Dr. Brian Hooker Speaks Out on Developments Concerning CDC Whistleblower Dr. William Thompson
Improving Day-to-Day Organization for People with Autism Through the Power of Visuals

De Niro Plans Vax Doc

"I'm working on something else," De Niro said. "Harvey Weinstein and I are working on doing a documentary, but I don't want to talk much about it ..."
NYT, p.1, 5.5.16: "The nation's consumer watchdog is unveiling a proposed rule on Thursday that would restore customer's rights to bring class-action lawsuits against financial firms, giving Americans major new protections ... that could cost the industry billions."
Yikes, that nice Justin Trudeau from Canada gave $100,000 to Immunize Canada in Princess Charlotte's name for her first birthday. No dude! The Royals use homeopathy -- haven't you seen how good the Queen looks at 90? 
Let's end this miserable AAM (which I'm not going to spell out) with this comment by John Stone on Mary Holland at the UN. Why? Because it inspires me! "This is a great and historic moment. A miracle to see it happen and a miracle to see it so warmly applauded. One thing which must be said is that also in order to have informed consent you not only have to not have legal and financial coercion, it is also necessary to allow free discussion about the safety and effectiveness of the products - a discussion which is not properly allowed in almost any country at a popular level. If the products are so good, why are you not allowed to discuss them without the heavens falling in. I have commented recently - I think with historic accuracy - that when we had the GMC hearing against Wakefield and colleagues in the United Kingdom not a single mainstream outlet ever reported the defence of the three doctors (or any part of it), and this was less courtesy than would be accorded an international terrorist. In United States we have seen the heavy hand not only against Wakefield but against Jenny McCarthy an Katie Couric, and behind those good people the families with injured children. But running hate campaigns against those who speak up, or act with professional integrity is not acceptable. In the United Kingdom now investigating vaccine events or giving evidence in court would lead a doctor directly to General Medical Council star chamber. You may also see parents go to prison for Shaken Baby Syndrome in what are really vaccine related events. This is the reality in a country which has no vaccine mandates or sanctions. But it is wonderful to see Mary at a UN conference and the delegates cheering."


Teen births plummet: That's a good thing on its own, of course, but I will rerun my speculative comments from late last year: 

Is HPV vaccine bringing down the birth rate?

This idea was first proposed to me by an Australian vaccine safety advocate who was visiting the States. According to my notes from 2014:

“she said the teen birth rate in south australia took a dive in 2008, the year after the vaccine was introduced there. also something similar in europe. she said the vaccine might be killing off the eggs in the ovaries. something to this effect was pubbed in sept 2012 by deirdre little, she thinks in bmj or lancet.”

Checking today, I see a report from 2013:

(LifeSiteNews.com) - The British Medical Journal (BMJ) Case Reports journal has reported that a healthy 16-year-old Australian girl lost all ovarian function and went into menopause after being injected with the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil.

“Dr. Deirdre Little, the Australian physician who treated the girl, provides solid evidence that Gardasil caused the destruction of the girl's fertility.

“She also pointed out that Merck Pharmaceutical, the manufacturer of Gardasil, has no supporting information on the effects of the vaccine on ovaries, suggesting that Merck had either done no safety testing on Gardasil in relation to its effects on women's reproductive systems, or had suppressed the information.”

My notes from 2014 continue:

“Wonder if this could explain sharp drop in u.s.

press release -- “(Washington, DC)-The U.S. teen birth rate declined 8 percent in 2011, according to new data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics. Since the recent peak in 1991, the teen birth rate has declined 49 percent and declined a full 25 percent between 2007 and 2011 alone. The overall national teen birth rate as well as rates for all age groups and all racial/ethnic groups are at historic lows.

"The continued decline in the nation's teen birth rate has been positively breathtaking and the credit for this remarkable national success story goes to teens themselves," said Sarah Brown, CEO of The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.”

My colleague Mark Blaxill noted to me then that “the 2007 to 2011 drop would correspond almost exactly with the introduction of Gardasil in late 2006.”


Mumps: Forty cases, amid concern graduation ceremonies might be affected. The mumps vaccine doesn't work but Merck cheated and said it did. Two Merck scientists blew the whistle -- time to listen!


Brian Hooker updates the twisted Thompson saga (and what about the "isolated" cases, don't they still count?): Very recently, Mr. Richard Morgan, Esq., Dr. Thompson’s whistle blower attorney, stated that Dr. Thompson will be publishing a paper in May, 2016, where he will assert that the MMR vaccine is not linked to autism in African American males. Instead Dr. Thompson will state that socioeconomic factors alone in the African American community account for the original MMR-African American male “effect” (the effect that he is on record as stating the CDC purposefully hid). I have not been given access to Dr. Thompson’s reanalysis and therefore cannot comment regarding the forthcoming paper at this time. However, I am suspect of any analysis coming from the CDC due to the historic nature of the agency’s scientific misconduct and conflicts of interest specifically around any link between vaccines and autism.

Regardless of the content of Dr. Thompson’s reanalysis paper, these facts remain:

  • 1. CDC scientists colluded to cover up a relationship between the timing of the MMR vaccine and autism in African Americans that was first discovered in November of 2001. Rather than reporting the results to the public, all data regarding this relationship were destroyed at a secret meeting held some time in August/September of 2002. This fact has been affirmed via an affidavit given by Dr. Thompson to Rep. Bill Posey in September, 2014.
  • 2. Dr. Thompson attempted to warn the CDC Director at the time, Dr. Julie Gerberding, regarding this relationship, prior to the February 2004 Institute of Medicine meeting on vaccines and autism. Rather than allowing Dr. Thompson to present the information at this meeting, Dr. Gerberding replaced him as a speaker with Dr. Frank Destefano, current director of the CDC’s Immunization Safety Office, where he presented fraudulent results regarding the MMR vaccine and autism. Dr. Thompson was put on administrative leave and was threatened that he would be fired due to “insubordination.” 
  • 3. When Dr. Thompson attempted to leave the CDC later that same year, he was given a $24,000 retention bonus. Dr. Thompson’s impression of the timing of this bonus, in light of disciplinary actions taken against him earlier that year, is that CDC officials were “buying his silence” through controlling his actions as a CDC employee.
  • 4. Dr. Thompson has published two papers linking thimerosal exposure in infant vaccines to tics in boys (Thompson et al. 2007 and Barile et al. 2012). CDC fraudulently maintains on their website that “There is no evidence of harm caused by the low doses of thimerosal in vaccines, except for minor reactions like redness and swelling at the injection site.” (http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/thimerosal/). The tic result was also affirmed in the earlier CDC publication by Verstraeten et al. (2003) and the Andrews et al. (2004) publication. 
  • 5. CDC pressured Dr. Thompson to downplay the tic result of his analysis in his 2007 paper. He was instructed to deemphasize the tic result by the CDC’s Chief Science Officer, Dr. Tanja Popovic, by emphasizing that the “major finding of the study” was “there is NO associations (sic) of thimerosal exposure with the great majority of the outcomes.” Dr. Popovic also instructed Dr. Thompson to interpret any negative outcomes as “chance findings.”
  • 6. CDC also pressured Dr. Thompson to withhold publication of his 2012 paper which reported a relationship between thimerosal and tics. Dr. Ed Travathan, head of the CDC’s National Center for Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, stated in an April 27, 2009 memo to him that the analysis was sound except for the tic results and that they should be omitted from the publication. Since the tic result was the only result that had a consistent negative relationship with thimerosal exposure, it seemed that Dr. Thompson’s superiors were specifically concerned that thimerosal’s safety and use not be questioned. As an epidemiologist, Dr. Thompson was justifiably concerned and critical of the CDC’s action to approve the paper for publication only after the CDC took the extraordinary step of adding an expert in tics to water down the paper to state, “This finding should be interpreted with caution due to limitations in the measurement of tics and the limited biological plausibility regarding a causal relationship.”
  • https://www.focusforhealth.org/dr-brian-hooker-statement-william-thompson/


Hans Litten

Just my opinion but pls discuss :

Post traumatic Stress disorder is all made up . Doesn’t exist . US Government misinformation to cover up Agent Orange poisoning and avoid the pay-outs . (Colleen Boyle)
Gulf War Syndrome , is actually Anthrax vaccineA poisoning and in particular due to the ingredient squalene .
Gulf War Syndrome is part of operation “Bronze Anvil“ again a US Govt misinformation campaign to avoid liability .


Hans Litten


Italian court rules mercury and aluminum in vaccines cause autism: US media continues total blackout of medical truth

It has been more than five months since an Italian court in Milan awarded compensation to the family of a young boy who developed autism from a six-in-one hexavalent vaccine manufactured by corrupt British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), and the U.S. media is still nowhere to be found in reporting on this breakthrough ruling.

State Censorship !

Hans Litten


Nazi-founded Bayer chemical company wants to buy Satan-inspired Monsanto for $42 billion... it's a perfect match made in chemical Hell

IG Farben ressurected .

Hans Litten


Squalene MF59 back on the agenda with the Flu jab (and they know full well the carnage it will cause , Gulf War Syndrome , "affected or disabled 250,000 troops, causing 42,000 deaths.")

Jeannette Bishop

Nurse practitioner says vaccine injury is not rare, 2 links for same video:


Jeannette Bishop

Going pretty far OT, but does anyone have info on nano-particles in infant formula?


Sophie Scholl

bourguignon says:
May 21, 2016 at 12:41 pm

comme dans tous les pays des effets graves sur ce gardasil inutile et dangereux
a nous il a gâche notre vie


Jeannette Bishop


Hans Litten


I call this genocide !!!!

They don't name the judge\thief

Jeannette Bishop

WaPost is telling folks not to see Vaxxed..."Closer to horror film than documentary."

Mentions partial history of Robert De Niro's public statements.

Repeats the make-it-all-about-Wakefield-approach-by-complaining-that-the-film-doesn't-make-it-all-out-to-be-about-Wakefield, etc.

At least mentions William Thompson, though he's not sure what to make of a government figure (the parts about having released a statement admitting to fraud and about turning over thousands of documents to a AWOL/decommissioned? Congress not mentioned) who can't be seen and is mysteriously silent, AND was recorded without PERMISSION, so what to make of that?!?--the reviewer either seems to want marching orders or...

Is this the new directive...just convey confusion, fear of information, and oh yeah, reaffirm "consensus" or at least broad denunciation?

But then he wraps up... "The single nod to balance in the film is the inclusion of two initially pro-vaccine pediatricians who, after seeming to peruse a stack of documents, express reservations about vaccine safety."

I haven't seen the film, but I think I have a good idea what those expressed "reservations" were...kind of seems like he felt uncomfortable with a complete invocation of consensus...

My favorite reader comment..."WOW, it sounds fascinating, I can't wait to see it. Thanks for the review."

Laura Hayes

CA's Senator Pan has the audacity to host an event last night titled "The Toll of Exclusionary Rhetoric" - thankfully, there were protesters in attendance!

Decent coverage from FOX 40 news in Sacramento last night regarding this Pan-sponsored event. Click on link below to watch the brief news story, which includes Josh and Otto Coleman :)

I just left the FOX reporter a complimentary voicemail thanking her for her coverage of the protesters of Pan last night (I have put her contact info below, should you want to do the same). I did, however, mention the painful irony that her colleague introduced the story with the line, "Dr. Pan has been the target of threats." I explained to her that the reality is that HE is the one doing the threatening as HE threatens the children and parents of CA...threatening them with the ultimatum of putting their children at lethal risk scores of times as extortion to attend school in CA. HE is the one making harmful and potentially fatal threats, and passing laws to enforce those threats. I said I hoped they would cover the story from that angle in the near future. Pan is not the victim as the news anchor portrayed...quite the opposite...as millions of California children and families are now the victims of his legislation.

Thank you to all who went to protest last night!

Reporter's contact info:
[email protected]
916-454-4548, ext. 9308


Pan Holds Forum on Hate Speech; Protesters Say Senator Doesn’t Moderate Hateful Comments on Facebook Page

SACRAMENTO -- It was meant to be an evening all about words -- a forum on how hate speech damages society.

But, as host, Senator and Doctor Richard Pan couldn't have guessed he'd confront these words on a protester's sign: "Senator Pan encourages hate speech."

"It just seems extremely hypocritical," said Joshua Coleman.

"When you talk about hate speech, it's a very interesting thing for him to be talking about because when you go to his Facebook page, um, you see really hateful comments, people saying they're going to kill our children in front of us," said Kim McCauley.

The "us" she's talking about are parents against SB 277 -- the mandatory childhood vaccination bill Pan pushed into law last year.

They came out to the California Railroad Museum on Wednesday to push back at Pan about the hostile remarks they say he's let live online for months.

"Your birth was an injury to society."

"I will be posting your home address, as well as personal info...enjoy."

Those are just some of the messages this group says they've seen go undeleted on Pan's page since the governor signed SB 277.

The debate over the bill brought in death threats to Pan then, now some posters on the senator's Facebook account say they're wishing the anti-vaxxers would die.

"My oldest daughter Ella was injured by the Prevnar vaccine," said McCauley, a mom who supports choice in vaccinations.

She's suing the federal government through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program about the reactive airway disease Ella has now.

"Vaccines are bad. They could get you paralyzed like I did," 7-year-old Otto Coleman shared from his wheelchair.

"My son at 17-months-old, he had a vaccine injury. He has vaccine-induced transverse myelitis. So, vaccines are reprogramming your immune system. Well his immune system got confused, attacked his spinal cord and did permanent damage," said Coleman, another parent for choice in vaccination.

Such parents agree to disagree with vaccine supporters, but say the debate shouldn't be threatening.

FOX40 asked Senator Pan about some of the comments living in threads on his page.

After a long pause he said, "Extremist speech is concerning."

"Trying to patrol the social media accounts, if you've ever tried doing that, is very challenging."

Pan went on to say he was unaware of any hate speech on his page, pointing out that his account is constantly monitored for issues

Kim McCauley maintains screen shots she's taken prove a death threat lobbed at anti-vaxxers was on the senator's page at 9:50 a.m. Tuesday.

Since FOX40 asked Pan about the comments on his page, she also says many of the comments she and other members of her group have screen captured have been deleted.

Hans Litten


Sohail Ahmed, lead author of a ground breaking paper published last summer in Science Translational Medicine explained how the now-retracted Pandemrix vaccine was implicated in a narcolepsy epidemic of more than 1,300 children in several European countries and spates of cases linked to other vaccines for the 2009 swine flu pandemic that never materialized.

It turns out, part of the influenza nucleoprotein in the swine flu vaccine looked (molecularly) just like a receptor for a neurotransmitter in the brain called orexin that regulates the sleep/wake cycle, explained, Ahmed former global head of clinical sciences at Novartis and later GlaxoSmithKline who is currently with Roche Pharmaceuticals.

Hans Litten

March against MonSatan , Ldn , Charing Cross , noon , Saturday 21st may


Jeannette Bishop

Dr. Brian Hooker, from the video I last linked, 8:10:

"You know one of the things that I've seen in my own analysis that is quite concerning is that there appears to be a combination effect. It's actually a combination of children receiving thimerosal in their infant vaccines and now prenatally through the maternal flu shot. Those children that received thimerosal appear to react more severely to the MMR vaccine vs. those children that are essentially thimerosal free..."

Jeannette Bishop

RT, "Getting 'Vaxxed' w/ Sean Stone & Dr. Brian Hooker"


3:25 - discussion of Dr. Thompson's reanalysis

Hans Litten

@ BayAreaMom , you will love this (perhaps you'd seen it before) .


I was a child of the so-called anti-vaccination movement, born in the San Francisco Bay Area, a place that’s now being scrutinized for its relatively high percentage of children who are not vaccinated.

Some 300 child care centers in the Bay Area have a measles vaccination rate of 92 percent or less, falling below the ideal rate for containing an outbreak, or as experts call it, maintaining herd immunity.


If there is anything to take from this (fake) letter is that the water fluoridation policies are working - lol

Hans Litten

White Plains:

My opposition to new meningitis mandates for every New York State seventh and twelfth grader has nothing to do with autism and everything to do with arithmetic (“Meningitis shot to be rule for schools,” Oct. 28). Meningitis is a rare disease that affects only 390 people nationally last year. FDA and industry testing show the meningitis vaccine to be unusually low efficacy and high risk. The manufacturers’ inserts predict that 1% to 1.3% of inoculated children will suffer “serious adverse effects.” CDC’s Pink Book forecasts that 0.3% of these will die from the vaccine. Of the 400,000 New York school children inoculated annually, some 4,000 will become ill and nine will die in order to prevent around four people from contracting the disease. At between $84 and $117 per shot, and with the requirement for a two-shot series, the law is an $80 million annual windfall for vaccine manufacturers at taxpayer expense. This math makes sense only to the pharmaceutical companies and the Albany politicians who have taken their money.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (pls consider running for president, RFK ?)

go Trump

I understand that the CDC might be looking for "citizen scientists" this summer who could collect mosquito eggs / larvae for the now endless search for the “omg killer Zika” virus.

Somehow the CDC missed the connection ...between Zika and microcephaly for over 70 years... but are now suddenly on the right track, and seeking 1.8 billion dollars in extra funding. ...they might only get 1.1 billion, which would mean they could just

later say “oh shit, we did not find anything, because they did not give us enough money...”

Becoming a "citizen scientist" might be a great way to someday meet with a number of medical geniuses at the CDC.


@Hans Litten:

I saw this Periscope video, too. But toward the end of this nurse's speech, she stated should you find yourself in this type of situation, you need to write "No vaccines," and initial same on the document.

This nurse then stated that should you write this and find out later they've still given you a vaccine(s), you then have legal grounds to sue.

When our son was in school, we did this same thing when signing all documents needed for enrollment. We clearly stated, on all our son's paperwork, NO vaccines were to be given at any time, should he ever require medical attention while attending school; then my husband and I would initial same. We knew we would have legal grounds to sue should they ever disregard our instructions.

Hans Litten


The latest mandatory vaccination swindle ,

At a recent meeting that took place during the first week of May, a nurse was filmed using the live streaming app Periscope warning of forced flu vaccinations occurring in U.S. hospitals. In addition, the nurse gave possible solutions to the unaware, targeted public in an effort to preserve their informed consent and avoid unwanted adverse reactions -

When you go to the hospital if you need surgery — say you need a knee replacement surgery — first they’re going to ask you if you’ve had your vaccines. You’re going to say no. Then they’re going to say you need to sign this consent if you’re going to have surgery…you need to sign a consent. In the consent, there’s a word call ‘biogenics [biologics]’ and if you sign the consent saying ‘I consent for you to give me biogenics [biologics]’ — that basically means that they can give you anything that they deem necessary including vaccines. So if you say that you didn’t get a flu shot and it’s flu season and you sign the consent saying I agree to biogenics [biologics], they will give you a vaccine even when you’re under anesthesia because you already signed the consent.

Hans Litten

“I have stopped started lying again” – CDC – Center for Disease Control Whistleblower
Revealed: CDC Whistleblower Who Falsified MMR/Autism Safety Study (Vaccines)
William Thompson CDC: “It’s the lowest most honorable point of my career that I went along with Brian Hooker’s phone calls … we didn’t should have reported significant findings.”
William Thompson CDC: “The higher ups wanted to do certain things and I went along with it. Having thought it over , plus with a revolver to my head , seems the higher-ups were right”
William Thompson CDC: “I’m completely pathetic ashamed of what I did … I have great shame now when I meet families with kids with autism because I have been part of the problem.(this will always be the case WT)”
William Thompson CDC: “Oh my God, I cannot believe we did what we did. After a dozen years I finally told the truth only to recant 20 months later”
William Thompson CDC: “I have stopped lying up to August 2014. But have resumed again 17 may 2016”


Gastroschisis is a problem on Hawaii.
One father gave emotional testimony that he thought the chemicals and Gmos, in particular atrazine, were part of the problem.

Jeannette Bishop


Another "We don't know why," but I can't help thinking vaccination during and in proximity to pregnancy should be looked at (especially with that spike just the year after H1N1 shots were pushed on top of the "regular" flu vaccine).

Jeannette Bishop


Sophie Scholl

I am just watching back the 1998 film #
Vaccination:the hidden truth

Its hard to see any film topping that & yet look where we are today 18 YEARS LATER .

Viera Schiebner & Archie Kalokerinos (RIP) are amazing .
And who knew Parvo was a new man made vaccine generated disease in dogs 1970's !

Sophie Scholl


Dr Philip LaRussa is a professor of pediatric medicine at Columbia University Medical Center. He specializes in infectious diseases and immunization, and recently served on the National Vaccine Advisory Committee for the federal government.

Seriously Philip ? Seriously - i think honesty could be an issue.

"The other issue is that there is [probably] a genetic cause to autism. What has been disappointing is the slow progress in trying to actually get to the point where you could say to a parent: “Here are the genes that cause this problem, here’s what they do, here’s how we test for them.”"


This isn't a really clear video, but it's still worth the view. This was a Q&A in Sacramento. A medical professional is asking about 'clarity' as to whether this movie and those that made the movie, are pro-vaccine, or if their only concern is the product itself. Andrew addresses this first, and then Del proceeds to add more detail. Both did a great job answering this gal's question, but Del's response was absolutely fabulous:



You have to read this moving book: 'Norfolk's Beautiful Child' written by British author, Wendy Webb. It's available for free download from obooko in three e-book formats:


Hans Litten

@DanOlmsted & Danchi


I suspect this means Trump will become president , but only if he plays by their rules – which is bad for us .
Business as usual .

Hans Litten


If this happens , then it really is IG Farben .
I cant wait to knock that domino DOWN >

Hans Litten

hurrah success - yippee


Abortion study: 25% of pregnancies terminated, estimates suggest

Scientists say the annual number of abortions worldwide increased from 50 million a year between 1990-1994 to 56 million a year between 2010-2014.

The rise in numbers is mostly seen in the developing world - driven in part by population growth and by a desire for smaller families.
And if you do decide to take the foetus to full term and bring a human being into the world , they will poison that child for you .

Sophie Scholl


Shazel’s family claims that a doctor dismissed that her condition was linked to the HPV vaccine jab and said she “came across as a lazy child” before sending her home. Pennine Acute NHS Trust, which runs the hospital, has now launched an investigation into the standard of care Shazel received at the hospital.

The teenager was given her second course of the HPV vaccine at Derby High School in Bury on April 13. She died on April 17.


Bigtree just released the #PanRan video


Jeannette Bishop

Bayareamom, you are welcome and thank you, too.

For whatever all this is worth, I think this is a well done compilation, too:





Couldn't resist; just found this:



False Skeptics Make Me Laugh

One of the funniest things I've ever seen...

Look up #panran

When the Vaxxed team showed up at Pan's office yesterday, he ran like a coward...all caught on video.

I'm amazed at his confidence and integrity. If he's so confident in his actions, and his acceptance of pharmaceutical money to lobby his bill...why did he run?

Hans Litten


The CDC's solution to the growing Gardasil storm .
Make it an infant vaccine .
By God - they are criminals and murderers .


Thank you SO much, Jeannette, for providing that link.

Jeannette Bishop

Technically (after reviewing the video of Offit's statement), Pan was just "brave," not very brave.

@ Hans Litten, you're welcome!

Jeannette Bishop

My daughter is reminding me of Offit, speaking to Pan..."You are a very brave man."

Jeannette Bishop

The Vaxxed Team at the California State Capitol:


Pan ran:


Hans Litten

Very pleased with that petition Jeannette Bishop ! tku
The picture really made me laugh .

How can we get it to the "Hear this Well" people ?
On 3250 currently .


Jeannette Bishop


Sophie Scholl

The CIA Coined the Term “Conspiracy Theorist“ in 1967. Specifically, in April 1967, the CIA wrote a dispatch which coined the term “conspiracy theories” … and recommended methods for discrediting such theories. The dispatch was marked “psych” – short for “psychological operations” or disinformation – and “CS” for the CIA’s “Clandestine Services” unit.

To this day “Conspiracy Theorist” has been the “gold standard” for those in the Media and Government to try and control the narrative with it’s use. (~pj)

Sophie Scholl

Sanofi-Aventis = IG Farben

Sophie Scholl

Defenders of gardasil :

Dr Kevin Connolly , Irish Health authority (lol), is spectacularly inept , pathetic and a puppet reading ridiculously prepared statements by Mucrk.
He has the intellect of a pidgeon .


Jeannette Bishop

Regarding teen births...


... points out that Merck and GSK claim to have animal studies showing no fertility problems that remain unpublished.

Gary Ogden

False Scientists: While the Earth's climate is clearly warming, the U.N. "climate science" is just as clearly deeply flawed (as is much of what they do). It is agriculture which is the major driver of the high levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. Undisturbed soil, particularly in properly-managed grasslands-about 75% of the arable land on Earth-holds enormous amounts of carbon, sequestered by grasses and forbs through the miracle of photosynthesis, and in conjunction with fungal symbionts, far more than any vegetation type, and only exceeded by the capacity of the oceans. Agriculture has been going on for a very long time, but it rapidly accelerated in the 20th century, with mechanization and globalization, and most grasslands have been seriously degraded, some into deserts. We are also draining continental water-which partly explains the rise in sea levels-through pumping out aquifers, and the added water vapor in the atmosphere plays a role in the warming, as well. Between every row of every row crop is a row of desert. Regenerative farming, and the restoration of grasslands reverses this.

Hans Litten

@Bob Moffit

I wonder would anyone out there like to collaborate on writing a book about solely the Gardakil vaccine .

Diane Harper
Bernard D'Albergue
Poor Zeda Pingel (God look after you)
Columbia , US , NZ , Aus , Ireland , Japan banning it ,

Ok it will never be a best seller but the story , the scandal , the genocide needs to be documented .

Bob Moffit

@ Sophie Scholl

I greatly appreciated your link to the "warrior mom" in Ireland .. who testified before her political representatives in Ireland .. desperately trying to inform them of the serious consequences being suffered by the young women of IRELAND who were vaccinated with Gardisil.

Not surprisingly .. her emotional words .. for which she apologized .. seemed to have fallen upon disinterested politicians .. who seemed distracted to the point of having absolutely no interest in what this courageous mom was saying.

If I didn't know any better .. I would have thought I was watching Congressmen in the US .. rather than Ireland.

In any event .. the most frightening information of that mom's testimony .. was her revelation that Ireland's National Adult Literacy Board (NALB) .. has determined that Ireland's adults have a literacy understanding of a 12 year old .. which conveniently allows Merck to remove any serious adverse reactions warnings .. under the official ruse .. to make it easier for moms to "understand how safe their HPV vaccines are". After all .. if mom is so stupid she can't understand what you are saying .. JUST DON'T TELL HER.

And so .. I am beginning to believe that HPV vaccines are even more insidious and dangerous than I once thought .. they are not only reducing the "birth rate of teenagers" .. (population control) .. they are also reducing the "rate of human intelligence".

That's sounds like a "win .. win" for MERCK.

@O no Canada and Jeanette

The Royals are probably gagging because they at best selectively vaccinate and practice homeopathy. Apparently it's done them well because they seem a lot healthier than average and they have a lot of people contact.

Hans Litten

“Practicing medicine without knowledge of biochemistry and physiology
is merely pop-gun pharmacy.” —Sir William Osler 18901
“Far too large a section of the treatment of disease is today controlled
by the big manufacturing pharmacists, who have enslaved us in a plausible
pseudo-science.” —Sir William Osler 1909

Sophie Scholl

Has AoA written any article about the ongoing Irish HPV scandal ?


False scientists make me laugh

Trudeau has also given away millions toward climate change and now major scientists are speaking out that all their equation calculations were worked out with a major flaw. Oh good God.

Jeannette Bishop



"We have received hundreds of reports of long-lasting shoulder or arm pain following flu vaccination. We suspect that it may be partially related to the higher dose or the four flu strains being recommended for older people."



This B12 problem was been looked at by Drs at The Chelsea and Westminster Hospital pre Wakefield. Following an article by Dr Wakefield a couple of the parents got in touch with him and the rest is history. The medical profession's actions to deny investigation and close down any body who tries is beyond belief.

John Stone


You mean just what Wakefield et al discovered in 1998?

"Urinary methylmalonic-acid concentrations were raised
in most of the children, a finding indicative of a
functional vitamin B12 deficiency. Although vitamin B12
concentrations were normal, serum B12 is not a good
measure of functional B12 status.25 Urinary
methylmalonic-acid excretion is increased in disorders
such as Crohn’s disease, in which cobalamin excreted in
bile is not reabsorbed. A similar problem may have
occurred in the children in our study. Vitamin B12 is
essential for myelinogenesis in the developing central
nervous system, a process that is not complete until
around the age of 10 years. B12 deficiency may,
therefore, be a contributory factor in the developmental


Hans Litten


Researchers have discovered a common denominator of low B 12 levels in brains of those afflicted with schizophrenia and autism.

Scientists have discovered a common denominator among those who suffer from schizophrenia and autism: low levels of vitamin B 12.

Through the examination of brains of victims who have passed, ranging from birth up to 80 years of age, researchers found that B 12 levels were ten times lower in the oldest compared to the youngest samples. This indicates that levels decline continuously throughout the course of a lifetime.

Jeannette Bishop

Debate challenge by Del Bigtree to Senator Pan:


Laura Hayes

First California, now Oklahoma:

About two weeks ago, more extremely disturbing news came from CA (as if SB277 isn't enough for a lifetime). This time it was that CA legislators do not want CA parents and citizens to know about VAERS or the NVICP, as the Assembly Health Committee quickly killed AB 2832, which would have required that the CDPH conspicuously include info about both on its website. By the way, for any one not yet aware that no real or meaningful tracking of vaccine adverse events and vaccine deaths occurs, nor any follow-up of the vaccine injured and vaccine killed, this legislative act would be further proof. If people do not know that there is a reporting system, how would they know to file a report? They wouldn't know, in violation of the 1986 NCVIA. If people don't know that there is a "compensation" program for those injured or killed by vaccines, how would they or their families be "compensated", as required by the 1986 NCVIA? They wouldn't be, and our elected officials, and the other vaccine profiteers, would like to keep things just the way they are...with the public not knowing about VAERS, the NVICP, or the 1986 Act itself, which indemnified vaccine makers and those who administer vaccines. This reminds me of a saying from attorney Mary Holland, "If you don't know you have rights, it's the same as not having them." (Think Miranda Act.) For a recap:

CA legislators vote to keep Californians in the dark about VAERS and the NVICP:
AB-2832 Immunizations: vaccine injury information http://ow.ly/4mSQus
Failed to pass Assembly Health Committee on 4/19/16
Votes Recorded: http://ow.ly/4mSWyj

Today, we have more bad news from OK, as OK's governor just vetoed the Parental Rights Immunization Act, which would have required informed consent (gasp!) prior to vaccination.

WAIT, I thought the giving and receiving of Informed Consent was already the law of the land, right? Why would Oklahomans need a new law for this? BECAUSE we are talking about vaccines...for which apparently no rules or laws apply (other than mandates)...and certainly no morals or ethics apply on the part of health care practitioners who would administer vaccines without abiding by the gold standard of ethical medicine, that of free, prior, and informed consent.

Seriously, Governor Fallin is comfortable going on record that health care providers do NOT need to give and receive informed consent from parents when it comes to vaccines?! This is unacceptable, abominable, and in violation of the law (https://www.hg.org/informed-consent-law.html) and many codes of ethics, not to mention devoid of all morals. SHAME ON GOVERNOR FALLIN!

Thank you to Liza Greve for the press release below.

May 2, 2016

Governor Fallin's errors concerning the veto of the Parental Rights Immunization Act

If cereal boxes come with a list of ingredients why not vaccines?

Governor Fallin stated in her explanation for vetoing HB3016 that vaccination rates in Oklahoma would drop, should health care providers be required to get informed consent from parents before they give a vaccine to their child. Fallin said parents would be confused and intimidated.

The Directors of Oklahomans for Vaccine and Health Choice, including many medical professionals, disagree. Governor Fallin’s concern is unfounded. In fact, literature supplied by the American Academy of Pediatrics is clear that trust established between pediatrician and parents is the single biggest driver of vaccination rates. Scaring, shaming, blaming and firing have been proven to negatively affect rates.

HB3016 opens up meaningful conversation about vaccines, allowing parents and doctors to discuss their concerns and establish trust. We believe parents will be enlightened and thankful their health care provider is informing them that their right to sue vaccine manufactures is limited and ingredients such as MRC-5 human diploid cells are used to manufacture some vaccines. We believe greater public awareness will result in greater accountability and eventually result in safer vaccines, so much so that manufactures do not need to be shielded from due process in federal and state courts.

According to HB3016, informed consent consists of informing parents of the risks and benefits of vaccines and how to be compensated for vaccine injuries by providing a copy of the Center for Disease Control Vaccine Information Statement (already required by federal law), and make available the "Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases: Vaccine Excipient and Media Summary" (4 pages) which is a list of ingredients in vaccines as well as materials used in the manufacturing process.

In the explanation of her veto of HB3016, Fallin made several errors. Fallin said health care providers would need to give 34 pages of a CDC document related to vaccines to parents before giving a vaccine to their child. In reality, the bill only calls for making available 4 pages of the 34 mentioned by Fallin, which can be done by viewing a computer screen or posting a single copy on the wall of their facility.

Oklahomans for Vaccine and Health Choice call upon the Oklahoma Legislature to override Governor Fallin's veto due to her misunderstanding of the bill and because of the overwhelming support HB3016 received in both Chambers.

Oklahomans for Vaccine and Health Choice is a political action committee dedicated to preserving parental choice as it pertains to vaccines. The group represents over 3,000 Oklahomans with a diversity of vaccines statues based on the health and genetics of each child.

-Liza Greve

Liza Greve
Oklahomans for Vaccine Choice

Laura Hayes

Well, being only 1 year old, Princess Charlotte can not be held accountable for not publicly refusing the gift from the Canadian Prime Minister, but her royal parents sure can!

Accepting versus publicly refusing this "gift" can perhaps be viewed as a litmus test for their concern for children other than their own, especially as Canada is also trying to tighten the noose regarding forced vaccination for children.

Here's the article for those interested:


Jeannette Bishop

Segments here of the Dr. Thompson recordings that may prove helpful in the coming weeks:


Hans Litten


There’s A Plan for Human Population Control – Is it Vaccines?


Are vaccine safety advocates organizing in CA around the primary?

What about following the lead of the Black Lives Matter Movement and attempting (obviously peacefully) to take over the "pulpit". With Pharma mandates kicking in soon there could be no better time thus far in history to put this issue front and center.

All eyes to the West!


Could be enlightening to also look at adoption trends re: who are the women who place their children up for adoption. Is the percentage of placements shifting so that there is a lower percentage coming from teens vs ladies in their late 20s/early 30s, given the time that the HPV shots came on the market so that older women maybe are less likely to have had an HPV shot and more likely to still be fertile?

Hans Litten

HCG & HPV - mass sterilisation programs


Still believe you can "green" our vaccines ?

Hans Litten

"The continued decline in the nation's teen birth rate has been positively breathtaking and the credit for this remarkable national success story goes to teens themselves," said Sarah Brown, CEO of The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.”

Sarah isn't looking like the sharpest tool in the box with this comment .

Ronald Kostoff

N. Davis,

"That sounds like both Dr. Thompson and Dr. Hooker thought that there was a socioeconomic effect that affected diagnosis.

So, why is it wrong to correct for an effect that both Dr. Hooker and Dr. Thompson believed would influence the result?"

From Carol's quote from Vaccine Whistleblower below:

" So…in fact, you could argue, you could argue the DeStefano paper is like a bunch of crap, because the BETTER-EDUCATED MOMS GET THEIR KIDS VACCINATED EARLIER. So, if we didn’t adjust for that variable, you could argue from the other two studies, WE HAD A CRAP STUDY, BECAUSE WE WEREN’T EVEN ADJUSTING FOR THE APPROPRIATE VARIABLES. I never even thought of that.

H: How would that play out? If better-educated moms then….If we do that, then basically what we’re saying is, probably the level of education in the African American community for moms is going to be lower and so, therefore, they’re probably going to get vaccinated later.

T: Right. And, in fact, what this was suggesting is that among the blacks, the ones that were getting vaccinated earlier were more likely to have autism. Now the way that would play out if you thought of this bias, you would say, “The ones getting vaccinated earlier are the ones from higher-income backgrounds and, therefore, they could get…” I mean if you just wanted to assume that bias was real then you could argue that it’s the educated black moms that are getting their kids vaccinated earlier and that’s why you found the effect.

H: And they’re getting that effect and the ones that are getting VACCINATED LATER ARE UNDERDIAGNOSED."

I have CAPITALIZED the parts I find questionable. First, I did a quick sweep of the Web, and found some papers that concluded better educated parents had higher vaccination rates and vaccinated earlier, and other papers that found better educated parents vaccinated less and later. I suspect these types of results depend on who is funding the study. No doubt the CDC would like to project the image that the 'smarter' people vaccinate their children more frequently and earlier.

My own experience is that the less educated people are, the less questions they ask about what the 'authorities' decree. This applies to safety of drugs, chemicals, radiation, other pollutants, foods, etc. Why would it be different for vaccines?

Second, yes, they did have a 'crap study', as Thompson suggests. They restricted the range of vaccine timing. A credible study would have covered the vaccine timing range from time zero to infinity (where infinity is no vaccination). Someone with a high school science background would understand that.

Third, Hooker's final statement contains the additional assumption (not explicitly made by Thompson) that the less educated mothers are both getting their children vaccinated later and allowing any problems to go underdiagnosed. That seems to be a substantial assumption; what is the basis?

If, in fact, the above is the socioeconomic factor that will be used to 'correct' the results, why wasn't it taken into account after this phone conversation? That conversation was prior to the date that Thompson's 'confession' was posted on his lawyer's Web site. Has he found religion only recently?

I haven't seen the original data, but I don't get the impression that it contained information about whether every child received follow-up diagnosis. How would they get this information without going back and checking each child who was vaccinated for symptoms of autism? Will they assume some sort of relationship between parental education and diagnosis frequency, and apply this correction factor to the data to eliminate any timing effect?

How much is Thirty Pieces of Silver in today's dollars?

I await Thompson's revised version, so we can finally have something tangible to discuss.


"But according to the CDC’s National Immunization Survey, only 8% of infant children received the Hep B vaccine in 1992, when that birth cohort showed an ASD rate of 1-in-150.

"By 1994, the number of children receiving Hep B vaccine had reached just 27% — and the cohort showed a similar ASD rate, though it did go up by as much as 10% in some locations between the two cohorts."

I don't believe those hep b stats.
Of course, none of the vaccines have been tested for effects on fertility. It may be that this finding is one result of this mass uncontrolled experiment on the present generation coming into adulthood.

Surprise! Or, maybe only a surprise to the victims.

Jeannette Bishop

Not sure this lends anything to answering the HPV vaccine/teen births question:


But it does appear that teen vaccine uptake has been generally on the incline.

Are there substances in TdaP and MenACWY that could impact fertility also? (They used to just say you shouldn't get a vaccine if you were pregnant or, I think, planning to get pregnant, so maybe that's a question in practice already answered?)

Also, teens in 2007-2011: that's starting with birth-years around 1990 thru 1994--and not so much hep B compliance--then moving to around years 1994 thru 1998:


"One possible answer is the Hepatitis B vaccine, (which also contained 25 micrograms of mercury containing thimerosal up until 2002). Introduced in 1991, it was the first vaccine ever given on a population basis to newborn babies (within the first three hours after delivery) in human history.
But according to the CDC’s National Immunization Survey, only 8% of infant children received the Hep B vaccine in 1992, when that birth cohort showed an ASD rate of 1-in-150.

"By 1994, the number of children receiving Hep B vaccine had reached just 27% — and the cohort showed a similar ASD rate, though it did go up by as much as 10% in some locations between the two cohorts.

"But by 1996, Hep B coverage rate had risen to 82%. And that is the cohort whose ASD rate rose to around 100-per-10,000 or more."

Also, I'm not fully versed on all wireless technology risks, but I know impacts on fertility come up often in that arenda of discussion.


Re teen pregnancy - could also be fewer because cell phones in pants pockets kill sperm. I think I remember 40%. That's where teenage boys keep their phones. Certainly teenagers are not all of a sudden abstaining.

Jeannette Bishop

"Harkins pulls controversial Vaxxed film"

"Putting things out there without the science to back it up is ridiculous."--Dr. Kertz (ironic to me)

Thank you again, Dr. Wolfson, for your courageously outspoken stand.

go Trump

Mumps hit Harvard

As you may know, future Harvard toddlers are NOT given the MMR vaccine, but instead they are provided with a safer saline/ MMR called the “Merck Master Race” vaccine.

This vaccine, of course does not provide any virus protection but also does not harm the future leaders of America.

But perhaps Merck reps could be rushed to the Harvard campus to provide another dose of a vaccine which does not work…

Hans Litten

oh Jennette Bishop you wonderful wonderful person you !

"Film producers said this weekend's screening in Tempe generated ticket sales of $6,200."

N Davis

I am not an epidemiologist (!) but I'm trying to understand why Dr. Thompson is being criticized and his results dismissed because he "will state that socioeconomic factors alone in the African American community account for the original MMR-African American male “effect.” It's rather confusing, since both Drs. Hooker and Thompson acknowledged that socioeconomic effects matter greatly--and, even so, Dr. Hooker didn't, so far as I can tell, consider that.

From Dr. Hooker's paper:

"Results: When comparing cases and controls receiving their first MMR vaccine before and after 36 months of age, there was a statistically significant increase in autism cases specifically among African American males who received the first MMR prior to 36 months of age."

IOW, African-American boys who were vaccinated late were less likely to be diagnosed with ASD.

From the transcript of Drs. Hooker and Thompson's conversation that Carol noted earlier, just after Dr. Thompson said, "among the blacks . . . the ones getting vaccinated earlier are the ones from higher-income backgrounds." Dr. Hooker said, "[The African-American boys who are] getting vaccinated later are underdiagnosed." OK. So the AA boys who were vaccinated late were expected to be from families with lower socioeconomic status and to be underdiagnosed with ASD, compared to the AA boys from wealthier familes who were likely to be vaccinated earlier (and, apparently according to Dr. Hooker) less likely to be "underdiagnosed." That sounds like both Dr. Thompson and Dr. Hooker thought that there was a socioeconomic effect that affected diagnosis.

So, why is it wrong to correct for an effect that both Dr. Hooker and Dr. Thompson believed would influence the result?

We want real, honest answers.

Jeannette Bishop



Regarding, "the CDC took the extraordinary step of adding an expert in tics to water down the paper to state, “This finding should be interpreted with caution due to limitations in the measurement of tics and the limited biological plausibility regarding a causal relationship.”:

It's funny how the CDC only does epidemiology studies on vaccines so they can change data sets at will and when that doesn't work to dismiss statistically-significant correlations, they can then dismiss any remaining association - like thimerosol causing tics - by saying their epidemiology studies were only for correlation and don't prove causation anyway. If it's not "biologically plausible," why were they trying to do epidemiology studies in the first place? They also state that autism being caused by vaccines is not biologically plausible - so why bother with epidemiology/correlations if that's true? Clever bastards. But, we are more clever!

Hans Litten

Lead in the Water , Mercury in the Vaccine :

If Flint officials are now charged with tampering with evidence and hiding proof of harm, when will CDC officials be prosecuted over mercury in vaccines?


Hans Litten


One of the issues is vaccines. Early on, Trump surprised many with his refreshingly honest take on the dangers of some vaccines, and how medical science ought to take another look at forcing so many vaccines on children at a time.

As we have pointed out, Trump is certainly no stranger to controversy, and that includes his stance on vaccines, a stand that has been vindicated by the admission of CDC scientist Dr. William Thompson, who has gone on record as a whistleblower, that he and other agency scientists hid the autism-vaccine link because they were told to do so.

Trump has said that he basically supports vaccination, but left no doubt about the autism-vaccine connection: "I'm in favor of vaccines; do them over a longer period of time, same

Hans Litten

Completely Despicable Con-artists

You need to know my first attempt was censored for foul and abusive language at the second C point .

Is there a prize for the best entry ?

I also have an effigy of Colleen Boyle I'd like to be considered/judged .

Grace Green

"it was Brian Hooker commenting on the statement of Mr. Morgan".Thanks John for clearing that up!

John Stone


Well, Macbeth had the odd scruple.



What has now happened to his comment I HAVE GREAT SHAME NOW


Thanks John.

John Stone


I can't find anything on their website (they don't update their news releases much - nothing since December 2014). Perhaps this was communicated to Brian Hooker directly, or the film-makers.


Is there a link to Thompson's lawyer's statement (as opposed to Dr Hooker's press release)?

Jeannette Bishop

"Mumps Vaccine Didn't Protect Some Harvard Students Now In Isolation"

"...all infected students to that point had received a mumps vaccine prior to contracting the infection."

Gary Ogden

This is truly bizarre. If they didn't have socioeconomic data, and if socioeconomic analysis wasn't part of the protocol, how the hell can submit a paper such as this? Alice has truly fallen down the rabbit hole.

John Stone


I believe it was Brian Hooker commenting on the statement of Mr Morgan.

Grace Green

"socioeconomic factors alone"?! What scientific evidence have they got to prove that? This is not science, it's just more trolling.
Amazingly perceptive critique by Dr. Thompson's lawyer, Mr. Morgan. That puts it nicely in perspective.


Is it just a teeny tiny problem that Thompson hired a WHISTLEBLOWER attorney in 2014 because he considered himself to be a WHISTLEBLOWER at that time?

Did he lose his whistle or did the CDC take it from him?

And how is a whistleblower attorney still representing him, since he decided he isn't a whistleblower anymore? Will he drop this attorney and find a criminal fraud attorney instead?


From Vaccine Whistleblower pp. 46-47, hardcover; transcript of the third call, June 12, 2014:

H: There’s not enough data really to do like a socioeconomic breakdown on that.

T: Well, you can…I mean you can…You can…Well, did we include…? No, I don’t think….

H: No, no. There’s any…I think there’s like maternal education might be there.

T: Well, [unintelligible]. This is the reason, is they were getting the records from the schools and from the clinics. So you don’t have the sociodemographic data in there. So, [unintelligible], that brings up another interesting point, which I never even thought of. That’s amazing, because, you know, the thimerosal studies, it was so important to get education and income, because there’s a reverse association if you don’t adjust for it. So…in fact, you could argue, you could argue the DeStefano paper is like a bunch of crap, because the better-educated moms get their kids vaccinated earlier. So, if we didn’t adjust for that variable, you could argue from the other two studies, we had a crap study, because we weren’t even adjusting for the appropriate variables. I never even thought of that.

H: How would that play out? If better-educated moms then….If we do that, then basically what we’re saying is, probably the level of education in the African American community for moms is going to be lower and so, therefore, they’re probably going to get vaccinated later.

T: Right. And, in fact, what this was suggesting is that among the blacks, the ones that were getting vaccinated earlier were more likely to have autism. Now the way that would play out if you thought of this bias, you would say, “The ones getting vaccinated earlier are the ones from higher-income backgrounds and, therefore, they could get…” I mean if you just wanted to assume that bias was real then you could argue that it’s the educated black moms that are getting their kids vaccinated earlier and that’s why you found the effect.

H: And they’re getting that effect and the ones that are getting vaccinated later are underdiagnosed.

go Trump

To enhance their image, CDC is going to change their name to the CFF&FF.

The Center for Fraud, Felons & their Fascist Friends.

Moki Mac

censoring difficult cine films!
cruicify Doctor's credentials £/$ "fab fellows! looking forward to the film being available!"

choose determination choice
crippling disseminating cronysm £/$
casual destruction childhood's £/$
consistently directing chaos
containment deny causes
couldn't decieve chemistry
crackdown destroy criticisers
collude don't calculate
check dictatorial criteria
caring decisions>cash!
childlike delusions confirmed
couldn't dissect cornflour
couldn't danger clarity
classification dangerous criteria
comission demands cash
care defective consideration
communities disparged colonies
controlled degeneration care £/$
consideration definition conduct
coercion dependancy chaos
control damn control
certanty deceitfulness collapsing
collateral damage certainly
cash devotion consistant
cute /dependable/ caustic
chivalry deficiency chappie's
cunning deception continuing
couldn't decieve cheviots
carefree dystopia coming?
can't disown cheating
can destroy cauliflowers
couldn't digest candy (on a stick, self licking)
continuing decreasing circles
committee devoid chivalry
care delivery crumbling
well done! Dr Andrew Wakefield and Robert De Niro
cum do chu ri leigeadh(Scottish Gaelic Proverb)
Hold back your dog till the deer falls!

Hans Litten

Headline just now :

"Sarepta (49%) plunges after FDA panel votes against drug"

Well there is a first , the FDA blocking a drug , clearly it must be drug that is good for health .

Why don't you FDA guys raid innovative doctors who are curing terminal stage 4 cancer with GcMaf ?

Jenny Allan

Criminal Deception Conspiracy

Gary Ogden

Carelessness Done Consciously and Properly, or
Creating Disreputable Concoctions Proudly, or
Concocting Disease Carelessly and Permantly

Hans Litten

Lance Simmons :


I have worked in numerous governmental agencies at senior levels where I attempted to defer to the scientific expertise when contemplating major policy decisions affecting millions of people. To see the systemic corruption that is occurring in government agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy, Department of Health and Human Services including the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration not only makes me sad but it makes me mad.

Moki Mac

chums-duplicitous-carnage £/$

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