Glenn Frey, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Autoimmune Disease
When I heard that Glenn Frey of the Eagles passed away on Monday, I was immediately saddened with the thought that we have lost another rock legend. Glenn Frey and the Eagles are one of my favorites. He was much too young, at 67, to leave this world. His contributions to music and film for millions of people to enjoy and appreciate are countless.
I read that he was suffering in the last couple of months from rheumatoid arthritis (RA), acute ulcerative colitis, and pneumonia. Once again, my mind starts to churn about what can cause RA and ulcerative colitis and is it serious enough of a disease to lead to death.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease which means your immune system is attacking itself. In Rheumatoid Arthritis the immune system attacks the synovium of the joints, which is why you get swelling and pain. It can cause deformities if you delay treatment. Usually the treatment is used to slow the disease down and prevent these deformities. RA can also attack blood vessels surrounding the heart and lungs. Thus heart disease can be directly linked to RA.
Millions of Americans and people around the world suffer from complications due to autoimmune disease. But why? Most experts tell us there has been a dramatic rise in the number of autoimmune disease and disorders over the last 20 to 30 years. Sounds familiar doesn’t it?
Even the Arthritis Foundation states that the cause of RA is not known. The treatment of RA is complicated. To treat effectively, the protocol calls for the tampering down of the immune system. Thus leaving the body most acceptable to infections. And that is where pneumonia can strike.
Pharma advertises heavily on the weekends, especially on sporting events about RA and professional golfer, Phil Mickelson. He is also suffering from RA. According to the NIH website on RA, scientists estimate 1.5 million Americans over the age of 18 suffer from RA. And the largest group of new cases of RA are older Americans. Could it be from decades of being exposed to environmental hazards and now the CDC’s “Influenza vaccine” program for seniors, not only is RA becoming a growing concern, but maybe the large increase and earlier onset of Alzheimer's can be contributed to over vaccination in our seniors?
Do not know the exact medical conditions of what happened to Mr. Frey, but to me, I question the medical acceptance that RA just develops. That it is genetic but not hereditary. What triggers the body to start fighting itself. To create an autoimmune disorder?
Acute Ulcerative Colitis is thought to be an autoimmune disease as well. And the cause is still unknown. AUC is very similar to Crohn’s Disease.
Marc Leavey, MD, an internist at Baltimore’s Mercy Medical Center who did not treat Frey, said in an interview yesterday “that about 10 percent of people who suffer from ulcerative colitis also have inflammatory arthritis (like rheumatoid arthritis) as well.”
While many people recover from pneumonia, Leavey calls the infection “opportunistic” and says it will often occur in people who are suffering from another disease.
The bodily inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis is also a lot for a person to handle. “Together, they can produce more illness than each individually,” Leavey says. “With that as a background, a superimposed bacterial pneumonia, itself a serious illness, may be enough to tip the balance toward the tragic.”
Eric Matteson, MD, a rheumatologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, tells Yahoo Health “that Frey’s death highlights the severity of rheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis.
“The life expectancy of people who have rheumatoid arthritis that is very severe can be diminished, especially if there are complications of the disease outside the joints,” he says. “People with rheumatoid arthritis have a twofold risk of infection.”
Immune-suppressant medication is typically used for ulcerative colitis, which also increases a person’s risk of infection. “People who battle rheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis, and for as long as Glenn Frey did, are incredibly courageous,” Matteson says.
Now to connected the dots.
It was Andy Wakefield that researched the very issue that MMR causing Irritable Bowel Disease (IBS) and/or Crohn’s Disease. The medical establishment refuted this and launch Brian Deer and the Media Smear Merchants to discredit him.
In my book, The Vaccine Court, I interviewed several attorneys that represent petitioners who are suffering from autoimmune diseases such as RA, IBS, and GBS. One of the leading attorneys told me directly, that he has never seen, in the 20 years of practice, the tremendous number of autoimmune disorders as the result of vaccination. And the injuries are very bizarre.
Looking back into the many petitions that have been filed in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) for injuries from vaccines that caused RA, IBS and other autoimmune disorders, I find a common thread. Most of the injuries in today’s Vaccine Court are autoimmune. And the most common is GBS, mainly from the influenza vaccine. But RA and IBS are not too far in the distance.
Over a decade ago, the NVICP conducted an Omnibus hearing on RA. Most of the petitioners who were included in this proceeding, claimed that they developed RA from the Hepatitis B vaccine. And most of them went on to be compensated for their injuries. The decisions were not concessions, but rather joint stipulations to conclude proceedings and “settle” for a negotiated dollar amount. Our government as represented in the NVICP by DOJ attorneys, state the following with all stipulations or settlements “respondent denies that petitioner’s vaccine caused the petitioner to suffer RA and/or any other injury. Nonetheless, the parties agree to resolve this matter informally.”
Since that RA Omnibus proceeding, the influenza vaccine has been added to the program (July 1, 2005). Now, the influenza vaccine is the most common vaccine reported to cause RA and other autoimmune diseases due to the tremendous number of doses administered each year.
Reviewing the nearly 150 petitions that I have been able to track in the NVICP regarding RA as an injury, most of these petitions are the result of the influenza, Hep B, and HPV vaccines.
The ostrich crowd will likely respond to this article by stating that there is no concrete proof that vaccines cause RA or ulcerative colitis. That there is no scientific peer reviewed literature that clearly shows causation.
How about instead of spending your time trying to discredit a much needed debate on vaccines and autoimmune diseases such as RA, spend the time and resources on medical outcome studies. Most medical professionals still deny vaccines can cause RA, can cause autoimmune encephalitis (remember Brain on Fire?), can cause ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel disease, can cause conversion disorders, can cause Type 1 diabetes, can cause heart disease and obesity, and the biggest denial and cover-up of them all, can cause encephalopathy that eventually leads to autism.
I am not saying that the very sad and surprising passing of Glenn Frey is a direct result of an injury from a vaccine. But it does give me pause, some time to think about someone that graced our lives with his music. And to think about all the damage to the millions of people who suffer from autoimmune disease each and every day.
For all of us, let’s get back to work, get engaged in debate of the potential damages of over vaccinating. Keep pushing for independent studies of vaccinations, disclosure and transparency of corruption of our government.
For Glenn Frey, Take it Easy.
Wayne Rohde, author of The Vaccine Court – The Dark Truth of America’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
The number one selling drug in the United States.
Humira (Adalimumab): Humira tops the global prescription-drug list of 2017 and achieved annual revenue growth of 14.6% to reach global revenue of USD 18.43 billion in 2017. Humira is manufactured by AbbVie Inc. (U.S.). It is indicated in the treatment of autoimmune diseases and moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis. The patent is expired in 2016 in the U.S. and will expire by 2018 in Europe creating competitive opportunities for biosimilars product.
I have had such a hard time between this debate. Going back and forth over data. I have a mother on one side telling me the things in this article and a brother going to be a surgeon. On opposite sides of course.
I first read what the number one selling drug is because I read that vaccines don’t make a lot of money. Now I’m horrified that they make the most money selling a drug that is supposed to cure the problem they may have caused by vaccines.
Could this be possible?
Posted by: Janna | February 26, 2019 at 12:05 AM
Nice read and begs a more personal question.
Last year I received several vaccines leading up to a trip to some 3rd world countries. Less than a month after my shots, I developed RA symptoms. Soon I submitted blood work which confirmed an RA diagnosis. Since then I've experienced one painful flare up after another.
Where is a good place to register my experience? If this is part of a bigger trend, I'd like to share my story.
Posted by: Ed | June 21, 2017 at 05:54 AM
It's the body's immune inflammatory response again just like in Autism.
Every single vaccine-related adverse reaction on PubMed are due the body's inflammatory immune response. Inflammation can damage tissue and once the tissue is damaged, infection sets in, and you now have an infectious disease to deal with.
Here's my theory on vaccine induced regressive autism:
Immunization shots (antigens) --> body's immune system identifies pathogens--> responds with inflammation to protect the body by engulfing the pathogens.
The blood brain barrier in children are not fully developed yet so during immunization some antigens and immune cells maybe able to cross the BBB and ends up in the brain.The microglial cells in the brain are the brain's immune defense and they also responds with inflammation to defend the brain against pathogens. Inflammation in the brain is called neuroinflammation. The body's inflammatory response may also accidentally kill or damage some of the neurons in the brain during the process:
Immunization shots--> immune response, some pathogens and immune cells are able to cross the blood brain barrier (BBB) --> microglial cells identifies the pathogens-->the microglia defends the brain by smothering the pathogens with inflammation.
Unfortunately, during the inflammatory process,some of the neurons in the brain are also killed or damaged-->regression --autism.
Posted by: Jhohn | January 25, 2016 at 10:08 AM
@Bendetta. I remember that you have mentioned this before (I'm a long time AOA reader) and I was hoping you'd post here. My son hasn't had vaccines since he was 14 mos old and he is now 8. He did not have heart damage on the echo we did at the hospital, and he gets his second echo this week. They treated him on the 8th day of fever with IVIG and aspirin. They are very NONCHALANT about it in regards to long term, but I know better. I'm scrambling now to move forward and try to help him recover. I can't say that mercury isn't the cause (I'll test him asap),but I'm also wondering about other things too. There are new studies on candida in the wind and I'm sure candida is an issue. I'm starting to think that like autism, there is more than one cause, but the Vaxes we did do (only a few) set him up for problems.
Posted by: angelina | January 24, 2016 at 10:53 AM
Tim Lundeen,
"Are there others we should look at?"
I would recommend the first part of Chapter 3 (p.19-27) in my book ( This summarizes the classes of contributing factors in taxonomy form. If you want more detail, Chapter 8 contains numerous specific examples, and the end section of Chapter 3 describes contributing factors in detail for cataracts. Hope this helps.
Posted by: Ronald Kostoff | January 23, 2016 at 06:16 AM
Angelina, Whether Kawasaki's is autoimmune or not, I cant say, but I know that the mercury toxicologists consider it to have a very simple cause : irritation of the lining of the arteries by mercury. Look at your child's history- Has he received flu vaccines with mercury 1-2 months or less before he developed KD? - or any other vaccine that has mercury? Do you eat fish or have dental amalgams with mercury -and you breastfeed your child? Also remember that some of the vaccines that list their contents as less than one microgram of mercury, may actually contain more(They are allowed this because measuring mercury is not so easy) Just keep your child away from mercury and stop worrying. -On second thought , if you are stressed out with worry, go to the website of Quicksilver Scientific and see what products they may have for remmoving mercury from your child. Google on methods for removing mercury from the body. Doctors for autistic kids (DAN doctors) would also be familiar with this. And most of all- stop vaccines for your child for at least a year and in the meantime educate yourself on avoiding vaccines that contain mercury or aluminum.
Posted by: Cherry Misra | January 22, 2016 at 10:17 PM
Well done Kathy Sincere- for standing up to Ms Reich with good data. She is just another person who thinks that vaccine injury really does not exist. To be kind to such people, I would recall that I had spent quite a few years on vaccine websites, before I became familiar with the fact that there are quite a few families such as yours in which the kids do badly with almost any vaccine at any age.
And on the topic of wrong ideas I have spoken to doctors who believe that parents deliberately get a diagnosis for their child so that they can avail of extra help for their child in school. I find that hard to believe- Is there any truth at all to that belief?
Posted by: Cherry Misra | January 22, 2016 at 10:03 PM
Tim Lundeen,
"along with eliminating other environmental toxins."
Easier said than done! First, you would need to identify the potential environmental (and other) toxins. We only know a fraction for any disease, and it may be a small fraction for some diseases. For a given disease, many toxins have not been researched, others have been distorted, and others have been suppressed. For example, a recent survey of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) potential causes ( shows myriad causes in the environmental chemical category alone. Given that all the financial incentives are heavily weighted toward not reporting potential causes, we can safely view this list as the tip of a much larger iceberg. Do you believe the alleged CDC coverup of the MMR vaccine autism link was a 1/100 event, or 99/100 event? I believe these types of contributing factor coverups are not rare; what is rare is those that get reported in the biomedical literature!
In addition to identifying the environmental chemical toxins, there are many other environmental toxic stimuli that need to be identified, as well as lifestyle-based toxins, iatrogenic toxic stimuli, and others I list in my book (Pervasive Causes of Disease). I identified about 8,000 potential toxic stimuli that could contribute to disease, of which about 800 were pervasive (they impacted myriad diseases). But, if many toxic stimuli-disease combinations are not researched or are distorted or are suppressed, as I believe to be the case, then the number of pervasive contributing factors could be far more than 800! Adding in the potential synergies due to combinations of stimuli, the number could be heightened considerably.
Additionally, even if we knew all the potential contributing factors, how would we know whether or not we are being exposed to them? Case in point. At the time I was doing the EMF health impacts study, I had occasion to stay in three different motel rooms. I had my trusty gaussmeter (measures magnetic fields) with me on these trips. I measured the magnetic fields at the head of the beds in each of the motel rooms. The LOWEST measurement was six milligauss! That is a substantial amount for anything more than a brief exposure. I moved the beds around, and found locations where the fields were about one milligauss. How many people make such measurements, and take such actions?
Further, an Israeli research committee, funded by their Ministry of Environmental Protection "advised the Israeli Police against adding hybrid cars to its mostly diesel powered fleet, due to medical hazards to officers exposed to radiation for lengthy periods of time." ( How many AoA readers think hybrids are safe: have the owners of hybrids actually measured the magnetic fields in their vehicles under different conditions?
Trains and planes may even be worse; how many readers have measured their EMF exposures on these conveyances? Finally, how many readers use cell phones and WiFi, or live within 500 meters of a cell tower? They are accidents waiting to happen!
The point is, eliminating all the potential toxic stimuli is next to impossible, and even identifying them is essentially impossible in today's climate. People will argue that at least the major toxic stimuli should be eliminated. All good and well, but toxic stimuli that are major for one person may not be the major toxic stimuli for another person. Unless ALL of these potentially toxic stimuli are eliminated in parallel, there is no way we can insure that the vast majority of the afflicted will be protected under the umbrella.
Posted by: Ronald Kostoff | January 22, 2016 at 09:28 PM
@Ronald Kostoff
Yes, it is pretty much impossible to eliminate all modern toxins, so we have to try to eliminate what we consider to be the most important. So what are those?
* Nevison looked at correlations with 20 possible serious toxins and autism rates, and found that glyphosate, PBDE flame retardants, vaccines, and vaccine aluminum adjuvant were all highly correlated. So we eat organically raised food, minimize flame retardants, and don't vaccinate. []
* Factory farmed meat/eggs are not healty, so we eat pastured meat/eggs from small farms, where we can visit the farm and see that the animals are healthy
* Modern grains aren't healthy, so we eat a Jaminet Perfect Health-type paleo-inspired diet, with enough carbs for our immune system
* Clean water: we get drinking water sourced from a mountain spring, tested for contamination
* Sleep/wake cycle: sleeping in a totally dark space, with minimal EMFs; no blue light late at night, staying on a regular schedule
* EMFs: making sure our home is at least 500m from the nearest cell-tower, not having cell phones on in the car, minimizing WiFi, never putting a cell phone to our heads, no microwave. Still working on this one...
Are there others we should look at?
BTW, I really appreciate your comments here at AofA, and am looking forward to reading your book soon! I have been reducing my EMF exposure based on your input, thanks!
(You can email me at tim.lundeen at
Posted by: Tim Lundeen | January 22, 2016 at 04:43 PM
Tim Lundeen,
"along with eliminating other environmental toxins."
Easier said than done! First, you would need to identify the potential environmental (and other) toxins. We only know a fraction for any disease, and it may be a small fraction for some diseases. For a given disease, many toxins have not been researched, others have been distorted, and others have been suppressed. For example, a recent survey of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) potential causes ( shows myriad causes in the environmental chemical category alone. Given that all the financial incentives are heavily weighted toward not reporting potential causes, we can safely view this list as the tip of a much larger iceberg. Do you believe the alleged CDC coverup of the MMR vaccine-autism link was a 1/100 event, or 99/100 event? I believe these types of contributing factor coverups are not rare; what is rare is those that get reported in the biomedical literature!
In addition to identifying the environmental chemical toxins, there are many other environmental toxic stimuli that need to be identified, as well as lifestyle-based toxins, iatrogenic toxic stimuli, and others I list in my book (Pervasive Causes of Disease). I identified ~8,000 potential toxic stimuli that could contribute to disease, of which ~800 were pervasive (they impacted myriad diseases). But, if many toxic stimuli-disease combinations are not researched or are distorted or are suppressed, as I believe to be the case, then the number of pervasive contributing factors could be far more than 800! Adding in the potential synergies due to combinations of stimuli, the number could be heightened considerably.
Additionally, even if we knew all the potential contributing factors, how would we know whether or not we are being exposed to them? Case in point. At the time I was doing the EMF health impacts study, I had occasion to stay in three different motel rooms. I had my trusty gaussmeter (measures magnetic fields) with me on these trips. I measured the magnetic fields at the head of the beds in each of the motel rooms. The LOWEST measurement was six milligauss! That is a substantial amount for anything more than a brief exposure. I moved the beds around, and found locations where the fields were How many AoA readers think hybrids are safe: have the owners of hybrids actually measured the magnetic fields in their vehicles under different conditions! Trains and planes may even be worse; how many readers have measured their EMF exposures on these conveyances? Finally, how many readers use cell phones and WiFi, or live within ~500 meters of a cell tower? They are accidents waiting to happen!
The point is, eliminating all the potential toxic stimuli is next to impossible, and even identifying them is essentially impossible in today's climate. People will argue that at least the major toxic stimuli should be eliminated. All good and well, but toxic stimuli that are major for one person may not be the major toxic stimuli for another person. Unless ALL of these potentially toxic stimuli are eliminated in parallel, there is no way we can insure that the vast majority of the afflicted will be protected under the umbrella.
Posted by: Ronald Kostoff | January 22, 2016 at 12:40 PM
Well done.
Posted by: Louis Conte | January 22, 2016 at 12:15 PM
Agreeing with Laura Hayes 100%
I've heard many commmentators suggest that autism and alzheimers and parkinsons & MS and SIDS etc , are potentially all the same disease at different points on the life cycle . A complete toxic vaccine poisoning.
I view the situation as being in a secret undecalred war , we are under chemical attack (all of us from many angles.)
"Which leads me to my one minor bone of contention with your article...your comment that we should get engaged in debate of "the potential damages of over vaccinating". There is no safe level or amount of vaccinating...each and every vaccine causes damage...and each has the potential to make a person of any age chronically ill, permanently disabled, or prematurely dead.
To make matters even more severe, the cumulative effect of the scores of vaccines that are now given, paired with the numerous other toxins in our environment, are we are seeing in spades...across every age category. "
Good news though , heavy advertising here in the UK , McDonalds now uses real free range eggs in their McMuffins.
Too little too late , McDonalds .
Posted by: Georg Elser | January 22, 2016 at 06:51 AM
Posted by: Rae | January 22, 2016 at 04:25 AM
Please note Phil Mickelson does not have RA, he has psoriatic arthritis.
Posted by: BB | January 21, 2016 at 11:30 PM
Angelina I am sorry.
My two had Kawasakis.
Yes, the doctors are all calm about it, and unconcerned cause they know good and well a medical procedure caused it.
A fever of 105 - Oh, natures way of fighting an infection.
How many days did your son have Kawasakis?
What did they use on him to calm it down? It was just aspirin for mine cause it was over 30 years ago. IgG? I heard they had a new drug?
Did they warn you that they could have periodical fevers like clock work every month - they will finally begin to fad to every two months, then three and so forth? Perhaps that has changed now that they have that new drug?
Did they check his heart? How is it. My three month old son at the time - his heart's left ventricular blew up, making his heart look like a boot in a soft X ray.}}
I am sure they will say nothing about any problems with the brain that may later show up?
For one of mine it turned out to be bipolar - a mood disorder. For the other - well I did not know the heart thing was caused by a vaccine, I should have though. So, we kept vaccinating until he had an immediate reaction and well here I am on this site.
Posted by: Benedetta | January 21, 2016 at 09:51 PM
Reading through this article and commentaries, I feel compelled to add to the discussion. My daughter, who is 38, developed Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis after an MMR booster when she was 12. She was also diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in her 20’s. I have one son with ASD, one with bi-polar disorder and a sister with schizophrenia.
In the last year I’ve learned through blood testing that I am homozygous for the C677T MTHFR genetic mutation. My husband is heterozygous for this mutation also. A MTHFR (methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase) mutation inhibits methylation of heavy metals and toxins. All four of our children were vaccine-injured. Since my Mom and Dad obviously had this defect, it answers a lot of questions about family health history, especially my sister’s schizophrenia.
This leads me to the lecture on vaccines that I attended this afternoon and questions I asked in the follow-up.
Colorado Children’s Immunization Coalition hosted speaker Jennifer Reich, author of “Neoliberal Mothering and Vaccine Refusal - Imagined Gated Communities and the Privilege of Choice.
ijkey=fUokCLKdAFzI2&keytype=ref&siteid=spgas Ms. Reich also has a book coming out in June, “Calling the Shots”.
This is a quote from her article: “Vaccine Policy promotes a uniform healthcare intervention – administered at the same time in similar doses for all people. This makes distribution relatively simple and inexpensive.”
After sitting through 1 l/2 hours of Barbara Loe Fisher bashing, Jenny McCarthy up on a huge screen with Jim Carey, and the usual drivel, I was able to ask Ms. Reich some questions. “Are you familiar with the MTHFR gene mutation and the health risks associated with being homozygous for this mutation.”? She did not. I asked “if 10% of the population is homozygous for this mutation, should kids be screened for this BEFORE vaccination?” She said no; that there is a consensus between the medical community and parents that genetic testing should not be done.
I reminded Ms. Reich that hospitals do PKU testing, which is genetic testing, and the positive results are only 1 in 15,000 births. Ten percent of the population has MTHFR genetic defect and that does not alter the medical community’s one-size-fits-all vaccination program.
According to the author’s logic, doctors should advocate giving phenylalanine to all infants, without PKU screening, and hope for the best because it promotes uniform healthcare. Those special little privileged PKU babies just might need a special privileged diet.
Vaccine Choice is not about being a white neoliberal mother in a gated community. It’s about making informed decisions for ourselves and our children!
Posted by: Kathy Sincere | January 21, 2016 at 09:51 PM
Hearing his diagnosis made me think about the damaging effects of nonsteroidal ant inflammatory drugs typically prescribed for RA - Infection is more prevalent with RA because most people with this autoimmune disease take NSAID (which in addition to vaccines, glyphosate, the overuse of antibiotics, poor diet etc), cause or exacerbate intestinal permeability. Leaky gut syndrome not only allows undigested proteins & toxins to "leak" into the blood
creating pockets of inflammation throughout the body, but this scenario also stresses the immune system with the task of creating antibodies against this "foreign" substances making it less capable of fighting off an infection.
Posted by: Maureen McDonnell,RN | January 21, 2016 at 09:19 PM
Doctors in Flint were attacked and condemned when they sounded the alarm over the lead in the water. We know what happens to doctors who have worried about and reported vaccine effects. Democrats are trying to pin it on Republicans but I'm sure the blame can be shared. One has to wonder how people will view the largely Democrat push for vaccine mandates such as done by Dr. Pan. The corruption is literally sickening.
Posted by: Reader | January 21, 2016 at 08:58 PM
My son was just released from the hospital diagnosed with Kawasaki disease. I'm so scared and worried ALL THE TIME. I can't believe the nonchalant attitude of everyone regarding these autoimmune diseases. No one is asking the question why are people's autoimmune systems so weak?
Posted by: angelina | January 21, 2016 at 05:25 PM
It's not just that the allopathic medical system is a primary cause of autoimmune illness, but they also don't know how to treat it effectively. Their standard steroid protocol has major side effects and is not effective long-term.
Much better treatment, as with autism, is to reduce inflammation from the environment. One primary reduction is from food: my recommendation is a combination of the Jaminet's paleo-oriented super-nutrition (Perfect Health Diet) and Sarah Ballantyne's inflammatory-foods-to-eliminate list (The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body). Many, many people have totally eliminated symptoms of autoimmune illness with this approach, along with eliminating other environmental toxins.
Posted by: Tim Lundeen | January 21, 2016 at 03:31 PM
Increasing millions of Americans have autoimmune conditions, and people accept that as normal (along with the ever-increasing autism rate). Meanwhile, a tiny measles outbreak last year caused panic. The vast majority of measles cases resolve without long-term ill effects, and contracting measles may even reduce later immune dysfunction,
Autoimmune disease is far worse to get than measles. People's attention is in the wrong place.
It's not just the elderly that are getting this epidemic of autoimmune disease. I'm 30, and more and more of my peers are dealing with these sorts of issues. Just within the last few months, two of my acquaintances (both slightly younger than me) were diagnosed with autoimmune diseases, one with rheumatoid arthritis and the other with multiple sclerosis. I've noticed that I seem to be on the cusp of a major difference, those at least a few years older than me seem to have significantly less risk of immune dysfunction, at least not at as early an age, and those younger than myself are in even worse shape. I have friends that have a 2-year-old with type 1 diabetes, which started soon after a vaccination. The health of America is clearly in decline if we only bother to look around. I've heard plenty of stories from older folks that just a few decades ago, all these immune dysfunction issues were rare. Life expectancy hasn't fallen yet because those in the older generations now grew up before there were nearly as many environmental toxins and vaccines, and these things affect children and those in the womb disproportionately.
Posted by: Richard | January 21, 2016 at 03:22 PM
Another potential causative factor is from another vaccine... polio. The polio vaccine at the time they all were children was contaminated with SV40. SV40 inhibits production of glutathione. Low glutathione is implicated in all autoimmune diseases including cancer... We don't know for sure that SV40 is actually removed from the polio vaccines today. They only test for 14 days when it may not express itself till much later.
I find it interesting that there is a LOT of research connecting SV40 and glutathione and there is a lot of research connecting glutathione and the various autoimmune disorders but nobody is connecting the dots between SV40 and the autoimmune disorders...
Posted by: Doug | January 21, 2016 at 01:03 PM
Important article, Wayne...thank you. I will be sharing it, hoping that people realize it's not just babies who are being injured, being rendered sick and disabled, and having their lives ended either immediately or prematurely by's people of ALL ages.
Which leads me to my one minor bone of contention with your article...your comment that we should get engaged in debate of "the potential damages of over vaccinating". There is no safe level or amount of vaccinating...each and every vaccine causes damage...and each has the potential to make a person of any age chronically ill, permanently disabled, or prematurely dead.
To make matters even more severe, the cumulative effect of the scores of vaccines that are now given, paired with the numerous other toxins in our environment, are we are seeing in spades...across every age category.
I know this is not news to you, Wayne, and I greatly appreciate your thousands of hours of research and are a wealth of information...and we are all very fortunate to benefit from what you've learned. I always look forward to and benefit from reading what you write, Wayne...thank you!
Posted by: Laura Hayes | January 21, 2016 at 12:04 PM
Rheumatoid arthritis is unusually prevalent in families with autistic children. It is also unusually prevalent in the immediate families of schizophrenics. My research has led me to conclude that schizophrenia is autism's ugly stepsister, and that both schizophrenia and autism are first cousins of rheumatoid arthritis. There is also some evidence that schizophrenia is protective against rheumatoid arthritis. I don't know why. I do know that all three conditions seem to trace right back to methylation problems and consequent difficulty excreting heavy metals, with mercury being the primary antagonist. Heavy metals that are not properly excreted, in turn, disrupt the microbiome, which in turns triggers inflammation. Why some inflammation winds up in the brain as opposed to the joints, I do not know. It could be that our brains become vulnerable to inflammation from injury, either at birth, due to oxygen deprivation, at vaccination, due to damage from the vaccines themselves (e.g. MMR), or even, as studies suggest, from concussions experienced during youth (during sports for example).
But basically, it's all the same, and so are the solutions.
Posted by: lisa | January 21, 2016 at 11:54 AM
I don't know if it's the 24/7 reporting we have now but it really does seem like adults are dying younger and we know that the infant mortality rate is horrible.
Yearly flu vaccines are recommended 'especially' for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, the rationale being that infection is so much more dangerous for someone with RI and that the injected flu vaccine is a killed vaccine so it can't cause flu. What they completely leave out is that the flu vaccine causes inflammation which is exactly what the person already on fire with autoimmune disease does not need and is constantly trying to tamp down with drugs. Throwing kerosene on the fire every fall in the form of a flu vaccine makes for treacherous winters. They also don't factor in those pesky inconvenient CIDRAP reported studies where the flu vaccinated piglets got severe lung scarring pneumonia, and the studies that showed that people that got yearly flu vaccines had less protection from other respiratory infection and the flu in successive years.
Posted by: Linda1 | January 21, 2016 at 10:09 AM
Apparently only a mere handful of people in the 7 bn of us has "Crigler Najjar Syndrome" .
The daily mail said smthg like just tens of people worldwide
Wikipedia (which is NOT a trusted source imo) says its 1 in every 2 million .
And I know someone with that ! Why ? What caused that ?
Is its incidence set to increase ?
I'm suspicious of everything now .
Posted by: Georg Elser | January 21, 2016 at 09:53 AM
I immediately was thinking the same things when I heard about what he died from, but have also been thinking about Bowie, and cancer. People too young to die seem to be dropping like flies. I don't know what the average age of death is going to look like in another 5 years, but I bet it will dropping lower and lower almost as quickly as the autism rates are climbing higher and higher.
Back in the 90's I worked with a guy only in his late 30's/early forties who was diagnosed with Crohn's when we worked to together. Talk around the office was about how rare it was and how young he was to be diagnosed with it. But I had already heard of it, I had a non-blood relative who had it. Then another non-blood relative was diagnosed with it, so I no longer thought it was as rare as people said it was. I mean, what were the chances?
One of those relative had never attended college, so I've often thought it wasn't the result of college shots. So I've leaned toward thinking that it could have been from childhood immunizations and that Crohn's maybe was what vaccine damage looks like 20/30 years down the road. Seems like flu shots/hep b may hasten the effects of the final effects of the damage, or create cumulative damage and prevent any chance of healing it or reigning it in?
One of those people had spent some time in juvenile detention and I wonder if there are additional vaccines foisted upon detentions and prisoners? Could that partly explain why some people say folks come out of prison worse then they went in?
Posted by: Jenny | January 21, 2016 at 09:27 AM
I was thinking along the same lines this week, Wayne. :-)
Posted by: Zoey O'Toole | January 21, 2016 at 08:43 AM
There are good bits and bad bits to the the NHS and while successive British governments have connived with the US to turn it into a privatised pharmaceutical racket there are certain conditions for which you can get standard treatment such as B12 deficiency:
Posted by: John Stone | January 21, 2016 at 08:26 AM
My 78 yr old m-i-l has had that twice. Lived on steroids for it just had hip replacement surgery and her shoulders are shot. Her bones probably look like swiss cheese. Has taken celebrex and Boniva for years. Loves the flu shot. Gets it faithfully. A nurse who doesn't connect the dots.
Posted by: Andrea | January 21, 2016 at 08:23 AM
Now what if the vaccine ingredients include substances that already exist in the body, like the squalene or human diploid cells I mentioned earlier? Antibodies that are created to attack squalene will seek it in the body. Squalene tends to be concentrated in the joints, so someone with a highly reactive immune system may find him or herself suddenly developing an autoimmune condition after receipt of a squalene-containing vaccine whereby antibodies attack the body itself, inflaming joints and creating a condition that looks a lot like rheumatoid arthritis.
Posted by: Georg Elser | January 21, 2016 at 08:05 AM
There is a new medical textbook out: "Vaccines and Autoimmunity" by Yehuda Shoenfeld, Nancy Agmon-Levin, and Lucija Tomljenovic. It speaks volumes to this very issue.
Thanks for all that you are doing.
Posted by: William H. Gaunt | January 21, 2016 at 07:53 AM
When my dad got Crohn's in 1956 it was a vanishingly rare condition - it was very difficult to diagnose and people who got it nearly always died with or without diagnosis (indeed he nearly did). Now, of course, it is all over the place.
Posted by: John Stone | January 21, 2016 at 07:50 AM
Another autoimmune condition that seems to be on the rise among my mother's generation is polymyalgia rheumatica. She and several friends have it -- none of them had heard of it before. Flu shot, anyone?
Posted by: introvert | January 21, 2016 at 07:16 AM
you've misspelled crones - should be Crohn's
Posted by: AnneS | January 21, 2016 at 07:13 AM
Thank you for this clarification. I don't feel a bit more comforted but better informed.
Posted by: janie beville | January 21, 2016 at 07:03 AM