Hear This Well: Ear Infections and Autism
De Niro Drops Da Bomb

Let’s Go Find Unvaccinated Children with Autism

Blank-milk-carton-psd32965By Dr. William H. Gaunt

This is going to be very easy.  The CDC tells us that 1 in every 68 children in the U.S. has autism and a recent government survey pegged the incidence of autism even higher at 1 in 45 children.  We are told repeatedly that autism is genetic and vaccines don’t cause autism.  All we need to do is go find groups of unvaccinated children and count those with autism.  

We can start with groups whose parents choose no vaccines for their children.  There are such groups in every major metropolitan area and scattered around the country in small towns.  They frequently have difficulty finding a doctor who will work with them and respect their decision.  There are a few doctors out there who will work with parents who choose to avoid vaccines altogether or selectively vaccinate their children.   Homefirst Medical Services provides medical care for families who choose to have home births and avoid vaccines in the Chicago area.   They have treated around 35,000 of these children over the years.  Homefirst’s medical director, the late Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, said in an interview a few years ago “… I don’t think we have a single case of autism in children delivered by us who never received vaccines.”    

Let’s try Amish children.  They are mostly unvaccinated.  Dr. Frank Noonan is a doctor who treats Amish children in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.   He has said that he has seen no cases of autism in the thousands of Amish children he has treated over 25 years.  “You’ll find all the other stuff, but we don’t find the autism.  We’re right in the heart of Amish country and seeing none, and that’s just the way it is.”  Dr. Heng Wang is a neurologist and the director of the Clinic for Special Needs Children in Ohio, another area where there is a large Amish population.  He has estimated the rate of autism in the Amish community to be 1 in 15,000.

Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, a Florida family doctor who died mysteriously recently, proposed a study of unvaccinated children.  He said “I know I can tap into this community and find you large numbers of unvaccinated homeschooled children.  We can do simple prevalence and incidence studies in them.   My gut reaction is that you’re going to find no autism in this group.”

Rather than being very easy, finding unvaccinated children with autism seems to be downright difficult.  Doctors Eisenstein, Noonan, Wang, and Bradstreet have been out there on the front lines actually treating unvaccinated children.  Their assessment that autism is quite rare in these children is valid. 

Conclusion: Autism is common in fully vaccinated children but rare in unvaccinated children.

I can’t wait to see the documentary “Vaxxed: from cover-up to catastrophe”.   I feel sure it will help people connect the dots of the autism controversy.

Dr. Gaunt is a retired doctor of naturopathic medicine.  He has also taught chemistry and anatomy at high school and college levels.  To read previous articles, google “articles by Dr. William H. Gaunt on ageofautism.com”.


Beleaguered Autism Mom

Dear Daniel Woodley, Thank you for agree with us. Correlations does not equal causation is exactly why the foundation of vaccine policy is unscientific! Looking at the brain damage upon autopsy is much more revealing about the cause of autism, wouldn't you say? It took decades and 7,000 articles for the CDC to admit smoking causes lung cancer. https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/sgr/history/index.htm
We are at least four decades into the current fiasco and how many books and articles regarding the current CDC's willful ignorance about autism have been written? (is 7,000 still the tipping point?)

John Stone


That's all very well except that the vaccine lobby perpetually fall back on epidemiological studies to support their claims of product safety. They are certainly not keen to look at individual occurences of harm.

Daniel Woodley



I am searching websites and Facebook pages about babies and children who died of vaccines according to the parents. I have 75 on the list so far, but also found some that I could not locate the birth date but only the death date so I did not add them. Some of these were actually identical twins that both died the same day after vaccines were administrated but were in a different country so still I could not find the date of birth. Of the 75 that I have found, 26 are of the age of 2 months old (or there about) and most were healthy before had their CDC vaccine scheduled shots. Then they died a few hours or days after the vaccines. If vaccines can cause death, can they not also cause brain damage? (Autism)


Hi Kristen,
You may not realize that every attempt to get a vax/unvaxx study has been shut down by the vaccine industry, don't you? I twould be great to make a study designed as you said; pity the manufacturers and doctors have spoken up repeatedly against such a study. Why would they do that, do you think? Hopefully you also know that they do not test against placebos.and in fact since vaccines are classified as biologics, they don't get the same safety testing of other medicines.
You may also be aware of Dr Thompson of the CDC. He admitted on a telephone conversation with a vaccine safety advocate, that the CDc found a strong link between autism and MMR in African American males, and then through the data away in the trash can.
You might want to choose to do some more research on this topic.

here is an extract you may find interesting

When the CDC team responsible for the paper by
Destefano et al.4 originally completed the analysis regarding
MMR timing and autism in black male children, an odds
ratio of 2.56 was obtained when comparing those children
receiving the MMR vaccine before 36 months of age with
those who didn’t receive MMR until after 36 months of age.
This result was statistically significant, with a p-value less
than 0.01. This result alarmed Dr. Thompson’s co-authors on
the paper, especially those who were in leadership positions
at CDC.
In order to dilute this association, Dr. Thompson was asked
to eliminate any children in the sample who did not possess
a valid State of Georgia birth certificate. This eliminated
children living in the Atlanta area but not born in Georgia—
about 40 percent of the sample. When this was done, the
odds ratio was reduced to 1.68 but more importantly,
statistical significance was obviated (i.e., p > 0.05). In the
final paper, only the result for the “birth certificate” sampling
was reported.

What is your opinion on this? Do you consider this reliable science?


These groups that this study looks at also tend to eat more organic diets. Before jumping to conclusions and falling for them, let's also look at the lack of regulation on food in our countries. Perhaps eating an organic diet during pregnancy could prevent autism during viral brain growth in utero. We know that folic acid plays a roll in neural tube development, what if pesticides and gmo crops had a similar, yet detrimental effect on the brain? Let's get a better study and look at inner city, unvaccinated youth rather than the amish and home-birthing families. At least try and be more credible


Silver fillings from mother are also a cause. They are a very high percentage mercury


My daughter is 100% unvaccinated and was recently diagnosed as autistic. She has been off the gluten, dairy, and soy for about a week. She also has low iron and WBC which could be contributing factors. Doctors don't want to address her nutritional deficiencies or possible environmental factors. Just want to treat with various therapies and say nothing else they can do. With the dietary changes she has already stopped having daily tantrums (doctor wanted to give her medication). Will also be incorporating more sulfurophane (sp) and turmeric in her diet. She's 5 and has said her name once in her life. Hopefully more biomedical treatments will someday bring her back to us.


Look at this disgraceful pump and dump scheme. They say they intend to research autism, but if you look at their prior transactions, all you see is cheap pump and dump scams that have been delisted or investigated. I've been trading and following stocks for years, and I know a pump and dump when I see one.

transactions https://network1.com/recent-transactions/

Autism Pump and Dump Scheme https://foraccreditedinvestors.com/autism-diagnostic-technologies

(ALL MY OPINION, Cannot Verify With Certainty It Is A Pump and Dump)


I remember when doctors and scientists thought ulcers were caused by stress, part of the treatment was to drink milk, until they found out it was caused by H-Pylori. We don't know what we don't know, and that's a lot. Many autistic kids cannot break down gluten and casein. The amino acid glycine is needed to break down proteins, such as gluten (wheat protein) and casein (milk protein). But...glyphosate from a popular weed killer, is an analog of glycine and fits in the same receptor site, blocking real glycine. The Amish don't have much autism, but they do have a diet high in protective glycine, which is found mainly in skin (collagen) and bones (gelatin). Modern faux "healthy" cooking means boneless meat, skinless meat, which is where the glycine is found. The Amish cook with the skin on and they simmer the bones, make broths, dumplings, dressing, soups, etc. Some vaccines have recently been found to contain glyphosate, which makes sense, because it was originally patented as an antibiotic. Maybe exposure to glyphosate in vaccines and in 26 million gallons a year is increasing the autism rate, it is something to think about.


Dear Emma I'm sorry to hear of your family issues, unfortunately there is a strong familial linkage to risk if the first born has autism in subsequent siblings https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/128/3/e488.full
It is also shown by increased risk between monozygotic twins compared to non-identical twins. Despite what many write about on this site there is clearly a genetic element to autism "Among children born in Sweden, the individual risk of ASD and autistic disorder increased with increasing genetic relatedness. Heritability of ASD and autistic disorder were estimated to be approximately 50%. These findings may inform the counseling of families with affected children." https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/1866100

Emma Stubbs

My 28 month old daughter is unvaccinated. It was a very hard decision to go against medical advice and refuse vaccines for my baby but after I spent nearly a year intensively researching the ingredients, reading studies etc following my son's autism diagnosis, I'm confident that I made the right decision. Despite this, she has had speech regression and loss of skills and is currently being referred to a paediatrician for an autism assessment. I still stand by my belief that vaccines can trigger autism but I do believe that there is usually a genetic link. I am struggling to find another child with autism who is unvaccinated.

Aelxa Hill

98% of children and adults with autism have at least one copy of the MTHFR gene variants C667T or A1298C, the normal occurrence in the general population is about 60%. These MTHFR gene variants cause problems converting folic acid into the folate which the body needs in order to form neurons and make the brain and central nervous system properly. Before 1991 when ob/gyns were told by the government to have pregnant women take more than 1,000mcg of folic acid before, during and after pregnancy if breastfeeding, autism was 1 in 3,000 births. In 1996 the government mandated all flour be "enriched" with folic acid, on top of the folic acid in prenatal and regular vitamins. Since then it has increased to now being 1 in 36 births.

On top of that the government encourages pregnant women get the flu and pneumonia shots while pregnant, both shots contain toxic nanoparticle metals and toxic chemicals. What do you suppose such an exposure does to the developing fetus, since these substances get through the placenta to the fetus.

One study done in China found that if the mother had two copies of the MTHFR gene variants, and took large amounts of folic acid while pregnant, then the child would always develop autism after birth. This one line was hidden in the body of the study, while the abstract of the study said they found no correlation between folic acid and autism. Yet this one line was hidden in plain sight if you bothered to read the entire study.

Another problem with these MTHFR gene variants is that they impair the body's ability to detoxify chemicals and metals, in addition to decreasing hormone conversions,etc. So any metals and chemicals in immunizations are not being detoxified properly, on top of the folic acid impairing the nervous systems of people with autism.

Is it any wonder autism has gone through the roof when you combine the MTHFR gene variants C667T and A1298C, folic acid, and nanoparticle metals plus toxic chemicals in immunizations

Is it any wonder that the national incidence of autism has gone through the roof? And that everyone is confused as to the cause? It is a perfect storm of multiple layered medical problems caused by the chemical vitamin folic acid, nanoparticle metals in immunizations that can cross the blood-brain barrier, and other toxic chemicals like phenol that comes from coal-tar in immunizations. These are even more toxic than normal if you and/or your child has a MTHFR gene variant.

We are looking at more than one variable causing autism, it is a complex interaction between genes, nanoparticle metals and chemicals that all have to be taken into consideration at the same time


It does happen, since there are a few other environmental triggers that cause autism, but it's rare. Vaccines are by far the most common trigger. But, I have a nephew with autism and he is 100% unvaccinated and homeschooled. Sadly, though, he was born two months early and was given an IV in the NICU that was high in aluminum... the equivalent of many vaccines.

So although technically he's never been vaccinated, he bore the brunt of the worst of vaccines (high doses of aluminum). Thankfully, since he was not vaxxed, he is doing great today and is very much a chatty, social, super-smart little boy and likely would not get an autism dx if he were re-evaluated today. Very thankful my sister-in-law did NOT listen to me when I told her she was making a mistake by not vaccinating... I was the mistaken one and he would have a very different outcome had she vaxxed him.

Susan Welch

Hera. What Introvert said!


Hera, your posts on AofA, so often written to the new and/or clueless, are steadfastly polite, reasonable, well-referenced and sympathetic. You shouldn't apologize -- give yourself permission to let some raw feelings show!


Thanks also to Susan Welch, John Stone, Eindecker, and all those on this thread who are managing to be polite and reasonable in their comments. Something I aspire to, but today am having a hard time.


Maria Berger;
Am I allowed to invent a study too?Can I make up some numbers and quote them like you did, without producing any kind of source?
That's about the level of "vacccine mandate:" science, isn't it?
If you want to reverse the basic human right to have the freedom to make choices, enshrined as a basic human right after the holocaust, if you want to take away all liability for medical products ( vaccines are now liability free) and if you want to mock the injured by saying they are "anecdotes", then it would be nice if you could at least provide a link to the study that made you decide to write off any child or adult that has been injured by vaccines.
The CDC acknowledges vaccine injuries, but apparently you don't. Encephalitis means inflammation of the brain.

That can result in seizures, permanent brain damage, the inablility to ever make the speech centers work again. Guilliame Barre is paralysis, very similar to polio.
Sorry; today the newspapers are filled with lies about completely safe vaccines, and I am deeply scared about what is to come. How many more will be injured? how many more will be killed?How many silenced because it will sell more vaccines? How many more with autoimmune diseases at younger and younger ages as long term effects of 60 or more vaccines in children are never studied?And not even the basic right to sue?
Another death from the MMR vaccine.
When do people like you finally start to care?

Susan Welch


Thank you, Eindecker, for the information about the correct study.

Having read JB Handley's blog about it, I am of the same mind as before. Vaccines can, and do, cause autism. Also, studies can be, and often are, intentionally misleading.

The last part re Healthy User Bias is of particular interest

Angus Files


"vaccine preventable disease,"
.there aren`t any as vaccines don`t prevent or stop anything , they only promote death and world wide destruction of healthy life form animal/human.)

I have my own little study in my own kids-two vaccinated and two un-vaccinated.The two un-vaccinated have never once been to the doctors(quacks) in their teens now.The low functioning VACCINATED autistic has filling cabinet's full of medical records.The other vaccinated has a fair share.
So mooth and brain of pharma Eindecker, explain why the difference same father, same mother, same area, same diet, same etc only difference no vaccines two ill and two rudely healthy and well.

Pharma For Prison



Was it that very opaque thing with the siblings? What “opacity” John? It was a simple retrospective data base search looking at the medical records of children at higher risk of being diagnosed with an ASD because they had an elder sibling already with an ASD diagnosis.
The authors looked for a correlation between MMR vaccination status and ADS status in these younger siblings, the conclusions were quite clear, as was summarised in an editorial comment in the journal: the only conclusion that can be drawn from the study is that there is no signal to suggest a relationship between MMR and the development of autism in children with or without a sibling who has autism. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2275426 So John please clarify what is the opacity you are referring to, unless, of course, the opacity refers to blindness in not accepting conclusions contrary to one’s core “beliefs”?
As for the oft heard plea that you’ve repeated yet again of “How about you have a straight comparison between vaccinated and unvaccinated - what's unethical about that if the unvaccinated group are already unvaccinated?”, if you’re referring to a retrospective study then that is precisely what the sibling work was re MMR & ASD.
However a prospective study is a totally different matter and it would never be approved by the Research & Ethics committees responsible for oversight of research involving NHS patients, these committees have both lay members and health care professionals and any clinical study in the UK involving NHS patients has to be approved by them. This oversight arrangement applies to the UK but there are parallel committees in other western countries.
If you don’t accept this conclusion then you try writing a Participant Information Leaflet for such a study giving objective risks and benefits, supported by hard evidence. I’ll be interested to read it.
But let’s assume the trial somehow gets underway, consider what you would do if there was an outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease, such as measles in Wales a few years ago, or what if a participant on the trial went down with Hib meningitis, or another VPD, the study would have to be unblinded and stopped immediately if the disease was in the unvaccinated group.
The idea of a prospective vaccinated v unvaccinated study is never going to happen the only feasible approach is a retrospective examination of a large data base, such as happened in the sibling study.



I suspect it's this study of younger siblings of children with ASD and looking at the association between MMR vaccination status and ASD development in these younger siblings: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2275444 it fails to show any association between ASD & autism
" In this large sample of privately insured children with older siblings, receipt of the MMR vaccine was not associated with increased risk of ASD, regardless of whether older siblings had ASD. These findings indicate no harmful association between MMR vaccine receipt and ASD even among children already at higher risk for ASD."

Susan Welch


Maria Berger, Is this the study you are referring to? If not,apologies but I would be interested in knowing which one it is.

Thank you

John Stone


What study was that? Was it that very opaque thing with the siblings? How about you have a straight comparison between vaccinated and unvaccinated - what's unethical about that if the unvaccinated group are already unvaccinated?

Maria Berger

Except for the giant study done in 2015 on over 95,000 children, both vaccinated and unvaccinated that showed no difference in rates of Autism. But, yeah, your anecdotes are way more convincing.


My nephew is autistic. He was also unvaccinated. His mom, my sister, was also unvaccinated. Myself and my siblings, my parents, and my grandparents were never vaccinated. In addition, my brother in law also comes from an unvaccinated family. They chose not to vaccinate for personal reasons but my nephew is still autistic. My uncle is also autistic even though he’s unvaccinated. I did vaccinate my children and I was vaccinated but as an adult. My kids father was vaccinated as was his family. None of my kids are autistic. I’ve been looking into the vaccines causing autism and this is one of the only places I can find anyone who believes in any causation. My sister vaccinated all of her kids after the autism diagnosis. It’s caused generations of my family to rethink their belief that vaccines do more harm than good. Apparently a neighbor “re-vaccinated” herself at some point and went blind in one eye which caused the “anti-vaxx” (I don’t like that term, calling anything anti just causes society to look at people differently) belief system within my family. On the other hand, the worst disease any of us ever contracted was chicken pox from not being vaccinated.

Hans Litten

Posted by: Sickofit | February 05, 2019 at 11:51 AM

Are you sure it isn't Sick_OFFIT ?


Or alternatively; "despite knowing a child or baby has latent conditions that could cause vaccine injury , we will force the child to be vaccinated, then hold up our hands and say well of course they have vaccine injury. They have an underlying condition."
My son has multiple "underlying conditions", and I am certain that if he was forced to be vaccinated and was injured, maimed or killed, the same voices who fight to take away his right to medical protection from injury would be like you are, blaming his injury or death on the "underlying conditions"
Funny how these underlying conditions are never enough to stop someone being vaccinated, but they are always supposed to take the blame afterwards.
It would be nice to live in a world where people like you were actually able to see that forcing vaccination on a child with "underlying conditions" that you know very well is likely to result in harm to them, is both morally wrong and cruel. Pretending "it would have happened anyway" is no excuse for deliberately allowing harm to come to someone.

cia parker


We got three vaccines, but a lot of doses of the DPT, more than one of polio and sometimes more than one of smallpox. Before they retired the smallpox vaccine in about 1970 and then started the MMR in about 1972. A lot of kids got the measles vaccine after 1963 (but I don't think most did), and then many got the rubella vaccine when it was released in about 1968. My mother kept my shot record from the 1960s. Seven DPTs by six and a half, a dT at eleven, and then I voluntarily got the tetanus booster at nineteen that paralyzed both arms for several days and caused MS. That was my ninth mercury-containing DPT or variant. I've read that many doctors gave the DPT every year, not realizing the danger. I got FIVE Salk polio vaccines by the age of three and a half (i'm looking at the record right now and calculating my age), then two Sabin vaccines in a drop of water at the bottom of a little paper cup (not a sugar cube). I was given the smallpox vaccine at ten months old, then again at nearly six years old. It says "Take" on the vaccine card.

Autism was uncommon and I know I had never heard of it before Rainman, despite my mother, brother, and me all having Asperger's from vaccine reactions. But we were all verbal and academically very high-functioning. I know a number of people from that generation who have Asperger's, and I know a woman who said her sister, born in the sixties, was institutionalized with autism. Statistically it was one in 10,000 with autism in 1980, and three in 10,000 by the time of the North Dakota study in 1987. But the pertussis vaccine has been damaging many thousands since 1948, probably even before it was released as the trivalent vaccine. Not always with autism, but with other kinds of brain damage, often death. Both my brother and I reacted to our first DPT, I wish screaming for several days, he with beating his head on the bars of his crib and screaming for several months. And then we both went on to get a LOT more pertussis shots.

If you look at a Dr. Spock book from the '50s, you can see that he said it was standard to give several DPTs and several polio shots. I don't know what the criteria were for the smallpox vaccine. Dr. Spock says it's absolutely necessary to give it, though.

cia parker

I think there are a few unvaxxed people with autism. Someone I know who works at the health food store said she had some friends who had never vaxxed their child, but he was autistic. I think it's because mercury, maybe aluminum, can be passed to the unborn child in utero, and I think that's been a problem in my family. Every generation is worse than the preceding one. Vaccines can alter DNA as well. And also, of course, if a woman gets vaccines while pregnant, they can damage the fetus and result in autism or other damage.

Angus Files


"Did it ever occur to you that unvaccinated kids probably go without an official diagnosis for much longer than vaccinated kids? If they get diagnosed at all, that is"

But there are no autistic unvaccinated kids,so how can they get diagnosed or missed much later...Whats the catch?Dan Olmsted explains this in the Amish Anomaly

Offit(Sic) swearing in a Church...


By Dan Olmsted

Was it really 11 years ago that I first wrote about the Amish and their apparent lack of autism? Yes, it was. Back then I was working at United Press International and had gotten interested in prescription drugs' side effects. My colleague Mark Benjamin suggested taking a look at vaccines, and his first report, The Vaccine Conflict, ran in 2003. (That led to the wonderful moment when Paul Offit, a focus of that article, stood up in a church -- a church! -- in North Carolina, and in response to a question said, "Mark Benjamin doesn't know s--!" That's about as close to a nomination for sainthood as most of us will come.)

Pharma For Prison


susan welch

Sickofit. By your reckoning, then, there would have been just as many cases of children on the autistic spectrum 4 or 5 decades ago.

Ask anybody over 40 how many they came across in their childhood. The answer would be the same: 'None - hadn't even hear of autism'

Where were they? (Please don't say 'better diagnosis'. However you reckon it, to go from 1:10,000 to 1:36 is not because specialists these days are noticing that children cannot speak or communicate - but nobody noticed them during the 1950s - 1980s)

John Stone


I am "sick of it" too. It has probably occurred to most of us that those children who are dramatically damaged by vaccines are is some way more vulnerable to them than those that aren't, and the issue was specifically invoked in the Hannah Poling case and not least by the head of the CDC, Julie Gerberding, at the time on CNN - then of course the mainstream media had a fit of amnesia. So, you are just going on harming more children regardless, and not knowing which children are going to be knocked over by the vaccines, or otherwise you are simply blaming the infants for being vulnerable to harm. Of course, it is pure conjecture the that the harm would manifest itself later, or to the same degree, and it seems very unlikely given how few autism case there were 30 years ago. Perhaps, you should just rename yourself "Sick".


"Conclusion: Autism is common in fully vaccinated children but rare in unvaccinated children."

Wow, you must have a degree in science to make such a conclusion from anecdotal, off the cuff remarks!! Very scientific of you. (insert sarcasm)

Did it ever occur to you that unvaccinated kids probably go without an official diagnosis for much longer than vaccinated kids? If they get diagnosed at all, that is. Vaccines can cause all sorts of side effects that can trigger underlying latent issues. Issues that are not caused by vaccines, but would've been triggered eventually by something else, another infection (measles perhaps? or even a bad flu).

Rachel Anne

My son is autistic and unvaccinated. I did not choose not to vaccinate to avoid autism. I have chosen bc it didn't sit right with me, I've read the risks and history of the debate. It is sad that a NP will push you to vaccinate and one must stand their boundaries. That is my child left in my charge.

That comment made that she has a nephew who is autistic and would rather have an autistic child than unvaccinated: you are not his mother or guardian. It is not up to you. Also, you are saying you'd rather induce the chance of death or brain damage? Those are side effects.

I can not have dairy. The side effects are extreme nausea and fever and body pains, shooting pains. I'm sorry, I don't want those side effects, if I read that ingesting dairy would cause that, I would say no thank you every time. So when you inject vaccines into your child and you know the side effects(you did read those right?) You're okay with that? And autistic children are very taxing on patience. Is your nephew homeschooled? I am not able to homeschool my son. He attends public school and I must depend on teachers, a body of teachers mind you, to watch over his actions, activity, and health. So you're okay with 1 out of 45 students being autistic?

And after all the comments AND the article, you suggest you would rather risk your child being autistic than infected. From my research I'm not convinced it is solely vaccines causing autism. I think it's the crap we inject into food, the preservatives and synthetics. But I also feel that some ingredients of the vaccines could have adverse affects on the brain or gut causing a spectrum if autistic characteristics. Not all bodies react the same way. Humans although very similar to each other are multifaceted and of different generic origins. They don't use just anyone to test vaccines, especially if you have allergies or a weak immune system. You have to go with what feels right. That child belongs to you, no one else.

susan welch

Butch. Even we 'old ones' were children once and we received anything between 0 - 3 vaccines. Nobody had autism then. The first time most people had even heard the word was when the film Rain Man was released in 1988. Even then, we did not know anyone with autism.

My first encounter with anyone was my grandson, who had a severe reaction to MMR in 1994. He had been progressing normally before that, then he regressed, stopped speaking, and was eventually diagnosed autistic. He is now a young man in his mid-20s, is non verbal and requires 24/7 care.

So please forgive me if I find your comment less than convincing.

Editor for Butch

Readers may like to know that you have offered a malicious sounding email address. Why should anyone believe you anyway?


Interesting how I know only two kids whose parents chose not to vaccinate and one of them has developed autism. You guys are a serious detriment to society.


Jay stern,
Theres a difference between a fully developed adult working with mercury vs a newborn baby that hasnt developed an immune system or blood brain barrier yet which isn't fully developed until they're 7-10 years old. Understand how vaccines work, how the body reacts to any type of injury(cuts, scrapes, bruises...being poked by a needle) and you'll change you rhetoric very quickly. 50 years from now we'll be laughing our butts of at everyone who is so mad that people wont vaccinate their children. Cant wait to rub your faces in the dog poo!


To Ashley who posted that to not vaccinate is to risk dying a horrible death... you must be quite young as these diseases for which they are forcing vaccinations are not deadly. I, and all us baby boomers had all the MMR diseases and chicken pox. Sure, it was a few days of feeling miserable. But so what? It's a fact of life that you will get sick. There were an extremely small amount of kids who were damaged by those diseases. In fact, w/ the chicken pox vaccine, it was advertised on TV as a vaccine of convenience because, oh dear!, a parent may have to stay home from work and take care of their own child. Big Pharma in cahoot with Congress has used fear mongering to make money off the populace. But the big point is that we live in what used to be a free country and having our right to choose or not choose a medical procedure has been taken away. We have arrived at corrupt communism where only the State knows what is best. As if!!

Johnathan Jimenez

I have twin boys with autism I don't know why my story is similar to other parents with kids with Autism. All I did was taken to the dr. they vaccinated them six or seven vaccines at the same time. The very first weeks after vaccines, vomiting the formula, they became hypoallergenic, ear infections, diarrhea and stop looking directly at our eyes. One of my boys his name Johnathan mumble Momma, stop speaking, his ten now still has not spoken sence, my other son Sebastian stop eating his favorite foods and still only eats 4 types of foods. All did was take my kids to the Dr. and following his orders.


My daughter was on a delayed schedule (7 mos and 15 mos) and I (thankfully!!) declined MMR and Varicella, which the nurse pushed for at her 15 mo appt in conjunction with 5 other shots total. (They wanted her to have 9 in one day without batting an eyelash). I later learned that she had 850 mcg of aluminum infected into her veins with just the vaccines she did receive (Pediarix being one of them). Almost immediately she started having chronic sinusitis—literally every 2.5 weeks like clockwork. Allergy meds didn’t help. I worked for 2 years to try to detox her body, and slowly she is showing improvement. She went from never catching anything to catching EVERYTHING. I learned my lesson and do not vaccinate our second-born, who is almost a year old. He is the picture of health and rarely gets sick. If he does, it’s a milder version of what we get, and he recovers much faster. And I switched pedis to one who respects parental choice and doesn’t even bring it up. 🙌 Praise God for him. Many parents don’t have that option and are bullied into injuries. But moms like me are waking up. We are educated. We are not waivering. We are not going to “unlearn” what happened to our kids, and to others’ kids. I am so glad I listened and actually researched what is happening.

Samuel French

One thing is autism. Another thing is regressive autism. (Where the child develops normally meeting all the usual milestones like talking, walking etc, and then suddenly turns autistic in the matter of days or hours)
Have you ever heard of an unvaccinated case like this?
If it happened, you can be sure that it would make headline news, considering the vaccine discussion that’s gone on for many years now.


Hi Harley,
You might be interested in this. Alabama is one of the few states that doesn't require Hep B to go to school. Hep B is given on the first day of life, so maybe some children are having their health protected because they are not being required to start vaccines on the day they are born.


In comparison with most other states, it seems that students from Alabama are required to get fewer shots to be considered fully vaccinated. And as you point out, Alabama also seems to have a lower rate of autism.

Grace Green

Harley, I recently heard a true story here in the UK. A woman who had heard that the equivalent of three women in every street would get cancer was absolutely convinced that she had cancer because in her street only two women had had cancer. You see, epidemiology doesn't work like that. People who react to vaccines by becoming autistic do so because they are genetically predisposed to, combined with the number and circumstances of the administration of the vaccines, just as people who get cancer have a genetic predisposition and elements of lifestyle which trigger the illness. If only life was just a case of simple arithmetic it would be so much easier!


I found a huge problem with the theory vaccines cause autism. If you compare autism rates with vaccine rates in different countries or even in different states in the U.S. the the numbers don't even being to correlate. Some areas that have high vaccine rates have low autism rates and vise versa. Such as Alabama has the lowest autism rate in the states but is ranked six in the nation on vaccine rates.


Hi Kelly,

Firstly my condolences on the loss of your child.I am deeply sorry. And no one should feel guilty for health choices they make to the best of their ability; none of us can see the future.

Because you have had such terrible pain, I am sure you can also understand how terrible it would be to have had your child die from a vaccine injury, and then watch people pass legislation that will make you have to risk the life of your next child as well.

Ian Gromowski didn't get encephalitis/brain damage from his vaccine. His vaccine ( may he rest in peace) killed him.

And Holly Stavola didn't get autism from her vaccine either; her parents buried her at five years old ( may she rest in peace) and as a reult passed legislation to help protect other children in New Jeresy from being mandated to have two MMR vaccines regardless of titre. ( It was the second MMR vaccine that resulted in Holly's death)
Here is her mother's blog.
And here is information on the law her family got passed.
Encephalitis/brain damage is not the only vaccine reaction though it is one of the most talked about, maybe because it has happened to so many people?
Again, I am deeply sorry for your loss.


Kelly - or Kacy - unsure you used both names - no one could deny taking a child off life support would be devastating. Seizures are always a horror to watch - many of our children with autism are decimated by weekly and even daily seizures. My own daughter included. You say you followed the CDC schedule - and your child died. I'm not sure how that relates to vaccination rights - but I wish you the best. Yours,


Kelly Kemp

In reading all the discussion on this page, it is heartbreaking for a parent to find out her child has autism. It is also heartbreaking to watch the nurses turn off your 18 month old child's ventilator. Matthew was old enough to receive the Hib vaccine. I chose to only give him the vaccines mandated at the time. I didn't want my baby "poked" more than necessary. This vaccine covers Haemophilus influenzae type b. The most virulent strain accounting for more than 95% of H. influenzae in children. It started in the daycare. No children who received the vaccine got the disease. Matthew's was particularly bad. He had a seizure in the hospital and was brain dead. Having to take your child off life support is indescribable. I stopped apologizing to my children for giving them a vaccine. Having to choose autism over death, I know what I would choose.



Are you aware that the vaccine schedule has changed a huge amount, and that the current generation of kids with all their massively increasing autoimmune problems, diabetes, asthma, autism, ADHD etc are taking huge numbers of vaccines that no other generation has taken in such large amounts?


If all vaccines are essential to live, then how come people in 1983 (when the population only had ten vaccines by the age of 6) are still alive, since children now need to have 36- 38 vaccines by the age of 6 ? Parents and teachers must have been dropping dead like flies and somehow no one noticed..

Jay Stern; you made comments about autism rates in Christian Scientists etc, but did not say where you got your figures from. If you want to convince someone that the facts are different, then please link to the source of your facts.

Another link about the gender difference

Gender differences in the disposition and toxicity of metals

Quote from the study
"Recent data indicate that boys are more susceptible to neurotoxic effects of lead and methylmercury following exposure early in life, while experimental data suggest that females are more susceptible to immunotoxic effects of lead. Certain gender differences in the biotransformation of arsenic by methylation have been reported, "

So, yes it does appear that males and females can and do respond differently. I am glad you are here talking to us; we may all be able to point you towards useful info and studies, if this topic is of interest to you.


Vessels of vaccination are up yon creek with no paddle or risk assessments available!
Stern is at the rear end of the sailing vessels health and safety risk assessments .
If you turn around and face backwards then port is still port.
Titanic the new evidence 2017 . The titanic set sail with the coal bunker on fire . Only 8 out of 160 boiler room fire men crew consented to sail . The rest probably got off that quayside aye right off it faster than jackrabbits heading up a hill !
Where are the vaccination health and safety risk assessments in plain language format . If the unlettered evidence of the sector responsible for same is unable to produce them, then consent is withdrawn,witheld, and unavailable until they are produced in public in plain language format scientific slang snobbery is not acceptible . US Navy vs Spanish lighthouse youtube Fact or Fable !
Get your evidence based papers on paper and into the public domain for inspection !

John Stone


You are big on abuse so perhaps this note taken from Wiki is salutary:

"The Luddites were a group of English textile workers and weavers in the 19th century who destroyed weaving machinery as a form of protest. The group was protesting the use of machinery in a "fraudulent and deceitful manner" to get around standard labour practices. Luddites feared that the time spent learning the skills of their craft would go to waste as machines would replace their role in the industry. It is a misconception that the Luddites protested against the machinery itself in an attempt to halt progress of technology. However, the term has come to mean one opposed to industrialisation, automation, computerisation or new technologies in general. The Luddite movement began in Nottingham and culminated in a region-wide rebellion that lasted from 1811 to 1816. Mill owners took to shooting protesters and eventually the movement was brutally suppressed with military force. Jordan Mills is one of the most widely known modern day Luddites."

So, they were interested in good working practices and people shot at them, and now you use them as a term of abuse. The problem here is that most of the people writing here believed all the propaganda once and vaccinated their children, but once it goes wrong no one wants listen to you even though they might be trying to communicate something important about the risks to other people's children. Vaccines are not magic bullets, they are industrial products and they can cause harm, and children are subjected to more and more of them by the year. And almost every week we stumble on terrifying new statistics about levels of neurological impairment in the child population.

Jeannette Bishop

@Jay L. Stern, I just want to note that there are gender differences seen with some exposures:


Jay L. Stern

Amazing. If you are "atheist" to this group of "believers," you are attacked. Well, attack ME! Autism occurs in islamic countries where the imams tell the "faithful" that vaccinations are a ruse for genocide. (I wish!) Autism is also found in Christian Science populations. Oh, wait! No, in these groups, disease, illness and "conditions" are "all in the mind." Oh, wait again! Autism IS a neurological problem so, yeah, it is all in the mind! If thimerosal or MMR vaccine was the problem, then the incidence of autism would be much higher and would affect male and females more or less equally. Further, "Mad Hatter" disease, so prevalent among the folks who processed beaver hats with mercury during the Victorian era, had their problems -- for sure -- but it wasn't autism. Every time you believers find your ideas disproven, you switch to some other straw horse and ride that pony until it too bursts in flames. Luddites, all!

Jeannette Bishop

Ashley, I would recommend considering further:



Okay everybody if it can happen in unvaccinated children that means autism is not caused by vaccines. All these toxins that you guys are saying are in vaccines are not in there. Please look up the actual ingredients from a manufacturer of vaccinations and read the ingredients carefully very very carefully. And as for the woman that posted the comment about her grandchild getting autism from traces of mercury in the mother's tooth fillings mercury. That doesn't seem like a stretch? The ignorance of average American today astounds me I have 3 children fully vaccinated perfectly healthy and have a nephew that has not been vaccinated that is definitely autistic. This is the start of survival of the fittest the people with vaccinations Will Survive the disease but everybody else is going to die and death from these diseases that you refused to protect your child from are a horrible painful way to die. I would much rather my child have autism then suffer and die like that. So think about that when you choose not to vaccinate your child


I have 2 sons on the spectrum un-vaccinated (luckily, mild)....They do exist.
Personally I feel like I dodge the bullet of lifelong guilt and that everyone should approach vaccination cautiously....

What initially started as a delayed schedule idea (we'll start vaccine at 2yo to be on the safe side) turned into...not happening....
Around 21 months old, what was a fun life with a smily baby overall turned into some very challenging time, self hurting, extreme tantrums, taking off randomly, flapping, sensory stuff, 38 words at 2yo (when it should have been 50) etc...We did speech, OT, half special ed preschool, IEP and medical vaccine exemption.....

Overall I feel lucky we are mild and improving on our ADOS-2 scores (From 8 (4yo) to 6 (5.5yo) in 1.5 yrs ??!! which is apparently rare)
Little brother scored a 5 on the ADOS-2 at 3.5yo.


Teresa Ayto,

I agree with the other two commenters. Please explain why you didn't vaccinate your three children and why you think that there's a difference between autism and "autism-like symptoms" caused by vaccines.

You write: "autism has many amazing positive traits"

I don't know about "amazing" but if you are referring to the positive traits that Lisa Jo Rudy writes about, how many of these do you think will earn autistic people friends, partners and jobs? And how many of them actually apply to everyone on the spectrum and never apply to neurotypicals?

Top 10 Positive Traits of Autistic People

Grace Green

Teresa, many people who have strokes, heart attacks, cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome, brain injuries, motor neuron disease, MS, etc., also have amazing personalities! And that proves what precisely?

Aude Sapere

My granddaughter was diagnosed with autism at age 3, before having any vaccines, BUT the likely source of the mercury that caused her autism is mercury in her mother's teeth fillings. Mercury vapor is inhaled and traces are swallowed and get into the mother's bloodstream. It crosses the placenta into the fetus and crosses the blood brain barrier into the baby's brain and prevents normal development. Breast-feeding is a wonderful thing, but unfortunately mercury from the mother gets into her milk as well, and adds to the baby's toxic load. I am so glad that my son decided not to give her any vaccines until they were required to go to school (California). She could have ended up a lot worse.


Hi Alice,
Your fully vaccinated son was autistic since birth? And on his first day of life, according to the vaccine schedule, he had the Hep B vaccine, which is known to cause issues with latching on etc in primates. So; first day of life; given vaccines. First day of life, fussy etc.
here is a link from which you can get to the study.
Hi Teresa,
I second the other commenter. You know vaccines are so safe that you come on a website to say it, yet you choose to fight against giving them to your children with your doctor, refusing them at birth, at one month, two months, four months, 6 months, 12 months, 15 months, 18 months, two to three years,a and four to six years. How did those conversations go?

" Yes, doctor, I believe you that vaccines are completely safe, and never cause any problems . I make a point of telling everyone that on websites. No, I am refusing to let you vaccinate them. It's way too dangerous."

They must have been some pretty strange well baby visits.


And you had the same discussion repeatedly with every child?

Certainly there are also some non vaccine injury causes that can result in the symptoms of autism. Fragile X is a genetic disorder that can result in autism. So can missing part of the brain ( agenesis of the corpus callosum).
Like the fact that a headache can have multiple causes, so the symptoms of autism can have multiple causes.
In your case, though, those conversations you were apparently having with your doctor must have been extremely strange.

For Teresa

Hi Teresa

People with a similar story to you keep on posting on AoA. It takes a lot to swim against the tide with vaccination. Why didn't you vaccinate your children if you think it is safe?


To the people who have posted the link to the "No MMR-Autism Link in Large Study of Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Kids," Bryan King is a psychiatrist. I will provide a link describing their role...

Other than that, there are no links to the research. Here is what I pulled up when I typed in The Optum Research Database.

http://www.cceb.med.upenn.edu/cpert/database-access (This one seems to be it; however, public access is not permissible for obvious reasons.)

If you're going to include an article about research the people who conducted the study absolutely must be provided.

Teresa Ayto

I have 3 unvaccinated children who are autistic, vaccines do NOT cause autism autism has many amazing positive traits as well as some that arent so positive if people stop looking at only the negatives of autism and realise there is a whole amazing personality that comes with autism they will see that something introduced to the body cannot cause autism, autism is who and how a person is its not a processing error its a different operating system like mac and windows, vaccines may cause autism like symptoms they do NOT i repeat NOT cause autism.
Enough with the bulldust propaganda.


Alice H. How unlucky are you! Your child must be on of the 'one in a million' who is autistic with no environmental cause.

Tom Petrie

To Alice H: The question we need to ask is this: Did YOU receive any vaccine during or before your pregnancy? It's not just the vaccines the children receive just after birth (e.g., the Hep B shot), but those received by the mother during or before she got pregnant!

I once had a patient who was born with a huge brain tumor. Against the wishes of the parents, the mother was given the Gardisal shot early in her pregnancy! How evil was that? (How opportunistic is it for the doctors to say, "Oh, that was just a coincidence.") So what happens DURING pregnancy is very important--especially during the early phases, when cell replication (mitosis), is very rapid.

And epidemiological studies are NOT anecdotal. They've been done for decades and are valid by any scientific standard, IF done honestly. So comparing the health of vaccinated v. unvaccinated children is quite valid. The problem is simple: The CDC and other vaccine promoting agencies don't want to truth to be told. I've been in the consulting field for 35 years and I've never seen even one vaccine-free child with autism. Not one. So too has been the experiences of other doctors nationwide who seldom see autism in vaccine free children. Yes, you're write association doesn't prove causation, but it can be used to look for trends and direct our attention to where it should be. If there are 35,000 Amish in Pennsylvania and NONE with autism (that weren't adopted from China or the Philippines), that should tell you something.

Still, there is a scientific link between Glyphosate and autism, so vaccines are NOT the only toxic onslaughts that can cause autism. So too can aluminum exposure (e.g., from geoengineering activities), and, as just mentioned, pesticides, such as Monsanto's Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Round Up.

Grace Green

A warning to others here - Alice H. might be an imposter.

Jeannette Bishop

For Alice, in case you missed this (the corporate media certainly appeared to):


CDC applied a similar approach to the links they found with thimerosal exposure and various neurological disorders.

Here's some more--anecdotal yes, but pretty compelling since these are anecdotes about three parents pioneering in the early uses of ethylmercury/thimerosal--information regarding three of the children on the first U.S. case report identifying autism as a new disorder:


Also this (retracted twice now after passing peer-review and published at least in part by different journals online):


Jeannette Bishop

Hi, Kyle. I just want to point out that in most vaccine literature "unvaccinated" means a group didn't get the vaccine under study, in this case the MMR, but they may have received many other vaccines:


I've noticed this study is popularly posted in the comments here and someone already posted this informative criticism:


Alice H.

My son was autistic since birth - didn't make eye contact, didn't mold to my body, very fussy etc. so I never blamed vaccines for his disability. All of my children were vaccinated. All were physically healthy and rarely missed school. I did breast-feed all of them until well into toddlerhood. We could just as readily blame autism on modern baby feeding practices as blame it on vaccinations. Both hypotheses would be unsupported by statistically valid evidence. Anecdotes don't constitute evidence.

a mother

Not the autism is the biggest risk but allergies, eczema, asthma.
For this there is a study for 11 years, comparing children non vaccinated to vaccinated ones, and counting the eczema and asthma. Finally, they didn't interpret well the study because is not common to have children that didn't pass by the doctor

I started to visit my doctor when I get sick...and to be allergic is a cursed life.


For those of you saying there are no studies on this subject. Here is a huge independent study, and the unvaccinated group actually had a slightly higher rate of autism than the vaccinated. I trust scientists long term studies over your independent research any day. There are other factors at play here, thats how science works. Are there not other variables between amish children and non-amish vaccinated children? Yes, there are many. Amish are also at a lower risk for every other major mental and physical condition prevalent in todays children. It may be because of something else altogether, OR because the amish are not constantly trying to diagnose their children.


In order to have a study that is credible you need to include people from different backgrounds and genetic predispositions. It is not "going to be very easy". It is highly possible that Amish community (since they mainly reproduce within their circle) has developed a certain "immunity" to autism. It is possible that such gene mutations that occur with autism are not displayed in their community. You also need to take in mind other environmental factors that may contribute to the high prevalence of autism in a certain group of people.
I am not an expert and I am not saying that there is no link between the two, but the article written is not objective and offers no scientific proof of either thesis.

Now, I am not even from the US, but we have the same discussion in my country (vaccination is obligatory) and most of that are against it, base their opinion on articles such as this one. I, personally am pro vaccination. Arguing that there are concequences like allergies or higher incidence of colds, infections is nothing compared to the deadly diseases it prevents daily.

Like everything, there is always a risk. There is a risk that you will die getting your tooth pulled (low, but is still there). Does that mean that you won't go for tooth extraction if needed? Hope it doesn't.


Hate to post a comment on an old post but I'll just leave this here:. https://www.autismspeaks.org/science/science-news/no-mmr-autism-link-large-study-vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated-kids


Hi Richard,
I think it is great that your son is healthy , and I am fine with supporting medical choice, in this case your choice to vaccinate. I hope you support families with a different medical history having the right to make different choices; for example, this family

In fact, most parents do what you plan on doing; keep vaccinating unless their child or someone they love gets injured. Since that does happen to people though, a bit of compassion might be more in order perhaps, on a website frequented by people with vaccine injured children, than boasting about how your child didn't get injured. Some kids are fine after vaccines, and some kids aren't . That is a fact. Of course, the recent issues with gardasil girls ( you can google it) show that even those who have never had a vaccine reaction before can react badly to a future vaccine.

Everyone reacts differently to different medicines,and even to different foods. My son is fine with peanut butter; it is a healthy snack with him. Yet I would not think of going on a site frequented by kids with life threatening peanut allergies and describe how I planned on giving him a peanut butter sandwich tonight . That is kind of what you are doing here.

I wish you well with both your children, am sure you will continue, as any good parent does, to the make the best medical decisions you can for both of them, based on your family history, religious beliefs, and medical experiences.

Aimee Doyle

@Richard Allen Wilkerson

Congratulations. You lucked out. Your son is not one of the over 50% of US children who have a chronic condition like juvenile diabetes, allergies, asthma, learning disabilities, developmental delays, etc. (according to the Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics). All of these chronic conditions have soared in numbers since the vaccine schedule was increased in the 90's. Your son is not among the 1 in 68 US children who are diagnosed with autism - I've seen stats that say a child is diagnosed with autism every 20 minutes in the US. And for the majority of the spectrum autism is a serious disability - not a "quirky" differently-wired, brain.

Just because you've been lucky so far, it doesn't mean that you're right about vaccination and I am wrong. I respect your right to make the vaccination decision for your family based on your experience - but I want to be able to say no if I think my family is at risk - based on my experience. My son developed seizures with the DPT; lost language, smiling, eye contact with the first MMR; developed perseverative behaviors with the second MMR; developed aggressive and self-injurious behaviors with subsequent vaccination. He will never live independently and will need lifelong care and support.

Why did we continue vaccinating? Because I was fool enough to believe the doctors when they told me that it was just "coincidence." If I had to do it over again, I wouldn't vaccinate either of my children.

Richard Allen Wilkerson

My son is 7 and fully vaccinated... he scores in the 99 percentile in all his academic achievement testing. He reads at a 5th grade level. He's never sick and has no allergies. Very athletic and very sociable. My second, whom we are expecting in October will follow their brother to the same doctor who vaccinated him.

For Anna Marie

Hi Anna Marie,

Is that your little boy I can see on Facebook, blonde in red pajamas? He looks incredibly cute, but not only is he looking up into the camera and smiling, he is sitting and posing, which takes a lot of self-possession for a two year-old.

What made you decide not to vaccinate?

Anna Marie Spackman

My son has Autism and was not vaccinated. He's almost four. He was born at home in Utah, where there is a higher prevalence of autism, possibly because of air pollution, but I'm not sure.

Brittany Pound

You need to track vaccination & antibiotics in young children. I think unvaccinated children who received antibiotics at a young age can have just as many health problems.

Fred Flinstone


My son is up for this study. He is in the general population. Both parents are white and mother was in her 30's - university grad and I was in my 40's when my son was born in 2011

My son has not been immunized because of Religious Reason. In NY STATE you can not argue ingredients are bad so I can not say anything about it as I have not studied the ingredients. The CDC says they are safe so that's no my concern. Besides the CDC's Motto is 24/7 Saving Lives/Protecting People. So they save your life from death Kinda like a god you might say?

Anywho. yeah post to me on here if you need to check out my perfectly normal non Immunized son for a study.

I personally dont think anyone has the guts to do a study like this because of the facts it may uncover. Remember, sometimes the look of impropriety is worse than the impropriety itself!

Molly Holmes

Please everyone research the MTHFR genetic mutation. A peer reviewed study determined that 98% of the autistic children had one of the various MTHFR mutations. MTHFR mutations may occur in 30-60% of the population & it is a metabolic disorder that makes it extremely difficult to detox the nueurotoxins put in vaccines. With the current vaccine schedules, it is extremely unlikely that a kiddo with this could detox them properly. Especially, the aluminum in vaccines, it would likely store in the brain & the kiddo would become another victim of vaccine injury.

alison h gates

Autism has major genetic links. Encephalitis mimics autism...encephalitis is a known and stated side affect of vaccines--it's on the inserts. So, autism exists and always has, but it was not common....the increase is due to encephalitis...

Bob Hope

Gotta love the CDC trolls on this post. Funny how everyone and their grandmother has an unvaccinated autistic child now that the movie is out.


My son was born at home and is completely unvaccinated. He was officially diagnosed with autism at 4. I was unvaccinated as a baby because my father was undergoing chemo my first year of life. When I was eventually vaccinated I had a horrible reaction. Shortly after I developed severe allergies to literally everything. My mom delayed the remainder of my vaccines until I was in jr high and high school. I did not get any vaccines while pregnant or any boosters as an adult.

My son was breastfed well into his 2nd year because he wouldn't eat, and was chronically ill. I think that there is a yet to be elucidated relationship between gut health and autism. When we began to realize he was displaying signs of autism we got on the wait list for the top developmental pediatrician in the state and began trying to heal our son's gut. We began speech and occupational therapy at 3.5. In the last year we have made tremendous progress. His therapists, doctors, and teachers are astonished by his progress.

For us, vaccines were not the trigger. I think they could have made our son much more severely affected, damaging his gut and immune system permanently. I am very grateful for our board certified pediatrician who respects our right to bodily autonomy and medical freedom. I do think our proximity to heavily sprayed farm fields during my pregnancy was the point of toxic exposure. We live surrounded by glysophate soaked commodity crops. I drank filtered water, ate the Brewer Pregnancy Diet- organic, but what does it matter when planes are literally flying overhead spraying pesticides?


Kim aguilar,

Your daughter in law may think she's only giving one, but please be aware that many of the vaccines have many combined into one syringe. Also, one at a time is no guarantee of safety and every two weeks is not spaced out enough (if there is such a thing). The baby's immune system will still be reacting to the last vaccine 2 weeks later, and then there is the cumulative effect of toxins like aluminum that build up with each successive dose, even months later. There are many reasons not to vaccinate at all. Please see Laura Hayes' excellent presentation posted today on this site.

Kim aguilar

I was born in the 1950's, very few vaccines. No autism. My children were born in 1976 and 78. Several vaccines by then but my peditrician never gave my kids more than one vaccine at a time unless, it was an oral dose of polio. Now days 2 month olds are given up to 6 different vaccines on the same day! THIS IS THE SCHEDULE SET UP BY THE CDC! I believe in vaccines, but why more than one at a given time, two at the max but multiple vaccines on the same day from 2 months of age. Please people wake up! This is too much. I've never read anything about autism and vaccines that mentions stacking vaccines as the possible cause for autism. How do you explain that there were virtually no cases of autism like disorder in the 1970's. I have a new granddaughter. Tomorrow she goes to her 3 week doctor appointment. I will ask no beg my daughter in law not to allow multiple vaccines. She can take her back once every two weeks if she needs to to get them all. And one other thing. Babies are not at high risk for hepatitis B, when the vaccine first came out they did not even recommend first doses until teenage. I hope someone does a study of babies/ children who get multiple dose vs those that get single dose. There phas to be a connection.

Concerned person

"The analysis looked at autism rates and MMR vaccination at ages 2, 3, 4 and 5 years. It showed no increased risk of autism with immunization at any age. In fact, autism rates were lower in the vaccinated groups. However, this might be because parents who see early signs of autism

https://www.autismspeaks.org/science/science-news/no-mmr-autism-link-large-study-vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated-kids were more likely to delay or avoid vaccination, the authors speculate."


My son is two years old and has never received any vaccinations. He is autistic and non-verbal. Just because you don't happen to know anybody who is unvaccinated and autistic doesn't mean they don't exist. Correlation does not automatically equal causation.

Mary Kretzmann

I have three adult, unvaccinated children. They are all healthy. However, my youngest had moderate Asperger's until age 9, when he was diagnosed with celiac disease. Once he was on the strict gluten free diet, the Asperger's went away in one week, or less. It was astonishing. I know of another celiac boy with a similar story, almost identical.

Now, a little boy in my area was just diagnosed with autism. He never had any vaccines. He had a home birth. However, he did receive an ultrasound early in the first trimester. This is is because his mother had a miscarriage and then got pregnant right away. The midwife wanted to better calculate due dates and to make sure everything was okay, etc. Anyway - studies show that first trimester ultrasounds are highly implicated in the severest forms of autism. Luckily, his case looks hopeful, mostly likely because he did not receive vaccines, which would have compounded the damage. He is age 2 1/2 years. He is nonverbal and has other autistic tendencies. He was officially diagnosed a month ago. He does seem intelligent.

One other thing - the above family was mostly vegan - but the mother did eat eggs once in a while. Their diet may have also played into the problem because it was high in folate. I looked over a list of folate foods - and I would guess it comprised 90% of their diet. I don't know if it is the folate itself that causes the autism, or it is because the folate foods are naturally cleansing and ti causing too much natural chelation or cleansing while pregnant.

I ave heard of another mother, in a facebook group, who has an unvaccinated autistic son. She blames it on the fact that she had done some sort of chelation while pregnant.

So the kids exist. Vaccines are the most common cause of autism, I believe, but anything that disturbs the baby's developing brain can have devastating effects.


My husband, son & daughter are all on the spectrum. Husband (39) & daughter (16) both fully vaccinated. Son (6) completely unvaccinated to our knowledge (husband left him alone in the nursery after I was wheeled to recovery-even though I was hassled for our vaccine choice) I don't know if he was Hep-B'd or Aspergers is just hereditary (daughter also has Neuro disorder Tourette Syndrome)

Susan Dickerson

Unvaxxed 7 year old, never been to the doctor other than his newborn and 2-week-old check-up---seven years ago. No allergies, no issues, very healthy. (It's the standard of how we all could be...if only..).

Betty Bona

Yes, Linda1! I know I have read in more than one place that people living in the same household tend to have similar microbiomes. That's one reason why family members are not always the best source for fecal transplants. If you tie that in with what Kapoore posted about epigenetics and the cell membrane, then it makes even more sense. Just do a google search of butyrate (a product of a healthy microbiome) and extracellular matrix, and you'll find a fine example of epigenetics (in particular the epigenetics of the microbiome) causing chronic illnesses like autism.


If a disturbed microbiome is at the root of autism, then it is not outside the realm of possibility that a vaccinated sibling with a disturbed microbiome can disrupt the developing microbiome of another.

Stagmom for Eindeker

Good morning. Kim here. I said that I have never had Bella vaccinated. I will never know if a "well meaning" nurse jabbed her with Hep B at birth. She presents very differently from her sisters, it's true. The first Early Intervention specialist we saw suggested Cerebral Palsy - her PHYSICAL development was very badly off. I can promise you she had and continues to have issues similar to others with vaccine injury or vaccine induced autism - that are non of your or our readers' business. Thanks for your concern for her - you know - for asking how she is doing at 15. Perhaps considering her a lovely human being and not just a data point for you to throw like a dart.

Kim, Bella's Mom.


One of AoA's own Kim Stagliano 3 daughters with autism was not vaccinated: Stagliano has three daughters on the autism spectrum: Mia, 16, Gianna, 14 and Bella, 10. Her two older daughters received their childhood vaccines on schedule, then at a later date, she says, began to show the classic problems of language and social development associated with autism. They were both diagnosed at the end of 1999. While pregnant with Bella, she read a magazine article about mercury in vaccines. “Before that, it didn’t even occur to me that I should question,” she says. “Vaccinating my daughters was like breathing. The article just sounded wrong. Who puts mercury in a baby? I wouldn’t­—and yet I had.” (Bella remains unvaccinated; Stagliano attributes her diagnosis to a mishandled breach birth.)


For Gareth Sage

Gareth Sage

This study has a perverse design - it does not actually study the problem directly (why not?) and then comes up with a negative answer when there are lots of confounders. Excellent review here:


Gareth Sage

Hi there,

Perhaps you could have a look at this study.



Cynthia Cournoyer

As we vaccinate pregnant women with Tdap and flu, and as we learn more about Rhogam and Hep B vaccines at birth, the definition of the "unvaccinated" population gets more and more blurred.

Women of childbearing age are currently the most vaccinated population compared to their parents and grandparents. The vaccines they received as children is the highest ever. We simply do not know the effect that will have on the children they bear. Some of their children may remain completely unvaccinated, yet may suffer the choices of that child's grandparents to vaccinate his mother, nonetheless.

We have learned the effects of heavy metals in the women of childbearing age. But do we really know how that affects the child born to that women?

I don't think we have yet to realize the generational damage we have done, even if we were to completely stop all vaccines from this day forward. That is why we start to see autism in children who have been spared the schedule of vaccines. I hope that is not misconstrued to clear vaccines of any correlation with autism.

Let's hope this "echo effect" (as I call it) on future generations of vaccine injured women of childbearing age, is not lost on future studies of "unvaccinated" children.

Cynthia Cournoyer

Be careful.

Watch for the trend to redefine the word, "unvaccinated."

When tracking the increasing rise in vaccine exemption rates for school entry, if you dig deeper, they count every child who may be missing just one vaccine or one dose. These are not "un" vaccinated children.

The rate of completely unvaccinated children, defined as never having received a vaccine, still remains at 1% of the exemptions.

My fear is that more "studies" will come out saying we looked at unvaccinated children and found autism. The "sibling" study that is always referred to, shows "less" vaccinated children. This is how you hear that the unvaccinated "have been studied."

We all know that autism can occur after one dose of MMR yet the child may be missing 3 more doses and counted as unvaccinated.

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