Truth in Media: CDC, Vaccines and Autism
From Truth In Media. Please visit the site for the video.
Ben Swann is an investigative journalist working tirelessly to dissolve the left/right paradigm prevalent in most mainstream media narratives. As a news reporter and anchor in the earlier days of his career, he has gained a wealth of experience while earning two Emmy Awards and two Edward R. Murrow awards. In addition to heading the Truth In Media Project, Ben is the prime anchor at WGCL-TV in Atlanta, GA. He can be seen anchoring live at 4 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 6 p.m., and 11 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday. A stream is available at
The debate over whether vaccines cause autism has become one of the most controversial disputes in this country. In this episode of Truth In Media, the focus is not on whether vaccines are responsible for autism. The issue at hand here is a study that was performed at the CDC and the question of whether the agency was complicit in a cover-up over a decade ago.
For over two years, Truth In Media has explored the allegations of Dr. William Thompson, a CDC scientist who came forward in 2014, hired a whistleblower attorney, and claimed that important data regarding a study on vaccines and autism was eliminated.
Thompson’s claims have led to a divide among Americans, with some believing that Thompson’s allegations are credible and should be investigated further, and others convinced that the documents Thompson handed over mean absolutely nothing. In December 2015, Ben Swann was the first journalist to obtain the documents from Congressman Bill Posey.
In this episode, Swann further examines not only Thompson’s claims, but also the documents related to the study, with the assistance of doctors, journalists, authors and former CDC specialists who joined Swann in discussing every document that was handed over.
Interview with producer Joshua Cook regarding this production:
Posted by: Jeannette Bishop | January 31, 2016 at 12:46 PM
"Honestly, no. What evidence do you have that they're 'running scared'? Have they admitted any wrong-doing? Have they retracted any of their views on linkage, or lack thereof, between MMR vaccine and autism?"
While this may not fall into the category of they're "running scared" but there was a post back in September by Ginger Taylor that got thinking that maybe there is some hope. It was a post in which she showed that a quote from the Chief Medical Officer at Autism Speaks at the time (Rob Ring, since left I believe) had been removed from the Autism Speaks website. The quote was specific to the vaccination question. It read:
“Over the last two decades, extensive research has asked whether there is any link between childhood vaccinations and autism. The results of this research are clear: Vaccines do not cause autism. We urge that all children be fully vaccinated."
To remove that quote from the website felt like "something" to me. There had to have been a reason for the removal of that quote. Second thoughts by Autism Speaks to have that quote up on their website? Did Rob Ring ask for it to be removed? Even small things like that feel like we are getting somewhere.... (although it's also possible that it's nothing at all). Here was the screen shots of the page of Autism Speaks... one with the quote, the other with the quote removed.
Posted by: TruthAlways | January 28, 2016 at 07:30 PM
" DeStefano or Gerberding or Allsop and the others , they re all running scared , CANT you see that ?"
Honestly, no. What evidence do you have that they're 'running scared'? Have they admitted any wrong-doing? Have they retracted any of their views on linkage, or lack thereof, between MMR vaccine and autism?
Posted by: Ronald Kostoff | January 28, 2016 at 12:01 PM
And pampers (Proctor & Gamble) very quietly withdrew their "buy our nappies to sponsor tetanus vaccines in Kenya" promotion , The point being as Ziggy has admitted , there is a global awakening going on .
Posted by: Cat400 | January 28, 2016 at 11:50 AM
"Ronald , the bbc doesn't write ANY misinformation about autism anymore ."
I usually don't read the BBC, so I'm not current on their views about autism. However, I entered the following query into Google: BBC MMR autism, and limited the time frame to the past year. Following are the URLs of the first two articles that appeared. Do you believe those articles are consistent with your statement quoted above? I don't!
Posted by: Ronald Kostoff | January 28, 2016 at 11:50 AM
Ronald , I'd like to see Colleen Boyle defending vaccines in Congress (or anywhere else) now , after William Thompson . DeStefano or Gerberding or Allsop and the others , they re all running scared , CANT you see that ?
The CDC vaccine ship has been badly holed , and its sinking . THAT is exactly WHY they had a massive push for mandatory vaccination , and yes California is a disaster , but the level of opposition everywhere must have them VERY VERY concerned .
And don't forget the HCG & nagalase scandals -
Posted by: Cat400 | January 28, 2016 at 06:48 AM
Ronald , the bbc doesn't write ANY misinformation about autism anymore . They used to run weekly articles , obese mothers, older fathers , too much tv , too near traffic , the film rain man Uta frith .
The reason they stopped is because of the abuse they got.
Jeremy paxman screamed at us on news night to stop reading and researching and trust our medical leader liars , those same doctors seem to hiding away now , can't you see the people paid to oppose are scared they areWRONG . William Thompson changed everything and the opposion knows it .
Posted by: Cat400 | January 28, 2016 at 06:36 AM
If you have never seen this video, it is a must see. Ben Swann should see this video. The title is very misleading saying African-Americans respond better but in the video you will hear that they "over-respond" he says they might need only half the size dose needed for caucasians. So while this is through the Mayo clinic you know that they all know. "And yet it stimulates a very different set of gene expression and protein secretion." "We've seen that with other vaccines." Listen to what this guy says, he is really admitting that today, we blindly vaccinate everyone exactly the same no matter race, sex, etc. despite knowing they respond very differently and let the casualties fall as they may."
Yes, he's a smooth talker, but he is not addressing the central vaccine issues. Even if we could target each child with the 'exact' dose according to his criteria, that does not mean vaccines for many/most diseases are desirable for optimal lifespan health and increased longevity. It means that the childhood infectious disease of interest would be suppressed, along with perhaps suppression of other short-term symptoms/side-effects. The benefit of that suppression remains to be demonstrated, relative to the long-term objectives of interest. As I have shown previously, there is some published evidence that many childhood infectious diseases may offer protection from more serious chronic diseases later in life. Given what we have seen relative to suppression and distortion of such research findings (e.g., the CDC cover-up and the other examples in Chapter 9 of my book), there may in fact be a substantial body of evidence on this protection that has not seen the light of day.
But, the findings themselves (discussed by the speaker) are extremely limited. Why would we expect all members of a racial group to respond the same? Do they eat the same, drink the same, sleep the same, respond to painful stimuli the same? Do they have the same food allergies, drug allergies? And, what about the effects of combination with other vaccines? To obtain the level of knowledge the speaker wants, we would have to test for INDIVIDUAL differences in response to EACH vaccination combination PATTERN. These tests would have to be done over a LIFETIME, in order to understand the potential impact of these vaccination combinations on serious diseases later in life. And, what about the combination of these vaccination PATTERNS with other types of potentially toxic stimuli (lifestyle, iatrogenic, occupational/environmental, etc)? Again, the effects of these individualized vaccine PATTERNS in combination with the unique potentially toxic stimuli to which each individual is exposed over his/her lifetime would have to be tracked for many decades.
To obtain this type of information for each individual, a massive research program on the order of, or even greater than, the Manhattan Project would be required; the number of variables and parameters are mind-boggling! And, for what end? The integrated benefit of vaccination itself has not been demonstrated, yet we hear the prospect for an astronomical research effort with no limit in time. No wonder the speaker is excited; unlimited funding without end!
Posted by: Ronald Kostoff | January 28, 2016 at 06:26 AM
Kendra, thank you for sharing that video. We heard for years that the Somali children in Min. were experiencing unusually high rates of autism, then we have the Mayo clinic tell of the "wonderful response of Somali children to the rubella portion of the mmr". Later a statement that we might save money, give the over responders half a dose. No one says, "okay, we see the problem" , a dangerous response, and in how many more genetically susceptibles? Red heads from Iowa, Jews from NY, who knows, who is researching, all such criminals.
Posted by: barbaraj | January 28, 2016 at 12:02 AM
Bob Moffit,
" "Berlin Wall" .. built in 1961 .. when I was member of the US Army .. a SP4 in Germany .. that collapsed without ANY previous warning .. NONE .. in 1989 .. 28 years later....Yes .. IT CAN HAPPEN OVERNIGHT. I SAW IT."
The Berlin Wall was constructed to stem the hemorrhage of emigrants from East to West Germany. Most Germans opposed it, but the Soviet occupiers supported it, as well as the leaders of the GDR. When the Soviet Union dissolved, the major reason for the Wall's existence evaporated, and the desire of the German people to unify dominated. Even then, it took 28 years for the Wall to come down, not overnight, despite almost universal opposition among the German populace.
That's not the situation we have today with vaccines (or wireless communications). Vaccination polls show a majority of Americans support vaccinations, some showing a large majority (e.g., In addition, there is almost universal support from the medical profession, the medical bureaucracies, the politicians, the mainstream media, and those stakeholders dependent on these myriad groups. It's hard to see where the impetus would originate to tear down the vaccine "Wall of Lies". The numbers are not there yet!
With cigarette smoking, the situation was somewhat different. Smokers were only 40% of the population, so there was potential for 60/40 opposition. Many/most non-smokers were not straddling the fence; they hated smoking. I believe that's the only reason financial penalties and mandates were imposed on smoking; sheer numbers were on the side of non-smoking. I don't see that type of opposition presently with respect to vaccines (or wireless communications), and I don't see that 'Wall of Lies' coming down anytime soon.
Posted by: Ronald Kostoff | January 27, 2016 at 07:45 PM
"...Maybe he has to say that for political reasons, but he has no credible basis for that statement. As I have pointed out previously, we haven't had the time since the MMR vaccine was introduced to assess the LONG-TERM side-effects. Additionally, we have no idea of the full spectrum of mid-range and short-range side effects, both when the vaccine is given in isolation and in combination, much less in combination with other potentially toxic stimuli. We may not see such side-effects reported in the medical literature, but as the CDC study under discussion shows, that may not be relevant..."
PRECISELY. This is precisely what I was thinking when I viewed Swann's video; very little 'new' information and with the above statement, I sensed somewhat of a political motivation on Swann's part (if not others as well). Further, there are NO scientific studies which purport to show long-term side effects with ANY vaccine, let alone the MMR vaccine. NONE. When Swann made the above statement -- that's pretty much when he lost me as a true advocate.
Half truths do not equal full and complete disclosure.
Posted by: Bayareamom | January 27, 2016 at 04:55 PM
BINGO! I wish parents were more afraid of autism than they are of following the sheep in front of them. I guess they figure that it will only happen to someone else's kid. Or they really do believe that doctors now are just so much smarter than they used to be. You know, better diagnosing because kids like ours have been around forever and they were just never noticed. (If they are so smart, maybe they could tell us where all those children who are now 1 in 42 grown-ups are hiding?) My old pediatrician is about my age (near 55) and he said that when he was in medical school at the University of Michigan, he was told that he would probably never see a child with autism. Of course, he probably never thought he would see a Disney Princess in an advertisement involving STD's or birth control either! Maybe we can get Disney Princess Bingo cards?
Posted by: Jill | January 27, 2016 at 04:40 PM
@ Ronald Kostoff .. you posted:
"After almost a year and a half past Thompson's revelations, where one would have expected major positive steps as a consequence, the vaccine safety movement has in fact lost ground. Yet, somehow, you expect the 'wall of lies' to fall, perhaps quickly. Based on what?"
My friend .. I cannot speak for anyone else .. but .. as a senior citizen who has witnessed a "wall of lies" .. that had stood tall .. impenetrable .. for DECADES .. fall overnight .. I submit the "Berlin Wall" .. built in 1961 .. when I was member of the US Army .. a SP4 in Germany .. that collapsed without ANY previous warning .. NONE .. in 1989 .. 28 years later.
I can still recall .. 25 years AFTER the collapse .. watching CNN's coverage of German citizens atop that hated wall .. dismantling it .. brick by brick .. signaling the collapse of a despised East German regime .. that had ruled over East Germany for DECADES.
Posted by: Bob Moffit | January 27, 2016 at 04:18 PM
The California vaccine movement needs to be challenging the mmr in court right now based off of this bogus study. It's the only pushback they currently have except for possibly trump.
Posted by: George stevens | January 27, 2016 at 04:05 PM
The only hope at this point is the courts. I don't see this going anywhere in the legislative arena, unless Trump gets elected. Then who knows?
In the interim, it seems like there is enough here in these documents for organized groups of parents to file injunctions to stop, at the very least, the requirement that children be vaccinated with MMR in order to attend public school. These documents should be able to stop even the right of public schools to ask for student vaccine status on MMR dead in its tracks. I don't understand why this isn't already happening. This is the only way to get the issue into a real court, at which point a judge would be forced to open his eyes and rule on the evidence claiming this vaccine is safe. I don't see how even the most corrupt judge in the land could rule this vaccine safe in light of the existing evidence.
Posted by: lisa | January 27, 2016 at 02:18 PM
Georg Elser,
" When this wall of lies falls , and I'm convinced it's very close , it will not be when you or I expect it to happen . It will come down very quickly , without warning.
Perhaps a passing of one of the key elderly architects of the plan."
I became aware of this issue when informed by a foreign colleague, shortly after Thompson's post on his lawyer's Web site. I had expected major consequences from Thompson's allegations. So, what has happened in the interim? Skirmishes on the alternative blogosphere. A speech on the House Floor by Posey that went nowhere. A number of videos on youtube that went nowhere. A number of proposed vaccination mandates, some of which succeeded, most especially the big prize, California.
After almost a year and a half past Thompson's revelations, where one would have expected major positive steps as a consequence, the vaccine safety movement has in fact lost ground. Yet, somehow, you expect the 'wall of lies' to fall, perhaps quickly. Based on what? It seems to me that if the present strategy (assuming there is a strategic plan) is not working, a new strategy is required.
William Thompson isn't a whistleblower, really?"
I've stated that before. When I think of whistleblowers, I have in mind people like Ellsberg, Manning, Snowden, Lewis, Marcus, Graham, and many others I've mentioned in previous posts. They went public voluntarily, and were willing to defend what they did. Most of them were not the perpetrators of the actions they reported, but people who had access to the documentation of these actions, and were willing to risk their careers and finances to make them public.
Thompson participated in the cover-up, and I think the full number of participants goes well beyond the group that did the 2001 CDC study. He appears to have had pangs of conscience about what he did, and confided his stories of events to Hooker. It is my subjective impression that the imminence of Hooker's going public led Thompson to his initial actions. Thompson gave critical documents to Congress, and posted admission of wrongdoing on his lawyer's Web site. The latter are commendable actions, but until he testifies about the documents in some open forum, there is little hope for progress. As we have been seeing for the past seventeen months, the initial documents and his comments have been distorted by the vaccine proponents, and the latest documents released by Swann are already being distorted and mis-interpreted.
As I stated below, I don't see conscience, ethics, morals as being motivators for others to come forward and support Thompson's statements in particular, and documented facts about the effects of MMR vaccine in general. A substantial financial reward seems to be a promising avenue; I can't think of other comparable incentives at present. The higher the profile of the whistleblower, the more impact their revelations would have.
Posted by: Ronald Kostoff | January 27, 2016 at 01:02 PM
Because there's a connection between vaccines and autism. This study posted on CDC's webpage "Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism."
Study: Madsen KM, Hviid A, Vestergaard M, Schendel D, Wohlfahrt J, et al. A population-based study of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination and autism. N Engl J Med. 2002;347 (19):1477–1482.
Results: Table 1
Vaccinated Children = 440,655
Cases of Autism and Other Autism Spectrum Disorder = 269 + 352 = 621
Rate = 621/440,655 = 0.00141 or 1/709
Unvaccinated Children = 96,648
Cases of Autism and Other Autism Spectrum Disorder = 47 + 70 = 117
Rate = 117/96,648 = 0.001211 or 1/826
Rate of Autism plus other ASD INCREASED with mmr vaccination by 14.1%
Results: Table 2 Adjusted for Relative Risk
Vaccinated Children = 1,647,504
Cases of Autism and Other Autism Spectrum Disorder = 263 + 345 (sum No. of Cases column)
Rate = 608/1,647,504 = 0.000369 or 1/2,710
Unvaccinated Children = 482,360
Cases of Autism and Other Autism Spectrum Disorder = 53 + 77
Rate = 130/482,360 = 0.0002695 or 1/3,710
Rate of Autism plus other ASD INCREASED with mmr vaccination by 26.9%
Posted by: Al | January 27, 2016 at 12:40 PM
I disagree Ronald Kostoff .
When this wall of lies falls , and I'm convinced its very close , it will not be when you or I expect it to happen . It will come down very quickly , without warning.
Perhaps a passing of one of the key elderly architects of the plan.
William Thompson isn't a whistleblower , really ?
His very existence hangs in the balance . And that is where the story has stalled.
Many people on all sides want this crime brought to an end because they know that everyone , absolutely everyone is in the firing line (sb277 doesn't allow for any exceptions that I know of , & clearly they plan to TRY rolling this evil out globally - all you pharma trolls & dirty doctors better have a re-think ).
Posted by: Georg Elser | January 27, 2016 at 10:46 AM
@ Kendra .. you posted excellent study regarding the different immune response in those receiving the Rubella vaccine because of the individual's race.
I would have preferred they investigated why "regressive" autism was so predominant in recent immigrants from Somalia .. rather than just African nations reacting differently to the Rubella vaccine.
In any event is it possible that credible researchers such as these .. can publish this study .. and .. not realize that a "one size fits all vaccine" is more "wishful thinking" than "science".
Consider .. I was surprised to read the researchers found no "difference" between genders .. simply because .. in 2014 .. "60 Minutes" had a segment by Leslie Stahl titled: "Sex Matters" .. "wherein she reported the Food and Drug Administration made an unusual and surprising announcement. It cut the recommended dose of the most popular sleep drug in the country, Ambien, in half for women. It turns out men and women metabolize Ambien, known generically as Zolpidem, very differently, leaving women with more of the drug in their bodies the next morning, and therefore at a greater risk of impaired driving."
(Anyone reading the long list of chemical ingredients contained in EVERY vaccine .. should be concerned if those "chemical ingredients" will be "metabolized" differently in a boy or girl .. especially under the age of five)
"Ambien, Zolpidem, is now the only prescription drug in the country with a different suggested dose for men and women. But we've discovered it is far from an isolated example of differences between the sexes we never imagined. More and more, scientists are realizing that the differences are dangerously understudied and that pervasively and fundamentally, sex matters."
"Take aspirin. Low-dose aspirin lowers the risk of heart attacks in healthy men; but in healthy women, turns out it doesn't though it does protect women against stroke. And drugs are just the beginning. Sex differences have been found in pain receptors, liver enzymes, even the wiring of the brain."
Wouldn't this phenomena of gender intolerance to metabolize chemicals equally .. explain why the ration of "1 in 4 with autism are BOYS"?
Common sense suggests the hormonal differences alone between the sexes .. males with higher levels of testosterone .. females with higher levels of estrogen .. and estrogen .. would affect how either sex tolerates ANY medications or vaccines.
Posted by: Bob Moffit | January 27, 2016 at 10:08 AM
Near the end of Swann's video, he makes a statement to the effect that 'tens of millions have received the vaccine with no side-effects'. Maybe he has to say that for political reasons, but he has no credible basis for that statement. As I have pointed out previously, we haven't had the time since the MMR vaccine was introduced to assess the LONG-TERM side-effects. Additionally, we have no idea of the full spectrum of mid-range and short-range side effects, both when the vaccine is given in isolation and in combination, much less in combination with other potentially toxic stimuli. We may not see such side-effects reported in the medical literature, but as the CDC study under discussion shows, that may not be relevant.
It's a good video, but there is little new information that we have not seen elsewhere. To make real progress, we need to do what Daniel Ellsberg tried to do in the run-up to the Iraq War: motivate 'insiders' to reveal the equivalent of the Pentagon Papers, and possibly avoid the conflict. Appealing to conscience, ethics, morals in the vaccine provider community has not worked; Thompson is the best so far, and he was by no means a whistleblower. We need someone(s) with 'deep pockets' to offer sizable financial rewards to 'insiders' who step forward and testify in public about the types of activities that Thompson describes. Or, for Pediatricians and researchers who have taken such incriminating data, but have not chosen to publish because of the adverse financial and career consequences, to finally step forward. I suspect that three or four people with Thompson-level information who testified in public would be enough to change the debate. For about 2-3 million bucks apiece, and a total of about ten million bucks, we would have a different ballgame. Videos and blogs won't hack it!
Posted by: Ronald Kostoff | January 27, 2016 at 07:37 AM
How long more can the lamestream\mainstream hold out ?
Posted by: Georg Elser | January 27, 2016 at 04:30 AM
Loved the Swann peice. I see the trolls are over his page bashing it the same ones over and over in fact. I really wish this peice would get more traction but we all know it wont.
Posted by: George stevens | January 26, 2016 at 07:27 PM
@ Jill:
Perhaps we should print out our AOA Bingo cards and play a game using the comments at Truth In Media? Sounds like an opportunity not to be missed!
Posted by: Someone | January 26, 2016 at 07:08 PM
If you have never seen this video, it is a must see. Ben Swann should see this video. The title is very misleading saying African-Americans respond better but in the video you will hear that they "over-respond" he says they might need only half the size dose needed for caucasians. So while this is through the Mayo clinic you know that they all know. "And yet it stimulates a very different set of gene expression and protein secretion." "We've seen that with other vaccines." Listen to what this guy says, he is really admitting that today, we blindly vaccinate everyone exactly the same no matter race, sex, etc. despite knowing they respond very differently and let the casualties fall as they may. He talks about only in the future that perhaps it will be analyzed and understood who needs certain vaccines, who is not at risk of certain diseases, who is more susceptible to a bad reactions. Every time I watch this video I pick up more and more and you realize they know, they all know, and they just don't give a damn about the victims. As if there is just no other choices. It disgusts me. He keeps saying, "this is so exciting" imagine treating patients like distinct individuals. Yes, just imagine?
Posted by: Kendra | January 26, 2016 at 05:59 PM
What went on adds up to obstruction of justice. Families in the Omnibus Autism Proceedings were denied the real data by those claiming to uphold science. Special Masters denied thousands of families fair compensation because their decisions were built on the work of this corrupt teams of CDC/Vaccinology insiders.
And yes, didn't MERCK take care of Dr. Gerbeding.
How many children have been injured?
Posted by: Louis Conte | January 26, 2016 at 03:23 PM
What is really chilling is the psychological games. Suspension for subordination after breaking rank and reporting straight to Gerberding, followed immediately by a glowing review and bonus to keep him locked in. One could only imagine what else.
Posted by: Linda1 | January 26, 2016 at 02:49 PM
Thank you Ben. The trolls are out in force in the comment section of Truth In Media. They are vicious! Same old Wakefield was a fraud, nothing to see here, all anti-vaxers are conspiracy theorists, etc. Wow. Just really sad. I hope the full truth does come out. Is this video going to be shown on any other media outlets?
Posted by: Jill | January 26, 2016 at 02:32 PM
"In this episode of Truth In Media, the focus is not on whether vaccines are responsible for autism. The issue at hand here is a study that was performed at the CDC and the question of whether the agency was complicit in a cover-up over a decade ago.
Why should anyone be surprised the CDC did absolutely nothing regarding the allegations of manipulating results to remove any inconvenient results that clearly indicated significant risks to the MMR vaccine .. after all .. the CDC is no different than ANY corrupt government bureaucracy that to protect their own self-interests .. prefers to cover-up the serious-deadly tragic consequences of their actions .. rather than actually doing what would be in the best interest of the PEOPLE they are supposed to be protecting.
Think EPA response to Flint Michigan "lead in the public water system" .. that went UNREPORTED by the EPA for almost a full year .. and .. is now supposedly being investigated by a Special Prosecutor.
I know the wheels of justice are slow .. but .. after a full decade investigation by the CDC with absolutely NOTHING to report on Dr. Thompson's allegations of CRIMINAL CONDUCT .. the wheels of justice appear to be stopped altogether.
Who made that promise a few years ago .. something about having the "most transparent government" in our country's history?
Posted by: Bob Moffit | January 26, 2016 at 02:17 PM
This is a very powerful video. Please share it.
Posted by: a reader | January 26, 2016 at 02:16 PM
The documentary shows that the corruption at the CDC goes all the way to the top -- Dr Julie Gerberding, the head of the CDC, refused to allow evidence of harm from the MMR vaccine to be given to the IOM for its evaluation of vaccine safety. Instead, Dr Thompson was suspended for trying to go around his supervisor, who was one of the people working to hide the connection between vaccination and autism.
The evidence for CDC corruption is compelling and damning.
The other information from the study that is not discussed very much is that "isolated autism" was associated with MMR, that is isn't just an effect in African-Americans, but about regression to autism in normal kids.
Posted by: Tim Lundeen | January 26, 2016 at 02:13 PM
Thank you Ben and the team for standing up when everyone else in the mainstream media prostrates themselves befor Big Pharma. Only thing I think you didn't mention was Julie Gerberding getting her reward taking the revolving door from the CDC to MMR manufacturer Merck with less than a year's gap. Magnificent.
Posted by: John Stone | January 26, 2016 at 01:54 PM
After viewing this it's clear that it's no longer just about competing science on vaccine safety. It's about corruption, fraud, and cover-up at the highest levels of our health care agencies.
Anne Dachel, Media
Posted by: Anne McElroy Dachel | January 26, 2016 at 12:30 PM