Glenn Frey, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Autoimmune Disease
Does Eminem Give Asperger's a Bad Rap

Dachel Media Update: Manic Measles & Acceptance over Action

Online newsJan 20, 2016, FOX7 Austin, TX: Doctors advise vaccinations after confirmed measles case

Jan 20, 2016, PBS: Telling the story of parents and activists who fought for autism acceptance (Series: Understanding Autism)

FOX7 Austin


Dr. Sarmistha Hauger: "...The vast majority of those cases happen in people that are either incompletely vaccinated or unvaccinated."

Reporter: "Doctors say fears of autism may have caused parents to rethink vaccines.  Dr. Hauger says there's no evidence that proves immunizations are linked to autism.... Hauger backs vaccines so much, she wouldn't mind if some were mandatory."

Hauger: "I don't think that people should have an option for a waiver for certain types of vaccines that keep our population safe."

Of course Dr. Hauger omitted the fact that neither she nor the rest of the medical community can be held liable if a child is injured by a vaccine.  That never seems to be part of message when doctors tell parents to vaccinate..


(VIDEO)  Interview with John Donvan and Caren Zucker

Donvan talked about how "this condition that we never heard of until about 75 years ago came into consciousness."

"Many people only heard about it in the last 15 years or so, largely as a result of controversy."

Caren Zucker brought up how we used to put autistic people into institution and how children with autism weren't allowed to go to school.   Donvan explained that we've now started to come out of the dark ages of autism neglect as far as children are concerned, we just haven't done the same for adults. 

 Zucker: "Parents were told to put their children in institutions.  ...Keeping them at home, nobody did that.  And if they did, they hid them.  And if they put them in institutions, they didn't tell anyone.  It was what doctors told you to do."

Donvan: "And to forget about your kids.  They would say, 'Put your kids there, go home, take care of your kids who are 'normal," and try to forget those kids. Some parents, many parents did that, through about the 1950s or 60s."

Donvan talked about the confusion surrounding autism leading to all the controversy, and what's going to be happening.

Donvan: "We're at a point now where things aren't perfect, but we have at least tried to address the challenges of children with autism in ways that we weren't doing nearly sufficiently even 25 years ago.  In public schools they're getting direct education and direct therapy.  But that's, we think, the job only being half done.  Something is going to happen to all of these kids.  They're basically going to grow up..."

"What do we do about adults?  I think everybody agrees it's a problem but nobody really has a solution." 

"I don't sense that people are loving the adults the way they learned to love kids.  The truth is, they're not going to be cute in the same way as kids are, and they shouldn't have to be cute to deserve and merit our attention and support."

Zucker: "[Adults], they're not aren't embraced.  They're unknown still.  People aren't used to having adults with autism around."

This makes no sense whatsoever.  PBS is buying into the absurd claim that autism has always been here like this, (notice they never mention the current rate of one in every 45 children, one in 28 boys) we just hid them away somewhere until about 60 years ago.  Up until that time people with autism were not allowed in public. 

So autism was a big, dark secret.  Until 25 years ago, as Donvan noted, WE JUST IGNORED ALL THE PEOPLE EVERYWHERE WITH AUTISM.  Donvan said that we're doing a better job with the children, especially in our schools, but there is still a total lack of recognition of autism in the adult population.   WHY IS THAT?  Why are we told that all the autism among our children is the result of "better diagnosing" by doctors, but when it comes to adults, doctors can't pick out the spinning, rocking, hand-flapping, non-verbal autistic patient in a geriatric ward?

I can't imagine anything more insulting to the medical community, teachers and parents than to accuse all of them of hideous abuse and neglect of a huge disabled population.  Why did everyone suddenly become enlightened about autism and start addressing it 25 years ago?  I was teaching then.  I didn't suddenly wake up one morning and notice all the disabled kids in my classroom.  The truth is, gradually over the last 25 years, we've all grown used to more and more kids who can't speak, can't learn like everyone else, and can't behave in a classroom.  Donvan calls it progress.  I call it bizarre to think that media outlets everywhere are giving these authors air time and never once asking them legitimate questions about their claims.

Anne Dachel is Media Editor for Age of Autism.



Barry, You could be right, but Illwait on it- for more info.


Your call. But I will tell you from experience, if you have loved one who is currently taking statins, that could well turn out to be one of the biggest regrets of your life.

Cherry Misra

Barry, You could be right, but Illwait on it- for more info. Think Japanese men with 4 out of 10 having Alzheimers. Sounds more like mercury in fish to me. Watch Dr. Boyd Haley on youtube, making the scientific case for mercury causing AD. However, your point about statins and cholesterol and brain tissue is a very interesting one.


I am a volunteer in a nursing home, and I do see individuals with dementia who display traits associated with autism. Funny thing is, they didn't have these traits their entire lives. That brings to mind flu shots, mercury fillings, God knows how much medication, and brain trauma. Kinda a sounds like an environmental disaster, doesn't it. I'm sure it's going to be swell when autism meets dementia in huge numbers in about 40 years.


From my personal experience, flu vaccines are just part of the picture when it comes to seniors.

if you examined the meds lists for some of you most severe dementia cases, I'd bet money they're the ones who either are, or who have been on some pretty high doses of statin drugs.

Research has shown that in the elderly, the best memory function has been observed in those with the highest levels of cholesterol

Although the brain represents about 2-3 percent of total body weight, it's where 25% of the body's cholesterol in found.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to make a connection between the recent emergence of statin drugs, and the tsunami of dementia that has slowly been stealing the minds of our elderly loved ones.


I am a volunteer in a nursing home, and I do see individuals with dementia who display traits associated with autism. Funny thing is, they didn't have these traits their entire lives. That brings to mind flu shots, mercury fillings, God knows how much medication, and brain trauma. Kinda a sounds like an environmental disaster, doesn't it. I'm sure it's going to be swell when autism meets dementia in huge numbers in about 40 years.


So true, Bob.
Reading your list, this whopper comes to mind:

"Vaccines are safe and effective".

Bob Moffit

Saddam has a vast storage of weapons of mass destruction and we know exactly where they are being stored .. we even have satellite photos showing trucks loaded with chemical and biological weapons .. engines running .. ready to launch at a moments notice.
EPA Commissioner Christine Whitman .. standing amid the rubble of the WTC within days of 9/11 attack .. wearing a yellow hard-hat and speaking through a mega-phone to the brave first responders desperately seeking anyone who may have survived .. "WE HAVE TESTED THE AIR QUALITY AND FOUND IT TO BE SAFE".
Gov of Michigan .. "apologizing" to the people of Flint Michigan for contaminating every man, woman and child with lead in their water-supply .. after his public health bureaucrats ignored thousands of complaints about the odor, color and taste of the water in Flint for MONTHS immediately following switch of water supply because it was CHEAPER water.
If you want your doctor .. you can keep your doctor
If you want your health insurance .. you can keep it
Donovan .. on autism .. ""Many people only heard about it in the last 15 years or so, largely as a result of controversy."
As Ronald Reagan (paraphrasing) once said .. the ten words that should frighten everyone who hears them are:

"We're from the government and we are here to help you"


Austin is supposed to be an educated, intelligent, sophisticated kind of place, yet the pushing of vaccines is relentless.


Ok. So let's just say for a minute that it's true that 1-2% of the population has always been locked up somewhere for their entire lives. Name the institutions. Drag out the old records. Let's count them. And where are all the doctors that took care of these people while they were in these institutions? Surely, these disabled people who were locked away from society had medical care. Who took care of them? Where are all the families who lost children to this fate? Definitely there were some children and adults who have been institutionalized, but to assume that 1-2% of every yearly birth cohort was among them is ridiculous.


Amazing to me that someone would sit there and just make things up out of nowhere while they are being recorded.


Jan 20, 2016, FOX7 Austin, TX: Doctors advise vaccinations after confirmed measles case

Sarmistha Hauger: "...The vast majority of those cases happen in people that are either incompletely vaccinated or unvaccinated."


They keep spinning this same old bullshit storyline. And the public keeps swallowing it, hook line and sinker.

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