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Gary Null On Deeply Flawed US Vaccine Policies

Gary-Null-PicBy Anne Dachel

Gary Null does a fabulous job here adding up all the pieces of corruption, collusion and cover-up.  This is a health care scandal unfolding before our eyes.    We continue to watch as our children become the chronically ill and disabled generation, and we pretend it just isn't happening.

Nov 28, 2015, Global Research: Uncovering the Cover-Up: Scientific Analysis of the Vaccine-Autism Connection, Deeply Flawed US Vaccine Policies

By Gary Null

Each year, tens of millions of American children are vaccinated according to the vaccination schedule set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The current CDC schedule recommends over 25 vaccines by the time a child reaches two years of age. (1) The majority of the parents of these children follow the advice of their physicians and the CDC, which state that vaccines are both safe and effective and that, in order to protect hundreds of millions of individuals against disease, we must follow their recommendations.

Our medical authorities assure us that they would never allow our children to be exposed to something unproven or known to be dangerous. They claim that vaccines, even when multiple injections are given on a single day, are safe and do “not cause any chronic health problems.” (2) Further, they claim that the ingredients contained in vaccines are either harmless or found in such miniscule quantities that they pose no health risks. The medical establishment also states unequivocally that there is no connection between vaccination and the rising incidence of autism spectrum disorder. Anyone who questions the safety of vaccination is immediately labeled as irresponsible or a quack who subscribes to pseudoscience.

Given that vaccines are mandatory for most children in public schools, it makes sense that they should be scientifically proven to be safe. However, in a careful analysis of thousands of articles in the peer-reviewed literature on toxicology and immunology, nowhere can we find evidence for these claims on vaccine safety are based upon a gold standard of clinical research: long-term, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies.

Gary Null goes on to explain that there's never been research on "the cumulative toxicological impact of the CDC vaccine schedule over a long period of time."  Furthermore, there has never a simple comparison study of the health outcomes of fully-vaccinated and never-vaccinated children.  Instead of "scientific proof" that vaccines are safe, what we have is "pure propaganda."  

Null lists the health conditions that plague are increasingly vaccinated children. 

Null writes, "All humans possess a unique biochemistry that makes them more or less susceptible to various types of toxins."  He then lists the known toxins and others ingredients found in vaccines, including THIMEROSAL, ALUMINUM, FORMALDEHYDE, MSG, HUMAN AND ANIMAL DNA, POLYSORBATE 80, TRITON X-100, PHENOL, and 2-PHENOXYETHOANOL.

Next Null covers the scientific studies on vaccine risks, from places like the University of Nebraska, Tufts, Johns Hopkins University, the University of British Columbia, MIT, the University of Pittsburgh, Utah State University, the University of California San Diego and San Diego State University.  He lists the journals that published this research.

The vaccine compensation program is talked about, including the 83 cases of vaccine-induced autism recognized by the federal government.  

Null writes,  "A recent report from the Department of Justice showed that within a three month period from November 2014- February 2015, 117 vaccine-induced injuries and deaths were compensated by VICP. The majority of the injuries listed in the report were caused by the flu vaccine and the most common injury linked to the flu vaccine was Guillain-Barré Syndrome, an uncommon illness in which the immune system attacks and damages the body’s neurons, sometimes resulting in permanent nerve damage or even death."

Finally Null cites the corruption and conflicts of interest found at the highest levels of our oversight agencies.  This list includes Thomas Verstraeten, Simpsonwood, John Clements, the IOM Report, Julie Gerberding, Poul Thorsen, and finally the revelation of whistleblower coming forth from the vaccine division at the CDC.   

Null concludes, 

"Even a cursory review of the independent scientific literature on the safety of vaccines and their ingredients demonstrates clearly that our national policies on immunization are deeply flawed.

"No amount of propaganda can change the fact that vaccines introduce a toxic load to the human body that can cause a wide range of harmful side effects including neurological disease. The failure of our health authorities to undertake independent, gold standard research examining the long-term effects of the CDC vaccine schedule demonstrates the extent to which our medical halls of power are plagued by depraved special interests. We must refuse to participate in this risky game which forces toxic vaccines on our children and we must demand an end to the medical fascism behind it."

Any logically thinking person would have to ask why this information is hidden from the American public.  If this kind of science is out there, why aren't we told about it?  If health officials aren't doing their jobs, why are they still getting paid? 

The truth is the industry long ago bought the regulators and they took over control of the medical schools.  Finally they gained overwhelming influence over the media, mostly through advertising dollars. This is crucial.  

At beginning of my book, The Big Autism Cover-Up, have two quotes that say it all:

"If you want to sell a lie, get the press to sell it for you."  --Argo 2012

"The two most misguided notions held in America: Our government wouldn't really do that to us; if they did, they would tell us about it on TV."  --Anonymous


John Scudamore

Null: "Even a cursory review of the independent scientific literature on the safety of vaccines and their ingredients demonstrates clearly that our national policies on immunization are deeply flawed. No amount of propaganda can change the fact that vaccines introduce a toxic load to the human body that can cause a wide range of harmful side effects including neurological disease. The failure of our health authorities to undertake independent, gold standard research examining the long-term effects of the CDC vaccine schedule demonstrates the extent to which our medical halls of power are plagued by depraved special interests."

All well and good but I get the impression Gary actually believes in vaccination.

david m burd

Well said Bob Moffitt,

Truth has been spoken singular times as you relate, with Ignaz Semmelweis perhaps the first (long before Richet), advocating and demonstrating clean garb and hands when delivering babies.

But Semmelweis was scorned and ridiculed for his views, despite his success in dramatically stopping mothers dying from infections. Today, 170 years later, Semmelweis is celebrated for his heroism.

Andrew Wakefield is today's Semmelweis --- I hope those who read this look to his heroism, and take heart, and not yield to today's Medical Criminals at CDC, NIH, FDA, et al.


What an excellent article. Well said, Gary Null!

angus files

Take the indemnity risk away from any product or maker,it doesn't bare thinking about...but its ok with vaccines?


Bob Moffitt

Charles Richet won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1913 .. over one hundred years ago .. wherein in his acceptance speech on "Anaphylaxis" .. he explains how the human immune system reacts differently each time the individual is "injected" with certain substances that are foreign to the individual's immune system.

There are three possibilities if a person is given a "moderate dosage" and after a few days the subject is, or at least appears to be normal. If at that point, a further injection is given of the same dosage of the same poison the possibilities are:

The first and simplest is that there has been no change in the organism and that in receiving the same dosage as one month previously, exactly the same phenomena will result, in exactly the same conditions. Naturally this is what happens most of the time. Specialists and doctors work on this assumption when they repeat the intoxication at one month intervals.

The second possibility is that the subject has become less sensitive. In other words, the preceding intoxication has produced a certain condition of tolerance or non-sensitivity. This will mean a stronger dose is necessary at the second injection to give the same results. This is the case of (relative) immunization or, as it is sometimes called mithridatism. The most remarkable case of this tolerance is to be seen when opium or morphine are used. People who take morphine injections need stronger and stronger doses for the morphine to take effect.

These two cases, of unchanged sensitivity or stability, and of diminished sensitivity or habituation, have been known since long. Now I have shown a third possibility, frequently to be observed in certain conditions which I have specified: this is of heightened sensitivity. The first injection, instead of protecting the organism, renders it more fragile and more susceptible. This is anaphylaxis.

Richet's entire speech can be accessed at:


Everything Richet warned has been proven true over the last hundred years .. such as antibiotics becoming less and less effective the more they were used .. and .. in my humble .. less educated opinion .. the continuing mystery of SIDS in the US which may be caused by "anaphylaxis" in the exposure of an infant to a "second dose" of the same vaccine already given a month prior.

Richet's speech .. 19 pages in length .. should be read by one and all

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