To the Autism Mom in the Waiting Room
Vaccines and Infant Mortality

Dr. Poul Thorsen Still Funded While on "Fugitive" List

Vaccine money
Remember Poul Thorsen?

We have covered the strange case of fugitive from justice Dr.  Poul Thorsen (Principal Investigator on the Danish Autism Studies, indicted on 22 counts of wire fraud and money laundering by a U.S. Federal Grand Jury) at AofA:

Autism Researcher Poul Thorsen Indicted

Round 2: CDCs Poul Thorsen Lying in Plain Sight

First Fraud: Dr. Poul Thorsen and the original “Danish Study”

Poul Thorsen Called Industry “Scumbag” Scientist and Mercury Shill

WANTED BY THE FEDS: Poul Thorsen, Who Helped Pull Off CDC Vaccine Autism Heist

Look who's still being funded by American dollars - Dr. Poul Thorsen.  The good soldier in the war against vaccine program transparency.  Take a look at the photos snipped from Dr. Suzanne Humphries' presentation in Copenhagen called, "Manufactured Consent."   Funded as recently as 2014.   Astounding.

Thorsen 1 Thorsen 2
From 2014:

Three years after his indictment, here was follow up from  Safeminds

Dr. Poul Thorsen, Principal Investigator on the Danish Autism Studies, extends his unwarranted Poul thorsenfreedom from prosecution as another anniversary on his indictment for 22 counts of wire fraud and money laundering by a U.S. Federal Grand Jury passes on April 13.

SafeMinds calls upon the US Department of Justice and the US Department of State to bring Dr. Thorsen back to the United States and to justice. We also call upon Chairman Darrell Issa and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to take up this issue as an oversight activity this year. We believe this warrants a Congressional hearing to understand this failure to fully address the allegations, to determine if others at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were complicit, and to address the failure of the CDC and the scientific community to investigate all of the studies from this project while holding current findings in deferral until fully investigated.

Following Thorsen’s indictment in 2011, SafeMinds issued a statement calling for an independent review of vaccine/autism research for data manipulation and conflicts of interest. To review those comments, click HERE. A year later a full report delivered to Chairman Issa, the Committee and other members of Congress outlined the issues. For that detailed report on Poul Thorsen, click HERE. In 2013, the Office of Inspector General at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS/OIG) elevated Thorsen to the top of their “Most Wanted” List. Information from the OIG may be viewed HERE.

A Brief Background on the Indictment: The Criminal Indictment No. 1:11-C R-194 United States of America v. Poul Thorsen states that beginning around February 2004 and continuing through February 2010, that Thorsen ‘aided and abetted by others known and unknown, did knowingly devise and intend to devise a scheme and artifice to defraud and to obtain money and property by means of materially false and fraudulent pretenses, representations, and promises and omissions of material facts, well knowing and having reason to know that said pretenses, representations and promises were and would be false and fraudulent…’ The indictment provides that Thorsen submitted false invoices and created private invoices (from a CDC laboratory using false signatures). He is alleged to have stolen more than $1 million from a CDC grant to Denmark he helped establish while working at CDC. If convicted on all counts, Thorsen could face up to 260 years in prison and $22.5 million in fines.

Three years after this indictment: no extradition, no trial, and no verdict on Thorsen. It still remains unknown if others from CDC were part of his scheme. We do know that Dr. Diana Schendel, Thorsen’s champion at the CDC when he first arrived, and who continued to publish as a co-author on papers with him after the indictment, has resigned her CDC position and accepted a position with Thorsen’s former employer Aarhus University in Denmark.

About Poul Thorsen: As noted in the SafeMinds report submitted to Congress in 2012, Thorsen developed a strong relationship with his CDC colleagues while serving as a visiting scientist. Thorsen successfully promoted the idea of awarding research funds to Aarhus University in Denmark to study the relationship between autism and vaccines before returning to the university to lead the project. Keep in mind, the CDC was under immense pressure to respond to the public outcry to the autism epidemic and the link between thimerosal and autism, and vaccine injury and autism. SafeMinds was among those pointing out the inherent conflict of interest for CDC with monitoring the safety of vaccines while also promoting vaccines. Thorsen, from what is known about the case, played on the urgency of the situation. Without his findings, vaccine safety becomes highly suspect.

HHS and DOJ Continue to Use Thorsen’s Research to Deny Vaccine Injury Compensation: The Thorsen-led Danish studies affect the autism community significantly by substantiating the government’s arguments in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. SafeMinds and many in the autism scientific community had called the quality and outcomes in the Danish studies into question even before the Federal indictment. The Danish Studies, along with the Verstraeten paper, were the basis for the IOM’s rejection of an autism-vaccine injury/thimerosal link. Furthermore, these studies, and the IOM’s findings were the basis of the evidence presented by the Justice Department on behalf of Health and Human Services which denied 5,000 families justice in the in the Autism Omnibus proceedings of the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). SafeMinds believes that no research paper co-authored by Thorsen should be used by the government for defining vaccine injury. While failing to bring him to justice, it remains unconscionable that the very Justice Department responsible for indicting him and for prosecuting his case, continue to use papers he co-authored to substantiate legal decisions that absolve vaccine damage.

Thorsen Remains Free and Continues to Publish Research: Poul Thorsen is not in hiding. He remains a free man, living in the open and working in Denmark. SafeMinds confirmed last year that he works at the Sygehus Lillebaelt Hospital in Kolding, Denmark. He has continued to co-author research as recently as October 2013. Papers topics include autism, some with his former CDC colleague, Dr. Diana Schendel while she remained at the CDC. For at least the second time since his indictment, Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons have included his work in their annual meeting. His co-author presented earlier this month at their 2014 annual meeting in Salt Lake City. The evidence (P105) is present in the final program HERE on page 128. The United States’ good relations with Denmark should have allowed the Justice and State Departments to bring Poul Thorsen to justice within three years.

As we approach the middle of Autism Awareness Month we can make this week, “Bring Thorsen to Justice Week”. Consider making two calls: (1) Call the White House (Switchboard: 202-456-1414) and ask President Obama instruct Secretary Kerry and Attorney General Holder to bring Thorsen back to the United States and prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. (2) Call Congressman Darrell Issa (Washington Office: 202-225-3906) and request that he conduct a hearing on Poul Thorsen before the summer ends. You might also consider posting a message to Congressman Issa’s Facebook Page at: Let us know in the comments section what happens with your calls.



Earlier poster, I believe the author was referring to this:

"Statement of Financial Support

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD (General Clinical Research Center grants M01 RR30, M01 RR32, M01 RR39, M01 RR70, M01 RR80, M01 RR633, M01 RR750, M01 RR997, M01 RR6022, M01 RR7122, M01 RR8084, M01 RR16587), Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH (grants U01 HD36790, U10 HD21364, U10 HD21373, U10 HD21385, U10 HD21397, U10 HD21415, U10 HD27851, U10 HD27853, U10 HD27856, U10 HD27871, U10 HD27880, U10 HD27881, U10 HD27904, U10 HD34216, U10 HD40461, U10 HD40492, U10 HD40498, U10 HD40689), and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA (interagency agreement Y1-HD-5000–01) provided grant support for recruitment during 1999–2001 and data analysis for the Neonatal Research Network’s Cytokine Study. The funding agencies provided overall oversight for study conduct, but all data analysis and interpretation were independent of the funding agencies. The study was made possible in part by the NIH grant R01HD059142 (awarded to A.M.)."

Angus Files

Well I wonder if Mr Zwann arrives on US soil anytime soon..and if so shy not Thorsen at the same time..

Dutch attorney Alex van der Zwaan’s indictment shows how Mueller is trying to get to the big fish — in this case, former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort.

Pharma For Prison


Jeannette Bishop

The 2nd video in the playlist is also well worth viewing (if you can stand further evidence of extensive human dupe-pidity, this time regarding measles and measles vaccination). I might watch the rest of the playlist later... but I'm reminded of how I had to read "Dissolving Illusions" about 5 pages a go followed by several hours of AAAARRRRRRGGGHHHHHHH!!!! before the next 5 or so pages....

Reading Is Fundamental

This is the silliest thing I've seen in a long while. How does presence on (the first part of) an author list imply that someone is "funded by American dollars"? A quick check of RePORTER shows that Thorsen has no NIH grants. Similarly, Maheshwari's comes right up.

Furthermore, this isn't U.S. government work product; if it were, there couldn't have been a copyright transfer.

Normally, one is "funded" by the affiliation one lists, i.e., salary.


Haha Obama just said the world looks to the US on science. Our science is BOUGHT Mr. President.

Gary Ogden

CT: Anyone who is capable of saying something like, "the science is settled," (regarding vaccination), as President Obama said last year, has no clue concerning the nature of science. Presidents can, and do, order attorneys general to take specific action. If he had any knowledge about, or understanding of, the issues involved, he might take action. But he won't. I sent a lengthy letter to him last year about the science and history of vaccination; his staff responded with the typical political talking points about the worldwide fight against infectious diseases, and in no way responded to the factual information in my letter. I told him that, unless he did something about the autism epidemic, the worsening crisis would be his legacy. And it will be. A fundamentally decent man, but, like most people, scientifically illiterate, and, like most national politicians, fully bought by Wall Street.

Angus Files

Bin Laden did less but then he wasn't working for the CDC.


Bob Moffit

Not to nit-pick .. but .. the Attorney General is Loretta Lynch .. Eric Holder having long been removed.

Tried contacting Rep. Darrell Issa .. and .. predictably .. was given the usual "run-around voice mail" maze .. with the numbers given then answered with yet again .. wait for it .. another "run-around voice mail" .. requesting all my information with the recording claiming that "someone will soon contact you".

I bet Thorsen is scared to death now that the Republicans have regained control of the House .. THEY are soooo much better than the Democrats in pursuing fugitives from Justice. I'll bet the guy can't sleep at night .. waiting for that knock on his door.

Jeannette Bishop

Am I missing something...

So, once again
the "highest" offices in the land
of US
that as to vaccine injured children
they're all rather slow to abet and aid...

"What!?! You stole millions aimed to improve the condition of disabled children?!?

"Well, ... we see your vaccination research surpasses all consideration! ...


"So keep your mouth shut... and we might ignore you...
"Yes, keep your mouths shut, you...

"And all your FRIENDS who 'aided and abetted,' too!!!"

So maybe rather, we see the "highest" offices in the land
of US (and others) demonstrate
regarding vaccine injury
they're all in too thick together
to not abet and aid?


Can't Obama do an executive order on this?

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