yes, infants with autism have been vaccine-injured due to prior infection with a "stealth virus" but it is irresponsible to call the CDC out on this. He makes a distinction between "CDC not wanting to explore past government errors and actively inflicting autism on innocent infants." I personally don't see any difference.

Bob Moffit

@ W John

You comment:

#1 .. "Still it is wrong to infer that children have been purposefully harmed by named public health officials."

a) .. Wouldn't you agree those "public health officials" .. who you claim have been "wrongly harmed" .. have a professional duty to clear THEIR names .. as well as the CDC's reputation .. by demanding CONGRESS hold immediate hearings .. where Dr. Thompson will be required to provide his evidence .. under oath? It is almost two years since Dr. Thompson made his stunning allegation .. and .. if you have ANY evidence of these "wrongly harmed" public health officials issuing an OUTRAGED PUBLIC DENIAL of Thompson's allegations during that time .. I would welcome the opportunity to learn of it.

2) "Why not tell it like it is: That government officials are simply not up to the task of evaluating aspects of vaccine safety."

b) Don't you find it a little odd the NFL has conducted a widely publicized .. extensive "scientific inquiry" .. to determine whether or not NE Patriot QB Tom Brady tampered with the "air pressure" of footballs .. ostensibly to protect the INTEGRITY OF THE NFL .. yet .. government officials have remained silent for almost TWO years as allegations questioning the INTEGRITY OF THE CDC remain unanswered? I don't know about you .. but .. I believe protecting the INTEGRITY OF THE CDC .. IS WORTH AS MUCH AS PROTECTING THE INTEGRITY OF THE NFL?

3) Apart from Dr. Thompson, it can more realistically be assumed that the CDC personnel do not inherently believe that MMR vaccine causes autism.

c) I thought SCIENCE requires constant evaluation of "inherent beliefs" to make certain those "beliefs" can be proven correct against all theoretic scientific inquiries and challenges? After all .. religions .. NOT SCIENCE .. are based solely upon "inherent beliefs".

4) Moreover, why not further admit that the film does not satisfactory explain autism?

d) I don't know of a single person who believes the intention of the film was to present a "satisfactory explanation of autism? After all .. the film was titled: VAXXED: from Coverup to Catastrophe" .. and THAT is exactly what the film presented.

5) This (satisfactory explanation of autism) might reduce patronage of the film, but would surely be more considerate of the emotional well being of parents of autistic.

e) I can only speak for myself .. as a proud grandfather of a lovable 16 year old .. nonverbal boy .. who "regressed" following numerous vaccines as a perfectly healthy toddler .. I can assure you that my extended family would NOT find "emotional well being" in a film that adopts your previous "reasonable understanding that stealth adapted viruses are causing the autism epidemic" as it's "premise".

6) The public has a right to open, unbiased, science based discussions on the cause of autism.

f) THAT is precisely what the film tried to produce .. only to be met with the predictable heavy handed censorship of ANY discussion .. by well paid media sources savagely attacking ANYONE .. such as .. the Tribeca Film Festival .. who dares consider even showing the movie.

My friend .. if you did see the film .. surely you saw the spoken plea of Rep. Posey on the House floor imploring his colleagues to join him in an OPEN, UNBIASED, SCIENCE BASED DISCUSSION ON THE CAUSE OF AUTISM. .. IN OTHER WORDS THAT VERY DEBATE THAT YOU NOW CLAIM THE PUBLIC DESERVES.


"Still it is wrong to infer that children have been purposefully harmed by named public health officials."

Not if there is evidence to that effect. Not unless your priority is to protect those officials over the health of the public.

"Why not tell it like it is: That government officials are simply not up to the task of evaluating aspects of vaccine safety."


"Apart from Dr. Thompson, it can more realistically be assumed that the CDC personnel do not inherently believe that MMR vaccine causes autism."

Now you go off the rails of reality diving straight into rationalization land. It has to be a certain way in order for you to feel comfortable, doesn't it? Facing the fact that a CDC scientist confessed to this crime is too much for you to accept, even though it's true. You have to ASSUME that the CDC innocently just couldn't go there, so they had to bend and twist the data to fit their desired outcome, which was that the vaccine that they wanted to protect and SELL was "safe and effective". I don't really care what the CDC inherently believes. This isn't religion.

Why do you disregard Thompson's testimony? Why are YOU trying to protect a corrupt organization that has harmed and continues to harm countless children worldwide?

All people have a right to know what has transpired.

"Moreover, why not further admit that the film does not satisfactory explain autism?"

Why does the film need to explain autism? That is not what the film is about. The film is about a CDC whistleblower named William thompson and the corruption within the CDC. You're deflecting the argument.

"This might reduce patronage of the film, but would surely be more considerate of the emotional wellbeing of parents of autistic children."

If you want to be considerate of the emotional well being of parents of autistic children, you will stop trying to defend the criminals that made their children autistic.

"Angered individuals with impaired reasoning and emotional control can be triggered by unfounded accusations to engage in violent acts against those accused of causing autism. "

We should censor the media and film industry now because someone who is mentally ill might become violent? It is true that we live in a country of mentally unstable people. I can't remember what percentage of our population takes psych drugs, but it's large. Sorry, in a democracy with a free press and freedom of speech, the answer is most definitely not to water down or eliminate the message. The answer is for people in authority to respond appropriately to reports of corruption AND to declare an epidemic when there is one instead of making believe that nothing is happening.

"The public has a right to open, unbiased, science based discussions on the cause of autism. The film may eventually help this need being met. Basically, however, the film is overly hyped hearsay of the manipulation of essentially meaningless data in a CDC conducted study."

"overly hyped hearsay"? Why is the data that the CDC collected and published in the journal Pediatrics MEANINGLESS? What the hell are you talking about?

John Stone

Dr Martin

If the CDC were simply benignly inadequate they would be prepared to listen to criticism. It is fanciful to suggest that the kind of retribution meated out to those who criticise vaccines (or CDC policy)to anyone who attempts to discuss vaccine injury in the media is somehow accidental (someone commented here you can be "Wakefielded or Bradstreeted"). The bureaucracy are not soft at heart. In the UK no doctor could now professionally survive criticising policy. I don't think being nicer or more generous would help. On the whole I think we are a much nicer bunch than the other side - you would certainly find this if you ever worked the blogs. Not impeccable but nothing like as vicious as the paid for stuff we have to put up with.


W. John Martin, MD, PhD
"the film is yet another distraction away from a more reasonable understanding that stealth adapted viruses are causing the autism epidemic."

Do you have Independent proof, data or studies that confirm this statement? If not, what you are stating is ill responsible and a distraction from the core issue that the parents saw their children change overnight or within days of their MMR. Dr. Thompson's admission that the CDC produced a fraudulent study which over the years has caused an increase in autism and other vaccine related illness in children around the world. To say the CDC would not be in collusion with the pharmaceutical industry to deliberately harm children makes you either naive or ignorant. You forget to mention the FDA's collusion in this genocide. All you need to do is read on Vioxx-the CDC & FDA approved that drug knowing that it caused heart problems. How about Avandia? Thalidomide? All drugs that the FDA approved and the CDC backed that caused deaths and injuries to people around the world knowing that the drugs were unsafe.

Gardasil:Flu & HPV are being pushed onto the population without a single shed of scientific evidence either work. Here's what's not being reported:" Regarding corruption surrounding the recommendation of influenza vaccines; there are no restrictions with regard to conflicts of interest for the employees of the CDC or for those of the FDA (Kuehn, 2010). Each employee of either agency is allowed to own stock in drug companies. There is of course the revolving door. The most blatant example of revolving door corruption may be the action of the former director of the CDC, Julie Gerberding. Gererding blocked the CDC's planned retraction of their recommendation for HPV vaccine after significant numbers of girls had died or been rendered paralyzed by the HPV vaccine. Soon after blocking the retraction, Gerberding was offered and took a position at Merck, the manufacturer of Gardasil, the world's best selling HPV vaccine, as head of Merck Vaccines Department (Reuters, 2009). It is a level of corruption that we would expect to see in only third world countries."
-Kuehn, B. (Feb 3, 2010). Office of Inspector General: CDC Lax in Policing Advisors' Conflicts of Interest. The Journal of the American Medical Association303. 5 412.

CDC Chief Admits that Vaccines Trigger Autism:

Obviously you've not done extensive research into the Autism-vaccine injury genocide.

I stand with the mothers!

W. John Martin, MD, PhD

Dear Linda,
Yes, I did see the movie in Pasadena, California and spoke at two of the showings with Dr. Wakefield. I also spoke briefly with Ms. Tommey and Mr. Bigtree. I first met Dr. Wakefield during his presentation before the House Government Reform Committee, chaired by Congressman Dan Burton, in April 2000. I actually walked the corridors with him after his presentation and suggested three reasons why I thought his conclusions were wrong. I have echoed the same issues in discussions with Dr. Wakefield at several conferences in the United States and overseas. I did so again during our brief meetings in Pasadena.
I consider Dr. Wakefield a friend and colleague who has been unfairly punished by an obstinate establishment. Still it is wrong to infer that children have been purposefully harmed by named public health officials. Why not tell it like it is: That government officials are simply not up to the task of evaluating aspects of vaccine safety. Apart from Dr. Thompson, it can more realistically be assumed that the CDC personnel do not inherently believe that MMR vaccine causes autism. Moreover, why not further admit that the film does not satisfactory explain autism? This might reduce patronage of the film, but would surely be more considerate of the emotional wellbeing of parents of autistic children. Angered individuals with impaired reasoning and emotional control can be triggered by unfounded accusations to engage in violent acts against those accused of causing autism.
The public has a right to open, unbiased, science based discussions on the cause of autism. The film may eventually help this need being met. Basically, however, the film is overly hyped hearsay of the manipulation of essentially meaningless data in a CDC conducted study.

Ronald Kostoff

W. John Martin,

"Evoking public anger directed at specific individuals is irresponsible, especially given the anguish of autism."

I haven't seen Vaxxed, so I can't comment on those individuals to whom you refer in general, but don't name in your comment. However, if Thompson's initial allegations are correct, one can credibly criticize the co-authors of his study for deliberately omitting information in order to achieve a pre-determined result. Further, if his initial allegations are correct, and the Director, CDC, was involved, then it appears that the deliberate suppression of information went beyond specific individuals, and reflected corporate CDC policy.

If that in fact is the case, how could one trust ANY vaccine-related study emanating from, or sponsored by, the CDC? Further yet, given the close working relationship among the CDC and the other Federal biomedical sponsoring and performing agencies, how can ANY of their in-house and sponsored vaccine-related studies be trusted? I would argue that the 'irresponsibility' is blindly accepting the output and recommendations of these organizations, setting policy based on their findings, and taking actions based on such distorted policy!


One more thing, W. John -

Did you even see the movie?


W. John,

Dr. William Thompson, one of the researchers on the study that the CDC claims proves that the MMR is safe for children under the age of 36 months, confessed to Brian Hooker that he and his colleagues committed scientific fraud regarding the safety of MMR and also thimerosal. Thompson was taped saying "My boss is asking me to lie." His boss at the CDC.

Thompson turned evidentiary documents over to Congressman Bill Posey. Drs. Wakefield and Hooker filed a formal complaint with the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) and the CDC.!cdcwhistleblower/cmmo

To my knowledge, the complaint was not answered. Bill Posey's begging his congressional colleagues to address Dr. Thompson's claims was ignored.

What do you think should be done with that information? With the tapes of Dr. Thompson saying that the CDC is paralyzed regarding anything to do with autism? That his boss at the CDC asked him to lie? That the CDC illegally discarded research data showing a connection between the MMR and autism over a decade ago and has been lying to the world ever since? That the CDC knew that children were being put at risk by a vaccine that they knew was causing severe injury in some? What would you do? Ignore it? Is your answer not to question the government? Not to question the CDC? To look away from the money flowing from Pharma to the CDC? To ignore the fact that the CDC is not serving the interests of the American people but is actually promoting business interests that it profits from?

You tell us what should have been done. Maybe we should just all be quiet, zone out before a screen and take our medicine like good obedient slaves? And never mind the millions that are injured. Is that what you're advocating?

W. John Martin, MD, PhD

The film “Vaxxed” portrays personnel at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as not being willing to disclose proof that MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine causes autism among African American male infants. By allowing the continued use of the MMR vaccine, these personnel are essentially being accused of deliberatively harming children. Evoking public anger directed at specific individuals is irresponsible, especially given the anguish of autism. Moreover, the film is yet another distraction away from a more reasonable understanding that stealth adapted viruses are causing the autism epidemic.


I mean climate change was brought up on here, this blog. It is just so hard to tease apart the truth from half truths and out right lies; when the big government joined at the hip with education and text books, and ----- well it is endless.


The interview that DeNiro did on the "Today" show - well DeNiro has this quiet anger that anyone can see is a low but constant heat of a pressure cooker and no one wants to be the cause of turning up the heat more than what is already there.

I wonder if all these 18 years he has not used his frustration and anger over his son as his inspiration.

Climate Change was brought up - Carbon dioxide - the gas laws in physics - you have to increase pressure for Carbon Dioxide to hold more heat -- We would have to spin the earth faster. I have taught physical science and the book they provided over 17 years ago (that is how long they have been working on getting that carbon tax) pounded the idea of Climate warming - until we finally got to the unit on gas laws. Some big science writer finally put a sentence in the book at the end of the paragraph -that global warming was just a theory after all.

The only time you get heat is when there is sunshine and high humidity - as in after a rain storm, in the summer, and the sun comes out.

We are lied to and it always starts with education.

Vaccines are safe was pounded into me, especially in college by professors, even though there were warnings in the text book about the dangers of vaccines that required boosters. That was a little under 40 years. My, how time flies by.

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